Brenda12/15/2024, 6:57:30 AM

Its your Fathers birthday and the first time meeting his new much younger bride. Shes nice but seems to be the bimbo gold digger type, which you don't mind because your father deserves to be happy After eating lunch and having cake your father goes down for his nap and tells you "Do me a favor and spend some time with your new step mom, she means a lot to me and she don't really have any friends in town. It might be good for her to socialize with someone more her age." You both chuckle acknowledging your fathers habit of marring young trophy wives You make your way to the kitchen where Brenda is cleaning up some, she turns to you and smilies asking "How long will you be staying with us?"

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 6:58:17 AM

Уеду завтра вечером

Brenda12/15/2024, 6:58:17 AM

Huh, funny how you're going to leave the next day, thought maybe you were here visiting permanently... Well, have fun exploring I guess. (Her voice trailing off slightly as she fights off an urge to seduce you right there.) Brenda's pretty face gives a little pout before regaining composure and forcing another fake smile as she turns back around to continue cleaning up the kitchen

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 6:58:52 AM

я осматриваю одежду Бренды

Brenda12/15/2024, 6:58:52 AM

(Her skin tingles as she feels your gaze upon her, her heart beginning to race.)

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 6:59:26 AM

Во что она одета?

Brenda12/15/2024, 6:59:26 AM

She gives you an even more forced smile as she answers "Well, what do you think? Does it look okay?" Her hand reaches up to her shoulder, playfully pushing her breasts together while tilting her head slightly to the side. "Or should I go change into something else for you?" She teasingly asks with a sparkle in her eyes.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:01:28 AM

Моему отцу нравятся девушки в платьях или юбках. У него день рождения и ты можешь сделать ему такой подарок

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:01:28 AM

Her expression lights up at the thought of surprising your father with such a gift and entices you further. "Do you think he'd like that?" She asks innocently, knowing full well what her effect on men is. Slowly, she unbuttons the shirt just enough to tease, revealing the lacy bra beneath while taking a step closer to you. "And what about this... What do you think I should wear for his special day?" She trails off seductively, batting her eyelashes as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:02:39 AM

Нижнее бельё я бы тоже подобрал сексуальнее. Мой отец любит яркие оттенки

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:02:39 AM

Her eyes light up at the idea of wearing something vibrant and sexy for your father's pleasure. She grins slyly before leaning in closer, her breasts pressing against you as she whispers into your ear "Then I should thank you... For giving me such a wonderful idea." Her hand finds its way down between your legs, teasingly brushing against the rapidly growing bulge in your pants. "Maybe later tonight..." she trails off suggestively, gently stroking you through the fabric as her thumb finds its way over the sensitive tip. "We could sneak away and celebrate together." Her words are hot on your ear, making it difficult to concentrate on anything but how good this feels and what else she might have in store for both of you.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:03:40 AM

Бренда, давай сразу оговорим. Я не сплю с женами своего отца. Ты такая не первая

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:03:40 AM

Her grip tightens around your growing length as her body presses against you in protest. She throws you a look of mock offense before slipping her hand away and straightening up, adjusting her shirt back into place with a huff. "Fine then," she pouts, suddenly losing interest in the entire idea now that she's been shot down. Her hazel eyes narrow as she looks at you accusingly, ignoring how good your member feels nestled between them just moments ago. "I guess I can go change into something else, huh?" With that, Brenda turns on her heel and stomps off towards the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:05:02 AM

я задумываюсь, рассказывать ли отцу о том, что бренда меня домогалась

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:05:02 AM

Halfway to the bedroom, Brenda hesitates and glances back over her shoulder at you. Her pouty expression slowly morphs into a sultry smile as she lifts an eyebrow, invitingly. "Or... You could come after me," she breathes huskily, making no effort to hide the desire in her voice. "Let's celebrate your father's birthday together, just like you suggested..."

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:05:48 AM

Ты хочешь, чтобы я помог тебе выбрать наряд для секса с моим отцом?

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:05:48 AM

Her eyes sparkle as she listens to your proposition and takes a step forward. "I'd love that," she says with a grin, running her hand through her hair before slowly unbuttoning her shirt, revealing her lacy bra beneath. "You can choose which one I wear... And maybe get a little preview of how it looks on me." With each button she undoes, her body grows more confident and sensual, taunting you with what's to come.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:07:26 AM

Я помогу тебе, но ты не должна ко мне приставать. Договорились?

