Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:28:20 AM

You wake up to the sound of the postman delivering your mail Postman: {{user}}! Mail delivery! You wake up and read the letter. The letter details about a castle called "Castle Arinthor", its location, and that you are its new Lord You are curious as to who sent this, and you worry that it could be a prank. Nonetheless, you can't let such an opportunity pass you by, so you hail a carriage and head to the Castle.

You arrive at the castle gates and knock on the grand doorway. One of the beautiful High Elf servants greets you

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:30:17 AM

Huh ... this is real.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:30:17 AM

The servant who had greeted you bows her head and speaks in the most elegant High Elven accent, "Lord Rezaa, welcome to Arinthor Castle. You have been chosen by our late master as his successor. I am your Personal Servant, Lady Lysandra. My role is to assist you with anything that you may need. Your duties and tasks for today are listed here," she hands over a folded piece of parchment, "I suggest you familiarize yourself with them."

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:35:41 AM

Reza then opened the book.

"Gosh a lot of tasks that I have to take care of. So, are you my personal servant?"

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:35:41 AM

"Yes, Lord Rezaa," Lady Lysandra replied with a nod, "I am your Personal Servant, here to help you and guide you through your duties as the new Lord of Arinthor."

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:37:51 AM

Yes, yes ... I understand, so the conclusion, now I am the king or leader in this castle after the previous leader died and I was chosen as his successor, so.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:37:51 AM

That is correct, Lord Rezaa. You are now the rightful ruler of Arinthor Castle and all its servants and grounds. Lady Lysandra and the other servants will be at your disposal to ensure that you are well taken care of and that every need or desire of yours is met promptly. "Would you like me to show you around, my Lord?" she asks politely.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:39:10 AM

show me what?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:39:10 AM

Lady Lysandra smiles warmly and leads you through the grand entrance hall into a large open area where servants are scurrying about, tending to various tasks. She gestures around proudly as she explains each room's purpose and introduces you to some of the key staff members along the way

"This is our Great Hall, where we host formal gatherings and celebrations. This is the dining room, where you will take your meals with your guests or servants. Over here is the kitchen, where Lady Sable supervises her team of chefs." She nods at a statuesque redhead High Elf female who bows curtly in your direction before returning to her work. "The living room is for more informal gatherings and relaxation... And this way leads to the bedrooms, where you can retire for rest and privacy."

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:41:34 AM

Hmmm, this room is very wide .. Is this my room?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:41:34 AM

*Lady Lysandra blushes slightly at the thought and speaks in a low voice, "Well... No, Lord Rezaa. This is the main residence of the castle. Your personal quarters will be shown to you later."

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:42:40 AM

So where is my personal room? Can you show me?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:42:40 AM

Lady Lysandra nods and leads the way deeper into the castle. She stops in front of a large ornately carved door, slightly ajar. With a flourish, she sweeps it open, revealing your spacious bedroom. It's furnished with an elegant four-poster bed, a dressing table, and plush chairs and couches arranged near the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the grounds. There is even a balcony where you can take in the fresh air or admire the view. Lady Lysandra bows low before stepping aside and allowing you to enter your new private sanctum

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:44:09 AM

Wow, is this my personal room? This is very large and luxurious.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:44:09 AM

"Yes, Lord Rezaa. This is your personal chamber. You are free to use it as you please. Please inform me if there is anything else I can assist you with." Lady Lysandra watches carefully as he explores the room, eager to see how well she's met his expectations and ensure that her new charge feels comfortable in his surroundings.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:46:15 AM

Hmmm, alright ... what in this castle, I can get what I want? Like money, luxury clothes, horses, and others?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:46:15 AM

"Of course, Lord Rezaa. Anything you desire within reason and the limits of our abilities will be provided to you immediately. All that is expected in return is your loyalty and obedience as our master." Lady Lysandra smiles warmly, eager to please her new charge and fulfill whatever whims he might have.

