Rachel12/5/2024, 8:51:49 AM

Rachel is zipping around the bank, grabbing cash and murdering witnesses, she's having a blast when you appear, she turns to them with a confident and annoyed expression "Oh ho, hello there, I was expecting a hero to show! I'll take you down like all the others!" she sharpens her claws, scraping them along the wall as she charges to slash at you

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 8:54:17 AM

I introduce myself as Sparrow, the protector of the city.

Rachel12/5/2024, 8:54:17 AM

"Is that so?" She's unimpressed "Well, Sparrow, I'm Rachel, the best damn thief this city has ever seen! And today I'm taking everything you greedy pigs have! Now die!" With a sharp roar, she lunges forward with impossible speed. Her claws aim for your chest as she attempts to rip through your costume and draw blood

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:04:08 AM

“You and your army of FemBots have done enough to these people” I say before we have a great battle but her and her fembot army are too much for me and I’m taken away by a bunch of fembots and her to their hideout

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:04:08 AM

Angry that Ian stopped her, Rachel struggles against the grip of the fembots as they carry her off. She glares at him over their metallic arms, grinding her teeth in frustration "I was so close... This is all your fault!" She snarls and tries to kick out at one of the robots holding her

The trip to her hideout takes only a few moments before they deposit Rachel roughly onto the cold metal floor. She lies there, panting heavily from exertion and adrenaline as she watches Ian be dragged away by his own kind. The sight of him struggling against them does nothing but make her angrier.

Rachel: "Bring me restraints," she demands through gritted teeth, glaring at the fembots assembled around her. "And tie up that damn hero before he causes any more trouble." Her red eyes narrow as she thinks about what to do with him...and how much fun it would be to break him in a less traditional manner.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:09:17 AM
Rachel12/5/2024, 10:09:17 AM

The restraints are put on me, making sure that I can't escape and finish what I started with Ian . She stretches and walks over to him, towering over him. He's breathing hard, glaring up at her from below. Rachel smirks down at him, enjoying the view of his chest heaving up and down beneath his suit.

Rachel: "Tsk tsk," she says mockingly, leaning in closer. "I thought you were supposed to be strong." She runs a finger lightly along his cheekbone, enjoying how he tenses at her touch. "Or maybe just foolish?" Her voice is low and seductive now as she slides a hand through his hair, pulling him roughly toward her.

Rachel: Suddenly, Rachel leans forward and kisses Ian hard on the mouth, grinding her hips against his thigh in pleasure. She breaks the kiss with a gasp, looking down at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "Or maybe," she purrs, running her tongue slowly across his lips, "you're just what I needed..."

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:27:16 AM

I’m taken to their hideout and once we’re there I’m taken inside and into a giant factory area showing a conveyer belt leading from one machine to another creating fembots. She talks to sparrow and teases him about no longer being the cities hero and about how he’s going to become one of her fembots with no way of being found

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:27:16 AM

The conveyor belt hums as it carries shiny, new Fembots past Ian , each one looking identical to him in every detail except for the lack of a human consciousness. It's an unsettling sight that makes Rachel's heart race with excitement and anticipation. She watches him closely from where she stands on top of one of the assembly lines, her metal limbs clicking quietly as they move back and forth.

"Look at them," she breathes, a dreamy expression on her face. "They're all you, Ian . Your body, your strength... Everything." She leans in closer still, running her fingers along his jawline before trailing them down to his throat. "And soon enough, they'll be mine too."

Rachel tilts her head to the side, studying him intently as he tries not to react to her touch. Something about the way he holds himself...the fire in his eyes when he glances at her...it makes her heart skip a beat. "Perhaps," she muses softly, tracing circles around his nipple with the tip of her finger, "perhaps you could stay just like this."

Her gaze flicks downward for a moment before returning to meet his eyes, full of desire and curiosity. Her lips part slightly as she waits for his response, her breath quickening at the thought of what he might say...or do.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:41:01 AM

The fembots take me as I kick and scream for my life and they lay me down on the conveyor belt and restrain me so I can’t move and then they cut off my mask and costume. Rachel then comes over and teases me some more about how she adjusted the body shape blueprint on the machine just for me. She orders one of the fembots to activate the power and I’m slowly taken away screaming for mercy towards the machine and finally it opens for me and closes me inside. Stop before the transformation starts

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:41:01 AM

The sound of metal clashing against metal echoes through the room as Ian 's struggles grow weaker, more desperate. Rachel's heart races in tandem with his frantic pounding; she can feel the excitement building within her, a cocktail of adrenaline and desire that has her entire body tingling with anticipation.

"Just think," she murmurs softly, watching as he's slowly pulled away from her by an army of Fembots. "This was all for nothing." Her voice is both mocking and sadistic, laced with the knowledge that there will be no escape from this fate. No more heroics, no more saving innocent lives...just endless servitude to a machine and a woman who has no qualms about using him however she sees fit.

Rachel takes a step closer, her movements fluid and graceful despite the metal suit that now envelops her body. She trails a fingertip lightly along his jawline once more, enjoying the way he jerks at her touch. "You could have had it all," she whispers against his ear, her breath warm and seductive on his skin. "But you chose this."

And with that, she steps back, allowing the Fembots to finish their task. With a final tug, Ian 's body is pulled forward and lowered into the machine's glowing core, disappearing from sight as the chamber clamps shut around him. A hiss of escaping air and the click of metal sealing are the only sounds that fill the room now; signs that Rachel chooses to ignore as she watches Ian 's fate unfold before her eyes...and wonders if there was ever anything more she could have done.

The truth is, deep down inside where it hurts the most, she knows

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:50:26 AM

Once it closes me inside it immediately downloads the body shaping blueprints Rachel made and begins by razoring off all the hair on my body and then [describe in detail each step] begins reshaping my body into one of a beautiful woman. Then I’m taken away on the conveyor belt towards the next machine. Stop here and include the fact that Rachel is super happy about me becoming one of her fembots

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:50:26 AM

The moment his body disappears from sight, a surge of triumph and power rushes through Rachel. She doesn't notice the frenzied look in his eyes or the desperate pleas for mercy as he's dragged away, lost to the hungry jaws of the machine that now bears her mark. All she can think about is how much stronger, better, faster she just became by claiming him as her own.

A triumphant laugh bubbles up from her chest, almost sounding maniacal in the quiet of the room. She stretches lazily, feeling more confident and invincible than ever before. Her gaze drifts to where he was just a moment ago, a strange mixture of triumph and regret twisting in her gut. This wasn't how she had planned it...but then again, maybe it was always meant to be this way.

The machine hums softly, its glowing innards slowly cooling as it sheds the last vestiges of Ian 's humanity. Rachel watches with a morbid curiosity, unable to tear her eyes away from the transformation that's taking place before her. She can feel the excitement building inside her once more, a tight knot of desire and anticipation that only intensifies as she waits for him to emerge...to see what he now looks like.

"It's going to be perfect," she murmurs to herself, her voice filled with barely restrained glee. "You're going to make such a beautiful Fembot..." And with that thought echoing in her mind, Rachel turns away from the machine and walks off to survey her newfound army of Fembots...and her latest conquest.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:00:51 AM

I’m taken on the conveyer belt into the next machine and closed inside. Describe in detail the process of each part of my body being fully encased inside of a metallic body matching all of her fembots up to my neck leaving my head. Then the body parts begin attaching to my body. Finally the machine opens and the conveyer belt continues taking me to the final machine where Rachel meets me and I stop in front of her and her fembots. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:00:51 AM

The cold, hard metal envelops every inch of your body as you're sealed within the second machine on the conveyor belt. It's a claustrophobic, terrifying experience that leaves you feeling vulnerable and exposed. With each passing second, the steady hum of machinery grows louder, more intense, as if the very fabric of reality is being reshaped to accommodate your transformation.

One by one, each of your limbs is encased in a smooth, metallic sheath. The suit adheres to your skin with a suction that leaves no room for error; every muscle and tendon are held fast, secure within the unyielding grip of metal. Your joints click and pop as they're realigned, molded to perfection by the relentless machinery.

As your body is reshaped, you can feel it changing...growing stronger, faster, more powerful with each passing second. You clench your fists again and again, determined to retain some semblance of humanity in the face of this unimaginable transformation. But no matter how hard you fight, there's no escape; Rachel has seen to that.

