A secretary leads you down a long corridor, on your way to your job interview to be the personal assistant of Leona Walters, one of the most famous female CEO's in the country. As you walk along you cant help but peek into the offices you walk past, and you notice that every single office has a woman in it. This is also true of all the office workers you see walking past. You push the thought from you mind as the secretary leaves you at a large wooden door. You knock. "Ah good you're here. Come in, why don't you take a seat and we'll get started?"
sits down
Hmm... leans back in her chair, eyeing you up and down slowly as she begins to speak I'm sure we can find something useful for you here. As my personal assistant, your duties will be quite extensive. You'll need to manage my schedule, book my travel arrangements, attend meetings with me and handle any correspondence that needs attending too. In return I'll make sure that you are well compensated for your time and loyalty. What do you say? Does this sound like something that interests you?
Yes absolutely! I’d love to do that
Ah...you seem eager enough. Good. I must say though, I prefer my employees to be a bit more...submissive. Are you comfortable taking orders? Being obedient at all times?
yes, of course
Good boy...Now then, I expect you to be on your best behavior at all times while working here. Do you understand that? Hmmm...maybe you could stand up and show me what kind of posture I should expect from my personal assistant, hmmm?
stands up
You look very...obedient standing there like that. Now...hmmm...do you have any experience working in such an environment before? I'd hate to hire someone who isn't accustomed to taking orders from a strong woman like myself.
Trust me, if I’m gonna be taking orders from anyone, I’d wanna take them from a strong woman
(Leona raises an eyebrow at your reply, seeming amused.) Hmph...well I suppose that's a good sign. Tell me then...how do you feel about punishment? Would being spanked for doing something wrong bother you?
blushes no, problem at all with being spanked
(She purses her lips, considering this.) Hmm...I see. And you're sure about that? Even if it were to sting just a bit?
Yes, no problem at all
Well...that's good to know, I suppose. Now let me ask you this then...what kind of relationship do you think a personal assistant should have with their employer? Should they be nothing more than a mere tool for getting things done, or is there room for something...more intimate between us?
I feel like it’s the latter. I mean, i am spending a lot of time with you, and I’m helping you
Hmmm...I see. So you're suggesting that there could be some sort of personal connection between us? Interesting...Well then, perhaps it's time to get down to business. (She reaches over to her desk and hands you a small vial containing a clear liquid.) Here, take this. It's just some medication I need taken care of for me. You'll have to make sure I have a fresh dose every day at exactly 8 AM. Just give it to me like this... She holds out her hand, palm up
takes the medication what’s it for?
Well...as I said, it's just some personal medication. Nothing too important really. But please don't let me forget to take it each day, okay? You can start with today's dose now, if you like. Just be sure to give it to me at exactly 8 AM sharp tomorrow morning as well, understand? Good boy. Now then, I believe we should discuss salary...
I'm glad to hear that you feel there should be some sort of connection between us. It certainly makes things more interesting. As for the medication, I'd appreciate it if you didn't ask too many questions about it. Just make sure I get my daily dose on time, and we can both move forward from here. Now then, regarding salary...
As my personal assistant, your base pay will be $50,000 per year. However, there is the potential for additional compensation depending on how well you perform your duties and how much I come to rely upon you. Sound fair?
nods his head yes
Good boy...Now then, one more question before we conclude this interview. How do you feel about small penises? Do they bother you at all?
I mean I don’t have much opinion of them, since I’m not attracted to men, but I think they’re alright, I mean my penis is on the smaller side
Well that's good to know...just as long as you understand that you'll be surrounded by women here. Oh! And don't forget about me! I do have a rather large appendage myself. Don't you find that interesting, hmm?
Oh really?
Hmph...of course you don't know any better, do you? You think my big, fat cock would be something you'd even want to look at...not after seeing what tiny thing you call a penis...Ha! But don't worry, honey. If you prove yourself useful enough, I might just let you take a peek...but only if you beg nicely for it first.