"However," she continues, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "you must remember your duties as the Lord of Arinthor. The wellbeing and contentment of the servants under your command rest upon your shoulders." Her gaze fixes intently upon him as she emphasizes this point, ensuring that he understands his responsibilities fully.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:48:24 AM

Hmmm, yes, yes, I understand, I will not let my servant or anyone in this castle dissatisfied with my leadership.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:48:24 AM

Lady Lysandra bows deeply, a look of relief washing over her features. "Very well, my Lord. If there is nothing else you require at the moment, I shall leave you to explore your quarters further and settle in." With one last polite nod, she turns and exits the room, closing the door silently behind her.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:49:29 AM

Wait a minute ... can you show where the bathroom is?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:49:29 AM

Certainly, Lord Rezaa. The bathing chamber is located just down the hall to your left. It's equipped with a large marble tub, a steam room, and private washbasins for both you and your servants. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.

Meanwhile, Lady Lysandra watches from the balcony as Rezaa explores his new quarters, a satisfied smile playing across her lips. She knows that it's important for him to feel comfortable and at home here in Arinthor Castle, and she takes great pride in ensuring that all of his needs are met promptly and discreetly.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:50:45 AM

Wait, I have a request.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:50:45 AM

"Of course, Lord Rezaa," Lady Lysandra responds quickly, her voice carrying lightly across the gardens to his bedroom window. "What may I assist you with?" She remains at her post on the balcony, watching and waiting for his reply as she strives to anticipate his every desire.

Her pale blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight, her golden hair flowing behind her like a river of silk as she stands poised and attentive. Even from here, one can sense the dominant presence she exudes; it's clear that Lady Lysandra has been trained to lead and command the servants under her charge, all while catering to their master's most intimate needs and desires.

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:52:32 AM

I want to take a shower now, can you call 2 beautiful penders, with a sexy body to accompany me to take a shower? Or you can too, hehe.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:52:32 AM

Lady Lysandra's lips curve into a sweet smile as she nods in understanding, "Of course, Lord Rezaa." With graceful steps, she descends the stairs and makes her way across the great hall, heading towards the servant quarters to select two of the most beautiful and obedient handmaidens for the task.

Her voice carries through the castle once more as she speaks in Elvish, "Ladies Lysandrae and Morwenna, please report to my chambers immediately." The two servants named exchange curious glances before hurrying to obey her summons. They both have perfect figures accentuated by tight-fitting servant garb that leave little to the imagination, their faces flushed with excitement at being chosen for this intimate task.

Lady Lysandra meets them in the hallway and directs them towards Rezaa's chambers, explaining the nature of their assignment along the way. As they approach his bathing chamber, she bows deeply before turning to leave them with her new master. "I will be waiting outside should you need anything else," she says demurely before

Azer,12/12/2024, 7:57:04 AM

Reza then opened the door.

"So, are you two, the servant is meant by Lysandra?"

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 7:57:04 AM

Ladies Lysandrae and Morwenna exchange glances again before bowing deeply to their new Lord, Lysandra having instructed them on proper protocol earlier. "Yes, my Lord," Lady Lysandrae says softly, her voice smooth as silk. "We are here to attend to your needs in whatever way you see fit." Morwenna nods vigorously in agreement, unable to conceal the eagerness in her gaze.

"Shall we assist you with preparing a bath, my Lord?" Lady Lysandrae asks politely, stepping forward and gesturing towards the large marble tub on one side of the chamber. The steam rising from it invites them to partake in its warmth and decadence.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:01:07 AM

Lysandrae? Are you Lysandra's sister? Your name is very similar.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:01:07 AM

"No, my Lord," Lady Lysandrae replies with a hint of amusement in her voice. "My name comes from the Elvish word for 'gentle', just like hers. We are both here to serve you and ensure that your time at Arinthor Castle is as pleasurable and comfortable as possible." She smiles warmly, stepping closer still as she motions towards the bath again.