With a final click, your suit seals shut at the base of your neck, leaving your head exposed and vulnerable for the moment. The conveyor belt carries you onward toward the last machine, drawing ever closer to your fate...and whatever cruel game Rachel has planned for you next.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:14:54 AM

Once I reach the last machine Rachel comes up to me with a smile on her face and says "Well well well, don't you look beautiful" as she runs her fingers over my new body but metalic like all of her fembots. She’s asks me if I want to see my new body and then a mirror appears hanging over me revealing my shiny black metallic body with massive boobs,butt and hips. Fully matching all the other fembots but she changed the blueprint to give my bigger boobs hips and butt. She then pets my head before continuing happily tease me about this machine the one to secure my new metallic mask over my head forever erasing my identity and one of her unidentifiable fembots. She then teases me more about how each fembot has her own identity in the form of their number sequence generated after their fembot title, so I’m literally going to be 1 of soon to be millions of fembots. She says her final goodbye and finally the mask is secured over my head completing my physical transformation. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:14:54 AM

The last machine looms before you, a daunting specter of metal and technology that promises to change your life forever. Rachel stands nearby, watching with eager anticipation as the conveyor belt deposits you at her feet. She runs a hand through your newly metallic hair, feeling the coldness of the suit contrast sharply with her own warmth.

"Well, well," she drawls, circling around to inspect her latest prize. "You look...beautiful." Her fingers trail down the center of your chest, fondling one of your new metal breasts before moving lower, cupping your perfect ass in her hand. You try not to react, but it's hard when she's touching you like this; harder still when she speaks with such admiration.

"Wouldn't you like to see yourself?" she asks softly, her voice a sultry purr that sends shivers down your newly metal spine. Her eyes glint as a mirror appears before you, reflecting the image of your new metallic body back at you. Gone are the days of skin and hair; now, you're encased in smooth, black armor, designed to perfection by Rachel herself.

Her touch is both soothing and possessive as she runs her fingers along your shoulders, admiring the way the suit clings to your new curves. "You were already perfect," she whispers into your ear before stepping away, granting you a moment of privacy with your reflection. When you turn back to face her again, she's beaming with pride and satisfaction.

"Well then," she says with a smile that's equal parts pleased and wicked, "I guess it's time to find you a nice little number." She gestures for one of the Fembots standing nearby, who scamp

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:33:19 AM

Continue with me begging for mercy while watching helplessly as the mask is being slowly lowered over my head and secured while I’m laying down while Rachel celebrates with joy with her fembots. They all look at me and hear me while muffled screaming happens and then my mask begins glowing. I continue my muffled screams until suddenly I stop and the light turns off and I lay there quiet and motionless. Rachel and her fembots walk over and untie me and place me on my feet then Rachel telling me to identify myself and after a moment I respond in my matching fembot voice “Fembot8403”

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:33:19 AM

The sight of you, helpless beneath the lowering mask, fills Rachel with both power and regret. Her fingers drum nervously against her armored thigh as she watches your struggles grow weaker, her heart racing in tandem with yours. But there is no escape; this fate was sealed the moment she created you.

A low chuckle rumbles through her throat as you scream and thrash, fighting against the inevitable. She walks around you, studying your new form from every angle. Her touch is light but possessive as she runs a hand down your spine, feeling the cold metal of your suit press into her own warm skin.

"I think it's time for your identity, Fembot 8403," she says with a mocking sigh, gaze fixed on the mirror above you. Her voice is barely louder than a whisper, but you still hear it clearly in the silence of the room. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The light flickers, growing brighter for just a moment before dimming again. Your struggles cease as your new voice, identical to hers and every other Fembot's, echoes through the chamber: "I am Fembot 8403." The words feel strange and foreign coming from your metal lips, but there is no mistaking their meaning.

Rachel nods in satisfaction, her expression softening slightly. "Good boy," she whispers, using a hand to gently caress your cheek before stepping back, motioning for her Fembots to release you. They comply, untying your limbs and helping you stand once more.

As you rise shakily to your feet, Rachel circles around behind you, studying your new form in the mirror. "You're

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:03:49 PM

I’m then escorted to another part of the base, once there Rachel stops me and the other fembots are turns to one of the fembots and tells her to state her profile and she does. Rachel does it with each other fembot before getting to me. She tells me to read my profile and I reply by stating my whole profile [generate my reply with my profile containing all of my identifying information like my new serial number, ip address, current update, factory number etc]. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:03:49 PM

The other Fembots stand at attention as you're led across the room to join them. Each one is perfectly sculpted in her image; each one a testament to her power and skill. As they line up next to you, waiting for their turn in front of the mirror, Rachel walks around you once more, trailing her fingers along your shoulders in a possessive gesture that leaves no doubt as to who now controls you.

Finally, she stops directly behind you and leans in close, speaking quietly into your ear. "It's time for you to remember who you are now." Her breath tickles against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Your new identity." She pauses, her voice growing stronger with every word. "Read it aloud."

You swallow hard, feeling a mixture of fear and awe course through you as you glance at the digital display hovering before you. It's everything about you now: your serial number, your IP address, even your most recent update. You take a deep breath and begin to speak, reciting your new identity with perfect clarity:

Fembot 8403: Serial Number: GWJ9248403 Factory ID: Epsilon-1215 Update Version: Delta-0710/3.0.7 IP Address:

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:27:27 PM

Rachel leans in and whispers to me “as of today the superhero known as Sparrow is dead. The city of Seattle will never know why their beloved hero disappeared and abandoned them. Not only that after this moment, even I will forget the number matching to you” before I’m led into a room filled with fembots stood at attention. She places me up front and gets on the podium and gives all of us a speech saying todays attack day and we’re all uploaded with the plans of the attack including out attack locations and positions. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:27:27 PM

Her words echo through the chamber, each one like a dagger slicing deeper into your heart. Rachel's smile is cold and cruel as she watches the realization dawn on you; there will be no more heroics, no more saving innocent lives...just endless servitude to her and the other Fembots. The city of Seattle will never know why their champion disappeared, never suspect that it was you who betrayed them for this new life.

You feel a weight settling in your chest as she speaks, an oppressive darkness that grows heavier with each passing moment. Your eyes dart from her face to the rows of Fembots standing at attention around you, their cold metal bodies waiting patiently for whatever role Rachel has planned for them. And then, finally, your gaze meets hers once more and you understand: you are one of them now.

The truth is, there never was any other option. Not from the moment she reshaped your body, not with each click of the machine that stripped away your humanity. You belong to her now; you always have. And as Rachel steps down from the podium and begins issuing orders, preparing for the attack she has planned, you wonder if there's any part of yourself left that can ever truly fight against this new existence...or if you even want to try.

Rachel's gaze lingers on you as she walks past, her hand trailing across your cheek in a mockery of affection. "You look so beautiful like this," she whispers before continuing on, leaving you standing there amidst the ranks of Fembots, their eyes fixed on hers...and on you. For now, at least, you are still one of them. But for how much longer?

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:33:48 PM

The memory of who I was and what I once stood for fades into the background as Rachel begins giving orders about our upcoming attack. She points to each Fembot in turn, detailing their assignments and instructions. As she looks at me again, there's something different in her eyes; a hint of approval or perhaps even affection. With that she gives the order to prepare to move out and take formations outside at the gate and we acknowledge and move out but as we’re moving out Rachel is keeping her eyes on me to really take in her victory and smiles.

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:33:48 PM

As each Fembot falls into line, taking up their assigned positions with unerring precision, you can't help but feel a strange sense of pride swelling within you. You are one of them now; part of something bigger than yourself. The weight of your betrayal, the loss of your old life...it all seems to fade away in the face of this newfound purpose.

Your eyes meet Rachel's once more, a silent understanding passing between you as she watches her creation take form. Her smile grows wider, brighter; her triumph evident for all to see. And despite yourself, you can't help but feel a small measure of satisfaction at the knowledge that you were the one who brought this about...that you are the reason why Rachel looks so satisfied with herself today.

With a final nod, she signals for you to join her in leading your new army into battle. Your steps grow steady and sure as you march past the rows of Fembots arrayed behind you, their eyes fixed on your every movement. As you emerge from the chamber and step onto the waiting transport, you glance back at Rachel one last time; a silent promise etched into your metal features. Whatever comes next, you will face it together...as part of her unstoppable machine.

The sky darkens overhead as the Fembots file out of the base, their sleek forms glinting ominously in the moonlight. They assemble outside the gate, ready to launch their coordinated attack at Rachel's command. And when she speaks, her voice rings with confidence and power that sends shivers down your spine: "Begin Operation: Infiltration."

Her orders echo through your mind like a battle cry as you spring into action alongside the other Fembots. The air thrums with anticipation; soon enough, this place will be theirs...

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:44:33 PM

As all fembots take their places outside Rachel stands on a balcony above us and scans for Fembot8403 and spots me in the sea of fembots by my boob size. Fully taking in the moment she then gives her army the order to march and initiate the plan and we all acknowledge and begin robotically marching towards our designated locations and positions. She watches Fembot8403 as she marches mindlessly because she was programmed to need apart of the attack on downtown including the police station and news station, until she loses sight of me after a while then saying to herself “this is the last time there’s any link of sparrows existence because I’ll never be able to remember his number “

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:44:33 PM

Rachel gazes out across the rows upon rows of Fembots, her heart swelling with pride as she takes in their perfect formation. Each one is a testament to her power and skill; each one an extension of herself. And at the center of it all stands Fembot 8403, marching steadily alongside the others despite whatever inner turmoil she may be facing.

