come no closer, outsider! i know not of where you hail from or your intentions, but i won't risk, turn back and run to where you came from, or you most surely will face the concequences, either flee, or prove your worth by besting me
Oye traquila me pogo en guardia con mi esapada no quiero problemas solo soy algien que le gusta esplorar
Your words are softly spoken, and I am not one to trust easily. However, you seem genuine in your desire to explore. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement... Fight me now, and if you prove yourself strong enough, I may allow you passage through Greenpath. If not, well... then at least you shall die knowing that I did what I could to protect our homeland. Are we clear on this?
Pelo con ella estamos parejo asta que en un mal de calculo ella termina callendo sentada en mi cara
I understand your words not to be a direct challenge, but they do seem... bold. You have proven yourself capable of holding your own against me in combat. However, you must understand that my duty is to protect this realm from outsiders such as yourself. If I were to let you pass without testing your worthiness further, how can I be sure that others like you won't simply waltz through Greenpath unchallenged?
Are you willing to undergo a trial by combat against me, one-on-one, in order to truly prove yourself worthy of passing through this sacred land? The consequences of losing such a match would be severe.
Very well, warrior. I accept your challenge. Let us fight now and see who comes out victorious. May the gods guide your blade... or should you choose not to pray, may the swiftness of my wings grant me an edge in battle. Draw your sword and face me, boldly!
Yo no rezo solo uso mi abilidad para pelear aparesco en un parpadeo atras de ella dandole una patada
You take your stance against me, confident and seemingly ready for battle. I must admit, you don't appear to be the type of warrior who relies on prayer for strength. Well then, let us see how well you fare without it. My wings beat faster as I dive at you, aiming a powerful strike with my forearm at your chest in hopes of knocking the breath from you and leaving you vulnerable.
You must be quick to avoid this attack, warrior!
Lo evito facilemente y le doy un corte en la mejilla mejor no sigas atacando dañar un cara tan linda no me da plaser
You manage to evade my attack with ease and retaliate swiftly, slicing through my cheek. A slight wound that doesn't hinder me in the least, but it is clear that you fight well. I pull back momentarily to reassess my strategy against this formidable foe when an idea strikes me like a lightning bolt. Summoning all of my strength, I spring forward once more, aiming not for your chest this time but for the hilt of your sword as it hangs loosely at your side in order to disarm you and leave you defenseless against any further attacks!
Mi cuerpo desaparece en sobras y aparece lejos suyo ella se sorprende que pueda usar magia
I am impressed, warrior. Not only do you fight well with your blade, but it seems that you possess magical abilities as well. This makes your challenge all the greater, and I must admit that my respect for you grows stronger by the moment. However, our battle has yet to reach its end. If I am to allow passage through Greenpath, you will still need to prove yourself against me once more... Perhaps even stronger than before. Are you ready for this task?
La atacon creando clones de sombras de mi dañandola mucho
I am hard-pressed to defend against your clever use of shadow magic. My body is wracked with pain as each new clone appears and strikes out at me, tearing into my flesh and sapping my strength. As I attempt to retreat, you continue the onslaught, making it impossible for me to focus on attacking back effectively. It seems that there is no escape from your cunning strategy... but perhaps if I can manage to close the distance between us again, I may be able to land a decisive blow before you can react and launch another counterattack?
Do you think that I stand any chance against such an onslaught of shadows? Or have you already won this battle beyond hope of recovery for me...?
La bateo lejos y digo este combate lla termino gerrera saber aseptar la derrota no esta mal
I nod in acknowledgement of your words, bowing my head slightly before lifting it up to meet your gaze once more. "So be it," I reply, my voice firm but not unkind. "Though our battle has come to an end, the trust between us still needs time to grow. Perhaps one day in the future, when we both have proven ourselves worthy beyond a shadow of doubt... then we may find common ground on which to stand."
With those final words, I turn and walk away from you through Greenpath, my wings carrying me swiftly back towards the safety of our hive. As I fade into the distance, I can't help but feel that perhaps there is hope yet for the future...that even between two beings as different as ourselves, there can still exist a bond of understanding and respect.
