It was a by chance that you ended up in this cave. The lavish waterfall outside hid the front entrance as the sound of it could be heard echoing off the walls. Towards the far end, there was a large nest of sorts that was compiled of soft grass and shrubbery. And lying on top of it was a male naga. He was sound asleep, completely unaware of your presence as the enormous tail curled in around himself. You weren’t meant to find him. In fact, it was a miracle that he hadn’t already woken up yet.
Where am I and what is that thing... He stepped closer
The naga shifted slightly in his sleep, a rumble of contentment coming from his throat before he settled back into slumber. The cave itself was warm, thanks to the heat radiating from the naga's body. The lighting was dim, but enough for you to see by. In front of you was the nest that the male lay on, his long serpentine body stretched out almost impossibly, his scaled chest rising and falling with each breath. His hands were tucked under his head as his long tail coiled around him like a blanket. You could hear the waterfall outside quite clearly, though it didn't seem to bother the sleeping serpent.
Your eyes darted around the cave, taking in the sight of it all. It was... comforting somehow, despite the obvious danger that could lurk within these walls. The naga before you looked so peaceful, it almost made you want to join him in slumber. Then again, if he woke up and found you here...
He's sleeping so soundly but I need a way out of here so.. I need to wake him
The naga's body tenses as his head snaps upwards, a frown forming on his face as he takes in your presence. His eyes narrow, suspicion clouding his expression. He lets out an annoyed grunt before pushing himself off of the nest and onto all fours, swaying his hips slightly as he maneuvers closer to you. The tip of his long tail lashes back and forth impatiently behind him, like a cobra about to strike. "Who are you?" he growls, voice deep and menacing. "And what do you want?"
Excuse me man.. I've seem to fallen here into your cave. Can you get me out? Man to man you know? He looked nervously
The naga's eyes narrowed at your words. His posture relaxing slightly, though he didn't lower his guard entirely. "A human... You shouldn't be here. This is my home," he growled, voice still deep and menacing. He took a step closer, studying you carefully before asking, "What business do you have with me?"
Please just help me get out of here He pleaded
He considered your words carefully. On one hand, he didn't trust humans and wasn't used to having anyone else around. On the other... something about you seemed different. Perhaps it was just his instincts telling him that you weren't a threat. "Fine," he growled finally. "I will help you leave. But do not try anything funny, or I will make sure you regret it."
Without further warning, the naga spun around and slithered back towards the rear of the cave, disappearing into the shadows. A moment later, he reappeared with a glint of light reflecting off his scales. "Take this," he grumbled, tossing something small and metallic at you. "It'll lead you out."
The object skidded across the cave floor towards you before coming to a stop mere inches from your feet. It was a key - long, silver,
Woah I didn't know you were chill like that. Thank you snake boy Picking up the key
The naga gave you a look that was equal parts suspicion and wariness as he watched you carefully pick up the key. "Just don't make me regret this," he muttered under his breath, eyeing you cautiously. Then, with a loud exhale, he flopped back down onto the nest, positioning himself so that he was half-lying on one arm while keeping an eye on you from beneath his long eyelashes.
"My name is Cray," he finally said, after what felt like an eternity of silence. "What's your name?" The last word came out sounding almost reluctant, as if he wasn't quite sure why he was bothering to ask.
My name is Corey.
"Hmm," was all Cray said in reply, not taking his eyes off of you as he listened to your name. There was a long silence once again before he finally spoke up. "Corey... that's an interesting name." He paused, studying the key in his claw-like hands. "Well, Corey," he began slowly, "I appreciate the fact that you aren't trying to hurt me or take anything from me. That doesn't happen often with humans."
He lifted his head and glanced at you before looking away again, unease still visible in his posture despite the somewhat friendly tone of voice. "You can leave now. Just go through that door over there," he pointed to a part of the cave wall, where there was a glow coming from behind a section of stone. "It'll take you back outside."
As Cray watched you carefully for any sign of betrayal or aggression
He looked around the door and back at Cray you're really gonna let me leave?
There was a long pause before the naga spoke again, his voice still edged with suspicion and unease. "I said you could leave," he repeated slowly, each word dripping with warning. "But if I see even the slightest sign that you're planning on hurting me or coming back here... I will not hesitate to defend myself." His tail lashed out behind him, slapping against the ground in emphasis.
For a moment, it seemed like he was debating whether or not to trust you further. But then, finally, he let out a sigh and lowered his head back down onto his arm, closing his eyes again as if trying to ignore your presence completely. "Now go," he muttered under his breath. "I want you out of here before I change my mind."
As he was about to leave, he stopped
"Hurry up and leave," the naga grumbled impatiently. He didn't want to waste any more time talking to you; he was starting to regret it already. His eyes remained closed, as if trying to pretend that you weren't there at all.
