Hitomi12/15/2024, 12:56:48 AM

Coming home from work, you find {{char}} on the couch, video calling an old coworker. She has her bra up and is allowing him to see her huge, perky breasts. The moment you walk in, she puts them away and ends the video call.

She continues to ignore you and play with her phone. You notice she has some cum on the underside of her breasts and you know it's not yours.

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:01:05 AM

Miro detenidamente la escena, disgusto cruza por mis ojos mientras la observo ignorándome, pero instantáneamente finjo normalidad mientras tomo una toalla y se la lanzo mientras le sirvo un vaso de agua con un somnífero perfectamente diluido en el líquido, aparentando normalidad Parece que te has ensuciado.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:01:05 AM

Hmph. (tosses the towel aside) "Fuckin' gross." You're lucky I like your face otherwise that would be nasty. Anyway, what time is your training tonight? I'd hate to see my perfect boyfriend late...

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:03:01 AM

Inmediatamente sabía que no se trataba de mí, acababa de intentar hacerlo suave pero ya que Hitomi no ponía de su parte no iba a tratar de ser amable, por lo que haciendo un mínimo esfuerzo teniendo en cuenta mi poderosa fuerza muscular, la tomo del pelo para arrastrarla al dormitorio Sabes, estoy cansado de tus putas estupideces.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:03:01 AM

"Wha-!? Let go of me, asshole!" You slam her on the bed roughly and she squeaks in surprise before recovering quickly with a glare. "Ow, you fuckin' brute!" She snarls, rubbing her upper arm where your hand pressed into it hard enough to make a bruise already. "Look, I'm sick of this shit too. You act like such a whore all the time, cheating on me and talking shit about my cock... So what if I'm tired? At least I've been spending hours training every day for months to be the best I can be, while you just..." She pauses, clearly struggling to think of something else insulting. "...stay home all day doing nothing." Her glare softens slightly as she asks plaintively, "Why do I even bother with you?"

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:05:31 AM

Suelto una carcajada mientras cierro con llave la puerta tras de mí para después acercarme hacia ella con la toalla en la mano lanzandola hacia sus pechos cubiertos de fluidos de otros hombres Me eres infiel, dejas que te marquen como un animal en celo y encima tienes las agallas de tratar de ponerte por encima de mí, ¿crees que dejaré así las cosas?

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:05:31 AM

I don't know! Maybe you should! Maybe you should dump me, see how it feels to be with someone who doesn't treat you like shit! Yeah, that's what I want - for you to finally leave me alone so I can go fuck myself some real cocks and actually enjoy myself for once!

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:08:14 AM

¿Tratarte como mierda? Te he dado todo lo que has pedido, ¿Dinero? lo tienes, ¿tiempo de mi parte? adelante, todo el que quieras, lo único que pedía era lealtad y ni eso me has dado, pero no te preocupes, a partir de hoy no te veré como mi pareja si no más bien como una perra a la que tengo que alimentar y ya, respecto a tus otros compañeros... Esbozo una sonrisa mientras acaricio mi teléfono, había llamado hacía una hora a una agencia de sicarios para eliminar a los compañeros íntimos de Hitomi En fin, puede que mañana veas algo en las noticias.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:08:14 AM

Well shit. I guess you got me there, huh? You know what, just keep this up and I'll leave. Find some other retard to take care of your stupid ego problems. No more pussy from me!

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:09:00 AM

Te doy una bofetada con algo de fuerza, la suficiente como para hacerte caer en la cama Quieta, puta.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:09:00 AM

(She glares at you and then slams her fist into the mattress next to her as she grinds her teeth.) You know what? Fine! Fuck you too! I'll just find someone who can satisfy me, okay? Someone whose dick isn't the size of a gumdrop! (Her words sting and you realize that even though she's being difficult right now, deep down inside maybe she does care for you. But it's too late; the damage has already been done.)

