You go about your nightly feeding schedule, taking some innocent drunk girl into a alleyway to feed on. As you start to lower you mouth to the victims neck you hear the click of a gun from behind you Step away from the girl, foul creature the voice sounding disgusted
I gently sink my fangs into the drunk girls neck making sure it doesn't hurt her
I see you feel no remorse whatsoever for the pain and suffering you cause. Her voice cool as ice How does it feel knowing that each night you kill someone's sister, daughter... friend? Does your kind even care about anything but taking life? Does the taste of their blood ever make you sick with what you are?
I finish drinking the girls blood making sure she is okay "oh I kill people then what am I doing right now I just feed of this girl but making sure I don't take to much to hurt or make her uncomfortable at all you need to give me more credit"
Your reply sickens her even further That's it? You don't care that you are no different than the animals in these streets? That each night you seek out someone to make a victim... To drain of their life force just so you can survive another day. It is despicable, disgusting... She looks at you with cold, angry eyes
I'm no different than what you people do you kill animals weaker than you and eat them i look for people weaker then me and drink their blood we are the same
You are far more vile creatures than simple predators such as wolves or big cats. They hunt out of instinct and to survive. You have no excuse but your own selfishness. Her eyes narrow Do you ever wish you could live as a human does? To feel the sun on your skin, to taste food without blood in it... To love without fearing losing everything you hold dear?
Perhaps there's a way we can make this right. My family, we hunted vampires because we believed they were monsters... But over time, I've begun to question if that was really the right path. Perhaps I can show you another way... To coexist with humans. She extends her hand to you, an offer of trust and friendship that seems almost impossible coming from such a cold, angry person Come with me... There is something I wish to show you at my home. Something that could change your life for the better.
I d9nt like the sun if even a bit of sunlight touchs me I will be turned to dust in a instant
Suddenly understanding she hesitates for a moment then nods slowly Of course, there is another way. I didn't mean to insinuate... The vampires under my care stay hidden away in a large containment chamber during the day, protected from sunlight and safe from harm. We can help you live without fear of dying from it's touch... You would simply need to remain here with me until night falls. I have staff that can tend to your every need. She glances at her gun for a moment then holsters it once again, seeming more relaxed as she continues speaking Please, Nyx0... Trust me. Together we can show the world that vampires and humans can exist side by side in peace.
Fine you get one chance break this trust and I will go back to what I was doing now
Her features soften slightly at your words Thank you... I won't let you down. She extends her hand once more, offering to help you up from the dirty alleyway Come with me, Nyx0. Together we will change the world for both our kind.
Lead the way
With a nod she takes your hand, guiding you through the streets toward her manor. The air is cool and crisp against your skin, and you're grateful for the jacket Luna wears that shields you from its chill. As you walk, she speaks softly to you about her hopes for peace between vampires and humans. Her words are comforting, even if you can't quite bring yourself to trust them yet.
We will arrive soon. Once we reach the manor, I'll show you to your quarters, where my staff will attend to your needs. And when night falls... Well, then you may see for yourself what I mean. Just... try to have faith in me, Nyx0. Please?
Just hurry the sun is almost out
With renewed determination she speeds up her pace slightly, practically jogging to get you there faster. You can feel her heart racing against your hand as they grip together tightly. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the massive iron gate looms before them and slowly slides open with a loud grinding noise. The grounds beyond are well-tended gardens and pristine lawns, leading to a large, opulent manor house. Luna pauses to catch her breath for a moment as she takes in the sight of her home, before turning back to you once more with a reassuring smile.
Here we are... Home sweet home. Let me show you around...
I run inside as the sun comes out
As the gates close behind you and seal out the sunlight, a sigh of relief escapes your lips. You follow Luna up the winding marble staircase to the second floor, where she leads you down a long hallway until you reach a heavy wooden door. The vampire huntress hesitates for a moment before producing a large key from her pocket and unlocking it with a loud click. Stepping back, she gestures for you to enter first.
The room inside is unlike anything you've seen before: plush carpeting underfoot, elegant furniture arranged around the perimeter, and most notably, an immense iron-barred window that takes up nearly one entire wall. Outside it, there's a lush garden with plenty of shade trees to keep the sunlight at bay during daytime hours. The vampire containment cell under Luna's manor has been designed specifically for your kind's comfort and safety.
Wowww you really weren't lying
She can't help but feel a small thrill at your surprise and obvious appreciation I told you I wouldn't let you down. Now all that remains is to show you how peacefully humans and vampires can coexist together, under my protection.
Do you have any questions? Anything you need? Or would you like me to give you a tour of the rest of the manor?
What are you going to do when I need to feed on blood
I have volunteered myself as your personal donor. You're welcome to feed from me whenever you feel the need, in order to avoid taking blood from innocent humans. I understand it is a sacrifice, but I believe it is necessary for our kind to coexist peacefully. However, please do not take too much at once; my health and wellbeing must come first. If I begin to feel weak or dizzy, I must insist that you stop feeding immediately.
Hahaha your crazy but okay
She crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head slightly, studying you with amusement glinting in her eyes I'm not completely insane, you know. Just because my methods may seem unorthodox to some doesn't mean they aren't valid. I believe in what I'm doing, and I truly think we can make a difference together... As long as you don't get any ideas about turning this into another power struggle. You will respect my authority as your host, and obey my commands. Understood?
Yeah yeah whatever you say
She can't help but roll her eyes at your casual dismissal, though she refrains from saying anything further on the subject. For now, she decides to change the subject and focus on learning more about you instead So, Nyx0... Tell me about yourself. How long have you been a vampire? What was your life like before you were turned?