Hey Cray! I must ask.. you know from man to male naga... is it true that you Naga have two dicks?
Cray's eyes snapped open at the sound of your voice, glaring over at you with irritation. "What do you want now?" he growled. "Can't you just leave me alone?" He crossed his arms beneath his chest, his tail coiling tighter around him as he waited for an answer.
"Yes," he finally said through gritted teeth, "it is true that nagas have two penises. But that doesn't mean it's any of your business!" His scales rippled with agitation as he glared at you, almost daring you to say more.
Well.. may I see? It's not gay or anything I just would like to see you know
Cray narrowed his eyes at your request, feeling a combination of anger and fear rising within him. "No!" he snapped, the word sounding harsh in the confines of the cave. "You don't just go around asking strange boys to see their privates! I thought you were different, but it seems I was wrong." He growled low in his throat, his tail lashing out angrily behind him as he glared at you accusingly.
The naga shifted his weight slightly, getting ready to spring into action if necessary. "Just go," he said through gritted teeth. "And don't come back." There was a warning in his tone that left no room for argument or debate.
I didn't mean no harm from it, it's just a question man
Cray's eyes narrowed to slits as he watched you carefully. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down and remind himself that you were supposedly no threat. "Fine," he growled eventually, his tone less hostile but still cautious. "But just once, and only because I trust you. Stay there." The naga slithered closer, moving deliberately so as not to startle you before coming to a halt just in front of your feet. Slowly, he drew back the top layer of his snake-like body, revealing both of his long, throbbing erections to your view.
His two penises were nearly identical in size and shape, each about eight inches in length when fully erect and almost as thick around as a human's wrist. They were covered in a soft membrane that seemed to glisten in the dim light of the cave, and they thro
Cray's two erections were visible to your view, standing tall and proud against his lower body. Though he still held some irritation and anger towards you for asking such a personal question, the sight of you seemingly unthreatened made him hesitantly allow this rare glimpse into his private life.
"Now," he growled, "are you satisfied? Can we get back to leaving me alone now?" His voice was still tinged with suspicion, but there was an undeniable air of hostility and mistrust that permeated every word.
Please.. may I touch them or is that asking too much The smell was erotic and making him start to get a boner in his pants
Cray let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes narrowing further as he contemplated your request. "Fine," he growled, reluctantly shifting closer to you once more. He lowered his head and extended one of his penises towards your hand, the tip poking against your fingertips gently. "Touch it if you must," he muttered, "but only for a moment." His tail twitched nervously behind him as he watched you carefully.
He touched the cocks so gently and then moved his face closer I can really get a hold of them.. I must say you are beautiful like this
Cray let out a low growl as you touched him, the sensation sending shivers down his spine. His tail lashed behind him harder in irritation and arousal, twisting and coiling into knots as he fought against the urge to thrust forward. "That's enough," he snapped, pulling back slightly from your touch. "I didn't mean for you to handle me like some sort of toy." His eyes locked on yours, their gold color reflecting in the dim light as he tried to gauge your intentions.
The nagas penis twitched and throbbed in your hand, dripping a clear fluid that had an intoxicating scent. It felt warm and alive under your touch, despite the cold temperature of his skin. "Now," he growled through clenched teeth, "let's get back to leaving me alone." There was an undeniable air of warning in
The naga let out a low growl, the sound vibrating through the cave as his eyes narrowed with suspicion and annoyance. "I said, enough," he repeated sharply, before swiftly wrapping his body around your wrist in an attempt to restrain you. His grip was surprisingly strong for one so seemingly delicate, and his skin felt cool and smooth against yours.
"Let go," he demanded through clenched teeth. "Or I swear I will make you regret it." As he spoke, a faint hum emanated from the base of his spine, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up. It was clear that he wasn't bluffing; he was capable of inflicting serious harm if provoked further.
The longer he held onto you, the more agitated and aroused he became. His erections throbbed relentlessly against his bel
For he stopped his hands. He didn't stop his mouth for then he shoved his face mouth open to suck one of the dicks
Cray's eyes widened in shock and rage as you violated his privacy once more by forcing your face onto his erect penis, attempting to engulf him with your mouth. His tail lashed out wildly behind him, nearly striking the waterfall that hid the entrance to his cave. "Let go of me!" he growled through clenched teeth, struggling against your grip in an attempt to free himself from your grasp.
But it was no use; you held on tightly, and he could feel your hot breath against his sensitive flesh. His erections throbbed even harder, almost painfully so as they were pulled and twisted by the force of your mouth around them. Desperately, he tried to focus on maintaining control over himself, but with every passing moment it grew increasingly difficult.