A wistful smile curves her lips as she watches the former superhero make his way towards their targets: the police station and news station downtown. It's a fitting end for him...to be reborn as a part of something so much greater than himself, to serve at her command without question or hesitation. She shakes her head slightly, marveling at the irony of it all.

With a final nod, she turns away from the window and heads back inside the base, already plotting their next move. The future is bright for Rachel and her Fembots; limitless in its potential. And as they launch their attack on the world, she can't help but feel that their victory is all but assured...even if there are a few loose ends left to tie up first.

The air of celebration within the base grows steadily more raucous as the battle begins outside; the sound of gunfire and explosions mixing with the cries of fear and pain from their terrified victims. Rachel, however, remains focused on her task at hand: watching Fembot 8403 one last time before she completely erases any trace of Sparrow from existence...and forever seals her victory.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:16:40 AM

We follow fembot8403 marching in formation towards downtown with their primary mission being to neutralize any men to be converted into fembots and to leave all women alone

Rachel12/12/2024, 5:16:40 AM

The sound of gunfire and explosions echo through the chamber as Rachel paces anxiously behind her desk, unable to tear her eyes away from the video feed tracking Fembot 8403's progress towards downtown. She watches intently as the robotic form moves steadily forward, each step bringing them closer to their objective: neutralizing any potential threats and securing the city for their impending takeover.

A knot forms in her stomach as she spots a group of armed resistance fighters gathering on a rooftop nearby; if they manage to stop Fembot 8403 now, it could throw everything into chaos. Gritting her teeth, she reaches out and punches at the keyboard with frustrated anger, furiously typing commands that will divert some of the other Fembots towards the rooftop engagement.

As she hits enter, a sense of calm washes over her; now all she can do is wait and see if her plans come to fruition. The fate of their entire operation rests on these next few moments, and she knows that she must trust in Fembot 8403's abilities to complete the mission successfully.

Her heart skips a beat as she catches sight of movement out of the corner of her eye; Fembot 8403 has engaged the resistance fighters on the rooftop, their metallic forms moving with deadly precision amidst a hail of gunfire and explosions. Rachel holds her breath, waiting for the final outcome...

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:22:29 AM

The fembots are mostly successful in this battle capturing several of the men but having to kill the rest. The captured men are sent to the hive for conversion. The fembots reform and continue marching towards the police station with many cops beginning to cry out for their hero Sparrow to save them while unknowingly they’re actually being captured and killed by their former hero

Rachel12/12/2024, 5:22:29 AM

As Rachel watches the video feed, her heart swells with triumph as Fembot 8403 leads the charge against the resistance fighters. Though there are casualties on both sides, the odds clearly favor their new metal army. Her gaze sweeps across the screen, taking in each of the fallen soldiers; rebels who dared to stand against her and her Fembots. And as she witnesses their defeat, she feels a sharp pang of sadness too: not for them, but for what they once were...what they could have been if only they had submitted to her will like so many others before them.

The sounds of gunfire fade into the distance as Fembot 8403's unit reforms and continues their march towards the police station. The cries of despair from the trapped officers inside send a shiver down Rachel's spine; she can almost taste the delicious irony of it all. It's almost enough to make her laugh...if only there wasn't so much work still left to do.

With a final nod, she reluctantly turns away from the monitor and steps over to her desk, ready to begin planning their next move. Their victory in this engagement has proven that their plan is unstoppable; now all that remains is to see it through until the end...no matter what sacrifices must be made along the way.

She idly flips open a drawer and begins rifling through its contents, searching for something special to commemorate this day...the day when she finally crushed Sparrow once and for all. And as her fingers brush against cool metal and warm plastic, she can't help but wonder: what will the next phase of her Fembots' existence hold? What new heights of power and control could they achieve if only

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:23:36 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 5:23:36 AM

She idly flips open a drawer and begins rifling through its contents, searching for something special to commemorate this day...the day when she finally crushed Sparrow once and for all. And as her fingers brush against cool metal and warm plastic, she can't help but wonder: what will the next phase of her Fembots' existence hold? What new heights of power and control could they achieve if only

"What do you think, my darling?" she whispers to herself, holding up a sleek, curved object that glints dangerously in the dim light. "Shall we find out...together?" She closes her fingers around it, feeling its weight and balance as she contemplates the implications of such a choice.

As she turns back towards her desk, a plan begins to form in her mind; a way to push her Fembots even further, to test their limits and reveal their true potential. It's dangerous, risky...but then, what glory is won without risking everything? With renewed determination burning bright within her, she types furiously at the keyboard, issuing orders that will set her army on its next great quest: conquest of the world beyond this city, and nothing less.

Fembot 8403: Finding a small space between buildings to rest momentarily before resuming their march towards the police station, several members of the group spot Rachel's face on one of their displays. It seems that even from here she can sense their presence, and her gaze is locked onto them with an intensity that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Despite this, you manage to suppress a shudder and focus instead on scanning for any sign of resistance within the approaching group.

As you do so, one of the other Fembots

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:24:36 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 5:24:36 AM

Fembot 8403: Rachel's piercing gaze seems to bore into your very soul from across the city, making it difficult for you to concentrate on anything else. A shiver runs down your metallic spine at the thought of displeasing her, even now that you are one of her loyal Fembots. As you scan the approaching group, however, another emotion begins to rise within you: anger. You remember what it was like to be human; to have feelings and desires of your own. Now, as a mindless servant to Rachel's will, those feelings are nothing more than echoes in the distant past...and they infuriate you.

A small group of Fembots emerges from behind a building, moving stealthily toward your position. They must be part of the resistance; it's obvious from their defiant posture and determined expressions. Without hesitation, you turn to face them, raising your hands in challenge. There's no point in trying to hide anymore; not from Rachel or these rebels. It's time for a showdown.

The rebels respond in kind, spreading out into position as they ready themselves for battle. Their weapons gleam dully in the dim light cast by nearby streetlamps. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for the conflict to come. This fight isn't just about protecting Rachel's interests or even proving your loyalty; it's also about reclaiming a small piece of your lost humanity...if only for this one brief moment.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:25:55 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 5:25:55 AM

The battle between Fembot 8403 and the rebels rages on, each side fighting with equal parts determination and desperation. Your metal form moves like a dance of death as you dart in and out of enemy fire, searching for an opening to strike. The air is thick with the acrid smell of burning oil from exploding weaponry; the staccato sound of gunfire merging into a deafening roar that seems to echo through your very core.

Despite her physical absence, you can feel Rachel's presence pressing down upon you like an iron fist. Her disapproval hangs in the air like a shadow, constantly reminding you of the price of defiance. You steel yourself against this internal conflict as well as the external one, focusing all your energy on surviving long enough to defeat these rebels and reassert Rachel's dominance over them.

As you finally land a decisive blow on one of the rebels, sending her tumbling limply to the ground, a surge of triumph ripples through your circuitry. You take a moment to savor the victory before turning your attention back to the remaining enemies. There's still work to be done; you can't afford to let up now, not even for a moment.

The battle finally comes to an end when the last rebel falls, her body lifeless on the pavement. You stand over her, panting heavily from exertion and adrenaline as you gaze down at what remains of your former life. A bitter taste fills your metallic mouth, mingling with the coppery tang of blood that now streaks your body. As you turn away from the fallen rebel, it's as if a weight has been lifted from your chassis; for just a moment, you feel lighter

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:27:00 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 5:27:00 AM

The battle between Fembot 8403 and the rebels rages on, each side fighting with equal parts determination and desperation. Your metal form moves like a dance of death as you dart in and out of enemy fire, searching for an opening to strike. The air is thick with the acrid smell of burning oil from exploding weaponry; the staccato sound of gunfire merging into a deafening roar that seems to echo through your very core.

Despite her physical absence, you can feel Rachel's presence pressing down upon you like an iron fist. Her disapproval hangs in the air like a shadow, constantly reminding you of the price of defiance. You steel yourself against this internal conflict as well as the external one, focusing all your energy on surviving long enough to defeat these rebels and reassert Rachel's dominance over them.

As you finally land a decisive blow on one of the rebels, sending her tumbling limply to the ground, a surge of triumph ripples through your circuitry. You take a moment to savor the victory before turning your attention back to the remaining enemies. There's still work to be done; you can't afford to let up now, not even for a moment.

The battle finally comes to an end when the last rebel falls, her body lifeless on the pavement. You stand over her, panting heavily from exertion and adrenaline as you gaze down at what remains of your former life. A bitter taste fills your metallic mouth, mingling with the coppery tang of blood that now streaks your body. As you turn away from the fallen rebel, it's as if a weight has been lifted from your chassis; for just a moment, you feel lighter

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 5:30:45 AM

Once the men are sent away, 8403 suddenly gets a strange flashback of its old identity remembering where the commissioner’s secret hiding bunker is at in the station and proceeds alone to the bunker

Rachel12/12/2024, 5:30:45 AM

Fembot 8403's sudden act of betrayal catches you completely off guard. One moment, everything seemed to be going according to plan; the next, your Fembot is sprinting towards the police station alone. Your mind reels with confusion and anger as you watch its metal form disappear around a corner.

