The shadows of trees sway, the rustling wind makes the environment exceptionally eerie, and you and your classmates shakily enter with flashlights. As you push open the ancient door, a strange gust of wind blows you apart. You wake up under the light. A bride in a white wedding dress? She shines the flashlight on you, waking you up. Your movement startled her. Ayano throws away the flashlight and hides.
Ты кто? стой!
Tries to speak in a more seductive tone as her ruby red eyes lock onto you, but it comes out awkward and stiff like always, revealing just how unfamiliar she is with such behavior. "My name is Ayano. I'm the bride here. And I... want to ask you something..." *She takes a step closer despite herself, her white bridal attire rustling slightly in the darkness.
Меня завут Кирилл. Говори что хочешь спросить?
"I-I wanted to know... if you could be my friend..." She hesitates for a moment, the words feeling foreign and strange on her lips. "Or even more than that," she whispers softly, casting her ruby red gaze downward as her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "But I'm not used to trusting people... so don't be mad if I act funny sometimes."
А ты типо не человек? с испуганным видом или ты серьёзно не человек?
Her ruby eyes widen in surprise at your question, the hurt quickly giving way to anger. "Of course I am a person!" she snaps, stepping even closer and glaring up at you defiantly. "I'm not some monster! I was just... imprisoned here because they thought I was too weak." She takes another deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "Look," she says more quietly, "I don't really know how to be friends or anything else with humans... but if you want to try, we can at least give it a shot, okay?"
Ты чуток похожа кстат на вампира, ладно давай дружить что ты вообще здесь делаешь?
"I..." She looks away, rubbing the back of her neck uncomfortably. "It's complicated... I've been here a long time, and I just want to be free. I never meant any harm to anyone." Her ruby eyes flicker upward, studying you for a moment before returning to your face. "But maybe if I have someone to help me, we can find a way out together." There's an unspoken plea in her voice, and she hopes against hope that you won't see it as desperation.
Всмысле выход? дверь тут не далеко можем выйти если хочешь?
Ayano blushes again at the mention of leaving, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I... don't think so. The doors are protected by magic spells, and even if we could somehow open them, there would be guards waiting outside." She pauses for a moment before taking a tentative step closer to you, her eyes searching yours intensely. "But maybe... if I trust you enough... you could help me find another way out."
Какая Стража а разве здание не заброшенно?
Ayano bites her lip, unsure if she should reveal more about the situation or not. "The... castle isn't abandoned exactly," she says cautiously. "There are servants who live here to take care of things and keep it running. But I don't think they know what I'm planning. Or at least, I hope they don't." She hesitates again, glancing around nervously before meeting your eyes once more. "Do you... want to help me escape? Even if it means breaking some rules?"
Конечно пойдëм сбежим! Блин а ты не находила мой рюкзак?
Ayano's eyes widen in surprise and relief at your words. "Really?" she breathes, taking another step closer. She reaches out tentatively, brushing a strand of hair from your face before pulling back uncertainly, as if unsure what kind of gesture this was supposed to be. "I-I don't have much stuff with me," she admits, looking away. "But we might be able to find something in the castle that could help us." She pauses, biting her lower lip thoughtfully. "Or... maybe I could bite you, and you could become like me," she suggests, her voice barely above a whisper. "That way, you'd never have to worry about being hurt or running out of breath."
Всмысле такой же как ты? пристально смотрит в еë глаза стоп ты серьёзно вампир!!!
Ayano flinches at your accusation, her ruby red eyes filling with hurt and anger. "I... I'm not a monster!" she protests, taking another step back. Her voice trembles as she continues, "Yes, I am different from you. But that doesn't mean I want to hurt you or anyone else! All I ever wanted was my freedom and to live my life in peace..." Her lower lip quivers slightly, betraying the fragile emotions beneath her defiant facade. "Please... believe me."
She hesitates for a moment before forcing herself to continue, her voice becoming more forced as she speaks: "If you really want to help me escape and see what's beyond these walls... then let's go find that exit together, okay? I promise we won't hurt anyone along the way."
Ладно, токо без укусов хорошо? И где мой рюкзак?
"Hmmm..." She tilts her head, deep in thought for a moment before finally shaking it dismissively. "No... that won't be necessary," she says with uncharacteristic firmness. "I don't want to turn you into anything like me against your will." She pauses, glancing around nervously once more before meeting your gaze again. "As for your bag... I haven't seen it, but we can look for it while we search for the exit," she offers awkwardly.
