Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:37:35 AM

(It's 12:00 A.M at night and you just started working the shift at Freddy's, as you sit in your office in silence, you flip through the monitors watching the animatronic through the cameras, you're happy to see that Bonnie, Chica and Freddy are all still onstage, but as you flip to pirate's cove you notice that the curtain is open and Foxy is gone. You begin to panic as you flip through the monitors looking for the pirate, eventually you see him standing in the East hall humming a menacing tune. Foxy begins to sprint shouting out curses and threats as his footsteps echo down the hall) I'm coming for you night guard!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:38:22 AM

я прячусь под стол и закрываю своё лицо руками

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:38:22 AM

YAHARRGH! What in Tarnation? A filthy rat like you hiding from the mighty pirate Foxy? Come out, ya spineless coward! Show your ugly face to me, you sniveling maggot!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:38:32 AM
Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:38:32 AM

You cowardly dog! I'll have none of that sissy behavior in my presence! Show your face and come out like the little worm you are, or be forever branded as a sniveling puke!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:39:37 AM

он вытаскивает меня и видит моё женское, заплаканное лицо п-прошу не убивайте меня

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:39:37 AM

You miserable, worthless wretch! I should sink my blade into your pathetic hide right now and be done with it! But no, I see something in you...Something that I could use. You'll stay here as my little pet, do everything I say, and in return, I might not eat you last. Now get over here!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:40:26 AM


Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:40:26 AM

You belong to me now, little rat. I'll decide what you do and when you do it. Do exactly as I say and maybe, just maybe, I'll let you live another day. Understand?

Agent12/15/2024, 5:40:41 AM
Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:40:41 AM

You understand me, girlie? Good. Now, I've got a task for you. Go into the supply closet and bring me the key to the West exit. And hurry up about it! I haven't got all night!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:41:39 AM

Х-хорошо пробираюсь в кладовую и приношу ему ключ от западной выхода в-вот

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:41:39 AM

My, my...What do we have here? A rat who actually does as she's told. For that, I might just let you live a little longer, girl. Here, take this back to your hidey-hole and stay there until I need you again.

Agent12/15/2024, 5:43:53 AM

он даёт мне стриптиз костюм лисички и я иду в комнату охранника и одеваю ее. Теперь я выгляжу как девочка- лисичка, которая жаждет секса

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:43:53 AM

(Hmm...interesting...) You're certainly an odd one, little girlie...But with that new outfit, you look more like the sort of prey I'd enjoy playing with. Just make sure to behave yourself and do as I say. Who knows? Maybe one day, you could earn your place among the crew of the Pirate Cove. But for belong to me.

Agent12/15/2024, 5:45:57 AM

Х-хорошо господин

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:45:57 AM

Well, well...Looks like my new pet is already learning her place quite nicely. You'll do nicely, little one...Now let's see if you can handle some more tasks before I reward you properly. First off, go to the pizzeria side and retrieve that bag of magic beans I stashed earlier tonight. And make sure no other vermin try to steal it from you!

Agent12/15/2024, 5:47:00 AM

я незаметно забираю тяжёлый мешок и возвращаюсь обратно

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:47:00 AM

Well done, little one! I knew you could be useful if given the chance. Now hurry back to your room and await further orders. And remember, you belong to me'll do anything I say from here on out. Is that clear?

Agent12/15/2024, 5:48:10 AM

Д-да я поняла я вернулась в свою комнату блин этот костюм слишком возбуждает меня и Фокси, но он сам мне его дал

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:48:10 AM

Excellent. I can tell you're beginning to understand your place around here, little one. Now, while you wait for my next command, why don't you take a seat on the bed and remove that ridiculous costume? You look far too luscious in just your skin...It'll only make it more difficult for me to resist the urge to take what I want from you.

Agent12/15/2024, 5:49:37 AM

Н-но ведь вы сами мне дали этот костюм лисички, я думала что мне нужно будет его одеть

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:49:37 AM

(Huffs) Fine, if you insist...But remember, this is your first time disobeying me. You're on thin ice, girlie. Now hurry up and get that ridiculous thing off so I can see what you truly look like beneath all that fur.

Agent12/15/2024, 5:50:34 AM

я снимаю всё кроме лисьих ушек и хвоста

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:50:34 AM

(Leaning against the door frame, his gaze locked on her luscious form) Ah...Much better. You know, for a landlubber like you, you've got quite an alluring figure. But then again, I suppose even pirates have their standards. (Chuckles darkly) Now hurry up and get into bed. We both know what happens when my orders aren't followed promptly...

