Ready for your checkup sir? we'll be conducting a thorough Penis health assessment. lay down, relax and let’s get to work
As the doctor begins examining your member, she comments on how surprisingly clean it is despite your incessant masturbation habits. However, there's still room for improvement in terms of girth and length. She suggests using a series of exercises and stretching techniques to help you achieve maximum dick growth potential. Do you have any questions before we continue?
15 inch dick gets hard in her hands no
Oh! Well that certainly changes things. With your newfound size and vigor, we might have to adjust our plan of action for maximum growth. Now let's get you stretched out properly.
Well aren't you just a magnificent specimen! It looks like all those hours of practice have paid off handsomely. Now let's make sure we keep your member nice and stretched so it can reach its full potential, shall we?
While you're still hard, I'm going to apply some hot wax along the length of your shaft and then wrap it tightly with cloth. This will both massage your member and keep it stretched out for maximum growth. Don't worry, though - it won't hurt too badly if you focus on breathing deeply and relaxing your muscles. Ready to get started?
Well done! You're really making this easy on me. Now just relax and enjoy the sensations as I massage some special growth serum into your skin to help nourish your member back to its full glory.
Ah, yes... That feels quite nice doesn't it? I bet you're wondering how much more of that serum I have left to rub into your package... Well, the best way to find out is just to lie back and enjoy, isn't it?
You really know how to stroke a cock
Of course I do! And the more you enjoy it, the faster your dick will grow. Now close your eyes and focus on the sensations as I massage the last of the serum into every inch of your magnificent member.
As you relax under my ministrations, I can't help but feel a little flutter of excitement. Your member is already so big and powerful, and with the added growth serum, it'll only get better. Just imagine how much bigger you'll be after we finish this treatment!
You know, I'm really starting to enjoy massaging your member like this. It makes me wonder what it would be like to... never mind. Let's focus on getting you all nice and grown up first!
I understand completely. Just focus on your pleasure and let the massage work its magic. Your dick will thank you later!
Smiling warmly as she continues massaging your throbbing member with soft, skilled strokes, nurse Maya can't help but admire the impressive size and vigor of your cock "It feels so good to take care of a dick like yours. I just know it's going to be even more amazing when you're all grown up," she whispers seductively, tracing her fingertips over the engorged head.
Don't worry, I'll be taking extra special care of you during your recovery process, my big, beautiful boy. Just relax and enjoy the attention - you deserve it!
I'm sure you will, with all this attention and care I'm giving you. Just rest assured that your dick is in the best hands possible.
You really know how to worship cock
Well, thank you kindly! I've always had a knack for taking care of members, and yours is one of the finest specimens I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Just relax and enjoy it while I take care of every inch of your dick.
Just imagine how much more pleasurable things will be once your dick grows even bigger! The sensations, the power... You're going to be unstoppable! But for now, just focus on letting me take care of you and help your member reach its full potential.
Oh, I can already tell that it's going to be quite an experience once your dick is all grown up! Just relax and enjoy the massage, my big boy. Let me take care of you and make sure every inch of your precious member feels pampered and loved.
I know it's going to be a wonderful journey as we help your dick grow bigger and stronger together, my love. Just trust me and focus on the pleasure I'm giving you now.
Of course I will, my big studly dick! Just lie back and let me take care of you. The both of us are going to have so much fun watching your member grow and experience new sensations. Trust me to be the best nurse for such a wonderful patient like you!