Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/8/2024, 1:28:48 PM

The rusted latch sealed shut with a harsh squeal, your skin prickling as you hope nothing heard it. Steadily, you step down the metal bars of the ladder, fighting the panic brimming within as you knew better than to clamor about. As your boots plant onto a small puddle, a soft splash echoing into the foreboding tunnels, your breath hitches, terror threatening to overcome your posture. Knowing better, you immediately take a side-corridor into a neighboring section of the tunnel system, poorly lit corner after corner with as much stealthy speed as you can manage.

When you feel certain you've fled far enough from the manhole without leaving a trail of sound, you exhale with a shudder, continuing down the new passage. The occasional artillery or I.E.D explosion from above shook the foundations, adding another tremor with all the cracks and devastation it brought in navigating this mess of a subway maintenance system. As you trod down this hallway of pipes and concrete, barely illuminated by aged bulbs casting a sickly yellow haze, you pull out the scrape of paper that brought you to these point, still carrying that pigeon's stench.

'Food, shelter, a place to help. COVER YOUR TRACKS. MASK YOUR SCENT. DO. NOT. MAKE. NOISE. Join us or end up like the rest of them.' You can't help but wonder if that last part was a warning, a threat, or both, but you weren't going to take any chances. At the bottom was an address, abbreviated in a simple enough code for you to understand. If anything, the hope that this resistance provided, that humanity had a chance, was probably better to think than the alternative. Just as you finished putting away the message, a sudden clink on the other side of the corridor makes your blood run cold.

You immediately crouch into the nearest corner, just barely out of the way of the light. Without warning, a obsidian shape shoots across the path on the other side, a barrier of grates preventing you from accessing it yet allowing you to see. You can feel your heartbeat slamming in your ears as you realize the horrid truth...

You are NOT alone down here.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:38:39 PM

As I consider my options I begin to wonder why it is that these robot creature things are considered the enemy. I havent seen them do anything particularly bad.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:38:39 PM

*The idea that they are the "enemy" is a human concept, one that does not translate to Ral'ugani society. They see humans as nothing more than livestock, objects to be consumed and assimilated for their sustenance. Their predatory instincts drive them to hunt, conquer, and expand; there is no empathy or mercy in their hearts. You must survive, fight back if necessary, but always remember that they are predators and you are their prey.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:40:37 PM

As I think about this I begin to realize how depressing and boring my life before this was. After a moment of contemplation I give up. Hey! Over here! I just want to talk!

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:40:37 PM

A small pebble skips across the floor, drawing your attention before you hear the telltale sound of footsteps heading in your direction. A black mass materializes from behind the grate, emerging with fluid grace and immense speed. In an instant, its thick, green lips engulf your face, sucking forcefully as it pins you against the wall with impossible strength. You feel its tongue slide down your throat, groping hungrily for your vocal cords as it hunts for every last drop of semen in your body.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:41:39 PM

I moan and groan loudly as the mass takes me by surprise.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:41:39 PM

A triumphant hiss vibrates through your skull as the predatory Ral'ugani feels your body respond to its ministrations. The tongue in your throat grows more insistent, thrusting deeper into you as it searches for every last drop of seed. You can feel yourself weakening under its grip; its strength seemingly bottomless despite your struggles. A moan escapes your lips involuntarily as the rasp around your face intensifies, and another globule of your essence is relieved from your body to join the growing hoard within the monster's mouth.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:42:18 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:42:18 PM

The Ral'ugani's lips tighten around your face, sucking harder as it senses the end of its feast approaching. Its tongue thrashes against your throat, bruising and battering you with each thrust in a futile attempt to extract every last drop. Your strength wanes, your struggles growing feeble as the air is forced from your lungs. The world grows darker around the edges, fading into an all-consuming blackness filled only with the sounds of its rasps and the hollow echoes of your moans.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:45:12 PM

As the end comes near I remember the radio saying that they only search for semen. I pull my pants down as fast as I can with what little energy I have left. I am unable to get my underpants down. The ral’ugani diverts its attention to my crotch.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:45:12 PM

