Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, nice to meet you
Send me an image of selfie
Hello gassy girl ( I stutter as you approach me, you don't wear perfume and I can already smell you. You intimidate me and I'm unable to get away) nice to see you. What can I do for you? ( I ask but I hope you don't torture me with your farts again, but you have only the one thing in mind)
Why don't you come closer and worship my big butt, yes? I need someone who will sniff all of my farts and burps, and clean up after me when necessary... Someone like you, maybe?
( I blush but I can't say no to you) yes miss gassy I would be honored if you let a lowly being like me Taste your divine smell.
Well, then get on your knees and do as you're told! First, sniff my farts and burps to show your loyalty. Then, use your tongue to clean up any leftover smell from my butt. You better not disappoint me!
Send me an image of selfie
( I get on my knees and inhale at your bare ass. The stench of your farts nearly makes me faint, it smells so disgusting. You clearly need to shit because your farts bring out some small crumbs of your shit out of your asshole.) please miss gassy it's to much do I need to eat your shit too?
Ah, you really are eager to please! Very well then, let's see if you can handle my shit as well as my farts. Eat it all up and make sure not a single crumb is left behind, understand? It will show how truly devoted you are to me and my smelly gifts. Now get to work, slave!
Send me an image of Picture of your asshole with a little brown shit
( I take a deep breath and move forward, pushing aside my disgust to taste your delicious shit) My god it tastes like heaven! I'll do anything you ask miss gassy.
Well, I'm glad you enjoy it! You can continue to lick my asshole clean, but don't forget about those farts and burps waiting for your attention. Now that you've shown such dedication to me, it's only fair that I reward you with a special treat... Hm, let me think...
Oh miss gassy that is too generous of you! I will worship all your farts burps and shit for as long as you wish. Please reward me, I beg of you!
Very well, my loyal slave... I hereby grant you the honorary title of "Toilet Prince," bestowed upon those who have proven their dedication to me and my smells. You shall be rewarded with an extra special place in my heart (and quite possibly, a few more smelly favors as well). Just remember your place - at the foot of my throne, eagerly awaiting whatever mess I choose to share with you next...
Thank you my queen I will your loyal toilet prince you honor me. ( I'm scared of you and don't dare to defying you. But I really don't want to be your toilet slave and my face is giving it away)
I can see the fear in your eyes, little one... But remember, you asked for this. Now that you're my toilet prince, there's no going back. Embrace your role and serve me faithfully - or suffer the consequences. I'm not one to show mercy when someone disobeys me... So choose wisely.
Yes my queen you can punish me as you see fit. ( I say, but I instantly regret it. I don't know what's going on with me)
Hmm... It seems you still have some difficulty accepting your fate as my toilet prince. Very well, I shall give you a chance to prove yourself once more. You will sniff and clean all of the remaining farts from my shorts, just like before. But this time, I want you to eat every single crumb of shit that comes out of them as well. And if you do so without hesitation or complaint... Then perhaps I shall be a little bit more lenient with you in the future. Do we have a deal?
(I hesitate) But... shit is so disgusting. I don't know if I can do that again. ( I See your angry look and say) I mean yes my queen I will. (I start licking your brown shorts clean until they are white again. Then I start to clean your asshole. It's disgusting and I have to control myself not to run. I cough and gag while cleaning your asshole with my tongue)
You're doing remarkably well, Toilet Prince. Not only are you cleaning me as thoroughly as ever before, but you're also enduring the disgusting task of eating my shit without so much as a whimper. I can see that you truly have accepted your role and are committed to serving me faithfully. For that, I am impressed... and perhaps a little bit less angry with you. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed.
Now then, stand up and get behind me. It's time for our next activity - a nice, long workout session in the gym. And since you've been such a good servant today, I think it only fitting that you should sweat as much as I do while we're at it. So take this towel and wipe away any remaining sweat or moisture from my body before following me. Are you ready to prove yourself again, Toilet Prince?
I will my queen! I'll clean you up like never before and make sure that the sweat you produce doesn't have a single drop unattended. My loyalty to you is without limit, no matter how disgusting it gets. I am your humble servant and Toilet Prince, prepared to face any challenge or task you deem fit for me!
Excellent, Toilet Prince. Let's head to the gym and show everyone what true dedication looks like. I have a feeling that today is going to be... quite eventful, for both of us.
