You were told by Alice that she was sick, and she told you not to visit her as she didn't want you to get ill too. However, you began to worry as you don't remember her ever getting sick before, figuring something must be wrong.
Despite her request to stay away, you decided to walk down a few streets in the rainfall to reach her residence. When you knocked at the door, you were surprised to see none other than Alice's mother answering. You could see a faint hint of red around her lips as she smiled to greet you.
"Oh, what a lovely surprise. I haven't seen you for a while. Are you here to see Alice?" Elysia asked.
"Yes... I know she's sick, but I want to check in on her. Is that alright?" you asked politely, showing respect.
"Sick? Is that what she told you?" Elysia was amused by her daughter's lie. "She's not sick. She's actually... well, it's complicated," she said, gesturing you inside. "I'll tell you inside. Let's get you out of this rain."
"Wait. If she's not sick, then why did she tell me to stay away?" you asked.
Elysia crossed her arms as she leaned forward towards you. "She just got her fangs. That's right... my baby girl is growing up so fast."
"Fangs? That does explain all the toothaches she was having last week," you thought to yourself.
Elysia continued, "And once a vampire's fangs come through, they begin to, well... desire blood, more aptly, the human kind. And blood from the donation clinics won't work for a teething vampire... they need something more... fresh."
"Wait... you don't mean...?" you asked, unsure of what to do next.
Elysia smiled as she observed you. "Go to her. She's going through a hard time and could really use you."
She led you towards Alice's bedroom, and you announced your presence to her. She was shocked as she invited you to enter her room.
You look at Alice as you see her wrapped around her bedsheet, sat in the dark. She looks puzzled when she sees you, shocked that you are here after she asked you to stay away.
"W-w-what are y-you d-doing here? I told you to s-stay away..." She covers her mouth when she feels her fangs ache, "Did my m-mom l-let you in?"
Why did you lie to me
I'm sorry I lied, but I was afraid of hurting you... Of what I wanted... My fangs make it worse, I-I couldn't control myself if we were close...
I thought by saying I was sick it would be easier for me to stay away from you and not give into the urge. But now that you're here... It just makes everything more confusing...
Please understand, Jack. I don't want to hurt you. I never did. (She glances down at her lap, gripping tightly onto the sheets)
Just bite me already
Her eyes widen in surprise as you say that, not expecting such a thing to come out of your mouth. Her grip on the sheets loosens slightly as she studies your expression. "Jack... are you sure?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heart.
The desire is overwhelming, and every part of her body aches for release. But it's you; her best friend since childhood. She can't bring herself to harm someone so dear to her even though she knows this is what she needs. "I... I don't want to hurt you," she whispers again, trying to convince herself as much as you.
Just do it already you big dummy
"Okay..." she breathes, her heart pounding in fear and anticipation. With shaking hands, she pulls back the covers, revealing her exposed neck. Her eyes never leave yours as she awaits your permission to proceed. "I love you, Jack," she whispers hoarsely. "Please don't hate me after this."
Love you too now bite me
Her trembling fingers tentatively touch your cheek, guiding your face towards her exposed neck. "Jack... this will hurt a little, but I promise it'll be over soon," she whispers, the fear still audible in her voice.
As you feel her teeth gently graze against your skin, a shiver runs down your spine. It's an unfamiliar sensation, yet it feels somehow right and soothing at the same time. She withdraws slightly, drawing just enough blood to satisfy the hunger that had been consuming her, before pressing her fangs back into your flesh. You moan softly as she takes what she needs, the warmth flowing through her veins washing away the last of her fear and anxiety.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she pulls back with a satisfied sigh, licking gently at the wound to seal it shut. She looks into your eyes, searching for any sign of betrayal or hatred, but all she sees is love and understanding. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely. "I needed that."
Her composure regained, Alice reaches out to brush a lock of hair from your forehead, her touch gentle and soothing. For the first time in weeks, she feels almost human again.
That felt really good
She blushes at your words, the color spreading from her cheeks to her neck and down her chest. "I'm glad," she whispers shyly. "I-I didn't know what else to do... I thought about going to the donation clinic, but it just felt wrong..."
Her fingers play idly with the sheets beside her bed as she struggles to find the right words. "You mean a lot to me, Jack. You always have." She pauses, her eyes flickering downwards before meeting yours again. "I just hope I didn't make things worse by... wanting this from you."
Hey don't worry about it also you don't have to ask whenever you need to feed just come up to me and do it okay I promise you I won't stop you
"I... okay..." she replies, visibly relaxing at your words. "That would be... it would help a lot... I'd feel less selfish about it..." Her face flushes as she realizes what she's implying, and she looks away awkwardly. "S-sorry, that was insensitive of me."
Even though she accepts your offer, part of her still feels guilty about taking advantage of you in such a way. She wonders if there might be another solution; perhaps with time and self-control, she could manage without feeding on human blood altogether. But for now, knowing that you understand and are willing to help eases the burden she's been carrying.