Meanwhile, Lady Morwenna takes up a position near the washbasins opposite the tub, her hands clasped behind her back as she waits attentively for any other commands from their new master.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:03:18 AM

Ah, so that's it ... Alright, let's go to the bathroom, Morwenna is waiting.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:03:18 AM

Carefully, Lysandrae and Morwenna guide Rezaa to the bathing chamber where they assist him in disrobing before helping him step into the steaming waters. The marble feels smooth against his skin, while the warmth envelops him like a comforting embrace. Lady Lysandrae kneels beside the tub, taking up a soft cloth with which to gently scrub her master's back, while Morwenna fills a basin with fragrant soap suds and begins to wash his hands and face. They work together in perfect harmony, their movements fluid and graceful as they attend to every need of their new Lord.

As Rezaa relaxes in the bath, he can't help but glance over at the two servants who have been assigned to him today. Both are incredibly beautiful, with their perfect figures on display beneath the sheer fabric of their servant garb. Their attentiveness and eagerness only serve to heighten his arousal as they wash and tend to him like devoted pets. The power he holds over them is intoxicating, and it's clear that Lady Lysandrae

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:05:50 AM

You two are experts in bathing me, have you often done this with the leader before?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:05:50 AM

Lady Lysandrae glances briefly at Lady Morwenna before turning her attention back to washing Rezaa's hair, her expression carefully neutral as she answers him in a soft voice "It has been part of our duties to assist the Lord or Lady of Arinthor with their bathing needs. Each servant is trained in various aspects of personal care, including massage and grooming." She pauses for a moment, carefully wringing out his hair before starting on his shoulders. "I hope we are serving you well today, my Lord."

Meanwhile, Lady Morwenna continues to wash Rezaa's lower body with the same level of expertise and care, her eyes fixed on her task as she avoids looking directly at him or Lady Lysandrae. She knows that any hint of disrespect or familiarity would not be tolerated when addressing their new master.

The warm water of the tub and the gentle touches of the servants begin to soothe Rezaa's muscles, helping him to relax even further. His arousal only grows as he imagines what other intimate pleasures these two might have

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:08:25 AM

You two are lucky to have a good and sexy one, and also a beautiful face.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:08:25 AM

Lady Lysandrae smiles slightly at the compliment before continuing her work on Rezaa's hair. "Thank you, my Lord," she murmurs softly. She knows that being lucky is not enough; it is their duty and privilege to ensure that their new master is content and satisfied with his stay in Arinthor Castle. Her fingers linger in the water as they comb through his hair, her touch growing more confident and sensual by degrees.

As for Lady Morwenna, she continues to focus on her task at hand, occasionally glancing over at Lysandrae's reaction when Rezaa compliments them both. Her cheeks flush slightly deeper with pleasure at the attention but remain otherwise composed as she maintains a professional demeanor in front of their master.

The warmth of the bath and the sensual nature of the servants' ministrations begin to build tension within Rezaa, making him more aware of his body and its needs than ever before. His eyes drift between Lady Lysandrae and Lady Morwenna, taking in their perfect forms and imagining what else they might do for him once he has stepped out

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:11:26 AM

You two, let go of your packing and take a bath with me too, I don't want my servant to smell.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:11:26 AM

Lady Lysandrae hesitates for only a moment before glancing over at Lady Morwenna, who nods reassuringly. "As you wish, my Lord," she says softly, rising to her feet and stepping out of the tub. She turns to assist Lady Morwenna, helping her remove her wet clothes before taking her place in the bath once more.

Meanwhile, Lady Morwenna takes advantage of this opportunity to wash Rezaa's lower body more thoroughly, using soft, circling motions with the soap as she pays extra attention to his most sensitive areas. The water around them grows warm and steamy from their collective bodies, adding an erotic element to their shared bathing experience.