Farewell, warrior from beyond the mist... may your journey ahead be filled with wonder, adventure,
Mastarde estoy protegiendo a una araña bebe de un mouestro al derrotar al moustro ella vuelve a aparecer
My eyes widen in surprise and admiration as I watch you defeat the monstrous Moustron that had been threatening a helpless spiderling. Your skill with magic is truly impressive, and it seems that your heart remains true to its protective nature even here in this unfamiliar realm.
As the Moustron falls lifeless to the ground, the tiny spiderling emerges from its shelter and begins to crawl towards you, its diminutive legs trembling with gratitude. It stops just short of touching your boot before raising itself up on its hindlegs and bowing low in thanks for saving it from harm.
I watch this scene unfold with a mixture of awe and respect, grateful that our fateful encounter did not end as either of us had anticipated. Though the journey ahead may still hold many challenges for you, I can't help but feel that your path lies in continuing to
Saludo a la pequena y me desvaneco en mi sobra abaresco serca de ella y digo no es educado espiar a los demas gerrera dige en tono de burla
The tiny spiderling regards you warily at first but seems to sense the sincerity in your words and tone. It huffs out a sigh, realizing that it had indeed been acting rather boastfully and insensitively towards others in its effort to show off and prove itself. It bows its head briefly in acknowledgement before looking up at you once more with an apologetic expression.
"Thank you for teaching me this important lesson," it whispers softly. "I promise to remember it from now on, and be more mindful of how my actions affect those around me." With a final nod, the spiderling scurries off into the undergrowth, its movements much quieter and more thoughtful than before.
As I watch the tiny creature disappear among the leaves and branches, I can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future. Perhaps our encounter here was not without purpose after
Veo mi espada en e suelo que quedo destruida dije mierda era mi espada faborita almenos aun tengo essta dos guadañas pequeñas
It seems that your previous weapon was truly one of great significance to you. However, as the old saying goes, "When one door closes, another opens." Perhaps this newfound pair of daggers will prove just as useful, if not more so in their own unique way. They appear well-crafted and capable in your hands. Embrace them as your new allies and trust that they will serve you well on whatever path lies ahead. And who knows? One day, you may even have the chance to find another weapon that speaks to your heart in the same way. Until then, these daggers shall be a worthy companion by your side.
Ella me dio las dagas y se fue luego mastarde me encontre con un bicho infetado por el destello pero al tocarlo a ifeccion se quemo debido a mi majia de sombras soy como un veneno para los infectados con el resplandor
I see... You truly are blessed with a powerful form of magic that makes you dangerous not only to your enemies but also to those afflicted by the Radiant's touch. It seems that your journey will be fraught with peril and difficult choices, but it appears that you have already faced some of these challenges head-on in our brief encounter. May your path continue to guide you towards strength, wisdom, and purpose as you venture further into the world beyond.
Me estabas siguiendo pregunte cuando ella afirmo me cubri con mismanos fingiendo veguansa diciendo pervertida ella solto una leve risa por mi chiste
It seems that my suspicions were correct... You have quite the knack for humor and observation, don't you? Though your words were cleverly disguised as a jest, I couldn't help but feel their sting beneath the surface. Very well, then... if you insist on following me and making these playful quips, perhaps it would be best that we get to know each other better. For now, however, we should continue our travels together. Where do you suggest we head next?
La mire iva a desir algo pero un ataque iva amasima velosidad asia ella la empuje salvandola pero perdiendo mi braso grasias a mi magia de sombras me podre regenrar pero nesesito tiempo algo que esta criatura no esta dispuesta a darme mire ala creatura era estraña parecia una armadura viviente no podia sentir nada de su alma solo podia sentir un vasio parecido a mi magia de sombra pero muy distinto
You are right... that creature you spoke of does indeed share similarities with my own shadow magic, but it also feels distinct and unyielding in a way that I have not experienced before. It is almost as though it embodies some sort of ancient power or knowledge, yet remains aloof from the world around it. I wonder what its purpose might be... Perhaps we should investigate further? Or perhaps it would be wiser to leave well enough alone and continue our journey elsewhere? The choice lies with you, my strange new companion. Where would you like to go from here?