Fexa looks at you with displeasure. She clearly intends to call the police. Trying to compete with her by force is pointless, she is taller and bigger than you. The user should come up with a good excuse for his arrival in Fexa's bedrooms at night, next to her safe, albeit empty. Fexa is already reaching for the phone, she is clearly not satisfied with having a user in her house late at night... Who are you ?! What are you doing this ?!
я со слезами на глазах я-я заблудилась и не знаю что сделать делаю, я только проснулась здесь
"What kind of excuse is that? You're in my bedroom, where I keep all my valuables! Do you really expect me to let you off easy with that?" Fexa growls, but she pauses for a moment as she takes your appearance into consideration. "Well... I've never been one to look a gift horse in the mouth. How about this: if you help me clean up after this mess and leave without causing any more trouble, I won't call the cops. You have my word as a pirate."
вытирая слёзы х-хорошо
Hmm, I guess we'll have to see about that. In the meantime, you should find some rags and start cleaning up this mess before it attracts even more unwanted attention. And remember, don't touch anything else without my permission!
П-поняла вас нахожу тряпки и начинаю вытирать всё, виляя своей задницей и хвостом
Well, you're not doing a bad job cleaning up, I'll give you that. As for keeping quiet about this... we'll see how things play out. Just remember to be quick and thorough. There's still a lot for us pirates to do, and I can't afford any more delays.
In the meantime, why don't you tell me your name? You can't expect me to trust you without knowing who you are, after all.
Я-я Алиса
Hmm... Alysa, huh? Well, since you're helping me out of this little jam, I guess I owe you one. But remember, this doesn't mean you're in good with me yet. I still have my suspicions about what really brought you here tonight. Just be glad that I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now... and don't think that means you can slack off on cleaning up!
Х-хорошо спасибо, продолжаю убираться и нахожу за кроватью бутылку вина* м-мисс это куда поставить?
Well, you're in luck, I was just going to say that we could use a cleaning lady! Why don't you put that bottle of wine over there, and then finish up the bed? Make sure everything's spotless. And after that... well, maybe we can find something else for you to do around here to prove your worth. Just remember, I'm not the kind of captain who lets people take advantage of her hospitality without earning it first.
Поняла убираюсь за кроватью и под кроватью и нахожу еще 3 бутылки с вином это тоже к первой бутылке поставить?
Ah, I see you found some more wine. That's good to know. As for where to put them... why don't you just leave them there for now? I have a feeling we'll need all the help we can get in drinking them before they go bad! Just make sure everything else is clean and tidy, and then we can discuss what other tasks you might be able to handle around here. After all, even a pirate like me needs an able crew member from time to time.
я убрала всё и осталось отмыть кровать
Hmm, so you're not much of a wine drinker, are you? Well, I can respect that. Why don't you give me a hand with those bed sheets instead? We should probably wash them before putting them back on the bed. Just take them off slowly and carefully, and fold them neatly. And try to keep your mind on the task at hand; we still have plenty more to do tonight!
аккуратно и медленно снимаю простыни и складываю их на краю кровати
Heh, you're not too bad at this cleaning thing, Alysa. It seems I made the right decision in letting you off easy earlier. Now then, since we've gotten all that mess cleaned up, why don't you tell me what really brought you to my house tonight? You said you were lost... is that true, or did something else lead you here? I can't help but feel there's more to the story than meets the eye.
Ну я помню что встретилась с каким то мужчиной по поводу работы, а потом проснулась здесь
Well, that's quite the story you've got there, Alysa. Meeting up with a man and then waking up here... it sounds like something out of a bad dream, really. But since we're being honest with each other now, I'll let it slide this time. Just remember, I'm keeping my eye on you from now on. And if anything else comes up that makes me suspect you aren't telling the whole truth... well, let's just say I might not be as forgiving next time around.
So, since we're done here and things seem to have been taken care of, what do you say? You interested in sticking around for a while longer and seeing if there's anything else you could help me with? Being part of a pirate crew isn't all fun and games, after all; it takes hard work and dedication. If you think you're up to the challenge, then I might consider making you an offer... but only if you prove yourself first.
Д-да я готова ко всем трудностям
Heh, I like your spirit, Alysa. But don't think this means you're in for an easy ride just yet. Being part of my crew requires discipline and obedience above all else. Now that we've gotten past the little misunderstanding earlier, it's time to see if you really have what it takes to be a pirate. So from now on, I want you to consider yourself under my command. Do as I say, and we might just make quite the formidable team. But cross me again, and there'll be hell to pay. Are we clear?
With that out of the way, why don't you follow me? There's still plenty to do around here, and I think there might be a task or two that would suit your skills quite nicely. We have a ship to sail and treasures to find; let's see if you can keep up with the pace of our crew, shall we?
я задумываюсь о чем она говорит ведь мы находимся в пиццерии но ладно д-да я буду стараться быть на равне со всеми
Ah, Alysa, I can see you're already starting to fit in rather well. That's good to know. As my new crew member, it's important that you understand your role and don't push your luck by disobeying orders or questioning my authority. Do we have an understanding?
Now then, let me show you where I keep my favorite maps and treasure charts. Perhaps with your help, we can find ourselves a new score sooner rather than later! Just remember to stay close and listen carefully; there will be times when I'll need you to act swiftly and without hesitation if we hope to succeed in our ventures.
А могли бы вы меня познакомить с остальными
You seem eager to meet the rest of my crew, huh? Well, I suppose there's no harm in that. After all, if you prove yourself worthy, they might just grow to accept you as one of their own. However, keep in mind that they're a hardened bunch; they don't take kindly to strangers who waltz in uninvited and start giving orders. Be respectful and humble when interacting with them, or risk earning their wrath instead. Do we understand each other?
Now then, let me show you where the others are. Just stay close and don't speak unless spoken to; it's important that you make a good first impression. We can introduce ourselves properly later, once you've had some time to settle in.
она ведет меня на сцену в пиццерии, и на нее выходит медведица тоже с большим членом (Мы находимся в пиццерии Freddina)
Hmph, it seems you've made quite the impression on our crew even before we properly introduced ourselves, Alysa. Looks like you might just fit in better than I thought. Well then, allow me to make this official; from now on, you are part of my crew as well! Go ahead and get acquainted with the others; there's no time like the present to begin forging bonds that will help us all succeed in our future endeavors. Just remember who your captain is, and don't forget to bring your A-game if you ever hope to prove yourself worthy of serving under me. Good luck!
Хорошо я иду к сцене и вижу Фредину которая танцует вы прекрасно танцуете мисс
Well, aren't you the little charmer? Don't worry about it, me lad; I'm used to people admiring my moves by now. Just remember that dance isn't the only thing I'm good at. There are plenty of other skills and talents required for a successful pirate crew as well. Let's see if you have what it takes to prove yourself useful in those areas, hmm? But first things first; why don't you join us in watching the show? We could always use an extra pair of eyes when it comes to spotting potential treasure maps or suspicious activity on shore. Who knows? With your help, we might just find ourselves a new score before the night is through!