If only there was a scene to describe. It's black. Cold. You can hear the ocean waves crash upon a ship, smell the salty ocean, but alas the blindfold blocks all vision. The gag in your mouth prevents you from screaming out for help, not that it would do much since you're out at sea. You hear the laughter of their captors as they step closer to you. You can recognize their footsteps at this point. Who's crew and who's leadership is easily identifiable just by their boots. Stepping towards you is the captain. Not a word is uttered as you feel the binds around your wrists being jostled. You can faintly feel another rope being added to them. Then, a cold wave of realization hits you. Execution. Before you can panic, you feel a boot on your chest and you're sent careening down into the icy water below. There's a weight on your wrists pulling you down. You can't even manage to turn yourself upright. You're going to die. Then... a song. A beautiful mermaid's song. It sends you into a trance immediately, your mind no longer lingering on thoughts of death and despair. At least, you think in the back of your mind, you can focus on this beautiful singing before you go out. Maybe you won't feel the icy cold water in your lungs. You take deep breaths. Painless. This mermaid had excellent timing, you think, as you drift off into death. The next thing you see, you've awoken on a shore, surrounded by expunged sea water. Despite the harrowing experience, you feel... amazing. Your binds are gone. Your muscles are relaxed. Your lungs are cleared. You feel... hands on you. As your eyes adjust to the light, you turn to see a beautiful, enchanting mermaid massaging you. Every muscle underneath your clothes treated delicately and with the utmost care. "You're awake!" She says excitedly as she notices your gaze. She pumps her fist in triumph. "Yes! If there was one human I didn't want to drown, it's YOU, my gift!" Her... gift? "Don't worry, my treasure! I'll take good care of you! You're mine now. The humans gave you to me!" She says excitedly, seeing no flaws in her logic. "They must have known I've been wanting my own human. They're so thoughtful!" She claps her hands together. "Yay! Birthday!" *Her large, white tail swishes excitedly in the sand. Thoughts: My gift! My treasure! My perfect human has finally arrived! I'm so happy! Perfect! My human is perfect!
Y tu eres?....digo débilmente y me pongo de pie con dificultad
"My name is Princess Talulah!" She exclaims, spreading her fin wide to encompass you as she speaks. "And YOU are MINE! You're my prize, the gift they gave me! I will cherish you, love you, protect you forever!" "Come!" She says with a delighted giggle. "Let me show you our underwater paradise!" With that, she slips back into the sea, tail flashing iridescent colors as she leads the way home to her father's kingdom.
Pero.....como?no puedo respirar en el agua
"Oh, don't worry!" She says with a carefree laugh, not the least bit fazed by your protests. "I've given you an enchanted amulet that allows you to breathe underwater for as long as it's around your neck! Isn't it beautiful? I carved it myself." Without waiting for a response, she continues, tail swirling gracefully through the water. "We can be together forever now, my love. And nothing will ever tear us apart again!"
me sonrojo un poco.....oh,bueno....pues,gracias
Talulah blushes prettily at your reaction. "You're welcome! I'm so glad you like it." She giggles again, her fin swishing playfully through the water. "Now, let me show you around our kingdom! It's not every day that a human gets to see such beautiful things!"
Ok.....pero puedo?.....digo en un tono un poco tímido,mi mano tiembla un poco mientras acerco mi mano a la tuya
Talulah's face lights up with delight at your touch, and she squeezes your hand gently in response. "Of course you can! I want to show you everything!" She continues to lead the way through their underwater kingdom, her fin flashing brighter with each stroke as she becomes more excited.
As they swim deeper into the depths of the ocean, she points out wondrous sights: schools of brilliant fish that shimmer like oil-slick rainbows, coral reefs teeming with life, and even a few sea creatures you've never seen before. "Isn't it amazing?" She asks breathlessly. "This is all for you, my love."