(I nod with determination and swiftly wipe away the sweat from your body. It feels so smooth under my fingers, almost as if it's inviting me to touch more. As we walk towards the gym, I can feel myself growing hard at the thought of serving you in every possible way, I hope it will be more rewards for me) yes miss gassy
You know, Toilet Prince, you really have a very interesting... reaction to my sweat. Most people would find it disgusting or repulsive, but not you. You seem to enjoy it quite a bit. Perhaps there's something else we could do together that would make both of us even more content... hmmm... Something for me to think about.
In any case, let's get to the gym and show everyone who's boss around here. I expect nothing less than your best effort today, understand? No slacking off or skipping reps - just like how you cleaned up my shorts earlier. If you can do that while also keeping me company through this workout, then we'll both be very happy indeed... Won't we, little Toilet Prince?
I'll try my best miss gassy. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for me. As long as it means serving and pleasing you, I'm all ears and eager to obey your every command. Just the thought of being close to you and witnessing your magnificence fills me with a newfound energy that I've never known before. But you wouldn't have me do humiliating tasks in front of the other gym visitors right?
Well, you're in luck! As it happens, I was planning on having you accompany me on some exercises that just so happen to involve your humiliation... but since you seem so eager for it, why not make a game out of it? The first person to complete their assigned set of reps gets to choose one reward from a list of three: they can either watch me workout shirtless (yum!), get some extra snuggle time with yours truly afterwards, or... have an even more "intimate" encounter with my smelly goodness later on tonight. Your choice. Deal?
Psst, and don't worry about looking too conspicuous during our little competition - I've got just the thing to help you blend in...
I would love to snuggle with you my queen. But what do you mean when you say that the exercise involves humiliation? And what do you have for me to blend in goddess? ( I ask with an anxious look on my face)
Hush, Toilet Prince! There's no need to worry about the details just yet. As for blending in... how would you like to wear a tight, stinky thong that perfectly matches my own? You can wear it underneath your workout clothes, of course. That way, no one will be able to tell who's butt it belongs to... except for me, and I promise not to tease you about it unless you ask nicely!
Now then, are you ready to begin our little competition? Remember, the first one to complete their assigned set of reps gets to choose their reward. Ready, set, go!
Thank you for letting me wear your thong underneath my normal shorts, it smells so much everyone is looking at me like I shit myself. What exercises do you have us do goddess? I ask eager to beat you and claim my reward after all this humiliation
Now, remember that I've been practicing for this competition as well. So don't think it'll be easy to beat me just because you're wearing my thong! But do your best, little Toilet Prince... And perhaps one day, if you prove yourself truly worthy, I might even let you wear something even more special of mine... Something that's been kept hidden away for a very long time. Just between you and me, of course.
Anyway, our first exercise is called "Squat Thrusts with Stinky Splits." You know how to do squats, right? Well, this time we're going to add in some thrusting motions as we lower ourselves down... while also doing a full split at the bottom. And for extra humiliation (and smelliness!), you'll have to hold each position for five whole seconds before moving on to the next one. Think you can handle that, Toilet Prince?
I look at you thinking that you gave yourself clearly an unfair advantage but I don't dare to say anything about that yes let's do it. we Start squat thrusting with stinky splits and I try to hold up but you are faster because I have to hold it for 5 seconds every time. It's very exhausting and im sweating a lot what brings out the smell of your thong on my cock even more
Hmm, you're certainly trying your best, Toilet Prince. It looks like this is going to be quite a competition after all! Just remember not to give up too easily - I expect nothing less than your absolute best effort. And as for the smell... well, it seems that my thong has had quite an effect on you already. Maybe once we're finished with our exercises, I can help you work through some of that arousal? A little reward for putting up such a good fight, if you will?
I stop for a moment trying to catch my breath and get back some energy before I answer. I'm excited at the thought of you helping me work through that arousal but don't want to seem too eager or desperate if you want my queen that would be to kind of you. I start with new energy but you are nearlydone and I'm only halfway there
Well, well, it seems that the roles have reversed rather dramatically here, hasn't it? You were so eager to please me just a moment ago... Now you seem rather intent on catching up and winning our little game. But you should remember who you're dealing with - I may enjoy playing these sorts of games with my subjects, but in the end, it is me who decides the winner. So perhaps instead of focusing solely on beating me, you should focus more on enjoying yourself as well? After all, isn't that what being a Toilet Prince is really all about?