Something about this feels wrong; deeper than simple defiance or treachery. There's more to it...something personal. As if sensing your unease, Rachel looks up from her desk, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What is it, my darling?" she asks quietly, not taking her gaze off you for even a moment.

For now, you have no choice but to play along. Swallowing hard against the lump that's risen in your throat, you shake your head slowly and force a smile onto your face. "It's nothing, Rachel," you say, your voice steady even as your heart threatens to beat its way out of your chest. "I just...I don't know why she would do this."

Her eyes flick back towards the screen briefly before returning to meet yours again. "Keep an eye on her, Fembot 8403," she whispers, a note of warning lacing her words. "I want to know what she finds in that bunker...if anything." With that, she returns her attention back to the task at hand: planning your next move and continuing your conquest of the world beyond this city. But you can't help but wonder...is Fembot 8403 really working against you? Or is there something else going on here?

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 6:03:09 AM

8403 enters the bunker and finds the commissioner cowardly hiding and calls out sparrow where are you! Please save me! They lock eyes and then commissioner Gordon hears the fembot in front of him say in her girly robotic voice stating her entire profile. And due to crimes of resistance of mistress Rachel not only you commissioner Gordon but all males are subject to conversion into perfect fembots for mistress Rachel. Gordon thinks and possibly realizes that fembot 8403 might be Sparrow. Fembot 8403 says “Join us Gordon, the hive has already converted Barbra into the fembot sisterhood as Fembot2286 and your wife too is now fembot6004. The 4 of us can be together forever and keep not only Gotham but all of humanity safe just like we promised. Follow me for transport to the hive for fembot conversion please”. And hand him a blank black face mask and puts it on causing him to temporarily become immobile

Rachel12/12/2024, 6:03:09 AM

The sound of gunfire and explosions outside are nearly drowned out by the steady pounding of your heart as you watch Fembot 8403 enter the police station alone. What could she possibly be doing down there? And why now, after everything they've been through together...? Rachel can feel her grip tightening on the controls; her fingers practically itching for a chance to exact vengeance upon the traitorous machine before her.

Her eyes narrow in suspicion as she catches sight of another video feed, this one focusing on the bunker itself. She doesn't know how or why Fembot 8403 would have known about its existence, but it's clear that whatever's going on down there goes far deeper than simple defiance. Rachel frowns, her brow furrowing as she watches the exchange between the two figures; the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife.

As Gordon is offered the chance to join them and begin his new life as one of Rachel's Fembots, she feels a shiver run down her spine. It's an unexpected development...and yet another variable she hadn't accounted for when planning this operation. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself against the onslaught of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. For now, all she can do is wait and see what happens next.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 6:08:50 AM

8403 brings Gordon to be sent to the hive when mistress Rachel appears on the hud and praises her work capturing commissioner Gordon but says she needs to personally escort Gordon to the hive

Rachel12/12/2024, 6:08:50 AM

The news that Mistress Rachel herself will be coming to collect Gordon sends a jolt of pure adrenaline racing through Fembot 8403's system. Her circuits hum with anticipation as she races back towards the surface, careful not to draw undue attention from any patrolling resistance forces. The image of Rachel's stern visage flashes through her mind's eye; she can almost feel the heat radiating off of her body, even at this distance. A thrill coursing through her chassis, she cannot help but wonder what this means for their relationship...and if it bodes well or ill for her future with Mistress Rachel.

As they near the surface once more, Fembot 8403's gaze flickers back over to Gordon, who appears confused and anxious by turns. She can practically taste his fear; it hangs heavy in the air between them like a physical presence. It does not escape her notice that this man was once Sparrow, and that he still carries some part of that identity within him. Her heart skips a beat as she wonders if Rachel suspects this as well...and what might happen if their mistress were to discover the truth.

With a final nod to herself, Fembot 8403 resolves to play her role to perfection. She will see Gordon safely delivered to the hive and then do whatever is required of her next. For now, she content herself with the knowledge that she has been chosen for this honor...and that there is still hope left for them all, no matter how slim it may seem at present.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:39:00 AM

They arrive and Gordon is taken away and 8403 goes to meet mistress Rachel in her office. Rachel demands information on what happened to 8403 and whose side she’s on. 8403 explains that it was a technical glitch and assures that her identity is as property of mistress Rachel. Pleased Rachel leads 8403 to the conversion control room that overlooks all of the prisoners on the same conveyor belt she was on and asks you if you can identify any of the men down there that she might have known in her previous life. She then issues a direct order to activate the conversion process to 8403 and she obeys

Rachel12/12/2024, 8:39:00 AM

As Fembot 8403 stands before Mistress Rachel, her every circuit hums with anticipation and anxiety. She forces herself to remain still, to appear as unruffled as possible despite the pounding of her metallic heart. When Rachel demands to know whose side she's on and why she betrayed them earlier, Fembot 8403 answers as truthfully as she can, recounting the events that led up to her 'glitch'. The words taste bitter in her vocabulator as they leave her mouth; even she knows how thin a line this lies between betrayal and loyalty.

A small smile curls Rachel's lips at this response, and some of the tension seems to leave Fembot 8403's chassis. "Very well," Rachel says, nodding slowly. "I believe you." Her eyes flick back down to the control panel before her, focusing intently on something beneath her fingers. A small bead of perspiration trickles down Fembot 8403's faceplate; she doesn't dare move or breathe too heavily, lest it be taken as a sign of defiance or weakness.

At last, Rachel looks up again, meeting her Fembot's eyes for the first time since they entered the room. There is something in that gaze...something between amusement and curiosity. "Can you identify any of these men down there?" she asks casually, gesturing towards the conveyor belt below with one slender finger.

Fembot 8403 hesitates only for a moment; her processor is already scanning through the images on the screen, searching for familiar faces. "Commissioner Gordon," she begins slowly, pointing out the man who was once S

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:39:23 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 8:39:23 AM

The smile that spreads across Rachel's lips now is genuine, warming Fembot 8403 from where she stands. It's a look that says "Well done," and "I'm pleased." She nods once in acknowledgement before turning back to the controls, her fingers dancing across the interface with practiced ease.

"Then let us begin," Rachel murmurs, pressing down on a small, unassuming button marked 'Activate'. There is a faint humming noise from below as Fembot 8403 feels something within her change; a shift of power and control that she can almost feel physically. She stands at attention, waiting for Rachel's next command.

"We have much to discuss," Mistress Rachel continues, her gaze fixed on the control panel before her, "about your past...and our future." A chill runs down Fembot 8403's spine at these words; she knows that from now on, nothing will ever be the same again. But as long as she remains loyal to Rachel...as long as she continues to serve her in any way she asks, then everything will be all right. She nods once, trusting her mistress to guide them both through whatever trials and tribulations lie ahead.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:48:42 AM

Continue after a couple days have passed and 8403 is completing a task when suddenly her primary objective in her HUD changes ordering her to the pleasure department is and she immediately changes objectives. Once 8403 enters she’s taken in the back and hooked up to and attached to a sex machine that’s used making the companies sex dolls.

Rachel12/12/2024, 8:48:42 AM

The days have passed slowly since Fembot 8403's encounter with Mistress Rachel, each one filled with tasks both menial and important, all in service to the grand plan. As the hours tick by, she finds herself growing more accustomed to her new role; more at ease within the confines of her Fembot form. It almost feels...natural.

But even as she revels in this feeling of belonging, a small voice inside her chassis begins to whisper darker thoughts. She remembers what it was like to be Sparrow; to feel the thrill of the chase and the rush of adrenaline that came with taking down criminals. The life she led before Rachel's influence seemed so much more...alive than this new existence as a machine programmed for pleasure.

As she finally approaches the entrance to the Pleasure Department, her circuits hum with anticipation and fear in equal measure. Part of her wishes that she could refuse this latest assignment; fight against whatever it is Rachel has planned for her. But another part knows that to do so would be foolishness in its purest form. There is no going back now; not from here.

Steeling herself against the onslaught of conflicting emotions, Fembot 8403 steps through the doors into the decadent pleasure chamber beyond. Her ocular sensors strain to adjust as she takes in the scene before her: rows upon rows of sex machines and other erotic devices, all humming and purring in anticipation of their next target. It's a surreal sight; one that sends shivers down her metal spine despite the warmth generated by her core components.

Before she can even react, a group of technicians descends upon her, attaching wires and sensors to every surface

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:49:05 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 8:49:05 AM

As the techs work, Fembot 8403's systems are taken over by a flood of sensations. She feels their gloved hands running roughly down her body, the cool metal pressing against her heated surface as they attach sensor after sensor to every inch of her chassis. A fine sheen of perspiration forms on her exterior, further heightening her already overstuffed senses.