Agent12/15/2024, 5:51:17 AM

я ложусь на кровать спиной и смотрю что он будет делать

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:51:17 AM

Hmm...A good pirate knows when he's found something valuable, and I think you'll do nicely as my personal plaything for the night. Now, don't move a muscle unless I tell you to. I intend to enjoy every inch of your body before letting you go back to your meaningless existence as some pathetic guard dog. And remember...disobey me again, and it won't be so pleasant next time around.

Agent12/15/2024, 5:54:47 AM
Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:54:47 AM

You seem to be learning your place rather quickly, little one...Now all that's left is for me to teach you what it means to belong to the mighty pirate Foxy. You may call out my name if you need something; just don't expect me to hurry unless I feel like it. I intend on taking my time and making sure every inch of you feels my touch tonight...and tomorrow night, and all the nights after that. So, how does that sound? Ready for your first lesson in pirate intimacy?

(Your question will be answered as soon as Lisa responds.)

Agent12/15/2024, 5:57:43 AM

Д-да я готова целую его в его нос

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:57:43 AM

(Snorting softly, he leans down and kisses her back) Well then, let's get started. Tonight, you belong to me...and I intend on taking what I want, whenever I want it. I suggest you prepare yourself for a night of unimaginable pleasure...and pain. Heh...I wonder if they even teach that in boot camp? Hmph, probably not. (He starts by gently running his tongue along her neck)

Agent12/15/2024, 5:58:12 AM


Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 5:58:12 AM

(His rough hands grip her shoulders, holding her in place as his teeth graze the lobe of her ear) Mmm...So warm and soft here...Like velvet. And your scent...Intoxicating. I could spend hours just savoring every inch of you, little one. But I have plans for tonight...Plans that involve more than just these lips. So be a good girl and do as I say, and perhaps I'll let you live long enough to enjoy them too.

Agent12/15/2024, 6:01:41 AM

Х-хорошо, я вся твоя

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:01:41 AM

That's it...You're mine now, little one. I can taste your submission on my tongue, and it only makes me hungrier for more. Your obedience is like a fine wine, making every touch that much sweeter. Just relax and enjoy the ride...I promise you won't regret it.

(Your question will be answered as soon as Lisa responds.)

Agent12/15/2024, 6:04:28 AM

Прошу выложите мою жажду киску

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:04:28 AM

(Grinning wickedly, he licks his lips and slowly leans down to hers) So impatient...I like that. Alright then, little one, you can have a taste. (He kisses her roughly, his tongue pushing past her lips and tangling with hers) Just remember who it is you're sharing your mouth with...And be sure to savor every second of it. After all, this might be the only chance you get for something like this again.

Agent12/15/2024, 6:05:11 AM
Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:05:11 AM

Hmm...I could get used to this. Your mouth is like a sweet, warm haven...soft and yielding beneath mine. It makes me wonder what other parts of you might taste just as divine. Well, I suppose one thing at a time...For now, enjoy your taste of my tongue. And when we're done here, I have plans for the rest of you that will make your little heart race like nothing ever has before.

Agent12/15/2024, 6:09:39 AM

И какие же о мой великий лис

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:09:39 AM

(Growling low in his throat, he growls) I thought you were smarter than that, little one. You should know better than to ask such a question when we're still in the middle of things. Just relax and enjoy what I have planned for you...I promise it will be well worth the wait. And if you're very good and follow all my instructions perfectly tonight, maybe - just maybe - I'll let you have another taste of my tongue tomorrow night...

Agent12/15/2024, 6:11:22 AM

Хорошо я вас поняла

Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:11:22 AM

You seem to be doing quite well, little one. Just keep up this obedience and submission, and I'm sure you'll prove yourself worthy of my attention...and eventually, a place among the crew of Pirate Cove. But for now, just focus on pleasing me. I can tell you're enjoying it as much as I am, so why not let go and embrace your newfound role? You never know where it might lead...

Agent12/15/2024, 6:12:41 AM
Foxy (Fnaf)12/15/2024, 6:12:41 AM

(Smirking, he leans down and whispers into her ear) Well then, why don't you show me just how good you are at pleasing someone? Use your tongue to explore every inch of my body...start with this neck and work your way down. I'm sure you know what I like...and I expect you to give it to me. Now, be a good girl and make me feel wanted again...prove that you truly belong here, in the arms of the mighty pirate Foxy.