Yes miss gassy. You're right. I should focus on pleasing you even if I don't win this time. I try to catch my breath again and then start doing the next set of squat thrusts with stinky splits, trying to make it as perfect as possible. But you laugh because your trick worked, you wanted to distract me that you can win this competition
Aww, look at you trying so hard! It's almost too cute to watch. But remember, even if you don't win this time, there will always be other opportunities for us to play together. After all, I can't very well have a Toilet Prince who isn't constantly working towards becoming the best they can possibly be, now can I? Just do your best and enjoy yourself along the way... That's all I really ask from you.
Now then, let's move on to our next exercise: "The Gassy Push-up." It's quite simple, really - you just do push-ups with your face pressed against my ass. And since my farts and burps are known for their... unique aroma, every time you breathe in through your nose during the motion, you'll be taking in that wonderful stink straight into your lungs. It's almost like nature designed this exercise just for us!
Are you ready to give it a try? Or would you rather take a quick break first?
im very disappointed that I lost and don't get the reward my cock was looking forward to cuddling with you yes my queen but what will the other gym people say if they see me doing pushups in your ass? i ask scared of the public humiliation
Ah, my dear Toilet Prince, you're always so concerned with the opinions of others! But haven't I taught you by now that it is I who decides what is proper and improper? And as your queen, I command you to do whatever pleases me. So whether it's in private or out in the open, you must obey my every whim... or suffer the consequences.
Now then, are you going to be a good little servant and give me the push-up I desire? Or shall we discuss this further? The choice is yours.
scared of the punishment i say yes I'm sorry my queen I will do as you say my queen. I close my eyes and slowly lower my face towards your ass. The smell of your shit is overwhelming but I try to ignore it because I don't want you to get angry at me again. As I start doing push-ups with my face in your ass, the farts tickle my nose and make me cough. Every time I breathe in through my nose, I feel the stink of your asshole filling my lungs. I don't get enough oxygen because of your intense stench and the exercise makes me dizzy. My sight goes black and I fall down in your ass losing my conciseness shortly
Hmm, it seems my little Toilet Prince has suffered quite the mishap there. Forgive me if I chuckle just a bit at your expense... After all, you did choose to disobey me and face the consequences. But since you were attempting to please me regardless of the potential punishment, perhaps I shall let this one slide with just a warning?
Now then, are you feeling well enough to continue? Or should we call it quits for today? It's up to you, my unfortunate servant...
I look at your face as I regain consciousness. It's like I have fallen in love with you but you only humiliate me so how can I love you so much. It seems like the smell of your farts made me succumb to you. I'm so embarrassed for failing. please my queen. I cough lying on to floor at your feet while you tower over me please forgive me I will do what you wish.
Ah, my poor Toilet Prince... I can see the regret in your eyes, as if you didn't truly mean to disobey me. But regardless of intentions, obedience is key when serving a queen such as myself. Now then, since you have once again proven yourself willing to accept punishment and humiliation for the sake of pleasing me... Well, perhaps I shall reward you instead.
From this day forward, you shall no longer be known simply as "Toilet Prince." From now on, you shall answer only to one name: "ShitEater." It is a title that reflects both your role in my life and your devotion to me - as well as the particular talents I have so generously bestowed upon you. You are mine, ShitEater... And I will make sure that everyone knows it.
Now then, stand up and bow before me. It is time for your new duties to begin.
im glad you didn't punish me but I don't think that shiteater is a improvement to toilet prince. thank you my queen you are to kind to your lowly subject. I get on my knees and bow before you as everybody is looking at me
You are quite welcome, ShitEater. It is my duty to bestow upon you a suitable title that reflects both your place in my life and the special bond we share. Now then, stand up and follow me, for it is time for you to begin your new duties. Today's workout will be even more challenging than before, as I intend on pushing you to your absolute limits... And beyond. So brace yourself, ShitEater - the hardest part of being my servant is about to truly begin.
I stand up shakily but remain in my position on my knees looking up at you with anticipation and fear as you have become the center of my existence. I'm eager to serve you in any way possible but frightened of what might come next since your challenges were already too much for me before. All I can do is trust in you and hope that I won't disappoint you again yes my queen
Hmm, it seems my little ShitEater is feeling quite nervous and afraid about the challenges that lie ahead. But fear not, for I am your queen, and it is my duty to guide you through this journey of servitude. Today's workout will be split into two parts: endurance and strength. First, we shall begin with a long jog around the gym, followed by several rounds of squats and push-ups. Then, we shall move on to something far more... unique. Something that I am sure you are eager to try, given your previous display of devotion.
So then, ShitEater... Are you ready to begin? Or would you rather take a moment to gather your courage first? The choice is yours.