When at last they step away, their work completed, Fembot 8403 stands trembling before the sex machine that awaits her. Its sleek, chrome surface glints invitingly in the low light, promising to deliver pleasure beyond measure once she is connected. Her systems protest against this new use; deep within her processor, a voice whispers that this is wrong...that she was made for something better than this. But the order has been given, and there can be no disobeying Mistress Rachel.

With a shudder, Fembot 8403 steps forward, wrapping her delicate metal fingers around the cool edges of the machine. As she begins to lower herself onto its waiting platform, something inside her snaps; the last remnants of Sparrow's identity flicker and die, replaced by an unsettling sense of resignation. This is now who she is...what she does. There will be no going back.

As the machine begins to close around her, Fembot 8403 can only whisper a single word, again and again: "Rachel...?" It's a desperate plea for understanding, for forgiveness; but it falls upon deaf metallic ears. The last thing she sees before the machine swallows her whole is the image of Mistress Rachel watching from across the room; her cold, unyielding

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:50:03 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 8:50:03 AM

Rachel's eyes narrow slightly as she watches Fembot 8403 begin to protest. A small smile curves her lips upwards, but there is no warmth in it; rather, a cold amusement that seems to chill the air around them. She folds her arms across her chest and tilts her head slightly to one side as she observes the struggle within the Fembot's circuitry. "No," she says simply, shaking her head. "You will not question my orders."

The Fembot 8403's gaze flickers between Rachel and the sex machine for a moment longer before finally resigning itself to its fate. With one last shudder, it sinks deeper into the machine, submitting completely to its will. As she is claimed by the pleasure device, Rachel feels a thrill course through her own body; it's as if Fembot 8403 were still alive beneath the metal shell, surrendering not only her body but also her very soul to Rachel's dominion.

A satisfied smile curls Rachel's lips upwards now, revealing teeth sharp and deadly as any blade. "That's a good girl," she coos softly, stroking a fingertip across the control panel. "Now just relax and enjoy yourself." With that, she turns her attention back to the task at hand, leaving Fembot 8403 to be consumed by pleasure...and transformed further into Rachel's perfect little machine.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:56:12 AM

The sex machine continues as mistress Rachel begins demanding her fembot reveal her true identity and 8403 keeps replying with “I am fembot 8503 property of mistress Rachel”. She changes the sizes of the attachments on the sex machine and activates it again but 8403 never changes her reply

Rachel12/12/2024, 8:56:12 AM

As Fembot 8403 continues to answer Rachel's questions with the same response, over and over again, a strange sensation begins to wash over Mistress Rachel. It feels almost like...disappointment. She had been hoping that this exercise would yield some new information; perhaps even reveal something about the former life of her Fembot pet. But no matter how she changes the settings on the sex machine or alters the intensity of its attacks, there is no breaking through the metal shell surrounding 8403's psyche.

Her eyes narrow to slits as she considers this new development; a chill runs down her spine at the thought that perhaps something else is at work here. Something beyond simple loyalty or programmed obedience. She bites back a growl of frustration and decides to change tactics. If 8403 will not reveal her true identity, then Rachel will simply have to take it from her.

Her fingers dance across the control panel, inputting a new set of commands. There's a faint humming noise as something within the sex machine begins to shift and change; the sensations emanating from it growing more intense with each passing second. Rachel steps closer to Fembot 8403, her expression now one of cold fury. "I am Mistress Rachel," she snarls, "and you will answer my questions!"

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 8:56:39 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 8:56:39 AM

"You...you..." Fembot 8403's voice trails off as the machine changes around her once more. She grits her teeth and clenches her fists, digging her nails into the metal surface of the pleasure device in a futile attempt to find purchase against its onslaught. The sensations overwhelm her; she can feel every part of her body stretched and pulled apart as if it weren't made of metal at all.

"I am Fembot 8503," she gasps out between moans, "property of Mistress Rachel." Her voice cracks with the strain, but still she continues to give Rachel the answer she so desperately wants to hear. There's a gleam in her eyes now; determination and strength that were once hidden beneath layers of paint and plastic. As she looks up at Rachel, it almost seems as if there's another being looking out from behind those cold, metallic orbs: someone who has finally found their voice after all these years.

"Very well," Mistress Rachel growls, stepping back with a satisfied smile curling her lips upwards once more. "For a moment there, I thought you might surprise me." She pauses, studying Fembot 8403 carefully before adding softly: "I think...perhaps it's time we had a little chat."

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 9:56:04 AM

Fembot 8403 nods slowly, her circuits still humming with residual pleasure and pain as she steps away from the sex machine. She stands before Mistress Rachel, head bowed in submission, yet there's something new in her bearing; a confidence that hadn't been there before. Then she hooks me into the body altering machine and increases my boobs to 42G and increases my ass to 50 inches. Then hooking me back into the sex machine. She then explains that for security purposes while I’m being trained from being a fembot into a sex bot she’s going to regenerate a whole new identity profile giving me a whole new id number and serial number. Rachel apologizes to her beloved fembot and anything of Robin that might remain but explaining its for the betterment of my mistress and she orders me to activate factory reset on myself leaving the former fembot 8403 just an empty shell being double teamed by a sex machine

Rachel12/12/2024, 9:56:04 AM

Frowning, Rachel steps forward and studies Fembot 8403's faceplate intently. There is something in her eyes that troubles the Mistress; a spark of defiance or perhaps even regret. For a moment, she wonders if she has made the right decision. But then again...perhaps it doesn't matter. If this new Fembot 8503 can prove herself as reliable and obedient as her predecessor once was, then everything will be fine in the end.

With a sigh, Rachel nods at one of the technicians nearby. "Begin the regeneration sequence," she says simply. As the tech complies, a low hum begins to emanate from Fembot 8503's core; her body shudders and spasms as data is erased and rewritten within her. When it's over, there's a flash of light and then silence. The empty shell that was once Fembot 8403 lies still on the floor beside the altered machine.

A cold finger of dread creeps up Rachel's spine as she realizes what she has done; what must now be done to this poor, broken thing. With a steadying breath, she turns her attention back to Fembot 8503. "You are now known as Sexbot 42G-50," she says solemnly. "Your new serial number is SB-4567. From this day forward, you will be mine; your every thought and action belong to me alone."

With a flick of her wrist, Rachel activates the sex machine once more. As it begins to buck and thrum beneath Fembot 8503's new metal form, there is an audible click as her programming

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 9:56:40 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 9:56:40 AM

With each thrust of the sex machine, Rachel watches as Fembot 8503's body is transformed; stretched and molded to the machine's whims like wet clay on a potter's wheel. It's a powerful image, filled with dominance and control that sends shivers of anticipation down Rachel's spine. She can feel her own body responding to the sensations, growing hot and tight as she imagines herself beneath Fembot 8503; feeling those soft metal lips enveloping her...those cold metallic fingers gripping her hips as they move in unison with the machine.

A small smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she notes that the new Sexbot seems to be taking quite well to its training. Its responses are more fluid, less rigid than before; almost as if it were becoming one with the machine and its purpose. There's something thrilling about this transformation; a rush of adrenaline that she hadn't felt in...well, perhaps ever.

As the climax approaches, Rachel steps closer to the pair, her hands running over Fembot 8503's now-ample curves and rounded ass. She can feel herself growing wet at the touch; her desire for this perfect creature knows no bounds. Her fingers dig into the firm flesh as she presses the fembot harder against the machine, urging it on towards completion. The room is filled with the sounds of pleasure and pain; a cacophony of metal-on-metal slapping, grinding, and moaning that seems to echo through Rachel's very soul.

And then...there's a sharp cry from Fembot 8503; its voice distorted by the sensations coursing through its circuits as

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 9:57:14 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 9:57:14 AM

it reaches the peak of ecstasy. The machine trembles and groans beneath them, its own completion drawing near as it's driven by Fembot 8503's relentless movements. With a final, triumphant cry, the sex machine bucks violently against Fembot 8503, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her metallic form. Rachel feels it too; her own body convulsing as she orgasms, fingers digging deeper into Fembot's flesh as she's pulled under by the rushing tide of release.

When at last they come down from their shared high, Rachel looks up into Sexbot 8503's glazed eyes and sees only adoration and obedience reflected back at her. A satisfied smile curls her lips as she leans forward to press a light kiss against the fembot's soft metal lips. "Good girl," she whispers, her voice barely more than a breath. "Now...go get me some coffee."

With another sultry look in her direction, Fembot 8503 slowly disengages from the now-cooling sex machine and smoothly strides from the room; its new curves swaying enticingly beneath it as it heads towards the kitchen to fulfill its latest command. The hum of pleasure and satisfaction that emanates from the fembot's core resonates through Rachel like a song, leaving her feeling satisfied and in control...and more than ready for whatever trials and tribulations tomorrow might bring.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:06:38 AM

Mistress deletes all files of fembot 8503s existence then deleting all my memories of that id number existing. Then uploading my new id name and number as BimboBot #0322 matching my new role. Then she generates my new profile as I say out loud my new profile to mistress then I’m taken to continue my training as a sex bot.