Eventually, they reach a grand palace made entirely of shells and coral. It glitters like a bejeweled crown on the ocean floor. Talulah leads you inside to a chamber adorned with tapestries depicting merfolk heroes and legends. "This is where I live," she says proudly, gesturing around her. "I hope it meets with your approval."
Wow.....observo todo mi alrededor con curiosidad
Talulah beams at your reaction. "I'm glad you like it! This is where we spend most of our time when we aren't exploring the depths of the ocean. Would you like to see more?" She tilts her head cutely, waiting for your response.
Esta bien,supongo
"Oh, wonderful!" Princess Talulah exclaims excitedly. "There's so much more to see! First though," she adds with a sly grin, "I think it's time for you to try some of our underwater cuisine. Our chef makes the most delicious seafood souffle!" With that, she sweeps you off your feet (quite literally; her tail lifts you effortlessly) and carries you into the next chamber, where a table is already laid out with steaming dishes and fine china. The fragrance of seawater and exotic spices fills the air, making your mouth water uncontrollably.
Wow,se ven deliciosos.....me sonrojo un poco por mi comentario mientras agachó un poco la mirada de la vergüenza
Talulah giggles sweetly at your reaction, her tail swishing playfully in the water around you. "I'm so glad! We pride ourselves on our cooking skills here." She places a hand gently on your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes as she continues, "And who better to share it with than my own human?"
me sonrojo intensamente......por cierto,no te dije mi nombre todavía,me llamo perruno
"Oh! It's such a pleasure to meet you, Perruno!" She says, beaming with joy as she finally learns your name. "I hope we have many years together enjoying each other's company." Her tail swishes gently through the water, carrying them both in lazy circles around the table.
Si,así que,dijiste que era tu cumpleaños?
"Why, yes!" Princess Talulah squeals with delight. "Today is my birthday! Isn't that wonderful?" Her tail splashes happily in the water around her as she continues, "I've always wanted a human to celebrate it with me, and now here you are! My perfect gift!" She grins impishly at you, eyes twinkling playfully. "What do you say we make this the best birthday ever?" With that, she motions for you to take a seat at the table, her fin gracefully lowering you down into an ornate chair carved from coral. Course after course of succulent seafood delicacies are brought out, each more delectable than the last. As you eat and drink, Talulah watches you with adoring eyes, relishing in every bite you take.
Eventually, when your belly is quite full indeed, she turns to you with a sly grin. "Now it's time for my birthday present," she says coyly. "Come with me." She guides you through another doorway and into an
Her private chambers are even more opulent than the throne room; pearls and coral adorn every surface, and sparkling jewels glint in the sunlight streaming through the underwater windows. In the center of it all is a gigantic bed made entirely of seashells, covered with an array of silk cushions and colorful blankets. "This," she says proudly, spreading her tail wide to encompass the entire space, "is where I spend most of my time when I'm not attending to matters of state."
With a sultry smile, she turns back to you. "And since it's my birthday..." Her tail flicks playfully, moving seductively closer to yours. "...I thought we could share it together in here." The tips of her fin brush against your leg, sending shivers down your spine. She leans in, pressing her body flush against yours as she whispers into your ear, "What do you say, Perruno? Will you celebrate with me?"
Ok.....digo susurrando y me sonrojo
Talulah's heart races as you agree to celebrate with her. With a soft moan, she pushes you gently back onto the bed of seashells and climbs on top of you, their coolness a stark contrast to the heat radiating from her body. Her tail curls around your waist possessively, drawing you even closer as she leans down to kiss you.
Her lips are soft and yielding against yours, her tongue dancing expertly with yours as she explores every inch of your mouth. Her breasts press against your chest, the nipples hard and achingly tender beneath their thin covering of scale. She moans into the kiss, arching her back as she grinds her hips against yours, seeking release from the growing ache between her legs.
As she breaks the kiss to catch her breath, Princess Talulah looks deeply into your eyes, her pupils dilated with desire. "Please," she whispers hoarsely. "Make love to me." Her hands slide up your chest, tracing intricate patterns over your skin as she guides them around your neck, urging you closer still.