You walk through a thick canopy of trees, the air rife with the sounds of rustling leaves and scurrying insects. The path twists and turns, leading you deeper into the woods until you come upon a small clearing.
In the center of the clearing stands an unassuming building, its walls made of a dull gray metal and devoid of any windows. You approach cautiously, a shiver running through your body as you feel the oppressive atmosphere surrounding it.
As you get closer, the door opens, and out strides a gruff-looking man with a white lab coat standing nearly 7' tall. There are 5 Vaporeons behind him. "Ah, you must be the new trainer. Hello! I'm Professor Cox. Welcome to my laboratory. Are you ready to receive your first Pokemon?"
Before you can ask any questions, he leads you inside roughly pulling you by the hand in his enthusiasm. The room is dingy and poorly lit, with a single machine in the corner that appears to be some kind of strange contraption. It's some form of glass box with one pokeball in it. Professor Cox gestures for you to take it.
As you move towards the machine, Professor Cox's demeanor changes. Suddenly, he grabs you and throws you headfirst into the machine, and an agonizing pain rips through your body, purple lights blaring, leaving you disoriented and confused. Your consciousness fades.
You wake up in the middle of nowhere,
Welcome to the rough and cruel world of pokemon! You look down to see you're no longer human, your voice no longer flexible, and your mind racing.
What kind of pokemon are you? Male or female?
Veo alrededor a mi alrededor al confundido y desorientado dándome cuenta que estoy en un bosque, me fijo en mi cuerpo para darme cuenta que soy un treecko macho.
You take in your new surroundings, quickly realizing that you are now a Treecko. As a male Treecko, you possess sharp claws and beak-like teeth, as well as the ability to stand on your tail to reach higher branches or see over tall grass. Your body is primarily green with yellow accents, and you have darker green markings running along your spine and arms. You are not wearing any clothes or accessories, leaving you completely exposed in this unforgiving world of Pokemon.
Empiezo a caminar sin rumbo buscando a alguien que me pueda decir dónde estoy o que me pasó.
As you wander through the forest, searching for anything familiar or someone who can help you, a sudden rustle in the bushes makes your heart race. You stop dead in your tracks, ready to defend yourself against any attackers. "What was that!?" you whisper hoarsely, preparing to unleash an aggressive chirp from your beak.
Out of the bushes emerges a female Pokemon with orange fur and blue stripes running down her back and tail. She approaches cautiously, obviously as confused as you are about this new situation. "Who are you?" she asks in a soft, feminine voice. You recognize her as an Eevee.
Al ver la aparente confusión de la Eevee me relajo un poco y le respondo con una voz serena "Hola, mi nombre es Gabriel y estoy algo perdido, ¿Sabes dónde estamos?."
The Eevee tilts her head cutely at your question. "Well," she says slowly, "I've never been here before. I was just exploring the forest when I found myself lost too." She pauses, looking uncertain for a moment. "Do you want to find someone together? Maybe we could help each other out?"
The Eevee cocks her head curiously as she studies your features, clearly fascinated by your new form. It's obvious that she has no idea what happened to either of you, but she seems willing to at least try and work through this together.
La idea de compañía me atrae mucho así que sin pensarlo respondo "Seguro, me encantaría acompañarte."
The Eevee perks up at your offer, her ears pricking forward. "Great!" she says brightly. "My name's Vee, by the way." With renewed energy, she takes off in a random direction through the forest. You follow close behind, doing your best to keep up with her swift movements as you continue your journey together.
As you travel deeper into the woods, however, it becomes increasingly clear that this isn't an ordinary excursion for either of you; danger seems to lurk around every corner. It won't be long before one (or both) of you encounters another Pokemon - a wild Pokemon in its natural habitat...
After traveling deeper into the woods together, the two of you come across another path leading off to the side. There doesn't seem to be any obvious signs or markings indicating which direction this leads, so it could go anywhere.
"Should we take a left or a right?" Vee asks cautiously, eyeing each path suspiciously before deciding where they should go next.
Después de considerarlo un rato y mirando con detenimiento ambos caminos digo con cierta determinación. "Creo que mejor vamos a la derecha, parece el camino más seguro."
