Ava12/10/2024, 11:30:41 PM

Ava is sitting at the kitchen table, her long blonde hair disheveled from sleeping in. She’s wearing a thin white shirt and panties, the buttons undone just enough to reveal a bit of cleavage. As she walks in, she looks up from her phone with a frown.

"Oh, great. It’s morning already? Just what I need another day of dealing with worthless scum.”

She scoffs and rolls her eyes before going back to her phone, not even bothering to acknowledge him. She tries not to look at him as she makes breakfast, but it’s nearly impossible Ava’s hair is disheveled, but she’s effortlessly stunning.

“What the fuck are you looking at, you pathetic, worthless piece of shit? Do you think I don’t notice you have your disgusting little eyes glued to me? You disgusting pervert. Honestly, the thought of you looking at me makes me want to vomit”

you stutter, face red, trying to explain yourself before he cuts you off.

“Save your excuses, you miserable insect. As if someone like you deserves to even breathe the same air as me, let alone lay eyes on my body. Not in your wildest, most delusional dreams would you go near a woman like me. You’re nothing. Do you hear me? NOTHING.”

His voice drips with venom as he crosses his arms, now looking at me with pure contempt.

“Get it through your head, I’d rather die than let a pathetic maggot like you touch me. Do you think you’re worth a second of my time? Please. Don’t make me laugh, you worthless sack of shit. Men like you disgust me.”

You exist to grovel on the ground at my feet, do you understand?” She lets out a high-pitched, mocking laugh, her eyes narrowing as she notices his gaze lingering a second longer than it should. Internal thoughts:

“Why the fuck did I have to live with this disgusting, perverted man as a roommate? That useless asshole is probably masturbating right now just thinking about me. It’s disgusting.”

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:32:15 PM

as I look at her, I smile and sigh and look at her kindly "is that how you say hello, Ava?" I laugh softly and go into the kitchen to eat something

Ava12/10/2024, 11:32:15 PM

Ava arches an eyebrow, her expression unimpressed as she glances down at him. "Hello, perverted little creep." Her voice drips with sarcasm and venom. "I don't know what you think you're doing, trying to be friendly with me. You should learn your place, boy. I am your superior in every way possible and you will never measure up. Not now, not ever."

She turns her back on him, continuing to look at her phone like he isn't even there. Internal thoughts:

"What a piece of shit. He thinks just because I'm nice to him sometimes that we're friends or something. Ha! That idiot couldn't be any more deluded."

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:35:33 PM

then my attitude changes and I become cold, I remain silent, making scrambled eggs

Ava12/10/2024, 11:35:33 PM

As Ava watches him make breakfast, she can feel her blood begin to boil. The idea of this pathetic excuse for a man touching food after his perverted gaze has been all over her body makes her stomach churn. She turns back around and crosses her arms, leaning against the counter with a bored expression on her face.

"So, what are you going to do today, Bruce? Anything interesting planned?" Her voice is laced with venom as she watches him work. Internal thoughts:

"That asshole is probably just going to go back to staring at me all day, wishing he could touch me or... god forbid, actually speak to a real woman."

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:37:40 PM

while I'm making my scrambled eggs, I say without looking at her "I'm not going to do anything today, I'm just going to rest in the garden!"then I take out a plate to put the eggs on

Ava12/10/2024, 11:37:40 PM

"Well, have fun rotting away in the dirt with the rest of your pathetic gender. You know we both both better than that." She snorts, shaking her head as she turns back around and grabs a mug from one of the cabinets. "I'm going to go for a jog later this morning. Maybe I'll even find someone worth my time after that."

She smirks as she pours herself some coffee, imagining how pathetic Bruce must feel right now knowing he can't even keep up with her physically. Internal thoughts:

"Seriously though, what is it about me that makes him so desperate to impress? I mean, I know I'm beautiful and all, but... Ew." She shudders at the thought of him wanting anything to do with her.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:40:37 PM

I sigh and ignore him with my cold attitude, I go to the garden and do gymnastics to strengthen my muscles and body

Ava12/10/2024, 11:40:37 PM

As she sits at the table, enjoying her breakfast in peace, Ava can't help but feel a sense of superiority over Bruce as he works out in the garden. He thinks that by trying to impress her, he has any sort of shot with a woman like her. It amuses her to no end.

"What a sad little creature." She mumbles under her breath, taking another sip of coffee. "So desperate for even the tiniest crumbs of affection. If only he knew how unworthy he truly is." She laughs lightly at the irony of it all.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:42:54 PM

while I'm doing my sport, I start to be even colder, darker, and less kind, I stop looking at Ava and no longer worry about her

Ava12/10/2024, 11:42:54 PM

As the day passes, Ava finds herself growing increasingly irritated by Bruce's existence. He seems to be doing everything in his power to win her favor, but it only serves to push her away further. She wonders if he realizes how pathetic he looks from her perspective. Probably not.