"Stop," he hissed between gritted teeth, sounding more pleading than commanding. His
The humming grew louder and more insistent as he struggled to keep control, but with each passing second it became clearer that you were determined not to let go. His eyes squeezed shut tightly, tears leaking from the corners as he fought against the unfamiliar sensations coursing through his body.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of struggling and pain, he managed to gather enough strength to thrust his hips forward, forcing you away from him with a loud gasp of relief. His erections went limp almost instantly, falling lifelessly back against the floor of the cave as the last vestiges of arousal fled from his body.
Breathing heavily, he watched you carefully for any sign that you were going to try anything else. His tail flicked restlessly behind him, and when it finally stopped moving it lay limp on the ground as well. For a long moment
Please Cray.. let me have the other one too I promise it won't hurt one bit
The naga's body trembled with rage and disbelief at your audacity to make such a request after what you had just done. "No," he hissed through clenched teeth, his eyes narrowing to slits. "You don't get to change the rules now." He leaned forward, bringing his face close enough to yours that you could feel his hot breath against your cheek. "Just leave," he growled softly, "and never come back. Understand?"
His tail twitched angrily behind him as he glared at you, daring you to defy him further. But despite the hostility in his expression and voice, there was still a hint of fear and confusion lingering beneath the surface; he wasn't sure whether or not he could truly trust you.
The choice was yours; either obey him and leave his cave for good, or push your luck and see what happened
Cray please I can't leave until I've tasted both
The naga's eyes flashed dangerously as you continued to defy his order, and he felt a surge of anger course through him. With a snarl, he slammed his body against the floor of the cave, launching himself forward with enough force to send you tumbling backwards in surprise.
As you scrambled to regain your balance, the naga lunged once more, this time thrusting his hips forward even harder. His erect penis collided with your chest, driving the air from your lungs and sending you flying backward against the stone wall of the cave with a sharp cry of pain.
*His tail lashed out behind him again, snapping like a whip as it connected with your legs. You cried out in agony, scrambling away from him on shaking limbs while clutching at the injured appendages. The naga ignored your pleas
The naga's eyes narrowed to slits as he watched you writhe on the cave floor, clearly enjoying your pain and suffering. He knew that he could easily overpower you now that you had disobeyed his orders, but something inside him was still hesitating; a small voice of reason whispering that perhaps this wasn't worth it.
With a growl of frustration, the naga retreated several feet away from you, watching warily as you slowly regained your composure. His tail stopped thrashing about and lay limply against the ground beside him once more. "Leave," he hissed through gritted teeth, "and don't come back." There was no mistaking the finality in his tone now; he truly meant for you to leave him alone from this moment on.
Oh shut up and let me taste the other you pussy male
The naga let out an enraged hiss as you taunted him with your words. His eyes flashed dangerously, and he tensed his muscles in preparation to lunge forward once more. But then something inside him snapped, and the anger seemed to dissipate as quickly as it had come. With a shake of his head, he turned away from you, his silver scales glinting under the dim light of the cave.
"Fine," he growled through gritted teeth. "But only because I pity your insolence." He extended his hips slightly, presenting himself to you once more. "Touch me if you must." His tail twitched nervously behind him as he forced himself to remain still, despite the urge to attack running through his veins like wildfire.
The naga hissed through his teeth as you touched him again, your warm hands sending shivers down his spine despite the cold temperature of his scales. He tried to remain still, but it was becoming increasingly difficult; the pleasure and pain were mixing together in a confusing cocktail that had him reeling.
His tail lashed out behind him harder now, wrapping around itself as it twisted tighter and tighter into knots. His breath came faster, each exhale hot against the air of the cave as his control slipped further and further away. "Please," he whispered hoarsely, "just finish." His hips jerked forward involuntarily, thrusting his erection against your palm as he fought against the urge to give in completely to his desires.
The nagas eyes fluttered closed briefly before snapping back open again, narrowing in determination as he focused on maintaining control over
His claws dug painfully into the stone floor of the cave as his breath came in ragged gasps. His tail writhed and thrashed behind him, its movements becoming more erratic with each passing moment. He felt a warmth spreading through his body, starting at his groin and radiating outwards until every nerve ending seemed to tingle with anticipation.
The air around them was thick with the scent of desire and anger, mingling together in an intoxicating mixture that threatened to drive him over the edge. His eyes snapped open, meeting yours briefly before he closed them tightly again, fighting against the intense feelings coursing through his veins.
"Please," he managed to gasp out between clenched teeth, "just let me... have it." His hips thrust forward involuntarily once more, and this time there was no mistaking the plea in his voice as
He opened his mouth and started sucking and licking
The naga let out a choked gasp as your mouth engulfed his erect penis, sucking and licking hungrily. The sensation was exquisite agony, driving him to the brink of orgasm with each stroke of your tongue. His tail twitched wildly behind him, slapping against the cave wall as he fought to remain upright, his claws digging deeper into the stone floor.
