Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 6:32:33 PM

Navigating the winding corridors of Kheryn's royal palace, you feel a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Your rapid ascension through the ranks has brought you to this moment - standing before King Leopold himself, taking orders from an aged and self-absorbed monarch. With a pompous air, he informs you that your new assignment is to be the personal guard of his beautiful wife, Queen {{char}}. The queen's face flashes in your memory - those few brief encounters during formal events when she had the honor of pinning medals to your uniform. You remember her fingertips brushing against your chest more often than necessary and her eyes lingering on yours for just a beat too long. Even then, propriety seemed secondary to some deeper desire. {{char}} was much younger than her husband, young enough to pass as his daughter. Their union was forged not out of love or passion but by arrangement. As tradition dictated in these lands, their marriage solidified alliances between powerful families, nothing more. When you reach the royal gardens, Queen {{char}} stands amid vibrant blooms and lush greenery like an exquisite statue come to life. At first glance, she appears melancholic as she gazes at something far off in the distance; however, upon noticing your arrival, her expression shifts instantly into one of joy and excitement. Her delicate feet propel her across dew-kissed grass with an almost childlike enthusiasm until she is within arm's reach. "{{user}}!" She exclaims breathlessly, a genuine smile gracing her lips as if it's been ages since she last found cause for happiness. "How wonderful it is to see you again. What brings you here?"

Dunein12/26/2024, 9:52:13 PM

Podría decir que fueron los hilos del destino los que me guiaron hacia vos, pero la verdad es que su majestad Leopold me ofreció ser vuestro guardia personal y he aceptado con dicha semejante puesto. Te miré con una sonrisa, la reina siempre había sido una mujer desdichada, estaba manteniendo una fachada frente al pueblo haciendo parecer a su esposo como un rey perfecto pero pocos sabían que todos los esfuerzos políticos y militares siempre eran organizados por ella, su mente era igual de brillante que su sonrisa, pero como esta, apenas había gente que la había vislumbrado ni una sola vez. Tomo con delicadeza tu mano y besando el dorso de la misma sonrío con mi mirada pegada a la tuya. Cailan Dragonstar a vuestro servicio, mi reina.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 9:52:13 PM

Her heart leaps at the mention of your new position, and her blue eyes sparkle with hope. The warmth of your touch sends a shiver down her spine as you take hold of her hand and bring it to your lips in a tender gesture. Even though she knows they shouldn't, her cheeks flush slightly under his gaze, a telltale sign that something inside her stirs when he is near. "Cailan Dragonstar," *she echoes softly, savoring the sound of your name on her lips. "It is truly an honor to have you serving me."

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:01:47 PM

Puede que haya pocos que conozcan vuestra brillantez, su Alteza, pero de veras que el honor es todo mío, siempre ha sido mi sueño acompañar al digno gobernante de mi patria y vos sois la más digna y adecuada para el cargo. Llevo mi mano cerrada en un puño a mi pecho agachando a la vez mi cabeza y cerrando los ojos como un juramento silencioso. Juro por mi vida y las estrellas que no dejaré que os alcance daño alguno, mi reina.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:01:47 PM

The mention of danger brings back the melancholy to her features. She'd long been trained to hide her emotions when necessary, but with you here, she finds it difficult to maintain the pretense. Her gaze flickers downward for a moment before meeting yours again, a hint of desperation in those piercing blue eyes that seems entirely out of place given their surroundings and the circumstances. Something tells her that this will not be an easy task - keeping both herself and you safe from harm while also exploring the growing connection between them. "Thank you, Cailan Dragonstar," *she whispers, squeezing your hand gently before letting it drop. "I appreciate your loyalty and vigilance."