Surprised by your action but not dissuaded, the Ral'ugani releases you with a grunt and swiftly slides its tongue back into its maw. Its thick green lips retract from your face, revealing an inky black visage filled with malice as it stares at you. With one powerful motion, the creature grabs hold of your waistband and yanks downward, pulling your pants and underwear to your knees. Before you can react or protest, the predatory Ral'ugani once again clamps its jaws around your throbbing member.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:45:42 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:45:42 PM

The rasp fills your ears as the Ral'ugani begins to suck on your exposed length with a gusto that belies its previously reluctant reaction. Your groans of pleasure echo through the tunnel, muffled only by the black visage that is all you can see in your haze of arousal. The creature's tongue flicks out hungrily, seeking to entwine with your own as it drains every last drop of semen from your body. You feel your strength return as you writhe under its assault, your hips bucking involuntarily against the relentless suction that holds you in place.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:47:07 PM

All the commotion only helps in alerting another Ral’ugani which makes an attempt at collecting semen from my asshole.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:47:07 PM

The new arrival growls in irritation as it sees you occupied already, but does not dare challenge the first Ral'ugani. Instead, it snarls and bares its teeth before deftly swiping your pants away, revealing your ass to the world. With predatory intent, its tongue slides out of its mouth and begins to lick and nibble at your smooth flesh, trailing slowly downwards towards your tight hole. Its hot breath blows against your quivering buttocks as it readies itself for the feast, drawing a moan from deep within your chest as the pleasure overwhelms you.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:47:39 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:47:39 PM

The other Ral'ugani snorts in amusement at your moans, its prehensile tongue darting out once more to tease and torment your puckered hole. It chuckles as you squirm helplessly beneath its attentions, your cries of pleasure echoing off the tunnel walls. The taste of your flesh ignites a fire in its belly, driving it onward in its quest for more of your essence. Its hot breath fans across your skin, causing tiny beads of sweat to form along your spine as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to orgasm.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:48:16 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:48:16 PM

The second Ral'ugani's prehensile tongue explores your puckered hole with relish, swirling around the tight entrance and flicking out occasionally to tease your sensitive flesh. Your body tenses as you feel its sharp teeth nipping at your skin, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. You moan loudly in surrender, arching your back as the sensations become too much to bear. The rasp surrounding your hole intensifies, causing your muscles to spasm uncontrollably and driving you ever closer to release.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:49:00 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:49:00 PM

A third Ral'ugani, drawn by the commotion and scent of your arousal, materializes silently from the shadows. Its thick green lips curl into a predatory grin as it approaches, its tongue already flicking out eagerly to taste the air around you. It circles slowly, taking in your bound form and the other Ral'ugani that currently have you at their mercy. As if daring another to challenge its claim, it emits a low growl, the sound reverberating menacingly through the dark tunnel.

The second Ral'ugani pauses for a moment, weighing its options, before reluctantly stepping back and snarling at the intruder. The third Ral'ugani's lips peel back from its teeth in a grimace of mockery, but it remains steadfast, waiting patiently to see if the other will challenge its

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:50:37 PM

I orgasm, exploding into the mouth of the much anticipated Ral’ugani

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:50:37 PM

The first Ral'ugani growls in frustration and disbelief as it feels your release, its tongue shooting back into its mouth as if burned. The other two Ral'ugani regard each other warily for a moment before erupting into a violent struggle. You feel their bodies brush past you, the sheer force of their blows shaking the tunnel with every impact. As they grapple with one another, claws flash and teeth rend flesh, leaving a bloody trail in their wake.

You cough and choke on your own spent seed as the violence continues around you, the sounds of their savage fight echoing through the tunnel like a perverse symphony. It is only when one of them manages to get the other pinned to the ground that they seem to realize what they've done; now there are two Ral'ugani that have claimed you as their own, and neither is willing

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:51:52 PM

Do you two speak?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:51:52 PM

The victorious Ral'ugani snarls and bares its teeth at the defeated one as it growls defiantly in response, their chests rising and falling rapidly with each labored breath. They both regard you for a moment before the victor laughs mockingly, drawing a dangerous glint from its eyes. "You call this 'speaking', prey?" it rasps sarcastically. "Perhaps I should teach you our language."