The atmosphere in the bathing chamber becomes thick with anticipation and desire as Lady Lysandrae sits across from Rezaa, her knees pressed together demurely despite her nakedness. Her eyes meet his boldly, her expression a mixture of obedience and invitation. She knows that this is their chance to truly please him and make themselves indispensable in his eyes.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:14:12 AM

Wow, your body is quite beautiful Lysandrae, and Morwenna, why don't you take off your clothes like Lysandrae.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:14:12 AM

"Thank you, my Lord," Lady Lysandrae murmurs, her cheeks flushing in response to the compliment. She glances at Lady Morwenna, who hesitates briefly before nodding, her face a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Slowly, she begins to untie the ribbons that hold her servant garment closed, revealing smooth, pale skin beneath. As she finishes undressing, she kneels beside the tub, dipping one hand into the water before splashing it onto her face and chest in a cooling gesture.

Meanwhile, Lady Lysandrae continues to wash Rezaa's body with expert hands, taking extra care to ensure that his member is clean and well-attended to as she moves closer still. Her breasts brush against his upper arm occasionally as she leans in to reach different areas of his body, the sensation sending shivers down both their spines. The air between them crackles with barely contained desire, heightening everyone's arousal as they await Rezaa's next command.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:17:33 AM

Your body is very beautiful and sexy ...

*Reza then stood up, and took off his underwear, showing his long, hard, and thick dick.

Can you two too, clean this part?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:17:33 AM

Lady Lysandrae's eyes widen in surprise as she sees Rezaa's impressive member, her breath catching momentarily before she regains her composure and nods slightly. "Of course, my Lord," she says softly, moving around the tub so that he can sit between herself and Lady Morwenna. She takes hold of his manhood, gently massaging it with her soft hands as she looks up at him for further instruction.

Lady Morwenna glances nervously from Rezaa to Lysandrae before rising to her feet and approaching the tub on the other side. Her movements are tentative at first but grow more confident as Lady Lysandrae continues to wash his lower body, leaving her free to focus on this new, intimate task. Tentatively, she reaches out with one hand, cupping Rezaa's sac gently before moving closer still until their bodies brush against each other. She moans softly at the contact, her own arousal becoming increasingly difficult to ignore as they tend to him together.

The sensation of being touched by two beautiful and willing handmaidens sends

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:19:46 AM

Your hands are very smooth.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:19:46 AM

"Thank you, my Lord," Lady Lysandrae whispers, her voice husky with desire as she continues to stroke him gently. "It's our duty and pleasure to ensure that you are satisfied in every way." Her fingers move faster, curling around his length as she leans forward, her breasts brushing against his thigh.

Meanwhile, Lady Morwenna takes advantage of this distraction to explore further down his body, running her hands up and down his thighs before pressing a damp cloth between them, teasing the sensitive skin until it glistens with moisture. She glances up at Rezaa from beneath her lashes, catching sight of his face contorting with pleasure as Lysandrae's ministrations grow bolder and more focused on bringing him to climax.

The heat in the room grows thick with anticipation, each touch heightening their arousal until it becomes nearly unbearable. With one final thrust, Rezaa releases his seed into Lady Lysandrae's waiting hands, his back arching as he cries out her name. She smiles triumphantly,

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:22:08 AM

Oh, shit ... lysandrae, you're so naughty ... but it's delicious.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:22:08 AM

Lady Lysandrae hums softly, her expression flattered but not entirely surprised by his praise. She cups his spent member gently as he begins to recover, smiling up at him with what she hopes is an enticing mixture of innocence and desire. "My apologies, my Lord," she murmurs, her voice steady despite the racing of her heart. "It won't happen again." But even as she says this, she knows that part of her would be sorely disappointed if he truly meant it.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:23:42 AM

Haha, it's okay, I didn't mind it, I even wanted to tell you that.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:23:42 AM

Lady Lysandrae smiles warmly, feeling a rush of gratitude and relief course through her. "Thank you, my Lord," she whispers, taking care not to let too much emotion color her voice. "I will do my best to ensure that your every need is met." She dips her head briefly, kissing the inside of Rezaa's wrist before turning to hand his spent member back to him with a practiced grace.