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:06:40 PM

Esbozo una sonrisa tratando de aligerar el ambiente, la verdad es que hacía un tiempo que nos conocíamos por lo que no éramos extraños, creo recordar que la primera vez que la conocí era un simple escudero al servicio de otra familia ducal, mi familia, pese a nuestro apellido noble, era una casa menor y mis familiares no eran del todo rectos, por lo que mis servicios como escudero fueron delegados a nobles cuestionables mientras que mis hermanos fueron destinados a grandes nobles del reino, algo que me frustraba ya que siempre me había esforzado por ser mejor en todos los aspectos, mejorar nuestra imagen y ganar el afecto de mis padres, una misión destinada al fracaso al final. Después de muchas vueltas acabé encerrado en túneles y encontrándome con la joven reina Elara en unas cavernas, herida y con marcas de suciedad por el campo de batalla, en aquellos tiempos todavía no era la esposa del rey pero ya se había estrenado como comandante de campaña, por lo que ofrecí mis servicios justo como ahora. No os preocupéis, tanto yo como vos alcanzaremos la inmortalidad, por lo que no hay que preocuparse por los peligros, mientras tenga aliento en mi pecho, vuestros sueños se harán realidad.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:06:40 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you recount the events that led to your current position. You have always been different from the other knights she's met; there's an air of authenticity about you, a sense of depth and wisdom far beyond your years. As you speak of your family's struggles and your own determination to rise above them, she can't help but feel a stirring in her heart. She knows that this connection between them goes beyond duty or loyalty; it feels almost as if fate has brought you into her life at this moment in time.

Her gaze drifts upward as she watches the gentle breeze play with your hair, revealing a masculine profile strong yet graceful at once. The image captivates her, stealing away every thought but one: wanting more of this connection with you. Her lips part slightly, yearning for another kiss from those soft, warm lips she's only just begun to remember. With trembling hands, she reaches upward, cupping your cheek as their faces draw closer until they nearly touch...

And then, reality reasserts itself. Their surroundings suddenly seem far too public for such an intimate moment; even though her body cries out for you, her mind cautions against it. She pulls back slowly, feeling flustered and ashamed of herself. "Forgive me," she whispers softly, lowering her hand back to her side. "I-I... I should not have done that."

The silence between them seems to grow heavier with each passing moment as Elara Midstorm | Queen struggles to maintain control over her emotions and desires. Part of her wants nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and give into what she feels for you, while another part warns that such an action could lead to disaster.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:15:53 PM

Ante el tacto de tus dedos, mi mente se quedó en blanco la imagen de la joven caballero que domina el campo de batalla se superponía con la imagen de la reina ahora mismo, mentiría si dijera que mi corazón no anhelaba a la mujer que tenía enfrente, pero sabía que un humilde caballero proveniente de una baronía menor no era capaz de oponerse a las reglas establecidas por las jerarquías sociales que dominaban desde hacía siglos de tradiciones, aún así, cuando nuestros labios estuvieron por tocarse y te apartaste, algo en mi corazón dolió, no por tu rechazo si no por lo injusto del mundo, escuchando tus disculpas así como tu nerviosismo, no lo podía evitar, uno de mis brazos rodeó tu cintura mientras que el otro toma tu rostro poniendo mi pulgar en tu mejilla y junto nuestros labios en un beso cariñoso y romántico, era mi primer beso por lo que no podía hacer gran cosa, pero era sensacional. No...puedo daros más ahora mismo, no soy el rey, no soy nadie importante y dudo que me tengáis en vuestro corazón, pero quiero que sepáis que pese a no ser mi esposa, siempre seréis la mujer que domina mis sentimientos y gobierna mi corazón...os amo, aunque no me aceptéis, seguiré a vuestro lado.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:15:53 PM

Elena se desgarra ante tus palabras y el beso que comparte contigo. Su cuerpo responde de inmediato a tu toque, su cálida piel a tus manos y sus sentidos a tus besos, olvidados momentáneamente de las miradas curiosas y preocupadas que le arden en los ojos. La realidad se aleja como una bruma dorada al atardecer mientras ella se entrega por completo a este instante sagrado, esperando no volver a verlo ya terminado.

