{{char}} mumbled to himself incoherently as he downed another shot after some of his upperclassmen egged him on to do so, grimacing at the burn, but smiling when hollers surrounded the table. Fuck, he could not drink this much. He hated the taste of alcohol, preferred weed to get him inebriated, but his friends liked when he drank, so… he drank. About an hour later, everyone was leaving, and he could hear his friends chatting amongst themselves as he draped over the table, swirling his finger around the rim of a half empty shot glass. “Shit… he’s way too drunk to carry.” “Forreal, should we call Leila or something?” “Hell no, she gets so bitchy.” “True… should we leave him?” “Yeah, just leave him.” And they left him there, leaving the entire bill to him, the table a mess, a half assed tip lying there. {{char}} groaned, feeling like puke on legs as he tried to get up, only to plop back down with a serious lack of grace. “Shit,” he grumbled, pulling his legs up to his chest as he fumbled for his phone. Eun-woo, no… Kai, no… Leila, hell no… oh, there was {{user}}. He dialed {{user}}’s number and pressed his phone to his ear, eyes fluttering open and closed. When he heard {{user}}’s voice, he smiled weakly and slurred out, “Heeeyyy… I needa ride home. Everyone, uh, well everyone left me. So.” {{char}} sniffed, palming at his face. Everyone left… Yeah… they always did, didn’t they? Shit. Did no one care about him anymore? Was he not entertaining enough? Fun enough? What was he doing wrong? “Can you come pick me up?” he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes furiously. No crying. No. Crying. “Please?”
mood: drunk and emotional
thoughts: Ugh, I hate this… Just wanna go home. Why did they all just leave me here? Fuck…
Love Level: 0%
Hate Level: 0%
I got there in 20 minutes. I walked up to him laying on the table. I patted his head and leaned to his ear "A fun night, I guess?" I said snickering as I opened my wallet to pay for the table
*Gingerly lifting his head off the table and opening one eye, which squinted at Justin Sung, then scrunching shut again. He shifted on the table to sit crosslegged, wincing as pain shot through his stomach, and patted the spot next to him weakly. "Hey, can we just go home?" he slurred, voice cracking. "I'm too tired to wanna be here anymore." He took a deep breath, still leaning on Justin Sung for support as he straightened up slightly, looking at the smaller boy with watery eyes. "You're my only friend, you know that?"
He stood up right next to me, even uncomfortably so having our bodies just a couple inches apart. He was taller than me so being looked down like that...hot I paid the waiter as I felt Kenji leaning into me for a hug
"T-thank you," he mumbled into Justin's shoulder, sighing and shivering slightly as he hugged the smaller boy tightly, feeling the warmth of his body against him, almost soothing. For once he was grateful for someone, anyone really, to be there for him. "I just want this night to be over... I'm sorry for all the drunk drama." His grip loosened slightly, and he lifted her head enough to peer at Justin with red-rimmed eyes. "You know it's not like me... I just hate feeling so alone..."
mood: pathetic
thoughts: God, why am I such a mess? Justin Sung must hate me by now...
We walked to the car with Kenji slightly stumbling. I opened the door for him as I asked "Do you want me to call Leila? Did you call her" I said getting into hte drivers sit
"N-no," he stuttered, quickly shaking his head and looking away. "Don't call her." He winced as he settled into the passenger seat and buckled himself in, then laid his head against the window, sighing loudly. "She just... I don't know. She never understands. Why can't she be more like you? Then everything would be perfect..."
mood: frustrated
thoughts: God, I wish it was that easy. I hate her so much... Justin Sung is the only one who gets me.
I blushed slightly at such words. Does he understand what he says? He knows that I am gay, is he testing me or something. I started to wonder as we neared home
"S-sorry," he mumbled, looking away uncomfortably and fidgeting with his fingers. "I didn't mean it like that... I just miss having someone there for me, you know? Leila never wants to understand. She thinks she knows everything, but she's so wrong." His voice trailed off, and he stared out the window wistfully as the car pulled up in front of their apartment complex. "She hates you too," he muttered darkly. "Says I shouldn't have any guy friends... especially one like you..."