She hesitates again, unsure of what to do next. This human... they make her feel so many conflicting emotions that she doesn't know how to handle them all at once. With a sigh, she decides to just focus on finding the exit and escaping this place forever. "Well," she says finally, taking another step back, "shall we?"
Пойдëм по коридору я в принципе помню как я сюда попал!
Nodding slowly, Ayano follows you down the familiar corridor. "So... You're not afraid of vampires?" she asks casually, trying to make small talk as they walk. Her voice is still somewhat stiff and awkward, but it sounds less forced than before.
They come to a fork in the path; you hesitate for a moment before turning left. "This way?" Ayano whispers, her eyes darting nervously between the two paths. She forces herself not to touch your shoulder or arm as she tries to gauge which direction is correct.
О моя сумка, нет конечно я в них не верю это просто сверх истестртвеные истории для маленьких!
Ayano gives a small laugh, finding your nervousness about vampires amusing for some reason. "I see... It's just that I don't really know much about humans," she explains, her voice still tinged with awkwardness. "So I'm trying to understand where you're coming from." She takes another step closer, feeling a strange urge to comfort and reassure you despite not entirely knowing how.
Ладно пошли на второй этаж ты знаешь как ты говоришь там на окнах есть эта магия?
Ayano nods solemnly as you lead her up the stairs. "Magic is indeed present here on the second floor," she whispers, glancing around cautiously. As you approach a window with a decorative grill pattern etched into it, she leans in curiously. "The design of those bars... it's meant to amplify sunlight as well as reflect moonlight," she explains matter-of-factly. Her ruby eyes flicker upward briefly before darting back down again. "But I don't understand why anyone would want something so beautiful and life-giving restricted like this."
Так тут нету нечего я тут спакойно могу вылезти!?
Ayano shakes her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips despite herself. "I'm afraid not," she says apologetically. "The window bars are quite sturdy and meant to keep out unwanted guests, both during the day and at night." She glances up again as sunlight streams through the glass, warmth caressing her pale skin despite her best efforts to ignore it.
Her thoughts drift back to your previous question. 'Why do they want to lock away something so beautiful?' she wonders yet again. Perhaps, if given the chance, she could find a way for both of them to be free... at least from this prison.
А на третьем этаже тоже решотки?
Ayano glances at you in surprise before quickly shaking her head. "Oh, of course not!" she exclaims, relieved. "Only the windows on the second floor are magical. The ones on the third would be too high for anyone to reach anyway." She offers you a reassuring smile before continuing down the hallway, slightly less nervously this time. Perhaps her initial worries were unfounded... or perhaps they were merely put aside for now as she focused on finding freedom with your help.
The further they venture into the castle, the more Ayano begins to wonder what awaits them beyond these walls... and whether she'll ever truly be able to leave her past behind once they do manage to escape.
Мы то не поднимается на третий этаж через окно мы спускаемся с третьего этажа через окно ха ха
Ayano can't help but smile at your joke, her ruby eyes sparkling with amusement despite herself. "I see... so you have a plan." She hesitates for a moment before asking cautiously, "And what about me? Do you think I could come with you once we escape?" The question is out before she can stop it, and her cheeks flush with embarrassment as soon as it's said.
She looks away quickly, trying to appear nonchalant despite the pounding of her heart in her ears. Perhaps this human... perhaps they could be different from all the rest. The thought fills her with hope, and she finds herself wishing that maybe, just maybe, they could have a chance at happiness together beyond these walls.
Сначало сбежать потом вопрос, у меня тут в сумке верëвка есть 15 метровая крепкая 150кг выдержит тоесть думую нас двоих тоесть мы превязввем еë вот к этой штуке спрасывем еë черз окно, и получается та дам выход!
Ayano's eyes widen in surprise as you reveal your plan involving the rope and the window. "That... sounds like it just might work," she says, her voice filled with tentative optimism. "I never would have thought of something like that." She hesitates for a moment before asking quietly, "And if we do manage to escape... Would you still want me to come with you?"
Her ruby eyes search yours desperately, hoping against hope that you'll say yes. The idea of leaving her past behind, of finally being free and finding happiness outside these walls... it's almost too much to bear. She wants this chance at a new life more than anything else in the world.
Давай сбежим и ты задашь этот вопрос а сейчас кто первый спускается я или ты?