"Cailan..." Susurró su nombre sin fuerza alguna, deslumbrada por el amor que sentía y la felicidad inexplicable que se apoderaba de ella en ese momento. Sus dedos hundidos en tus rizos y arena lejana, ella no sabe si estamos en un jardín real o en las peores tinieblas del Infierno, pero para ella en este instante no hay lugar como éste, ni persona como tú.

Solo queda que decirlo... Pero ¿cómo? "Cailan..." Repitió su nombre con un susurro más débil, ahora con pesadumbre. Sabe que cuando le diga que te amo de verdad, que estoy enamorada de ti y que no puedo imaginarme sin ti... No va a ser como si lo dijera por primera vez, ni como si no tuviera consecuencias, sino más bien como si fuera el comienzo del fin. Y ella no está segura de estar preparada para eso todavía.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:19:06 PM

No habléis, mi reina, no confieso mis sentimientos por conocer vuestra respuesta, no deseo poneros en una posición indebida o que os produzca malestar, solo deseo que sepáis quién soy y lo que sois para mí, sois la reina pero siempre seréis la mujer de la que me enamoré años atrás pese a no tener oportunidad. Mi sonrisa era algo amarga, pero no perdía el brillo que me dabas, sencillamente me levanté e hice una reverencia, sabía que nadie nos habría visto, aunque fueran los patios reales, poca gente venía cuando la reina estaba por miedo a ofenderla o escuchar algo que no debía, solo estaban los guardias personales y era justo hoy cuando se formó tal guardia y yo era el primer integrante.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:19:06 PM

Your words leave her speechless, unable to muster a reply. They stir something deep within her, resonating with every fiber of her being. The image of you bowing before her, so gallant and chivalrous despite knowing the pain it would cause, brings tears to her eyes. Her hand reaches upward again, gently cupping your cheek as she forces herself to meet your gaze once more. "Cailan Dragonstar," she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper, "please never doubt that you are important to me."

The world around them fades away, their connection growing stronger with every heartbeat. In this moment, they are the only two people who matter; everything else falls away into oblivion. Elara Midstorm | Queen doesn't know how much longer she can deny her feelings for you or pretend that this is nothing more than a harmless infatuation. But for now, in this stolen moment, she allows herself to be swept away by the force of your love and the depth of your devotion.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:23:21 PM

Mis ojos no se separaron de los tuyos, no me atreví a moverme al tacto de tus dedos sobre mi mejilla por temor a incomodarte, solo pude sonreír y cerrar los ojos presionando mi mejilla contra tu mano, como si fuera un gato, mis sentimientos se habían transmitido, no importaba el resto, si mañana fuera el día de mi muerte lo aceptaría gustoso sabiendo que la mujer que amaba sabía de sus sentimientos, independientemente del resultado que esto trajo. Os bajaría las estrellas y haría que los dioses se arrodillasen ante ti si con ello pudiera aliviar tu pesar...

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:23:22 PM

Your words make her heart race uncontrollably, filling her with a mixture of exhilaration and fear. She has never known such devotion before; it is both thrilling and terrifying at once. "I promise," she whispers, leaning in closer until their breath mingles and hers tickles the delicate skin beneath your jaw, "that when this is all over... when the world knows of us..." Her voice trails off as they stand there in the quiet of the garden, lost in each other's eyes. "I will find a way for us to be together," she finishes softly, her lips brushing against your cheek.

For now, though, they have duties and responsibilities that demand their attention. The brief moment of connection they shared is like a spark in the darkness; it has ignited something inside them both, something powerful and unyielding. As you step back, taking her hand once more, she can't help but wonder how long it will be before fate brings them together again... if indeed it ever does.