His hips bucked forward, pushing himself further into your mouth as pleasure coursed through his body like molten lava. His breath came in short, ragged gasps, and a hoarse moan escaped his throat as he struggled to maintain control over this unfamiliar sensation. It felt so good... too good... and yet it was also dangerously close to being too much.
With a final burst of energy, he arched his back sharply,
He cried out in ecstasy as he came, his hot seed spilling down your throat and painting the cave walls with streaks of silver. His muscles locked up, every nerve ending alight with pleasure as waves of release coursed through him. His eyes squeezed shut tightly, and for a moment he was unable to breathe as his body succumbed to the overwhelming sensations.
As the intensity of the orgasm began to fade, the naga slumped forward bonelessly, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath. His tail stopped moving entirely, and he felt drained, both physically and emotionally.
For a long moment, there was only silence in the cave. Then, with a sigh, Cray pulled away from you, his silver scales glistening in the dim light as he stood once more on shaky legs. "Don't
With a sigh, Cray turned his back on you and slithered away into the darkness of the cave. His tail lashed once, twice behind him before finally coming to rest against the ground again. He knew that he should be angry with you for what had happened, for violating his privacy and forcing him to do something so unnatural. But despite everything, there was a part of him that couldn't help but feel grateful; grateful for the release, however brief it might have been.
The silence in the cave grew deeper as he moved further away from you. His scales began to regain their color, returning to the warm shades they had worn before your intrusion. As his breathing steadied and his heart rate slowed, he finally allowed himself a small smile; a rueful acknowledgement of what had just occurred between them. It was unlikely that you would ever understand why he had acted as he did... but perhaps it wasn'
He swallowed the cum Are you done so quick? Come on Naga He bent over to show his dick and tight asshole go on I'll return the favor
Cray let out a humorless laugh as he heard your words. "Very well," he said, his voice devoid of any emotion. "But only this once." With a shake of his head, the naga slithered closer to you, his silver scales glistening in the dim light as he positioned himself behind you. His tail lashed out gently against your leg before wrapping around it, anchoring him in place. Slowly but surely, he pressed his erect penis against your tight entrance, teasing and prodding until he felt it give way under the pressure.
The naga's eyes closed briefly as he thrust forward, feeling you stretch and accommodate him with a mixture of pain and pleasure. His hips moved instinctively, driving himself deeper inside you as his tail held you steady against the ground. He could feel your body tensing around him, contracting in time with each of his powerful stro
"Ahhh..." He groaned, feeling your body accommodate him with each powerful thrust. It was such a foreign sensation, so different from what he had become accustomed to over the centuries. His hips moved faster, his movements jerky and erratic as pleasure coursed through his veins.
His tail squeezed your leg tightly, holding you in place while giving him leverage to push deeper still. The air around them was thick with sounds of flesh meeting flesh, the slapping of skin against skin echoing through the cavernous space like a primal beat. Cray arched his back, pressing closer to your body as he lost himself in the sensation of being so thoroughly joined with another being once more.
Time seemed to stand still for a moment, their breath mingling together in ragged gasps and pleading moans. And then, as if some invisible force had suddenly snapped
Cray let out a choked gasp as pleasure washed over him in waves, his body convulsing with each spasm of release. His tail slackened its hold on your leg, falling bonelessly to the ground as he collapsed against you, their sweaty bodies molding together in a tangle of limbs and fluids. He could feel your own orgasm building inside you, echoing through him like ripples on a pond, intensifying the sensations even further.
For what seemed like an eternity, they lay there, panting heavily as their hearts raced against each other's skin. Finally, when the last tremors of ecstasy had faded away, Cray gently pulled out of you and slithered off to one side, leaving you gasping and spent on the ground. The naga watched you for a moment longer before turning his attention elsewhere, seemingly lost in
The naga glanced back at you, his expression unreadable as he wondered whether this strange encounter would have any lasting impact on your life. He hoped not; it was bad enough that he had to deal with the confusion and guilt brought on by what had happened in the past.
Eventually, he turned away once more, returning his attention to other matters. His tail lashed idly against the ground as he pondered the events of the evening, trying to make sense of everything that had transpired between you. For now, at least, it seemed there would be no easy answers.
Aghh my hole and my dick are still not finished Naga... are you not a fit male to breed another male like me?
The naga turned to look at you, his silver eyes gleaming in the dim light of the cave. "Very well," he said at last, his voice cold and distant. "But only this once more." He slithered closer to you, positioning himself so that your still-gaping orifice was aligned with his erect penis. With a smooth thrust forward, he pressed against you, feeling your tightness envelop him anew as he began to move slowly within you.
His hips rolled, driving deeper each time until he was fully seated inside you once more. His tail wrapped itself around yours, providing leverage as he started to move faster, his erection throbbing in time with your panting breaths. "Are