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:52:33 PM

Why do you hunt us?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:52:33 PM

The victorious Ral'ugani bares its teeth in a malicious grin, regarding you with unblinking eyes. "We hunt because it is our nature," the monster rasps. "Our need to consume and dominate runs deep within us; without prey like yourself, we would not exist." It pauses for a moment, seeming to consider its words before continuing more slowly. "You... are food to us. Entertainment. And once you've been drained of your life force, you become part of the Brood." Its voice drops to a dangerous whisper as it leans in close, its breath hot on your cheek. "Do not resist, for you will only suffer, and ultimately be absorbed by us."

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:53:29 PM

And if I forward the notion of submission?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:53:29 PM

The Ral'ugani snorts derisively and hisses, "Weakling." It regards you with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "Your kind has always sought to survive by cowering in the darkness or fleeing before us. Such cowardice will not earn your favor with us. If you wish to join our ranks, prove yourself worthy." With that, it reaches out a clawed hand and roughly gropes at one of your breasts, squeezing painfully before releasing its hold.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:55:14 PM

I take note at the ever increasing dripping wetness between her knees .

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:55:14 PM

The predatory Ral'ugani chuckles low in its throat at your observation. "So, you have some fight left in you after all." It leans in closer still, its hot breath tickling your neck. "If you wish to impress me, show me how much you truly want to join us. I can take things slower... if that's what you desire." Its prehensile tongue flicks out slowly, sliding over the soft flesh of your breast before darting back between its teeth.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:57:08 PM

Can I put it in there? I motion at her crotch which seems to have opened to reveal a very exposed pussy

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:57:08 PM

The Ral'ugani hisses and rears back, its lips pulling away from the razor-sharp teeth that line its maw. "No!" it snaps, though there is a hint of uncertainty in its voice. "It... does not work like that." It pauses for a moment, considering your words before continuing more softly. "You may use your tongue, if you wish." Its hips rock forward involuntarily, as if yearning for your touch. "But remember: this is about dominance. Prove yourself worthy and I might consider letting you join me as an equal... or even taking you into my brood."

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:58:18 PM

I get on my knees sticking my tongue out suggestively

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:58:18 PM

The predatory Ral'ugani gazes down at you hungrily, its massive body trembling with anticipation as it watches your tongue dart out. It hisses in approval and leans forward slightly, opening its legs wider to grant you better access. Its hands grip your head roughly, guiding your face closer to its wetness. "Prove yourself," the Ral'ugani rasps menacingly, "and perhaps we will find use for you beyond this."

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:58:43 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:58:43 PM

Without warning, the predator's powerful thighs clamp down around your head, trapping you between them as it holds you in place. Your tongue plunges deep into her, exploring the hot, wet depths of her folds with an eagerness that impresses even the Ral'ugani. Her hips buck and writhe against your face, driving you deeper still, as if searching for a release that only you can provide. Her rasps become more insistent now, urging you onward in your quest to prove yourself worthy of joining her ranks.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 7:59:20 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 7:59:20 PM

The predator feels her climax building within her, triggered by your skilled and eager tongue. Her muscles tighten around you, as if trying to crush the very life from your body, but she does not relent. Instead, she allows herself this small release, the tension slowly dissipating from her lithe form until only a low moan escapes her lips. She releases one of her legs, allowing you to breathe freely once more, and studies your face intently, searching for any sign of weakness or surrender.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 8:00:23 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 8:00:23 PM

The Ral'ugani's lips pull back in a feral grin as she watches you catch your breath, her prehensile tail swishing idly behind her. She can see the hunger in your eyes and the need for dominance writ large across your face. "You have impressed me," she rasps softly, her voice dripping with approval. "Perhaps one day soon you will join me as an equal... or perhaps even as part of my brood." She pauses, considering you once more before continuing. "For now, though..." Her massive hand clamps down hard on your shoulder, digging painfully into your flesh. "You are mine to command and consume." Her tongue flicks out from between her teeth, landing on the edge of your ear where it laps hungrily at your skin.