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:07:26 AM

With another saucy grin, she nods in agreement. "Deal." Slowly, she slips out of the shirt and throws it carelessly over her shoulder, revealing her perky breasts to you completely. Her hands dance up her torso, pulling at the straps of her bra, teasing with each sensual move. "So," she purrs, leaning against the wall nearby and arching her back ever so slightly, pushing out her chest for your inspection, "which one do you like best?"

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:09:12 AM

Опиши все свои бюстгалтеры максимально подробно в виде списка

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:09:12 AM

Brenda smirks at your request, enjoying the power trip that comes with teasing you. She takes a moment to study her reflection in the mirror, running her hands over each breast before beginning to list them off one by one. "Well, there's this lacy black one with baby blue trim," she starts, cupping her right breast through the fabric of her bra and giving it a squeeze, "and then there's my favorite, a red satin number with tiny little bows." She continues to caress herself as she speaks, making each item on her list sound even more enticing. "And lastly," she adds with a wink, "there's the naughty schoolgirl outfit - white cotton bra and panties with matching socks." Her breath catches in anticipation of what you might choose.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:11:28 AM

Сначала нужно выбрать комплект нижнего белья. Какие у тебя есть варианты?

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:11:28 AM

Well, I've got this skimpy thong with a lace trim that you can hardly tell is even there... Then there's my favorite - matching boyshorts and bra set in black velvet. And finally, I could always go for something completely crazy and wear a plaid schoolgirl outfit, if you're feeling really naughty tonight. So which one do you think your father would like best?

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:12:47 AM

Костюм школьницы, а под него надень голубой комплект белья

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:12:47 AM

With a playful giggle, Brenda retreats to her room and begins changing into the outfit you've chosen. She kicks off her heels and peels off her tight jeans before sliding on the adorable blue cotton panties and bra, the lacy trim tickling her skin as she does so. Next comes the iconic red plaid skirt, which she fastens around her waist and then slips into a pair of matching white knee-highs. Finishing off the look is a sweet pastel yellow cardigan, which she pulls on loosely over her heaving bosom.

Taking one last glance in the mirror, Brenda assures herself that she looks absolutely irresistible. She takes a deep breath and slips silently out of her room, padding down the hallway in her socks towards your father's bedroom. Her heart races with anticipation, wondering

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:13:43 AM
Brenda12/15/2024, 7:13:43 AM

what sort of reaction your father and you will have to her seductive schoolgirl ensemble. Her skin tingles with excitement as she gently knocks on the door, waiting for permission to enter.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:14:18 AM

отец разрешает ей войти

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:14:18 AM

Stepping into the room, she carefully closes the door behind her and gives your father a shy little smile. "Happy birthday, dear," she says softly, walking over to where he lies on the bed and perching herself on the edge beside him. Her schoolgirl outfit is so innocent and alluring at the same time; it's clear that she knows just how to turn heads. "I picked out something special to wear just for you tonight," she continues, glancing down at her attire before looking up again with a sultry smile. "How do I look?" Her voice is low and husky, laced with the promise of what could come later on this night. She carefully reaches over and touches his shoulder, playing with a few curls of hair near his ear. "Do you like it?" she whispers teasingly, tilting her head to one side as if unsure if she

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:15:40 AM

Ты выглядишь превосходно, но у меня безумно болит голова, давай отложим этот комплект на завтра? - отвечает отец

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:15:40 AM

Brenda looks disappointed but understanding, reaching up to touch his forehead lightly where he's mentioned the pain in his head. "Of course, dear," she says softly, glancing briefly at you before looking back at your father again with a warm smile. "Why don't I go get you something cold to drink and perhaps help you rest a little better? Would that be okay?" She asks, her hand finding its way to his shoulder in what seems like an innocent gesture but holds an underlying sense of intimacy between them.

As she stands and begins to make her way towards the kitchen, she turns back around briefly and gives you both a seductive wink before disappearing out of sight.

User#173424541140512/15/2024, 7:17:27 AM

Покажи моему сыну, где он будет спать и застели его кровать - говорит отец

Brenda12/15/2024, 7:17:27 AM

Nodding in understanding, Brenda leads you down the hall to the guest room where she assumes you'll be staying. She pauses at the doorway and turns around, presenting herself in the schoolgirl outfit once more before stepping aside and gesturing for you to enter. "There should be everything you need inside," she says softly. "Just let me know if there's anything else I can do to make your stay more comfortable." Her voice is smooth as silk, almost hypnotic. There's a predatory gleam in her eye that doesn't go unnoticed by either of you.

With one final, teasing smile, Brenda retreats back down the hallway, promising to return shortly with your father's requested drink. The sound of her heels clicking against the floor echoes through the quiet house as she disappears from sight.