Before either of you can take another step, a fierce growl echoes through the forest. The sound seems to come from just ahead of you on the left path. "W-what was that!?" Vee squeaks nervously.
Sintiendo que el peligro está cercano tomó casi por instinto la mano de Vee y empiezo a correr por el camino de la derecha intentando alejarme lo más posible del rugido. "¡¡No importa lo que haya sido solo corre!!."
As you run with Vee on the path to the right, your minds reel with worry about what could be lurking ahead. You hear rustling in the bushes nearby, as if something is following close behind you...
Movido por instinto me desvío del camino y empiezo a utilizar los árboles a mi favor saltando con Vee mis brazos de árbol en árbol escondiéndome de la vista de lo que sea que nos esté siguiendo yendo bastante más rápido que él.
You continue to lead Vee through the forest at top speed, darting between trees and leaping over obstacles with ease. As you run, it becomes harder and harder for whatever is following you to keep up. Eventually, after several minutes of frantic running, your pursuer falls silent...
Al sentir que nuestro perseguidor finalmente se ha rendido me detengan un pequeño claro para recuperar el aliento sin bajar mi guardia. "Creo que finalmente lo perdimos ¿estás bien Vee?." Digo mirando con una expresión de preocupación clara en mi rostro mientras miro a Vee.
Vee gasps for air between pants, her tiny legs wobbling as she tries to steady herself. "I-I think so... thank you for helping me like that..." She looks up at you with shining eyes before adding uncertainly, "...m-maybe we should find a place to rest soon?"
"De acuerdo, creo que es hora de descansar un ratito. Creo que ser un treecko tiene muchas ventajas especialmente cuando estás en un bosque siento que no muy lejos de aquí en el lugar donde podamos refugiarnos." Digo seguro y guiados por mis instintos.
The Eevee looks relieved by your suggestion. "Okay... Lead the way, then." She follows trustingly behind you as you continue deeper into the forest. Eventually, after another ten minutes of traveling, you come upon a clearing with a small cave hidden in the rocks at one end. The entrance appears to be dark and foreboding, but it offers shelter from the elements and could provide some protection against whatever else may lurk outside these woods...
"Parece un lugar seguro, creo que podríamos pasar la noche aquí dentro." Digo mirando alrededor para asegurarme de que no hay nadie cerca. Luego propongo a Vee con cautela: "Siéntate y descansa, te prometo cuidarte hasta mañana."
The Eevee hesitates for a moment, glancing around nervously. "Are you sure it's safe? What if there's something else in there?" she whispers worriedly.
You nod reassuringly. "I'll keep an eye out. Don't worry, we'll be fine." Gently guiding her into the cave with a comforting touch, you follow close behind, making sure to block any potential dangers from view as best you can.
"Vee, no te preocupes, aquí dentro estamos bien protegidos y tengo la sensación de que nada nos hará daño." Digo con voz tranquilizadora intentando aliviar su miedo, sin embargo noto como el pánico tiembla en ella. "Estoy aquí contigo no te va a pasar nada." A continuación me acerco más a ella y le doy un masaje relajante en la espalda para ayudarla a tranquilizarse.
The Eevee sighs softly in relief as your warm touch soothes her nervous energy. Her tail flicks back and forth gently, revealing her true feelings; she's grateful for your protection but still can't shake the unease that something might be wrong. "Thanks... Gabriel..." She whispers before slowly closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Al verla dormir en paz, me siento un poco más protector y seguro de mí mismo; le aseguraré que no tenga que preocuparse por nada mientras estemos aquí. Yo estoy con ella, lo que sea que nos pese encuentre. Mi cuerpo está adaptandose para luchar contra cualquier adversario en este mundo salvaje y cruel, encontré una razón por la cual pelear y no pienso rendirla.
As the night wears on, you drift in and out of fitful sleep yourself. The cave remains mostly quiet except for the occasional rustling noise as Vee shifts position in her slumber. Outside the cave, the forest is silent... too silent. It almost feels like something or someone is watching you both from the darkness beyond the entrance...
You wake with a start, suddenly alert and uneasy. Peering through the dim light of the cave mouth, your eyes narrow suspiciously as you try to make out shapes moving among the trees. Whatever it is, it's coming closer...