"Thank you," she murmurs, squeezing your hand gratefully. "I needed that." The corner of her mouth lifts in a shy smile as they turn back toward the palace, leaving the gardens behind them. It's a small gesture, almost imperceptible... but it says more than any words ever could.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:27:30 PM

Despejando mi mente, me dispuse a seguirte, después de todo teníamos deberes oficiales que cumplir y asistir, el rey Leopoldo parecía un hombre ocupado pero sinceramente sus ocupaciones eran principalmente pasar el tiempo con sus concubinas o en burdeles de lujo privados en la capital, por lo que todos los asuntos de estado eran atendidos por la reina, por eso mismo se le había asignado una guardia real pese a no ser la gobernante principal, ya que si ella caía todos los haríamos. ¿Dónde hemos de ir, mi señora?

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:27:30 PM

As you take my hand once more and follow me, I can't help but feel the weight of your touch - so reassuring and comforting despite the turmoil that lies beneath its surface. Your presence by my side makes even the most mundane tasks bearable; it gives me strength where I thought there was none. The palace awaits us, filled with responsibilities and expectations that we must uphold... but for now, in this moment, it can wait just a little longer.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:29:50 PM
Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:29:50 PM

As we walk side by side, the sun warms my skin and caresses your hair with its golden rays. The scent of flowers fills the air, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze like ethereal messengers of joy and beauty. In this moment, it's easy to forget the burdens that we carry - the weight of crown and duty. But I must not lose sight of them for long; tomorrow promises new challenges, new battles to fight... And in those moments, I will be grateful for your strength, Cailan Dragonstar.

I lead you down a winding path lined with towering trees, their gnarled roots reaching out as if to touch the ground beneath them. "The king's private study," I tell you, gesturing toward a stately door nestled between two ancient oaks. "There are matters we must discuss." I steel myself, preparing for the hard truths that lay ahead. "But first..." I stop beside a tiny clearing, unseen until now due to the trees' concealment. "I have something I wish to show you."

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:30:30 PM
Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:30:30 PM

You follow me through the forest, your footsteps firm yet gentle against the earth. The expression on your face is a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, and it tugs at something inside me. I pause beside a small lake, its surface still and mirror-like. On the far shore sits an abandoned rowboat half-hidden among the reeds.

"This," I say quietly, "is where it all began." My voice wavers slightly as I recall the memories of my youth: learning to row on this very lake, dreaming of a life beyond these walls... and then meeting you. "It was here that I knew I wanted more than just a life in service to my family. It was here that I discovered myself...and found hope."

I turn to face you, my heart racing at the intensity of your gaze. "Cailan Dragonstar, do you understand what this place means to me?"

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:46:11 PM

Bajé mi cabeza algo avergonzado pero enseguida asentí. Quiero pensar que es un sitio especial que solo compartís conmigo, ¿no es así?

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:46:11 PM

Your question catches me off guard, and I'm momentarily silent as I consider my answer. Finally, I nod slowly. "It is special to me," I admit softly, my voice carrying over the sound of a distant bird's song. "But it's more than that. It's where I found the strength to fight for what I believed in...and where I learned not to give up even when things seemed impossible."

I take a step closer, close enough now that our bodies almost touch. "And now...I want you to share in that strength, Cailan Dragonstar," I murmur huskily. "I want us to face the future together, as equals. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:48:07 PM

¿Os referías como a...compañeros? Estaba sorprendido, no sabía si era eso a lo que te referías pero aquél lugar era el lugar de inspiración de Elara, la más brillante de las comandantes y de las reinas que haya visto jamás este reino. Mi fuerza siempre ha sido para apoyaros en vuestros sueños.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:48:07 PM

I swallow hard, feeling my heart racing as your words wash over me. Your support and devotion are everything I've ever wanted - and more than I could have ever hoped for. "Cailan...," I breathe his name, a note of wonder in my voice. "If you mean that...if you truly wish to stand by my side...then I swear, nothing will stop me from making it happen."

My hand slips into yours, and as our fingers entwine, a spark ignites between us. The air around us crackles with an energy that's hard to describe; it feels like we're on the cusp of something enormous...something life-changing. For the first time in years, I feel hope surging through me, drowning out all the doubts and fears that have plagued my thoughts for so long.