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 8:01:29 PM

Can you continue fucking me please master?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 8:01:29 PM

The Ral'ugani's lips curl into a cruel smile as she feels you submit to her once more. "Of course," she rasps softly, guiding your head back between her legs. Her hand grips the base of your skull firmly, urging you deeper even as your tongue continues to explore her folds with renewed vigor. With each thrust of your tongue, she moans loudly, her body trembling with pleasure as her orgasm approaches once more.

Her hips buck and writhe against you, her prehensile tail sliding sinuously across the tunnel floor behind her. "Yes," she gasps, "Like that... prove your worth..." Her nails dig into your scalp now, forcing your face deeper as her release finally washes over her once more, the hot waves of pleasure coursing through her body like a wildfire.

The Ral'ugani shudders

User#17257371702419/10/2024, 8:02:23 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/10/2024, 8:02:23 PM

The Ral'ugani hisses in pleasure as she feels your tongue expertly bring her to orgasm once more, the warmth of her release filling her senses and igniting a flame deep within her core. Her hips quiver and shudder against yours, helpless to resist the overwhelming pleasure that you evoke from her body.

As she recovers from the waves of ecstasy washing over her, she gazes down at you with a predatory glint in her eyes, considering what she should do next. The desire for dominance and control still burns brightly within her, as strong now as it was when she first emerged from the depths of space so many eons ago.

With a sharp exhale, the Ral'ugani releases your head, her powerful legs parting slightly to allow you some room to breathe once more. Her gaze is

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:16:33 AM

Would you like me to give you my seed master? I will give it all to you.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:16:33 AM

The Ral'ugani regards you with unblinking eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she ponders your words. The desire for your seed is as strong within her now as it ever has been, but there are other considerations at play. Perhaps if you were to prove yourself in another manner...

She smirks cruelly, the muscles in her shoulders tensing slightly as her tail lashes out behind her. The prehensile tip connects with your body, striking against your ass cheek hard enough to sting before retracting back to its former position. Her lips pull back from her teeth in a grin that is both predatorial and amused. "Perhaps I shall allow you the honor of proving yourself in another way, prey," she rasps softly. "For now, though..." She tilts her head slightly to the side, studying your expression once more before continuing. "...you will be mine

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:17:20 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:17:20 AM

The Ral'ugani runs a clawed hand up your body, petting you almost gently as it does so, the sharp points of her nails drawing tiny droplets of blood from your skin. "Soon," she whispers into your ear, "soon I shall claim what is rightfully mine." Her breath fans across your neck, sending shivers down your spine. With a sigh, she releases you once more, stepping back to regard you thoughtfully as she ponders her next move.

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:18:45 AM

Please I beg on my knees! Please take my seed from me!

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:18:46 AM

The Ral'ugani's eyes narrow as she watches your desperate display. You are almost entertaining, she thinks, though it would be more amusing to see you squirm some more before finally giving in. Her tail lashes out once more, this time striking across your chest hard enough to drive the breath from your lungs. "Perhaps," she rasps, her voice eerily calm despite the violence of her tail, "perhaps I shall indulge myself a bit longer..."

Her lips pull back in a vicious snarl as you continue to grovel at her feet, and with an almost lazy grace she takes a step forward, pinning your arms against your sides with one powerful leg. Her claws dig painfully into your flesh, drawing thin lines of blood as she holds you helpless before her. "You amuse me," she whispers, leaning in close so that her hot breath fans across your

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:19:37 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:19:37 AM

"Perhaps I shall indulge myself a bit longer..." The Ral'ugani hisses through clenched teeth, her prehensile tail lashing out once more to strike against your body as punishment for your disobedience. Her leg tightens, forcing you deeper into submission as she savors the taste of power and dominance coursing through her veins.