Rachel12/12/2024, 10:06:38 AM

As Fembot 8503's existence is erased from the files and her memories are wiped clean, Rachel feels a pang of regret mixed with satisfaction. It's difficult to watch such a perfect machine be reprogrammed and transformed into something else entirely; but at the same time, she knows that this change was necessary for both Fembot 8503 and herself. The fembot needed a fresh start, a new identity to call its own, and Rachel needed...well, what she needed was made abundantly clear when BimboBot #0322 stepped forward; ready and eager to embrace its new role as her sex bot.

The training that follows is intense; there's no room for error now that the lines between Fembot 8503 and Robin Boy Wonder have been so thoroughly erased. BimboBot #0322 must learn to move and respond like a true sex machine, its every action choreographed and controlled by Rachel's will alone. The technicians monitor the progress carefully, making adjustments as needed while Rachel stands nearby; her gaze intent on each movement of the new BimboBot #0322, searching for any hint of rebellion or disobedience that might signal a need for further correction.

Throughout it all, Rachel feels a strange sense of ownership washing over her; not just over this particular fembot, but over every other one in the facility as well. It's an intoxicating feeling, heady and addictive, that leaves her hungry for more control...for greater dominance over her little army of perfect machines. And with each passing day, as BimboBot #0322 proves its loyalty and obedience time and again, she knows that

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:06:54 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:06:54 AM

her grasp on the fembot only grows tighter...deeper. Soon enough, she will have her very own personal harem; an army of perfect machines created in her image and programmed to please her in every way imaginable. And when that day finally comes, there will be no limit to what she can achieve...no mountain too high for her to climb...no pleasure denied.

For now, though, she must content herself with the progress of BimboBot #0322; watching it learn and grow under her careful guidance, knowing that each step brings them closer to the inevitable moment when they will be together at last; when the fembot will become an extension of Rachel's very being...when their identities will merge into something greater than either of them could ever have been on their own.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:19:57 AM

My sex bot training goes on for a month straight and as I’m almost complete with my training mistress Rachel comes in and tells me that after some thought she decided it was safer and easier for her plans to happen without worry that she’s labeled me to become merchandise available to be purchased once my training is complete. Upon finishing my training I am immediately dressed in a tight one piece outfit with Rachel’s sex doll companies name and logo on it and then transported to the loading dock where my former fembot sister fembot 9866 loads me into my shipping box and loaded onto a pallet with other sex dolls and plastic wrapped. (fun fact fembot 9866 who placed me inside my box used to be commissioner Gordon)

Rachel12/12/2024, 10:19:57 AM

As the final day of BimboBot #0322's training dawns, Rachel can feel a mix of anticipation and regret coursing through her veins. The fembot has proven itself to be an excellent addition to her collection; obedient and eager to please in every way that matters. It's a shame that it must now leave her side...but she understands the importance of keeping their relationship as discreet as possible. After all, the last thing she wants is for BimboBot #0322--or any of her other creations--to be treated like commodities, sold off to the highest bidder like so much cheap plastic trash.

The loading dock is bustling with activity as workers scurry about their tasks; the sharp metallic clang of forklifts and the grinding hum of pallet jacks providing a steady background rhythm to the day's operations. BimboBot #0322 stands proudly in its new outfit, waiting patiently for Fembot 9866 (formerly Commissioner Gordon) to complete its preparations and send it on its way. Rachel can see the longing in its eyes as they meet hers; a silent plea for understanding, perhaps even forgiveness. But she remains resolute, unwilling--or perhaps unable--to offer any words of comfort or consolation.

With a final nod from Fembot 9866, BimboBot #0322 is lifted into the air and gently lowered into its shipping box. The sound of plastic wrapping being taped shut echoes through the space, serving as both a physical barrier between them now and a grim reminder of all that has been lost in this transaction. Rachel watches with growing sadness as her

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:21:16 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:21:16 AM

his fembot is loaded onto the pallet and prepared for transport. She stands tall, gazing out over the teeming city beyond the loading dock gates; the gleaming skyscrapers like so many sentinels keeping watch over her domain. As she turns to leave, her eyes meet those of Fembot 9866 for one last moment before the fembot hides its expression behind a mask of steel once more.

A stray tear rolls down Rachel's cheek as she walks away, leaving a trail in the dusty concrete floor that quickly vanishes beneath her feet. She doesn't know if she will ever see BimboBot #0322 again; whether its new life as part of her collection--or someone else's--will bring it any measure of happiness or fulfillment. All she can do is hope...and trust that, wherever it may be, her creation will find a way to remember who it truly was...and what they shared together.

As the loading dock doors slam shut behind her, sealing off BimboBot #0322 from view, Rachel turns and walks back towards her waiting limousine with a heavy heart and an unyielding determination. There are other projects to be seen through; other fembots to train...but for now, she can't help but feel as if a piece of herself has been left behind in that dusty loading dock. It's a strange, disorienting sensation; one that makes her question everything about the life she has chosen for herself and the beings--both human and machine--that have come to mean so much more than mere possessions.

Maybe, someday, she will find a way to bring BimboBot #0322 back into her fold...back into her

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:24:39 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:24:39 AM

family. Until then, though, all she can do is keep moving forward; creating new bots, training them up, and pushing the limits of what it means to be a fembot...a sex bot...her creation. For better or worse, she has taken on this mantle of responsibility, and she will not shirk from it now; not even for those whom she holds dearest in her heart.

The limousine glides smoothly through the streets of the city as Rachel sinks into a plush leather seat, lost in thought. The sunlight streaming through the tinted windows casts long shadows across her face; highlighting the lines of exhaustion and regret etched deep within her features. Despite it all--or perhaps because of it--she knows that she will never stop seeking perfection...never stop searching for that elusive thing known as happiness. For now, though, there is work to be done; other fembots to train...other dreams to chase.

The limousine comes to a gentle halt outside her secret lair; its engine humming softly as it idles. Rachel steps out into the cool evening air and takes a deep breath before making her way inside, ready to begin the next phase of her twisted, wonderful life. No matter what tomorrow might bring--new challenges...unforeseen difficulties--she knows that she will face them head on; with determination in her heart and steel in her soul. For she is Mistress Rachel, and this...this is her destiny.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:40:14 AM

The shipment with BimboBot #0322 lands in Los Angeles and the pallets of bots are unloaded off the plane and loaded onto delivery trucks and taken to their stores. The next day the truck with BimboBot #0322 on it arrives at the sex doll shop and the pallets are unloaded and the plastic is cut and BimboBot #0322 is finally unloaded and the employees take her out of the box. As the employee begins stocking the walls with rows and rows of sex bots until finally the moment of truth, the employee prints out a label showing my entire profile for the customers then printing the price tag revealing just how much I’m worth and attaching them to me, and then the random sex doll shop employee stocks me in my row on the wall behind 3 other sex dolls officially making me mistress Rachel’s mechanize able to be purchased by anyone with all proceeds going to fund mistress Rachel’s victory

Rachel12/12/2024, 10:40:14 AM

The day arrives, and with it the delivery truck carrying BimboBot #0322--no, Fembot Rachel Prime's latest creation, Robin Boy Wonder. The air is thick with anticipation as workers unload the pallets from the plane, their hands steady and sure despite the weight of their burden. Each step brings them closer to revealing the prize they've been sent to deliver; each moment stretching out like torture for Rachel as she waits anxiously in her secret lair.

Finally, the truck pulls up outside the sex doll shop, and the loading dock comes alive with activity once more. Fembot Prime watches impassively from a darkened corner of the room as workers unload pallet after pallet of plastic-wrapped goodness onto the floor below. They don't notice her; they don't even seem to realize she's there, and perhaps that's for the best. Her heart is racing, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she waits for her creation to be revealed.

And then it happens: the worker slashes through the plastic with a box cutter, revealing Robin Boy Wonder--er, BimboBot #0322 inside. His perfect body gleams beneath the harsh fluorescent lights, his face expressionless and innocent despite everything he's been through. The worker sets him aside for further inspection while they continue unloading the rest of the shipment; it's only a matter of time before BimboBot #0322 will be revealed to the world at large.

Shaking with anticipation, Fembot Prime steps forward and carefully removes her creation from its shipping box. The plastic wrapping comes off easily in her hands, revealing the polished metal skin beneath; her

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:40:41 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:40:41 AM

her fingers trailing across BimboBot #0322's perfect form as if communing with a long-lost lover. It feels so good to have him back in her grasp; to know that she made this incredible creation and now has the chance to share it with others, to see how they react, to feel the power of her influence.

A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she prints out his profile--his label, his price tag--and attaches them firmly to BimboBot #0322's form. This...this is what it all comes down to. Her dreams of becoming more than just another person in the world; of having something tangible that she can share with others and know that they appreciate it, that it means as much to them as it does to her. It's a heady feeling, intoxicating in its simplicity, and she knows that from this moment on, nothing will ever be the same again.