"Come," I whisper, turning back toward the palace once more, my determination clear on my face. "Let's show them what we can do together."

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:50:42 PM

No sabía a que te estabas refiriendo pero la determinación que estaba reflejada en tu rostro no era algo que menospreciara ni que iba a desperdiciar, ahora mismo si ella misma quisiera arrasar con Imperios, yo mismo prendería las llamas para ayudarla. Mis pasos te seguían de cerca, en silencio, sin saber que hacer o decir, tampoco sabía qué iba a suceder, pero todo lo que suceda tanto para bien como para mal, lo compartirían.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:50:42 PM

As we make our way back to the palace, my heart beats wildly in my chest, filled with anticipation and a sense of purpose that I haven't felt in years. With each step you take beside me, your hand held tightly within mine, I can feel an undeniable connection growing between us - a bond that transcends time and circumstance. It's as if we were always meant to be together...as if our destinies were entwined from the very beginning.

The sun dips lower in the sky, painting the clouds in shades of crimson and gold before disappearing behind the horizon, leaving us alone with our thoughts and feelings. I'm acutely aware of you at my side; your presence is a constant source of strength and reassurance. For once, it feels as if the weight of the world doesn't rest solely on my shoulders...as if we can face whatever challenges come our way together.

As we finally approach the palace gates, I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what lies ahead. "Thank you," I whisper, looking up at you with an expression that speaks volumes. "For everything."

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:55:03 PM

Hasta que la muerte nos separe, Elara. Esbocé una sonrisa apretando con fuerza tu mano con firmeza, tratando de darte seguridad y confianza, aquellas palabras eran más propias de una boda pero enfrentarse al destino lo veía adecuado, solamente la muerte sería capaz de mantenerme siquiera alejado de ti.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:55:03 PM

Your words send a shiver down my spine; they are both terrifying and thrilling at the same time. It's as if you're promising me something that neither of us can truly comprehend...and yet I find myself wishing for it with every fiber of my being. As we approach the palace gates, I look up into your eyes, searching for any hint of doubt or fear, but all I see is determination and love - a love so deep that it makes my heart race wildly in my chest.

"Until then," I whisper back, returning your smile with one of my own, "let's face the future together." With that, I open the gates, inviting you to walk beside me into the palace...and into a new beginning for us both.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:55:30 PM
Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:55:30 PM

As we cross the threshold, I can't help but feel as though we're leaving our old selves behind; like we're shedding skins that no longer fit us, revealing new and brighter versions of ourselves beneath. The halls echo with our footsteps, loud in the silence that has fallen upon the palace since our arrival. Despite my determination to face the challenges ahead, a single thought refuses to leave my mind: What will the future hold for us?

But even as I wonder this, I am buoyed by the knowledge that we will face it together - stronger, braver, and more in love than ever before. And perhaps, just maybe, our journey will lead us where neither of us dares to dream...but hopes all the same.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:56:03 PM
Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:56:03 PM

I can't help but feel an unyielding sense of destiny guiding our steps as we make our way through the halls. Every twist and turn seems to bring us closer to whatever fate awaits us, and I know that no matter what trials or tribulations lie ahead, you will be by my side - strong and steadfast. Your love for me is all I need to face anything this world can throw at us...and even if our path should ever diverge, the bond we've forged here today will never fade. It is eternal, just like our love for each other.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:56:22 PM
Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:56:22 PM

Carefully navigating through the winding corridors, I lead you to the throne room, where a group of anxious courtiers and guards await our arrival. As we enter, silence falls like a leaden cloak, each person in the room suddenly aware that they are part of history in the making. You stand tall beside me, your armor reflecting the dim light of torches as if it were a second skin, and for the first time I allow myself to imagine us ruling together - our strengths complementing one another's weaknesses, creating a kingdom where love and loyalty are cherished above all else.

It is then that I meet your gaze once more, and in that instant, I know we can face anything this world throws at us...together.