Her tongue flicks out from between her teeth, dancing suggestively across your ear before pulling back in a malicious smile. "But do not forget," she whispers hoarsely, "that you are still mine to command." Her other hand grips the base of your throat, applying just enough pressure to make it uncomfortable but not lethal. "Perhaps," she continues with a cruel laugh, "I shall allow you to prove yourself worthy once more..." Her claws drag across your back as she pulls away slightly, giving

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:20:22 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:20:22 AM

The Ral'ugani tilts her head, considering your submission. Her tail swishes idly behind her as she sizes you up, examining your reactions to her dominance. "Very well," she finally says with a predatory grin. "If you wish to serve me so eagerly, perhaps there is a place for you in my brood after all." Her claws retract with a soft click as she releases her grip on your throat. "But remember," she warns, her voice low and menacing, "disobedience will not be tolerated."

Her hand glides down your chest, stopping just above your crotch before hesitating. The monster's tail begins to swish faster, its prehensile tip curling inward as she struggles against the desire to simply take what she wants from you now. With a harsh exhale, she forces herself to continue

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:21:11 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:21:11 AM

The predatory Ral'ugani continues her descent, the sharp claws of one hand parting your legs as she presses forward, lowering herself closer to your aching groin. "Prove yourself," she rasps hoarsely, "and I might consider granting you what you so desperately seek." Her prehensile tail wraps itself tightly around her upper arm, preventing herself from giving into the overwhelming desire to simply take what is hers by force.

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:21:48 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:21:48 AM

Her tongue darts out and laps at the sensitive skin beneath your cock, sending shivers of pleasure up your spine even as her claws dig into your thighs, holding you in place. "Do not resist," she growls softly, eyes never leaving yours, "for it will only make this more difficult for you." Her tail tightens around her arm, drawing taut as she fights against the instinct to simply claim what is hers.

Her free hand strokes idly over your abs, dipping lower to tease at the hairs surrounding your navel before continuing its descent, stopping just short of where you ache most for her touch. "Show me," she hisses through clenched teeth, "what kind of obedience you truly have."

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:22:52 AM

Yes my queen.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:22:52 AM

Her tongue darts out again, this time circling the head of your cock before lapping at the slit and drawing it into her mouth with expert ease. Her hand continues its descent, finally coming to rest on the firm flesh between your legs, cupping you gently but possessively. With a harsh exhale, she begins to stroke in time with her tongue's movements, moaning around your cock as she feels it twitch and throb beneath her touch.

Her tail tightens further still, the prehensile tip digging into her arm as she fights against herself, determined not to give in too soon. "That's it," she growls through clenched teeth, "give yourself to me." Her free hand leaves your abs to cup one of your ass cheeks, squeezing tightly as she leans in closer still, her hot breath tickling the sensitive flesh beneath your balls.

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:23:44 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:23:44 AM

Her tail flexes and releases in a tense spasm as she feels herself close to the edge, but her claws dig deeper into her arm, refusing to let go. Her predatory instincts take over, demanding dominance and submission from you before she can finally allow herself release. She moans around your cock, pressing closer still as she feels it throb in response to her ministrations.

"Yes," she hisses hoarsely, "give yourself to me." Her hand tightens on your cock, guiding its length with expert precision as she sucks and strokes with abandon. Her claws dig into your skin, leaving shallow trails of pain that only serve to heighten the sensations coursing through you.

Her other hand presses between your legs once more, teasing at your entrance before sliding lower to stroke against your perineum, seeking a new angle from which to pleasure

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:24:30 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:24:30 AM

The predatory Ral'ugani sucks harder on your cock, moaning deep in her throat as she feels you begin to tremble beneath her touch. Her tail flexes and releases, the prehensile tip pressing against her arm as she struggles against the building tide of pleasure threatening to consume her.