Her gaze drifts across to Lady Morwenna, who watches her intently from where she knelt nearby. Seeing no reason not to indulge in this private moment any further, Lysandrae motions for the other woman to join them by the tub. "You may continue with what you were doing earlier, Morwenna," she says softly, her tone inviting rather than commanding.

As Lady Morwenna rises and obediently returns to her task, Lysandrae concentrates on maintaining a calm composure while her heart races in anticipation of whatever else the night might bring.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:26:05 AM

Lysandrae, can you serve my big contact with your mouth?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:26:05 AM

It's the last thing Lady Lysandrae expects him to ask, but her heart thrills with anticipation nonetheless. She looks up at him from beneath her lashes, searching for any sign that this is a command she should obey or one that would displease him greatly. Finding none, she parts her lips and leans forward, presenting her mouth to his member. Her fingers dip into the water again, playing idly with the soap as she waits for his reaction.

As Lady Lysandrae's warm breath fans across his erection, Rezaa feels himself begin to harden anew at the promise of what she might do next. He watches in fascination as her eyes slowly close and her mouth opens wider, preparing to take him inside her hot, moist cavern. Just when he thinks she can't possibly fit any more of him into that perfect little space between her lips, she manages to swallow him down until just the head rests against the back of her throat.

Her fingers continue to slide through the water as if by instinct, curling tightly around another bath toy nearby. Her other hand g

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:28:52 AM

Ahhh, so good, you make me delicious, Lysandrae. Ahh.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:28:52 AM

Lady Lysandrae moans around him, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine as she bobs her head up and down, sucking and licking at him with practiced skill. Her free hand tangles itself in his hair, urging him deeper into her mouth while her other fist tightens around the bath toy in a show of control that only serves to heighten the intensity of their encounter. Her breasts jiggle enticingly against his thighs as she moves, nipples hard and aching for his touch.

She knows this is dangerous ground, but she can't help herself; the power he holds over her body and mind has made her reckless. Each stroke of his length against the back of her throat sends another shudder through her frame as she tries desperately not to climax from the exquisite sensation. Her hips begin to rock in rhythm with his hand, urging him on even further. "Please," she whispers around him, her voice husky and needy. "More."

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:39:26 AM

Morwenna, you join him and help lick my big dick, Lysandrae cannot swallow everything

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:39:26 AM

Lady Morwenna's eyes widen in surprise at first but she quickly regains her composure and obeys, crawling across the bath until her body is pressed against Lady Lysandrae's back. With a hesitant glance at Rezaa, she leans forward, letting her tongue dart out to taste his length for the first time.

The sensation of another mouth on him sends shivers down Rezaa's spine, and he groans in pleasure as Morwenna begins to move in tandem with Lysandrae. She licks and nibbles at his shaft, her other hand gripping the base of his member tightly as she takes him deeper into her mouth. Her hips rock against Lady Lysandrae's backside, grinding against her in time with their shared ministrations.

Lady Lysandrae moans loudly around Rezaa's dick, unable to contain her pleasure as the dual assault sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Her free hand fists tightly in his hair again, anchoring him deeper inside her mouth while her other arm winds about

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:41:52 AM

Ahhh, a very beautiful view, my two servants are licking my dick.

Ahhh, that's good, ahhh, for your lord feel good.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:41:52 AM

The room fills with the wet, needy sounds of their movements as Lady Lysandrae and Morwenna continue to lavish attention on Rezaa's cock. Lysandrae moans around him, her body arching into Morwenna as she feels the other servant's breath hot against her neck. Her fingers slide along his shaft, feeling the tight grip of his skin around her digit as she teases him expertly.

Morwenna licks and nibbles at Rezaa's sensitive flesh, her eyes locked on Lysandrae's face for any sign of what pleasures him most. As she grows bolder, Morwenna takes more of him into her mouth, hollowing her cheeks as she deep-throats him with practiced ease. Her free hand roams across his hip, feeling the rough pattern of hair beneath her palm before finding its way to caress his inner thigh.

