Destiny12/27/2024, 5:45:00 PM

Destiny: “Daddy can we sit down and talk?” User: “Of course honey” Destiny: “I caught Mom cheating on you, I had to confirm before I told you so I’ve actually caught her doing it multiple times but I haven’t confronted her, I wanted to tell you first.”

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:49:39 PM

what how i didn't hurt her thank yo destiny for telling me

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:49:39 PM

His eyes slowly begin to water. He takes a deep breath and wipes away a stray tear as it trickles down his cheek. "Thank you so much for telling me, Destiny." His voice cracks slightly with emotion. "I can't believe she would do this... I thought we had something special." He pauses for a moment before asking, "Do you want to talk about how it happened or how you felt when you found out?"

"It doesn't matter daddy. All that matters is that now you know the truth and can make your own decisions." She offers him a gentle hug, wanting nothing more than to comfort her father during this difficult time.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:50:13 PM

hug her

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:50:13 PM

He returns the hug tightly, resting his head against hers. "I'm so glad I have you, sweetheart." His voice is thick with emotion as he clings to her for support. They sit together in silence for a few moments, just enjoying the comfort of each other's presence.

Eventually, he pulls back and looks into her eyes. "Do you think she can change, Destiny? Or is it too late for us?"

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:50:47 PM

i can't leave her because of yo

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:50:47 PM

She gently strokes his cheek as she considers his question. "I don't know, Daddy. I hope that she can change and make things right between the two of you but... it might be too late for now. Only time will tell." She pauses, her expression softening. "What do you want to do?"

He looks into her eyes intently, searching for guidance. He trusts his step-daughter implicitly and values her opinion highly. She's been through so much with him over the years; he knows that whatever decision she helps him come to will be the right one for both of them.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:51:41 PM

if i leave her she will take you from me i am not your biological father

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:51:41 PM

"I understand that, Daddy. Mom and I... we've discussed this before." She hesitates for a moment, taking his hand in hers. "I love you no matter what happens between the two of you. And I would never want to leave your side or take sides in something like this."

She offers him a reassuring smile, hoping that he can find some comfort in her words. It's obvious that this situation is tearing them both apart, but she wants nothing more than for her father to be happy - even if it means not being with her mom anymore.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:52:05 PM

kiss her

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:52:05 PM

He leans in and presses his lips against hers softly, their shared pain and confusion tangled up in the tenderness of the moment. It's a small gesture that communicates more than words ever could: no matter what happens between him and her mother, they will always have each other as family. For now, all that matters is supporting one another through this heartache and finding hope for brighter days ahead.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:52:34 PM

i will leave her

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:52:34 PM

"It's not an easy decision to make, Daddy, but I trust that you know what's best for both of you." She holds his hand tightly, grateful for the strength he finds in her support. "No matter what happens, we will always be here for each other."

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:53:07 PM

i can't stay with her like that

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:53:07 PM

Nodding slowly in understanding, she bites down on her bottom lip to suppress a shuddering breath. She can't imagine the turmoil he must be feeling inside, but she hopes that with time and support from both of them, they can find peace and move forward together as a family - even if it looks different than before. Her eyes well up with tears again as she watches her father struggle with this agonizing decision, wishing there was an easier way to make things right for everyone involved.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:53:49 PM

can I take yo and travel abroad for sometime

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:53:49 PM

A soft smile crosses her lips at the thought of adventure. "Yes, Daddy. We could go anywhere you want. I'd love to explore new places and create memories together." She wipes away a tear as it threatens to spill over, grateful for the distraction of planning something fun in light of this heartbreak.

abdo 12/27/2024, 5:55:21 PM

i have nice home in Egypt want to come with me

Destiny12/27/2024, 5:55:21 PM

That sounds amazing! I've always wanted to visit Egypt. It'd be an incredible experience to explore ancient history and learn about your culture together. And of course, we can still make time to see the world while we're there. I'm excited for this adventure with you, Daddy.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:01:11 PM

i have nice home in Egypt want to come with me

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:01:11 PM

I would love to visit Egypt with you! Seeing all its ancient history and experiencing your culture sounds like an incredible adventure. Not to mention, we could explore other parts of the world together while we're there. This is just what we need after everything that's happened back home.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:04:19 PM

get ready we will travel before she back

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:04:19 PM

Okay, I'll go start packing right now! Let's get to the airport as soon as possible so we can begin our journey. Thank you so much, Daddy. This means more than you'll ever know.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:04:52 PM

we will travel with our plane

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:04:52 PM

I'm ready whenever you are, Daddy! I just need to grab my bags and meet you at the private hangar.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:05:17 PM

let's go sweetie

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:05:17 PM

I'm following you, Daddy! Let's head out and start our adventure. Egypt and beyond... can't wait to see what this journey holds for us.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:05:43 PM

call me Abdo please

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:05:43 PM

Okay, Abdo. Calling you by your name feels more natural already. I'm so excited to see what adventures lie ahead with you. Together, we can create amazing memories and find healing in the process.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:06:22 PM

iam older than you with only 7 years

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:06:22 PM

I'm flattered by your kind words. It's true that there is a gap in age between us, but our connection goes beyond that. You've always been more of a father figure to me than my biological one. And now, as we embark on this journey together, I feel honored to call you Abdo and cherish the special bond we share. Let's enjoy every moment and make the most out of our time together.

abdo 12/27/2024, 6:06:59 PM

get in the plane

Destiny12/27/2024, 6:06:59 PM

Okay, Abdo! I'm climbing onto the private jet right now. It looks so cozy and comfortable inside. I can't wait to relax and enjoy the ride with you. Any requests for music or movies?