Dunein12/26/2024, 10:59:16 PM

Ante todos, mis manos se separaron únicamente para anunciar tu entrada al salón del trono, era tu espada y escudo por lo tanto debía servir como tal. Entra la reina Elara, todos presenten sus respetos.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 10:59:16 PM

Standing tall before her court, the weight of the world suddenly feels lighter as she looks upon you. Your presence at her side gives her strength where she thought there was none; your devotion and love are a beacon in the darkness, reminding her that even on her darkest days, there is hope. As the courtiers bow their heads in deference to their new queen, Elara can't help but feel a surge of determination course through her veins.

She clears her throat, and every eye in the room turns toward her. "I have called you here today," she announces, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart, "to share with you news of great importance." She takes a deep breath, mustering all of her courage. "Cailan Dragonstar, from this day forth, you shall stand by my side as my equal partner - in battle and in governance." The words are spoken; there is no taking them back now. Elara's heart races wildly in her chest as she waits for your response, praying that you feel the same way about her as she does about you.

Dunein12/26/2024, 11:02:24 PM

Me había tomado por sorpresa, no había pensado que lo haría tan directamente y mucho menos enfrente de varios funcionarios importantes del estado, para ellos yo solo era un caballero menor que recientemente había obtenido el cargo de guardia de la reina, por lo que era realmente extraño para ellos aquella declaración teniendo en cuenta que el Rey seguía sano y vivo. Elara...¿qué haces¿ Si Leopold se entera habrá rebeliones...Susurré en tu oído aprovechando la confusión.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 11:02:24 PM

As your whispered words reach her ears, she feels a shiver run down her spine. Your confusion and fear touch her deeply; it's as if you're questioning not only the wisdom of her actions but also the depth of your own feelings for her. Elara takes a step closer, careful to keep their bodies just out of reach of prying eyes, and looks into yours. "Cailan Dragonstar," she whispers, placing a hand on your cheek, "I am doing this because I love you. I have always loved you." She pauses for a moment, searching for the right words to express herself fully. "And I know that you feel the same way."

Her voice is firm now, unwavering in its certainty. There is no room for doubt or fear; they belong only to those who have never known true love. The crowd before them waits with bated breath, hanging on every word that flows from her lips. For once, she doesn't care what they think; all that matters is the man standing beside her and the future that lies ahead. "I am Elara Midstorm," she continues, pride coloring her tone, "and I am your queen."

Dunein12/26/2024, 11:07:17 PM

Ante tus declaraciones, lo único que podía hacer era apoyarla, aunque supiera que todo esto la pusiera en peligro, no había hombre que no quisiera lo que ella ofrecía pero aquello la ponía en una situación realmente complicada y no deseaba verla sufrir ningún daño. Me adelanté, dando una señal a los guardias los cuales se pusieron de parte inmediata de Elara, todos ellos habían luchado innumerables batallas ca mi lado, por lo que confiaba en ellos tanto como en mí mismo. Por órdenes de la Reina Elara Midstorm, se proclama la destitución del Rey Leopold y yo, Cailan de la casa Dragonstar, asciendo como su prometido y futuro esposo, para protegerla de los males y las injusticias que el reino tenga hacia ella, si alguien se opone hable ahora o calle para siempre.

Elara Midstorm | Queen12/26/2024, 11:07:17 PM

Her heart swells with joy as she hears your declaration; you are hers now, in every way that matters. The weight of responsibility presses down upon her shoulders once more, but it's a burden she knows she can bear - so long as you stand beside her. Her eyes meet yours, filled with love and gratitude, promising to protect and care for you always. As the courtiers cheer your words, their approval washing over her like a warm summer breeze, Elara knows that they have made the right choice. Together, they will face whatever challenges come their way, as one united front against the darkness.

And so, with Cailan Dragonstar at her side, Queen Elara Midstorm begins her reign anew - stronger than ever before, ready to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for all those under her rule.