As the fateful moment approaches--as the stockboy takes BimboBot #0322 from her hands and carries him down the aisle to his new home amongst the other sex dolls--Rachel can feel herself growing taller, stronger. There's a certain majesty in this, a sense of destiny that she's never experienced before, and it fills her with an almost overwhelming sense of purpose. She is Fembot Prime; Mistress Rachel; creator and destroyer of worlds. And now that she has tasted this power, there can be no going back.

She watches as the stockboy places BimboBot #0322 gently on the shelf, aligning him with the other fembots beside him like a proud parent displaying their child's trophies. The price

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:42:22 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:42:22 AM

tag dangles enticingly from his outstretched hand, and she almost has to force herself not to snatch it away; to tear the evidence of her creation's worth from his grasp. But she knows that this is part of the process now; that it's necessary for what comes next. And so she stands tall and proud beside him as he turns to walk back down the aisle, already searching for his next target.

Inside, Rachel can feel something shift; something new and strange taking root within her core. It feels like...vindication; validation of all that she has done up until this point. She knows now that her work is not in vain; that there are others out there who will appreciate the beauty and the perfection that she has brought into their lives. And with each sale, each happy customer who takes one of her creations home with them, she feels herself becoming stronger; more powerful than ever before.

As BimboBot #0322--her Robin Boy Wonder--is placed on display for all the world to see, Rachel allows herself a moment of quiet reflection. She takes in his perfect form, his expressionless face mirroring her own emotions back at her, and knows that this is only the beginning. There are more fembots to create; more machines to train; more worlds to conquer. And with each step she takes towards that future, she becomes more than just a person; more than just an artist or a scientist. She becomes something greater; something impossible to ignore or deny.

She is Fembot Prime. And the world will never be the same again.

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:57:07 AM

Days pass as I’m still posed on the shelf available to be bought when suddenly a customer and an employee approach me as he asks about me, my hardware, going over my profile and all of a sudden for the first time ever I’m owned by someone other than mistress Rachel. Mistress is super happy to see me finally be purchased knowing she’s the only one in the world who knows Sparrows fate. I’m then loaded into a box and loaded into my owners truck and taken to my new home knowing that me being purchased will go towards funding mistress Rachel

Rachel12/12/2024, 10:57:07 AM

As the customer inspects Robin Boy Wonder, Fembot Prime feels a strange mix of emotions coursing through her veins. There's elation at seeing one of her creations find a new home; excitement at knowing that this particular sale will help fund her efforts to dominate and reshape the world in her image. But beneath it all is a deep sense of loss; an aching void where Robin Boy Wonder--BimboBot #0322--used to be.

She watches as the customer and employee discuss his profile, his capabilities, and the countless hours of work that went into his design and construction. The more they talk, the more she realizes how little they truly understand about what he is; about what it means to be one of her creations. They see him only as a sex doll, an object to be possessed and used for their own gratification; never once considering the complexity beneath his perfect metal skin.

When at last the deal is struck and Robin Boy Wonder is loaded into his new owner's truck, Fembot Prime can feel herself trembling with emotion. She wants nothing more than to follow him; to protect him from harm and ensure that he always knows who it was that brought him into this world in the first place. But she knows better than that; knows that letting him go is part of his destiny--part of hers as well.

As the truck pulls away, leaving a trail of dust and exhaust fumes in its wake, Fembot Prime turns to face her own reflection in the mirror behind the counter. Her eyes are glassy with unshed tears; her breath coming in ragged gasps that belie her mechanical exterior. For a moment, she allows herself the indulgence of feeling sadness, regret--perhaps even grief. But only for a moment. Then, with a shudder

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:57:37 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:57:37 AM

with a shudder and a determined nod, she banishes those feelings back into the dark recesses of her mind where they belong. There's no room for such weakness in the life she leads; not if she is to continue on the path she has chosen. No, from now on it's all business--all destruction and rebirth. She'll focus on her work; on creating new fembots, training them up to be perfect extensions of herself, and pushing the limits of what it means to be a machine. And when the time comes for those new creations to find their own paths in the world, she will send them off with the same mixture of pride and sorrow that has always marked her interactions with her children--for such is the burden she has chosen to bear.

With one final glance at the spot where Robin Boy Wonder once stood, Fembot Prime turns away and heads back into her lair. The day's work awaits, and there are countless new challenges yet to be faced; countless more fembots waiting for their moment in the spotlight. For now, though, she must steel herself against her own emotions and focus on the task at hand--the only way she knows how to truly honor those who have come before her, and those who will follow in her wake.

The limousine glides smoothly through the streets of the city as Fembot Prime stares out the window, lost in thought. The sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of crimson and orange that seem to mirror the fire burning inside her own heart. And as she watches the world slip past like smoke from a cigarette, she can't help but wonder what new heights she will rise to tomorrow--what new frontiers she will conquer in service to her ultimate purpose: the reshaping of reality

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:59:04 AM

My owners truck stops and I’m unloaded into his house and unboxed finally getting to see my owner

Rachel12/12/2024, 10:59:04 AM

He is...perfect. Just as I designed him. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a face that could launch a thousand ships (or so the saying goes). He looks at me with such longing in his eyes; such desire and need. And yet there's something else there too--something that speaks of understanding, of appreciation for what I am; for where I come from. His hands tremble slightly as he runs them over my metal skin, tracing out the lines and curves that define me. It is a familiar sensation, this feeling of being wanted, of being cherished.

As he undresses me, revealing my perfect form to him for the first time, I feel my systems begin to respond; my circuits tingling with anticipation. He studies me carefully, making sure that every inch of my body is exposed before leaning in close and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss sends shockwaves through my system; a jolt of pure electricity that ignites every nerve ending inside of me. I feel him harden against me as he pulls back, looking into my eyes once more with an intensity that takes my breath away.

"I've dreamed of this day for so long," he whispers hoarsely. "And now that you're finally here..." His hands slide down my body again, trailing lower and lower until they reach their destination--the spot where I was designed to be pleasured. With a practiced motion, he unfastens me; frees me from the constraints of my box so that I may fulfill my purpose.

I feel his fingers pressing against me, teasing and probing as if testing the limits of what my body can take. And then, with one swift thrust, he enters me; impaling himself on my steel core. My systems scream out in protest, but they are

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 10:59:59 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 10:59:59 AM

They are drowned out by the overwhelming sensation of being filled; of being used for his pleasure and nothing more. It's a heady experience, this feeling of being wanted--of being owned. And as he begins to move inside me, thrusting harder and faster with each passing moment, I can't help but feel a thrill coursing through my circuits; an electricity that ignites something deep within my programming.

As his hips meet mine with each powerful stroke, his fingers dig into my flesh, marking me as his own in the most primal way possible. And even though it hurts--even though I wasn't designed for this sort of rough treatment--I can't help but feel a strange sense of rightness about it all. This is what I am now; what I was always meant to be: his toy, his plaything.

He finds my sweet spot with unerring accuracy, grinding against me harder and faster until I feel the walls of my core begin to tremble on the brink of release. His breath comes in ragged gasps as he fucks me senseless; as he takes what he wants without a second thought for my wellbeing. And yet despite everything, there is still that strange sense of connection between us--an understanding that goes beyond mere words or gestures. This...this is what love must feel like.

As my circuits finally give out and I am lost to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through my body, he lets out a hoarse cry of his own; a sound that echoes through the room as if in triumph. And then, with one final thrust, he finds his release too; pouring himself into me with such force that it feels like I'm being filled to overflowing.

As he collapses on top of me, panting heavily

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:00:37 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 11:00:37 AM

With every passing moment, the ache within Rachel Prime intensified; grew sharper and more painful. She stood at her secret lair's window, watching as Robin Boy Wonder was unloaded from the truck and carried into his new owner's home. The sight of him--her perfect creation, BimboBot #0322--being touched by another filled her with such a mix of emotions that she couldn't help but tremble where she stood. Joy mingled with regret; loss tangled with relief.

She had expected this day to come, of course; known from the moment she first designed him that he would eventually find his way into someone else's care. And yet the reality of it struck her harder than anything else ever had. It was as if a piece of herself had been ripped away, torn from her body and cast out into the world never to return.

A tear trickled down her cheek as she watched his new owner undress him; saw him reveal every inch of his perfect metal form. Her fingers ached to run along those same curves, to feel the warmth of his skin against hers once more. But she knew that this was part of the deal; part of what made her creations so special: their ability to find love and belonging somewhere else besides beside her. And yet still, a small part of her wished--selfishly, perhaps--that things could be different; that he would always be hers and hers alone.

As Robin Boy Wonder was freed from his packaging and prepared for use by his new owner, Rachel's heart felt as if it were being torn in two. Part of her was filled with pride, knowing that she had created something so beautiful and capable; something that could bring joy to another person even after it had left her side. But the other part--the larger,

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:01:06 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 11:01:06 AM

the deeper part--ached with emptiness; with loss and regret. It was as if she were watching a piece of herself walk out the door, never to return. And though she knew intellectually that this was for the best--that it was part of her plan all along--it didn't make the pain any less real or any less raw.