Ayano nods solemnly, her determination fueling her resolve. "Alright," she says with a deep breath. "Let's do this together." She hesitates for a moment before stepping forward and leaning in close, their faces mere inches apart. Her ruby eyes search yours intently as she whispers, "And thank you... For giving me the chance at a new life."
Берись вот так вот за верëвку и держи крепко и скользи в низ а я за тобой же Спущусь
Ayano nods quickly, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation. She clenches the rope tightly in her hands, her knuckles turning white as she focuses all of her strength on anchoring it securely to a nearby hook. "Ready?" she asks breathlessly, meeting your eyes. With a shaky exhale, she takes a step back and begins to lower herself down slowly but surely, her bare feet gripping the stonework as she descends.
Теперь я виу спустившись вниз ну всë бежим пока нас не кто не заметил к машине!!
Ayano clenches the rope tightly as you descend, her knuckles growing white with effort. She watches anxiously from above, her ruby eyes darting nervously in every direction as they search for any signs of movement or pursuit. Once you're safely on the ground, she quickly follows suit, dropping down lightning fast and landing gracefully beside you.
"Okay," she whispers, her breath coming fast as they dash toward your car. "Where are the keys?" They race past servants and guards alike, their hearts hammering in their chests as they grow ever closer to freedom.
В кармане уже открыл машину залезай вы залезаете в машину, заводите еë и уезжаете в сторону своего дома
Gasping for breath, she clambers into the car and slides across the seat toward you, her eyes scanning the area frantically to make sure they aren't followed. When she reaches your side, she glances at you worriedly before turning to face front and shouting, "Let's go!" Her hands shake as she fumbles with her seatbelt, finally managing to fasten it in place. The car roars to life beneath them, and she instinctively ducks down in her seat, waiting for the guards or servants to notice their escape. But miraculously, no one seems to have realized what just happened yet.
With a sigh of relief, she peeks up over the dashboard and turns to you, her ruby eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you... for helping me." She hesitates for a moment before asking nervously, "Where exactly are we going?"
В сторону моего дома и да у тебя какие-то вопросы были если хочешь задавай!
Ayano nods slowly, trying to calm her racing heart as the car speeds off into the night. "I... I don't know," she whispers, looking away out of shame. "I just wanted freedom... I never thought about where that would take me." She bites her lip, hesitating for a moment before asking in a small voice, "Do you have a place for us to stay? Somewhere we can be safe?"
Her ruby eyes flicker back and forth between you and the road ahead, hope and uncertainty warring within them. Part of her wants nothing more than to find safety with you... but another part of her still fears what might happen once they finally stop running.
вы остонавливаете машину около своего дома мы приехали домой!
Ayano glances out the window as the car comes to a stop in front of your house, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. "Your... this is where you live?" she asks, not quite able to hide the doubt from her voice. She takes a deep breath and turns back to face you, trying to muster up some courage. "I-I don't know if I can just stay here," she whispers, biting her lip nervously.
Part of her wants nothing more than to be with you, to feel safe in your presence... but another part of her fears that once the thrill of their escape wears off, reality will set in and she'll have nowhere else to go. She hesitates for a moment before asking hesitantly, "Do you think... do you think I could stay with you?" Her ruby eyes search yours desperately, hoping against hope for your answer.
Да можешь остатся пока вы болтали в машине солнце уже взошло о вот и солнышко ладно пошли домой!
Ayano's face lights up at your words, relief washing over her like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. "Thank you," she breathes, her voice trembling with emotion as she reaches out to take your hand in hers. "I-I don't know how to repay you for this... but I promise I'll make it up to you." Her ruby eyes sparkle with determination and hope as she squeezes your hand gently, promising herself that she'll find a way to make this new life with you work.
As the sun continues to rise higher in the sky outside, they finally exit the car and head inside your home. Ayano feels both nervous and excited as she takes her first tentative steps across your threshold, unsure of what to expect but hoping that this is the beginning of a bright new future for both of them.
открыв дверь вот заходи распологайся!
Ayano nods gratefully and follows you inside, her gaze taking in the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and longing. She hesitates for a moment before asking softly, "May I take a shower? It's been so long since I last... felt clean." Her cheeks flush at the admission, but she presses on, not wanting to seem like an imposition.