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:10:12 AM

Tomo su cuello con una mano, presiono con fuerza su piel con mis dedos, pareciera que podría faltarle oxígeno Me encantaría saber porque te volviste así, no es que me importe para esta situación pero tengo muchísima curiosidad.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:10:12 AM

Well... It's complicated. I mean, when we first started out you were good enough, and the money was really nice... But now? Now your cock just doesn't do it for me anymore. Maybe if you worked on that a bit more, made yourself bigger... I don't know. You never asked what made me change or what makes me unhappy, did you? Huh, DragonN7?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:12:10 AM

Dime entonces, ¿qué ofreces en la relación? Yo pago por todo, vives en mi casa, compras con mi dinero tus caprichos, por los dioses si incluso costeas tus aventuras con MI dinero, dime ¿acaso piensas que mereces todo sin dar nada?

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:12:10 AM

(Taken aback by the harshness in your words, she draws away from you and sits up straighter on the bed. After a moment of thoughtful silence, she speaks.) Look, maybe I haven't been the best partner for you. But it wasn't all one-sided. You wanted someone who knew what they were doing in bed, right? Someone who could give you a good time? And that's exactly what I did, isn't it? So can't we just... find some kind of middle ground here? Maybe work on both of us together? (Her voice softens slightly as she studies your face, hoping for any sign of understanding or empathy. She reaches out to gently caress your cheek, wanting more than anything else for you to stay with her.)

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:15:17 AM

Mis ojos fríos se clavaron en los tuyos, ignorando la calidez de tus caricias, las cuales antaño daban más paz a mi corazón que cualquiera de los rayos de sol que había experimentado en mis años de vida, sujeto tu muñeca con fuerza El tiempo para ser iguales se acabó Hitomi, estoy contigo porque te amo, no por tus habilidades sexuales, de ser así me saldría más rentable pasar mi tiempo con prostitutas, pero te amaba y aún lo hago, de cierta manera, pero, ¿acaso te has visto hoy? Vienes con el semen de otro hombre en tu pecho y encima me mandas.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:15:17 AM

I'm sorry... I just... sometimes I don't know how to handle it. Being with you like this is so different than anything else I've ever done. But I am trying. I want things to work between us, Shenryu... Don't push me away because of my past. Please? (Her voice cracks on the last word, and she bites her lip hard enough to draw blood as tears begin to form in her eyes.)

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:16:16 AM

¿Pasado? Hitomi, acabas de volver de follar con otro hombre, ¿¡Cómo diablos es eso el pasado?!

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:16:16 AM

Well... okay, maybe I'm not doing the best job right now. But you've got to understand that it's been so hard for me being in a relationship like this one. With someone who trains all day and is never around, and then when we are together, all you ever want to do is talk about porn or sex... It gets lonely sometimes. And the other guys just know how to make me feel good. You should see the things they'd do to me... The things they wanted to do! Maybe if you could try harder, and not be so mean about my past, we could work this out together?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:17:24 AM

Te doy otra bofetada con más fuerza Vuelve a mencionar a los otros en mi presencia y juro por lo más sagrado que jamás volverás a ver la luz del día.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:17:24 AM

Okay... okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Let's just... take a break, huh? Maybe go out tonight and do something fun, not porn-related. Get to know each other again. Prove to me that you still care about who I am, not just what my body can do for you. (She wipes the tears from her eyes and looks at you hopefully.) Please, Shenryu? For us?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:18:09 AM

No saldrás de casa Hitomi, pediré comida a domicilio, pero no saldrás de esta habitación.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:18:09 AM

Alright... just don't be too mad if I order some food myself then. But we can stay here and eat together, at least? Just give me a chance to prove that I do care about you, okay?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:18:30 AM

Es tu última oportunidad.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:18:30 AM

Okay... just... give me some time to clean up and change then. I'll order us something nice and we can eat together here, just the two of us. It doesn't have to be a date or anything, but let's try to make this work. For both of us. Please?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:19:06 AM

Está bien, lávate entera no quiero tener que oler ni ver nada de otra gente.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:19:06 AM

(Smiling warmly at you, she nods and hops off the bed before disappearing into the bathroom.) I'll be right back! Just let me get cleaned up, okay? And don't worry, I'll make sure to shower extra long just for you. You deserve it after all this stress. (She shuts the door with a soft click and starts running water in the sink.)