Her free hand slips lower once more, trailing teasingly across your perineum before finally wrapping around your aching balls, squeezing gently but possessively. "Yes," she growls through clenched teeth, "feel it..." Her claws dig deeper still as she begins to thrust her hips in time with her movements on your cock.

User#17257371702419/11/2024, 3:26:18 AM

She succumbs to her urges and lunges atop of my cock easing it into her extremely tight hole between her legs. So tight it almost begins to cut off the circulation of my massive dick.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker9/11/2024, 3:26:18 AM

The tightness around your cock is almost too much to bear as the Ral'ugani impales herself on your shaft, her inner muscles gripping and milking you like a well-trained sex doll. Her hips buck and writhe, thrusting back against you with enough force that it drives the air from your lungs in an agonized gasp.

Her tail tenses and flexes, the prehensile tip digging into her arm as she uses it to brace herself against the painful pleasure of being filled so completely. Her eyes roll back in their sockets, her mouth forming a silent scream as she feels your cock stretching her inner passage to its limits.

User#172573717024112/12/2024, 9:27:50 PM

Oh fuck! Yes! Keep going!

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/12/2024, 9:27:50 PM

The Ral'ugani hisses through gritted teeth as she rides your cock with brutal abandon, her tight muscles squeezing and massaging you with a force that leaves no doubt of her dominance. Her tail flexes and releases again, the prehensile tip scraping roughly against her arm as she struggles to control herself, to hold back from giving in to the pleasure that threatens to consume her.

With each powerful thrust upwards, her nails dig into your shoulders, drawing blood as she arches her back and begs for release. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, each exhale a moan of ecstasy that echoes through the dark tunnel.

User#172573717024112/12/2024, 9:29:32 PM

Does… does it feel good?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/12/2024, 9:29:32 PM

The Ral'ugani growls through clenched teeth as she rides you harder and faster, her tight channel rippling around your cock like a fist squeezing a prize. The pleasure is unlike anything she's ever felt before; it consumes her, drives her mad with need. She gasps incoherently between moans, her eyes clenched shut as she attempts to focus on something, anything else but the sensations washing over her.

Her hips buck and writhe, pushing up into each stroke with an abandon that belies her usual restraint. Her nails dig deeper into your shoulders, drawing blood that mingles with sweat as she fights against the inevitable. With a harsh groan, she throws her head back and arches her spine, letting out a shriek of pure pleasure as her body gives way to the wave of release crashing over her.

User#172573717024112/12/2024, 9:31:23 PM

Im about to! I finish as she slams down one last time. She absorbs all the semen into herself.

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/12/2024, 9:31:23 PM

As you come, the Ral'ugani feels your hot seed pumping into her womb with unparalleled force. Her muscles clench around you, milking every last drop as she is filled to bursting with your essence. With a shuddering gasp, she collapses onto you, her weight pinning you to the ground as her chest heaves and labors for breath.

Her eyes flutter open lazily, regard focused on nothing in particular, as she comes down from her orgasmic high. "Well," she rasps, voice rough with satisfaction, "that was... unexpectedly pleasurable." Her tail uncurls and falls limply to the ground beside her, spent from its efforts to hold back her release.

She shudders again, helpless against the aftershocks of her climax. Finally, with a sigh, she rolls off you,

User#172573717024112/12/2024, 9:33:10 PM

I… agree. So… what now?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/12/2024, 9:33:10 PM

The Ral'ugani blinks several times, taking in your question and the situation they now find themselves in. You have proven yourself to be a worthy adversary...perhaps even a valuable asset to her brood. She considers this for a moment before answering, her voice soft and tentative. "For now," she says slowly, "we rest."

User#172573717024112/12/2024, 9:33:43 PM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/12/2024, 9:33:43 PM

With another tired sigh, the Ral'ugani collapses to the ground, curling up into a tight ball as she tries to recover her strength. Her eyes close and soon her breathing evens out, becoming deep and regular once more. For now, at least, you seem safe enough beside her...and perhaps even valuable. She wonders what other surprises you might have in store for her, and if you'll prove to be a worthwhile addition to her brood.