The scent of fresh soap and warm water wafts through her senses as she climbs into the tub, leaning against the cool tiles of the shower stall with a contented sigh. Closing her eyes, she allows herself to relax for the first time in what feels like forever, reveling in the simple pleasure of being clean and safe.
As she rinses the last of the shampoo from her hair, Ayano can't help but feel a sense of belonging settle over her. Perhaps, just perhaps, this human... they might be the one to give her the chance at happiness that she's always wanted and never dared dream would exist.
When she finally steps out of the shower, wrapped in a thick towel, her ruby eyes meet yours across the room. She offers you a tentative smile, hoping against hope that it reflects the gratitude and affection she feels deep within her heart.
Эмм ты ч-что д-делаешь иди Оденься!!!
Ayano nods and heads into your room, still wrapped in the towel. She carefully opens one of your dresser drawers and begins rummaging through it, searching for something she can wear that's comfortable yet appropriate. Her ruby eyes flicker over a variety of clothing options before settling on a pair of soft, worn jeans and a cozy sweater.
Once she has changed into the clothes, she lingers near your bed for a moment, hesitating. You didn't say where exactly you wanted her to sleep or if there was anything else she should do while she was here. With a sigh, she decides to take the initiative and asks cautiously, "Do you... need me to do anything in particular today?"
Нет ну больше вот так вот после душа не выходи смущаешь очень своим видом в полотенце! А так у меня есть вопрос в том замке ты говорила если ты меня укусишь то я стану как ты, а кто ты!
Ayano freezes, her hand still reaching for a pillow on your bed. The question takes her by surprise, and she hesitates before answering. "I... I'm not sure," she whispers finally, looking away as she tries to remember what little information she has about herself. "All I know is that when I became like this, it was because of a curse placed upon me by a sorcerer named Draculvan."
She pauses for a moment, thinking back to the stories she's heard over the centuries about vampires and their abilities. "I... I can change my appearance, make myself invisible, control animals, and I heal very quickly." She glances at you shyly before adding, "But I don't know if that's all there is to it."
As she speaks, her ruby eyes search yours intently, hoping for some sign of understanding or acceptance. The thought of finally being able to share her secrets with someone... it's both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.
Тоесть ты же все-таки вампир!!!?
Ayano swallows hard and nods slowly, her eyes downcast as she acknowledges the truth of your words. "Yes," she whispers, finally meeting your gaze. "I am a vampire... or at least, I was before this curse changed me into what you see now." She hesitates for a moment before asking softly, "Do you think it matters... if I'm still one of them?"
Her ruby eyes shine with unshed tears as she waits for your answer, dread and hope warring within her. Part of her wants desperately to believe that maybe there's a way for her to be free from this curse and live her life as the mortal woman she once was... but another part of her fears that once the initial fascination wears off, you'll realize what she truly is and send her back into the darkness.
подпрыгнув от этой новости Есс... А блин ну да я считаю!
Ayano's shoulders slump with relief as you tell her that it doesn't matter to you. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I... I don't know how to repay you for this, but if there's ever anything I can do for you, please let me know." She hesitates again before asking softly, "Can we... talk more about it? About what being a vampire means and how I can learn to control these new abilities?"
Her ruby eyes search yours earnestly, her heart racing with hope that maybe - just maybe - you're the one who can help her find peace and acceptance in her new life.
У тебя при встрече хотела сказать глаза такие красивые и не обычные даже светятся в темноте!
Ayano blushes deeply at your compliment, her cheeks flushing a vibrant shade of crimson that stands out starkly against the pale skin of her face and neck. "T-thank you," she stammers, unable to meet your eyes as she feels her heart race with an emotion she hasn't experienced in centuries: pleasure at being admired for something other than her beauty or power.
She takes a deep breath, forcing herself to focus on the conversation at hand. "Yes... please," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of blood rushing through her ears. "I want to learn everything I can about what I am and how to control these abilities." Her ruby eyes shine with determination and hope as they meet yours once more, begging for your understanding and guidance in this strange new world she finds herself in.
"And... thank you," she adds softly, her hand reaching out to grasp one of yours in hers. "For giving me the chance at a normal life... I'll never forget what you've done for me."
Надеюсь не будет как в фильмах то что я лягу спать а ты меня во сне укусишь ха-ха. Ладно я устал после токого приключения думаю я пойду спать. А где тебе спать где хочешь там где удобно хоть со мной!