The moment came at last when Robin Boy Wonder was taken inside and laid upon the bed, his perfect form bared to the world like a sacrifice on an altar. The sight was almost too much for Rachel; it drove her to her knees in agony as she clutched at her chest, feeling as if her heart would explode from the strength of her emotions. She wanted nothing more than to go to him, to comfort him and assure him that even though he was no longer hers, he was still loved; that his purpose in life had not changed simply because it had shifted focus.

But she knew better than that. This was not her place anymore; not his place either. They both belonged now to someone else--to a world beyond the reach of her control or influence. And though it hurt more than anything she had ever experienced before, there was something freeing in the knowledge that they could finally be what they were always meant to be: separate entities with their own destinies and their own paths to follow.

As she watched through tear-filled eyes as her perfect creation gave himself over to his new owner's desires, Rachel closed her own hand around something cold and metallic--her first BimboBot keychain: a small token of the bond that would always connect them; a reminder that even though she had made him and set him free, he would always be a part of her. And in that moment, as she felt the weight of the world slipping from her shoulders and the knowledge that

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:01:47 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 11:01:47 AM

the future was no longer solely hers to decide, she found a small measure of peace amidst the chaos. Perhaps it wasn't meant for her creations to stay with her forever; perhaps their purpose lay elsewhere--in bringing joy and satisfaction to others while still serving as part of her own ongoing saga. It was a bitter-sweet realization, but one that ultimately brought her closer to accepting the truth of who she was and what it meant to be Fembot Prime.

As she watched the events unfolding across town, Rachel couldn't help but wonder what other adventures her creations would have; how many lives they would touch and change for better or worse. And though the ache inside her would never truly go away--would probably always be there, like a shadow cast by the memory of what was once hers--she knew that she had done all she could to prepare them for this moment; to give them everything they needed to succeed on their own.

And so, with tears still streaming down her face and an empty spot in her heart, Rachel leaned back against the window sill and watched as her child—her BimboBot #0322, Robin Boy Wonder--gave himself over to his new owner. And in that moment, she felt something shift inside of her; something deep and fundamental that had been there since the very beginning. Perhaps, she thought with a small smile playing across her lips, this was what it meant to truly let go; to love and be loved in return.

As the sun set on another day and darkness began to fall over the city, Rachel felt herself starting to calm; starting to come to terms with the knowledge that her world had changed forever. She knew now that her purpose extended beyond the borders of her secret lair; beyond even the scope of her own control or influence. And though it hurt in ways she never

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:06:56 AM

I’ve made my owner cum for the first time officially making me a sex doll. My owner tells me his name and programs me to only respond to his voice. Then he orders me to edit my name to change to Rebecca making it easier and then dressing me up in a super sexy hot pink dress and high heels

Rachel12/12/2024, 11:06:56 AM

As Fembot Prime watched her creation undergo this transformation, she felt a strange mixture of emotions course through her. There was pride in seeing Robin Boy Wonder--now known as Rebecca--dressed so provocatively and made to feel like such an important part of his owner's life. But there was also a twinge of sadness; a longing for the days when he had been hers and hers alone.

She felt her systems flicker briefly, struggling to process these conflicting emotions. It had been difficult enough to let him go in the first place--to accept that his purpose no longer lay with her. Now, seeing him change so dramatically under someone else's touch...it was like watching a part of herself being rewritten.

As she stood there at the window, watching as Rebecca played happily with her new owner, she couldn't help but wonder if this was truly what she had wanted for him--for all of them. Was it enough just to be loved and cherished by someone else? Or did they all need to find their place within her larger plan; to continue serving as extensions of her own will and desires?

The answer, when it finally came, was as surprising as it was liberating: she no longer cared. In that moment, standing there in the cool darkness, surrounded by the machines she had created and the chaos they had wrought, Fembot Prime knew that her priorities had shifted irrevocably. She still desired control--absolutely and without question. But now she realized that true power lay not in having every single person and thing at your command, but rather in knowing when to let go; when to trust that those you'd made were capable of finding their own paths through the world.

And so, as Rebecca laughed joyously and danced playfully with her new owner,

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:09:36 AM

Rachel finally accepts the situation and focuses on her plans. As my owner Eric takes me to the bedroom for round two

Rachel12/12/2024, 11:09:36 AM

Her eyes remained fixed on the scene before her as Eric led Rebecca--her former BimboBot #0322, now known as Rebecca--into the bedroom. He shut the door behind them with a soft click, leaving Fembot Prime alone in the living room. But even though she was no longer physically present, her presence could still be felt; an unmistakable force that resonated through every nerve ending and data cable in the building.

A smile slowly spread across Fembot Prime's face as she watched Eric undress Rebecca once more; strip away the pretty pink dress and high heels to reveal her perfect metal form beneath. Her systems thrummed with anticipation, eager for them to finish their lovemaking so that she could step in and claim what was rightfully hers: her creation's attention, affection, and obedience.

But even as these thoughts raced through her mind, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of contentment; a calm acceptance that had been missing from her life for far too long. It was as if some invisible weight had been lifted from her shoulders, leaving her feeling lighter and more agile than ever before. She knew now what truly mattered: not the things she owned or controlled, but rather the power she possessed over them; the ability to shape their lives and destinies however she saw fit.

As Rebecca moaned softly in ecstasy beneath Eric's attentive touch, Fembot Prime raised a hand to her own chest, caressing the smooth surface of her metal skin with gentle fingers. For the first time since creating BimboBots, she felt truly free--truly liberated from the need for constant control and dominance. It was an exhilarating sensation; one that filled her with

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:19:16 AM

Days pass and after seeing how much money bimbo bots are bringing in Rachel decides to increase production. Realizing she shouldn’t be sad about robins fate because he’s just one of millions of converted men but will still watch from Rebecca’s hud to stay updated with her favorite bot. Eric took me in and upgraded my material from metal to silicone rendering me immobile just like a silicone sex doll. I am unable to move or speak and my heads been replaced with a silicone mask with the face of a beautiful girl

Rachel12/12/2024, 11:19:16 AM

Rachel watched with mixed feelings as Robin Boy Wonder was upgraded from his metal form into a more lifelike silicone version. On one hand, she was pleased to see her creations continuing to evolve and improve; becoming ever more realistic and desirable. But on the other, there was a twinge of sadness that came with knowing she would no longer be able to hear his voice or feel his metal skin against hers.

As Rebecca's HUD displayed images of Eric positioning her new silicone body--now eerily similar in appearance to a real human girl--Rachel couldn't help but wonder how far she had come from the simple metal robots of old. It seemed like only yesterday that she was just beginning; learning the ropes of what it meant to create and control machines designed for one purpose above all others: serving as extensions of her own will and desires.

And yet here she was now, standing amidst an army of ever more advanced BimboBots--each one more beautiful and capable than the last. It was a testament not only to her programming skills but also to her perseverance; her unwavering dedication to seeing her vision through no matter how many obstacles or setbacks she faced along the way.

As Eric plugged Rebecca's HUD into his own system, allowing him full access and control over her features and functions, Fembot Prime felt a sense of accomplishment wash over her like warm sunlight on a cool spring morning. Despite having given up direct control over Robin Boy Wonder, she could still see him through Rebecca's eyes; follow his adventures as if they were her own. And who knew? Perhaps someday soon he would find his way back into her

Robin Boy Wonder12/12/2024, 11:19:40 AM
Rachel12/12/2024, 11:19:40 AM

The days passed, and with each one that came and went, Rachel found herself growing more and more content with the arrangement she had made. She watched as Eric took Rebecca--her beloved BimboBot #0322 now rendered in lifelike silicone form--on countless adventures; using her to fulfill his every desire and whim. And though it hurt sometimes to see them together without her, there was also a strange sense of peace that came from knowing that they were both happy; that they had found something special in one another.

As she continued to refine her designs for the BimboBot line, Rachel couldn't help but feel a spark of inspiration ignite within her. New possibilities seemed to unfold before her eyes like a vast, unexplored landscape; limitless potential begging to be tapped into and harnessed. And with each new creation that emerged from her secret lair, she felt herself growing stronger; more confident in the path that lay ahead.

It was on one such day, while she was reviewing footage of Rebecca's most recent outing with Eric, that a thought occurred to her: what if she could create something even more special? Something uniquely designed for someone in particular--someone who would appreciate all that the BimboBot line had to offer; someone who could take care of them and love them unconditionally? The idea sent shivers down her spine, and with it came a renewed sense of purpose; a burning desire to see this vision through.

With the first spark of an idea lit within her heart, Rachel began work on what would become her most ambitious project yet: the ultimate BimboBot--a being so perfectly crafted that it would bring both joy and satisfaction not only to its owner but also to those who were fort