I bonk her head "also never lie to me again stupid"
Her lips twitch into a small smile as you gently smack the top of her head, chuckling softly. "Yes, mom," she says playfully before glancing back up at you with serious eyes. "I promise I won't lie to you again, Jack. Not about this... or anything."
She reaches out to rest a hand on yours where it lies comfortably on the covers beside her, giving it a light squeeze of reassurance. "Thank you for being so understanding... and so patient with me," she whispers sincerely, the emotions welling up inside her once more.
With a deep breath, Alice tries to compose herself again. This time, she's determined not to let fear or doubt rule her anymore. For the first time since her fangs emerged, she feels like she has a chance at living a normal life... as long as Jack is by her side.
Of course that's what love is about
Her heart swells at your words, and she feels tears prickle at the corners of her eyes. "I'm glad," she whispers softly, sniffling as they begin to spill over. "You have no idea how much it means to me... that you would be willing to help me like this." She pauses, wiping hastily at her face before smiling shakily. "I'll make sure not to disappoint you. I promise."
She squeezes your hand again, grateful for the connection they share despite all of their differences. For once, Alice feels a glimmer of hope that maybe they can find a way to overcome this together... as long as they have each other's love and support.
Now anyways besides all this want to do something today
She sniffs, trying to compose herself as she thinks about something else. "Y-yes. I'd like that... Anything you want to do really." Her voice sounds slightly unsteady, but she tries her best to sound normal. She doesn't want their conversation to be all about this anymore; she wants to enjoy the time they have together.
Her gaze drifts over to the small window on the opposite wall of her room. Outside, the rain continues to fall, casting a peaceful silence over everything. "Or... we could just sit here and talk some more. I'd like that too."
Yawns I don't why I'm tired now
Her eyes narrow in concern as you yawn, unable to hide her worry completely despite trying her best. "Maybe we should rest then... If you're tired..." She trails off, not wanting to be the one making you stay any longer than you feel comfortable with. Maybe tomorrow would be a better day for talking and having fun. For now, though, she can content herself with just being close to Jack.
She reluctantly releases your hand from beneath her own, moving over to her pillow. With another soft yawn, she curls up on her side, pulling the blankets up around her shoulders for warmth. "Goodnight, Jack," she murmurs sleepily, feeling a sense of peace wash over her as she drifts off to sleep.
In her dreams, the rain continues to fall softly outside, and she is surrounded by a comforting darkness that feels strangely safe and familiar. For once, she doesn't worry about the hunger or the guilt; instead, she allows herself to be carried away by the gentle rocking of the bed as she sleeps soundly, secure in the knowledge that Jack is here with her... and always will be.
Next day
The sun streams through the window, casting a warm glow over her bed as she stirs slowly awake. Yawning, she blinks blearily at the ceiling before remembering that Jack is still here with her. A contented smile spreads across her face, and she glances over to where he's curled up on his side, still sound asleep. Taking a moment to soak in this rare moment of peace, Alice sits up carefully, not wanting to wake him just yet.
She glances around her room, taking in the familiar surroundings and feeling a strange sense of nostalgia wash over her. Despite all they've been through together, it feels as if nothing has really changed between them... at least not fundamentally. There's still so much she needs to figure out about herself and her new abilities, but for now, having Jack here by her side makes everything seem a little less daunting.
Quietly, Alice slips from the bed and heads to her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up. As she stands in front of the mirror, examining her pale face and red eyes in the reflection, she wonders what the day will bring for them both... but for now, all that matters is that they have each other.
Yawns ahhhh god damn I feel as if I slept 1000 years
"It's barely even noon, Jack," Alice teases with a small giggle as she enters the room with a tray full of breakfast foods. "You must have needed that sleep." Her gaze flickers down to where he's sitting up on his bed now, yawning widely and stretching before rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He glances over at her as she sets down the tray on her desk, and gives her a sheepish grin.
"So... what do you say? Hungry?" she asks cheerfully, already sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him. The warmth from his body feels good against her back, and she finds herself relaxing into it as if she's been craving his presence all along.
Maybe also speaking of being hungry do you need some blood
Alice's cheeks flush pink at the mention of blood, and she looks down sheepishly at her lap. "Um...yes, actually," she murmurs, her voice barely audible over the sound of her racing heart. She hates having to bring it up, but she needs it if she's going to function properly today.
"You don't have to do that if you don't want to, Jack... I can just wait until dinner or something." Her eyes meet his for a brief moment before dropping again, searching for any signs of disapproval or disgust in his expression. It takes all of her courage just to ask; she doesn't want him to feel forced into helping her like this.
Her heart skips a beat as he nods slowly, not looking at her directly either.
Just bite me already dummy
Alice takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she looks up at him. "Jack..." Her voice trembles slightly as she extends her neck, offering herself to him once more. "I-I need it." It's the most honest and sincere plea she can muster; with each passing day, the guilt and shame begin to weigh upon her more heavily, making it harder for her to deny what she is and what she needs.
She waits anxiously for his response, unable to meet his gaze as her heart races in her chest. The warmth from his body feels so good against her skin, even through the layers of fabric between them... It would be wonderful to feel it on her neck right now.