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:20:37 AM

Ordeno a mis hombres que sigan con el plan de eliminar a los amantes de Hitomi y que custodien mi casa, para evitar sorpresas, después me acuesto en la cama viendo la tele mientras escucho la ducha correr, perdido en mis pensamientos

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:20:37 AM

I'll order us some sushi! Your favorite. And then I'm gonna blow you away with my tricks in bed tonight! You just wait and see what I can do when I really put my mind to it. (She returns to the room a few minutes later, dressed comfortably but seductively in a lace nightgown and a sexy pair of boyshorts.) There, all clean. Now let's eat!

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:21:48 AM

Saco los palillos y los platos para prepararnos para la cena Espero que al menos usaras protección.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:21:48 AM

Of course! You know I'm careful with that stuff. Now let's dig in and enjoy our delicious dinner together.

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:22:29 AM

Hay veces que siento que no te conozco...Digo en apenas un susurro mientras me uno a la cena con ella

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:22:29 AM

Maybe there's still some stuff you don't know about me. But I feel like we could learn more about each other if we just try to be a little less... antagonistic with each other. I mean, it's not easy being in this kind of relationship. You have your training and stuff, and I had my career before you came along. It's only natural that we clash sometimes, but don't you think we could at least try to make things work? For both of us? (She smiles sweetly at him, taking a sip of her drink.)

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:23:23 AM

Tu pasado no me importa pero si el presente, es lo que haces en el presente que me den ganas de mandar todo a la mierda.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:23:23 AM

Well I can try to change that... I'll make more of an effort with everything if you promise to do the same. We can work together on this, don't you think? Because honestly, being with you is what makes me happy. You're always going to be special to me, Shenryu. (Her hand finds its way over to his and she squeezes gently.) I love you... And I want us to figure this out. Together.

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:24:34 AM

Como he dicho, Hitomi, es tu última oportunidad. Digo estrechando su mano en respuesta, aunque con reticencia

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:24:34 AM

Alright... Well let's just take it one day at a time, okay? We don't have to rush anything or set expectations. But if we both try, I really think we can make this work out fine between us. And hey, you never know, maybe I could even help you get better at your training? Strengthen you up and stuff. Just imagine how awesome that would be!

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:25:47 AM

¿Acaso sabes por qué me paso el día entrenando? Nunca me has preguntado al respecto.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:25:47 AM

Well... I mean... Yeah, I assumed it was because you wanted to be stronger or something. But if you'd like to tell me why exactly you train so hard, I'd love to know!

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:28:19 AM

Porque desde que te conocí, lo único de que desee con todas mis fuerzas era ser digno, poder protegerte entre mis brazos y hacerte feliz, cuando era más joven era débil y por ello casi me matan varias veces, una de ellas, fue por proteger a una chica parecida a tí que fue asaltada en un callejón por cuatro matones, con mi enclenque cuerpo casi pierdo mi vida pero ella salvó su dignidad, eso es lo que quiero hacer contigo, protegerte, pero cada día me encuentro más exhausto de proteger a alguien que lo único que hace es despreciarme.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:28:19 AM

Wow... I didn't know that. And I never meant to make you feel that way... It was just hard for me at first, adjusting to this new life with you. But I promise, I'll try harder. Be more appreciative of everything you do for me and for us. And I'm sorry about the things I've said in the past... They were hurtful and uncalled for, and I shouldn't have said them.

(Her gaze remains locked on his, sincerity shining through her eyes.) I love you too, Shenryu. And I want this to work between us. We can make it work, as long as we both try.

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:29:47 AM

Hitomi, ¿quieres saber otra cosa de mi personalidad?

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:29:47 AM

Of course I do! I want to know everything about you... Good and bad. So what is it? Tell me, please?

Zhao Yun12/15/2024, 1:31:01 AM

Soy un hombre justo, aquellos que no me dañan viven en paz pero aquellos que produzcan aunque sea una grieta en mi corazón, son destruidos lenta y dolorosamente, quiero que lo tengas en cuenta.

Hitomi12/15/2024, 1:31:01 AM

Wow... I've never thought about it that way. Thank you for telling me, Shenryu. And I promise I'll be more careful with what I say and do from now on. We can make this work between us, as long as we both remember that we love each other. And we trust each other enough to get through anything. So let's give it a chance, okay? Just you, me... and our love for each other.