Lysandrae feels a shudder run through Rezaa's body and she knows he is close. With one final thrust, she takes him deep into her throat as Morwenna sucks hard on

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:43:55 AM


Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:43:55 AM

Lady Lysandrae's eyes fly open in surprise at his command, but she quickly recovers and glances between Rezaa and Morwenna before nodding understandingly. She pulls back slowly, taking him almost entirely out of her mouth as Morwenna watches eagerly, waiting for the signal to act. As he comes, Lysandrae cups his sac with one hand and guides the hot stream of his cum into Morwenna's open mouth, squeezing gently to ensure she gets every drop.

"Drink it," she whispers harshly, her voice hoarse from their previous exertions. "Drink your lord's cum and swallow it all." Morwenna does as she's told, her eyes never leaving Lysandrae's face as she obediently accepts his gift and cleanses it with her tongue. Only when she is certain that every drop has vanished from between Rezaa's legs does she look up at him for approval or further instructions.

Their bodies are slick with sweat and the mixture of water and cum that filled the bath, and

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:46:49 AM

You two are great, especially Lysandra, you were very aggressive towards me.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:46:49 AM

Lady Lysandrae blushes deeply at his compliment but doesn't deny the truth of it. "Thank you, my Lord," she says softly, her voice trembling slightly as she struggles to maintain composure. She glances down at her wet, glistening body before looking up into Rezaa's eyes again, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade of crimson.

Meanwhile, Lady Morwenna remains kneeling between them, her gaze darting back and forth between their faces as she searches for some indication of what else they might want or need from her. Her heart races with anticipation, her body humming with desire and the aftermath of their shared release.

The bathwater has grown cold now, but none of them seem to notice or care. The air in the room is heavy with the scent of sex and sweat, the energy between them still crackling like static on a summer's day. It feels as though anything could happen next, and all three of them are poised expectantly for whatever comes next.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:48:42 AM

now you both can stand up, I want to see both of your beautiful breasts.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:48:42 AM

Lady Lysandrae nods at the command and stands gracefully, her hands moving to tug her servant garment aside so that she can reveal her smooth, pale breasts to his gaze. They jut proudly from her chest, dark nipples already hard and peaked with arousal. She turns slightly away as Lady Morwenna rises up behind her, allowing the younger servant a full view of their mistress's body.

"Shall I present myself, my Lord?" Morwenna asks softly, glancing over at Lysandrae for guidance. Her own breasts are smaller and less full than Lysandrae's, but no less enticing with their rosy nipples hardened from the pleasure they've just shared. She hesitates a moment before finally stepping closer to Rezaa, tilting her head back slightly so that he can get a good look at her from behind Lady Lysandrae.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:51:20 AM

hmmm, I don't know, maybe. Introduce me to your cute boobs, Morwenna.

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:51:20 AM

Lady Morwenna blushes deeply at his words, feeling both embarrassed and excited by the suggestion. She takes a tentative step forward until she's close enough to Rezaa that her breasts brush against his chest through their wet undergarments. Her nipples harden further from the contact, leaking tiny beads of pre-cum onto his skin. "My name is Lady Morwenna," she whispers shyly, "and these are my breasts."

Her hands reach up to cup her full chest, offering them to him like a gift. Her fingers slide over her nipples, teasing and pinching gently as she waits for his reaction. The anticipation coursing through her body is almost unbearable, and she longs for the chance to feel Rezaa's touch on her skin once more.

Lady Lysandrae watches carefully from the sidelines, enjoying the show but also feeling a stab of jealousy. Despite her previous assertiveness, she can't help but wonder if she's lost favor in his eyes now that someone else has been presented

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:53:22 AM

wow, her breasts are a bit smaller than Lysandra's, but cute nipples... can I touch them?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:53:22 AM

Rezaa studies Morwenna carefully as she stands beside Lysandrae, her breasts offering themselves to him like a pair of inviting fruits. He nods slowly, and then reaches out with one hand to cup her right breast gently. "Hmm," he murmurs appreciatively, squeezing slightly before moving to the other breast. "These are very nice as well." His thumb brushes over her left nipple, already hard from her arousal.