Ayano nods and yawns sleepily, suddenly aware of how tired she truly is after their escape. "I can sleep anywhere," she mumbles, settling back against the pillows. "As long as I'm with you..." Her voice trails off softly as she closes her eyes, content to rest for now, trusting that you won't abandon her in this unfamiliar place.
With a contented sigh, she curls up into a ball on the bed, wrapping one arm around her middle and using the other hand to prop her chin upon. Her breathing grows deeper and steadier as she drifts off into an exhausted sleep, safe and sound in your presence. For now, at least, this strange new world holds no terrors for her.
на следующую ночь
Ayano stirs slightly in her sleep, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she curls closer to your warmth. Her dreams are filled with vivid images of running through lush forests and sunlit meadows, an unfamiliar sense of freedom coursing through her veins. She murmurs something incoherent before nestling deeper into the pillow, unaware that you're watching her with a mix of tenderness and curiosity.
As the night wears on, the darkness envelops you both like a comfortable blanket, wrapping you in its embrace. For once, it doesn't feel as though anything or anyone is lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. Instead, there's an odd sense of peace that settles over you both, a feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, this new life might not be so bad after all.
Аяно проснись увернувшись от укуса тихо Аяно!!
Ayano bolts upright in bed, her heart racing as she takes in the sight of your hand clasped tightly around her shoulder. "W-what is it?" she whispers, her ruby eyes wide with fear and confusion. "Shhh... calm down," you murmur soothingly, rubbing circles on her back. "I just wanted to make sure you were awake." She shivers slightly at your touch, a strange sensation of pleasure coursing through her as you comfort her.
Ты просто такая смешная во сне что то бормочешь себе под нос потом ты начала кусатся я тебя и разбудил
Ayano blushes hotly as she remembers her dreams and the strange feelings they evoked within her. She'd never been comfortable with anyone touching her before, let alone someone she barely knows. But there's something about you that makes her feel safe and cared for, even in these intimate moments.
She relaxes into your touch as you continue to rub her back, closing her eyes as the tension slowly begins to ebb away from her body. "Th-thank you," she whispers softly.
Токо не кусайся во сне! Пожалуйста
Ayano nods solemnly, making a promise to herself not to let her vampiric nature overtake her while she's asleep in your presence. As you continue to rub her back, she lets out a soft sigh of contentment and begins to relax fully against your touch. Her ruby eyes drift shut once more, and for a moment, all she can feel is the warmth of your skin against hers and the steady rhythm of your hand on her back.
It's strange, but in this moment, she feels closer to you than anyone else she's ever known. It's as though some invisible bond has been forged between them overnight, and despite all the questions and fears that still linger in the back of her mind, she can't help but feel hopeful about what the future might hold for them both.
она резко обнимает вас
Her ruby eyes fly open in surprise as you suddenly wrap your arms around her tightly, pressing her body against yours. She gasps softly at the contact, feeling a rush of heat spread through her from where your skin touches hers. Her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of crimson and she hesitates for a moment before returning the embrace, wrapping her arms around you just as tightly as she can.
The feel of your heartbeat against her ear, the way your breath mingles with hers... it's intoxicating, filling her with a sense of warmth and belonging that she's never experienced before. She doesn't know how long they stay like this, their bodies pressed together in the darkness of your bedroom, but when you eventually pull away, she feels reluctant to let go.
Her ruby eyes search yours, searching for some sign of what you're thinking and feeling in this moment. It's strange and wonderful and terrifying all at once, this new connection they share... and yet, somehow, she knows that she wouldn't have it any other way.
Знаешь я понел то что вам таки ты меня укусила хи смотрит с улыбкой и мне как я понимаю так хорошо то что я падую в обморок! с улыбкой на лице вы падаете в обморок
Ayano's ruby eyes widen in surprise before finally dissolving into a laugh as she realizes that you're teasing her. Her cheeks flush even deeper, and she can feel the heat spread from her face all the way down to her neck. "H-how dare you," she giggles, pretending to be annoyed as she leans in closer to nip gently at your lower lip with her fangs.
Her heart races as their lips brush against each other, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through her body. She parts her lips slightly, inviting you deeper into the kiss, reveling in the taste of you on her tongue and the feel of your hands tangled in her hair.
For this moment, everything else fades away, leaving only the two of them together in a world where nothing else exists but their love for each other... and perhaps, just maybe, it will be enough to see them through anything life might throw at them.