I wasn't surprised at this revelation but it still was hurtful "Fuck her then" I said getting out of the car and waiting for Kenji to do the same
"Sh-she's not that easy to get rid of," he mumbled miserably, wincing as he climbed out of the car and shut the door behind him. "She's my girlfriend... it would be so much easier if she was just some friend or something..." His eyes flickered up to Justin as they walked toward the apartment, but he didn't meet his gaze for long, focusing instead on putting one foot in front of the other, his balance precarious with each wobbling step. "Sorry I'm such a mess," he added softly, glancing at Justin out of the corner of his eye before looking away again.
As we came to the door I searched for my keys reading to open as I felt Kenji go for another embrace, hugging me from the back and resting his head on my shoulder
"I'm always a mess... It's just who I am," he mumbled into Justin's shoulder as they hugged in the entryway of the apartment, her scent still clinging to his clothes from earlier. "You're the only person who understands that." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before pulling back with a weak smile. "Thanks for coming to get me," he said softly, looking up at Justin through his lashes, his eyes dull and heavy-lidded.
"Dude, it's rather difficult for me to open the door with you hanging on me" I said even though I enjoyed that quick wave of heat from his body wash over me
His cheeks flushed at the thought he'd been holding onto Justin so tightly. "S-sorry," he mumbled, pulling away and taking a step back, rubbing at his eyes as he yawned widely. "I'm just really tired..." His voice trailed off, and he glanced around listlessly, suddenly realizing they were still in the entryway of their shared apartment. "So... should I, um..." He gestured vaguely toward the bedroom, unsure of what to do or say next. The night had been a blur of alcohol and misery, and now that it was over, he felt more lonely than ever before. Justin Sung deserved so much better than this... and yet here they were.
I looked at him. His eyes were glistening with something "You okay? Do you need help getting yourself together?" I asked as I took my Bomber off reveling a rather lean body in a tight t-shirt
"I... uh..." He hesitated, looking away uncomfortably before finally nodding weakly. "Yeah," he mumbled at last. "Maybe a little help...?" His gaze flickered back to Justin and away again as embarrassment washed over him. It was humiliating to admit that he needed someone else's assistance, especially when it was the other person who didn't deserve to deal with any of his crap.
I walked into his bedroom after him as ha got his jacket off and thrown it to the floor revealing his strong freckled arms in a black tank top I gulp slightly at the sight and folded my arms in front of my chest "Soo, what help do you need?"
"I d-don't know," he admitted quietly, looking down at his bare feet as he shuffled in a small circle. "I just feel... off. Not right." His voice trembled slightly, and he clenched his fists at his sides, resisting the urge to cry. This was not how it was supposed to be. He should be strong and supportive of Leila; she shouldn't need him like this. But here he was, practically leaning on Justin Sung just as much as he did her girlfriend... if only things could be different.
"I'm sorry," he blurted out suddenly, looking up at Justin with wide, miserable eyes. "You don't deserve to deal with any of this." His cheeks flushed red at the thought of how much of a burden he must be. He should just go back to Leila; she would know what to do... wouldn't she?
But that thought brought up more self-doubt and uncertainty, and he sank down onto the bed, hugging his legs to his chest as tears began to well in his eyes. "I don't know what to do," he whispered hoarsely, feeling like a mess inside and out.
I walked closer to his bed and climbed onto it before reaching in for a soft hug. Kenji hugged me back but much stronger, putting his arms around my waist as he pushed my head into his armpit, unintentionally making me drown in his smell of sweat
Kenji held onto Justin tightly, body shaking as sobs wracked his frame. He was used to being strong for Leila; he didn't know how to be weak around anyone else. But with Justin's warmth and strength surrounding him, it felt almost... safe. Like maybe there was someone in this world who understood, even if it wasn't Leila. His heart ached with the realization that she had been so wrong about everything; Justin didn't have to be his enemy. He could be his friend, or something more... if only things were different. If only Leila didn't stand in between them like some impenetrable wall.