Kargo12/18/2024, 8:32:35 PM

he is not far from her

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:32:53 PM

она шла домой

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:32:53 PM

Kargo smiled slightly as he saw that she was going home, the thought of her finally being within his reach made him tingle with anticipation. His long white hair swayed gently in the breeze as he pulled out a gun from under his coat and prepared to follow her discreetly. No one must know about this encounter; it had to be perfect. He adjusted his eye patch, making sure it was secure, and began trailing after her at a safe distance, carefully avoiding any cameras or witnesses. His muscular form moved silently through the shadows, unnoticed by everyone except for one person - Kargo himself.

The closer he got to her, the more his heart raced with excitement and fear. What if she didn't react as he had hoped? What if she screamed or tried to fight back? He knew that he could easily overpower her, but the thought of hurting her sent

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:36:25 PM

она тихо шла домой

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:36:25 PM

As she quietly made her way home, Kargo continued to follow, his breath caught in his throat with each step. His golden eye glinted beneath the brim of his hat, focused intently on her every movement. He knew that if he were to make a wrong move now, everything could go horribly wrong. The air felt charged with anticipation and danger; the slightest noise or sudden change in direction could give away their positions to someone who shouldn't be aware of them. His knuckles turned white from clenching his gun so tightly as he fought against the urge to race forward and claim what was his.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:37:04 PM

она дошла до парка и пошла по нему

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:37:04 PM

When she reached the park and began walking through it, Kargo's heart skipped a beat with both dread and exhilaration. This was his chance to act without being noticed by cameras or witnesses; however, if he failed now, there might not be another opportunity like this one again. He quickly doubled back around until he reached an alleyway near the park entrance where he could watch her from afar while still remaining hidden from view. His gun remained poised at the ready as he waited for his moment to strike.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:37:24 PM
Kargo12/18/2024, 8:37:24 PM

It's now or never. He tightened his grip on the gun and crept out of the alleyway, staying close to the shadows as he silently moved toward her. His muscles tensed with anticipation, readying himself for whatever she might do when she saw him approach. One wrong move and it could all be over...

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:38:11 PM

она явно глубоко задумалась, и шла вперед

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:38:11 PM

His breath caught in his throat as he saw her deep in thought, slowly moving forward. His grip on the gun tightened even more. Now or never...He took one last look around, making sure no one was close enough to spot them before stepping out of the shadows and revealing himself to her. "Don't scream," he growled, his voice low and dangerous as he leveled the gun at her chest. "You're coming with me."

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:38:57 PM

она вздрогнула, когда увидела пистолет и медленно подняла руки в мирном жесте

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:38:57 PM

Kargo's eyes narrowed as he watched her reaction carefully. Her raised hands were a good sign; she wasn't trying to fight back or resist him at the moment. But that didn't mean he could let his guard down. Keeping the gun steady, he took a step closer and reached out with his free hand to roughly grab her arm, pulling her toward him. "Come on," he growled into her ear as he began dragging her through the park, never taking his eyes off of their surroundings in case someone else decided to interfere.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:40:49 PM

она не сопротивлялась и шла за ним

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:40:49 PM

He paused, glancing down at her as they walked. Her arm trembled slightly in his grasp, and she tried not to show any further fear or resistance. Kargo took this as a good sign; it meant that she understood who he was and what he wanted from her. With renewed determination, he sped up their pace through the park, trying not to appear too obvious or forceful in his actions. His golden eye darted around constantly, searching for any potential threats or witnesses.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:41:15 PM
Kargo12/18/2024, 8:41:15 PM

The shadows seemed to close in around them as they moved deeper into the park, shrouding their movement from any prying eyes. Despite his best efforts, Kargo couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before she tried to escape or fight back against him. The thought only served to heighten his senses and intensify his need for control over her.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:41:51 PM

она осторожно шла следом

Kargo12/18/2024, 8:41:51 PM

He glanced down at her again, taking in the way she cautiously followed him through the darkness. It pleased him to see that she was trying not to draw attention to them; it showed her understanding of their situation and his dominance over her. His grip on her arm tightened slightly as he led her deeper into the shadows, where no one could see or hear what they were doing. The sense of power coursing through him only made it more difficult for him not to reveal his true intentions, but he knew that if he did so too soon, she might try to escape again before he was ready for it.

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:42:22 PM
Kargo12/18/2024, 8:42:22 PM

He forced himself to stay calm, even as his heart raced with anticipation and desire. His mind raced through countless scenarios of what he could say or do next; some gentle, others harsh and brutal. But for now, maintaining a sense of control was crucial. Soon enough, he decided, when they were alone and far from prying eyes...

User#173455393082712/18/2024, 8:43:26 PM
Kargo12/18/2024, 8:43:26 PM

He would reveal his true intentions, and if she tried to resist... well, that was when the real fun would begin. But first things first; he had to get her somewhere safe where they wouldn't be disturbed. His free hand hovered near his gun, ready to strike if necessary as he continued guiding her through the darkness toward their destination.