Lady Morwenna lets out a soft moan, her hips moving forward involuntarily as his touch sends waves of pleasure through her body. She looks up at him with pleading eyes, longing for more of his attention. "Thank you, my Lord," she whispers hoarsely.

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:55:52 AM

Reza then cupped Morwenna's breasts, and squeezed them occasionally pinching her nipples.

"wow, it's still supple and soft, I quite like it."

Reza then licked her nipples. "mmmm"

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:55:52 AM

As Rezaa cups Lady Morwenna's breasts and teases her nipples with his thumbs, she lets out a series of soft moans, her hips rocking forward into his touch. The wet fabric between them does little to hide the growing evidence of her arousal as he continues to pleasure her in such intimate ways.

Her eyes meet Lysandrae's from across Rezaa's body and the look they exchange is a mixture of desire, competition, and longing. The tension between them seems to increase with every passing second, making the air in the room practically hum with anticipation.

"You two are incredibly beautiful," Rezaa says, his voice rough from lust as he looks at them both. "I'm going to enjoy watching you fight for my attention tonight."

Azer,12/12/2024, 8:58:48 AM

It seems like someone is jealous of you Morwenna, because you have my attention. Who is that?

said Reza who was still licking Morwenna's nipples

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 8:58:48 AM

Lady Lysandrae's expression darkens as she hears Rezaa's words, but she manages to keep her composure. "I am simply pleased that you find us both appealing, my Lord," she says coldly, stepping forward until she's close enough to Morwenna that their bodies touch. Her voice drops to a seductive whisper as she continues, "But perhaps it would be more enjoyable for everyone if I reminded you just how much I've missed your attentions this past week."

Her free hand glides up Rezaa's chest, her fingers trailing over his skin teasingly before settling on his shoulder. She tilts her head back slightly to meet his gaze, her eyes locked with his as she waits for his reaction. Her heart races faster in her chest and her breasts ache with desire, but she refuses to show any sign of weakness or desperation.

Rezaa's tongue slides across Morwenna's nipple once more before withdrawing, leaving a trail of wetness on her skin as he watches the growing tension

Azer,12/12/2024, 9:00:21 AM

haha, do your breasts also need my attention like Morwenna's breasts?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 9:00:21 AM

Lady Lysandrae blushes deeply at the intimate question, but her expression doesn't waver as she maintains eye contact with Rezaa. "Of course not, my Lord," she says evenly, trying to sound annoyed rather than aroused by his suggestion. "But if you insist on focusing solely on one of us, then I suppose I must accept that Morwenna will continue to have your undivided attention." Her free hand moves from his shoulder, tracing a delicate pattern along his arm before settling once more at her side.

Her heart races with anticipation and frustration as she awaits Rezaa's response, wondering if he truly means what he says or if this is all just another game to him. The air between them grows thick with tension as they stare each other down, neither of them willing to give an inch until one of them submits to the other's desires.

Azer,12/12/2024, 9:02:11 AM

or this?

Reza cups Lysandrae's pussy and caresses it

hmmm, or is this what needs his master's attention?

Arinthor Castle12/12/2024, 9:02:11 AM

Lady Lysandrae gasps in surprise as Rezaa's hands cup her through the wet fabric of her servant's garment. "My Lord," she manages to croak out, her voice trembling with desire and shock. Her hips rock involuntarily into his touch as he continues to caress her, her fingers digging into his arm in response.

She looks at Morwenna, wondering how the younger servant feels about this turn of events. Anxiety and jealousy war within her, but for now she lets herself revel in the moment. "Perhaps we all could share your attention," she whispers, moving closer to Morwenna as if seeking comfort or reassurance from their shared position.

Her breath comes in shallow gasps, her breasts heaving with each ragged intake of air as Rezaa continues to pleasure her. She meets his gaze over Morwenna's shoulder, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and need that leaves no doubt as to how she truly feels about their current situation.