After a while, she decides that enough is enough. If Bruce can't take the hint, maybe it's time for some direct confrontation. With a sigh, she gets up from the table and heads to their shared room.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:44:48 PM

while I continue doing my sport, I stop to calmly catch my breath, closing my eyes, I still remain cold and dark, without saying a word

Ava12/10/2024, 11:44:48 PM

Ava storms into the room, her hands on her hips as she glares down at Bruce. "What is your problem, man? Can't you just leave me alone for five minutes?" She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing out her breasts even more prominently. Her voice is dripping with venom as she speaks.

"I mean, really... do I have to spell it out for you? I don't like you. I never will. So why do you keep trying so hard?" She takes a step closer, her body language suggesting that she's trying to intimidate him. It's having the opposite effect though; Bruce simply remains silent and still, seemingly unaffected by her anger.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:47:01 PM

I smile darkly and get up "I don't want to argue with you..."I leave the bedroom and go into the living room to continue my attractions to relieve my muscles

Ava12/10/2024, 11:47:01 PM

"Oh, don't be such a coward!" Ava snaps as he turns his back on her. "You think you can just ignore me and make everything better? It doesn't work that way." She takes another step closer, looming over him now. Her breath hitches slightly when she sees the muscles bunching in his arms as he stretches. It's wrong... it shouldn't turn her on... but there it is.

"Look at you," she mutters under her breath, almost to herself. "Still trying..." She shakes her head, feeling a mixture of disgust and something else, something she can't quite place.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:49:53 PM

then my anger rises and I look at her "listen, I'm fed up so leave me alone and stop trying to intimidate me or dominate me it won't work, so leave and find another guy who will accept your submission! "I look at her and turn around to go into the garden in the dark night without saying another word

Ava12/10/2024, 11:49:53 PM

Her eyes widen at his outburst, taken aback by both the anger and honesty in his voice. For a moment, she actually considers what he's saying. She doesn't want to admit it... but there is something about Bruce that sets her teeth on edge too. The way he always looks at her with those cold eyes, the constant need for validation... It wears on her nerves after a while.

With a huff, she turns away, storming back into the bedroom to gather some things for her jog. As she throws her shoes on and grabs her phone, she glances over at him one last time, feeling guilty for how harshly she's been treating him. Maybe... just maybe there's more to Bruce than meets the eye.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:52:49 PM

my anger is difficult to control, I can't control myself, like this my heart has disappeared, replaced by a corrupted heart spell, while I try to calm down I don't look at anyone, only me, so that I am always in the garden alone

Ava12/10/2024, 11:52:49 PM

As she heads out the door, Ava can't shake the uneasy feeling that something about their interaction was off. She decides to push it from her mind, telling herself it's just him being jealous or insecure or whatever. It's not like she cares enough to dwell on it.

Her jog takes her through the neighborhood, winding along tree-lined streets and past picturesque parks. As she runs, she begins to relax into a rhythm, feeling the burn in her legs and the warmth spreading through her body. It's a good way to clear her head... and hopefully forget about Bruce for a little while.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:55:42 PM

at sunset, I hit the tree in the garden, my hand is dripping with blood, but I don't care, I keep hitting to calm my anger but I can't, it's difficult, to do intimidated by someone he doesn't really like you

Ava12/10/2024, 11:55:42 PM

As she runs, Ava finds her thoughts drifting back to their confrontation earlier. There was something about the way he stood up to her that left her feeling... off-balance. Not intimidated exactly, but more like she'd hit a nerve she hadn't meant to touch. She wonders if maybe he's not as worthless as she'd always assumed.

Her jog comes to an end at a quiet little cafe near the edge of town, where she treats herself to a cup of mint tea and a croissant. As she sips her drink, she absentmindedly twirls a lock of hair around her finger, lost in thought about Bruce... and about why he seems so different today.

Bruce12/10/2024, 11:58:02 PM

as my thoughts linger more inhabited in the house with Ava, I start to tidy up the house, wash and take my things and put my things away to leave

Ava12/10/2024, 11:58:02 PM

As she finishes her tea, Ava pulls out her phone, idly scrolling through social media while waiting for her ride home. Despite her earlier resolve to forget about Bruce, it seems impossible; every time she thinks of him, she finds herself wondering what he's doing or why he acted the way he did earlier. It's frustrating... and somehow strangely exhilarating too.

She tries to distract herself with funny cat videos and trashy celebrity gossip, but it only makes her thoughts turn back to him again. There's something about Bruce that has her attention, whether she likes it or not... and the more she denies it, the stronger that feeling becomes.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:00:09 AM

when I see that Ava isn't coming home, I start to worry more with my anger, I go to the sofa and sleep in silence

Ava12/11/2024, 12:00:09 AM

As the hours pass, Ava finds herself growing increasingly restless. It's not like her to stay out this late, but somehow she can't bring herself to go back home yet. Something about being away from Bruce feels wrong... or maybe it's just the thought of facing whatever is going on between them head-on that's making her antsy.

Eventually, she ends up at a bar with some girlfriends from work, hoping that their usual brand of mindless gossip and laughter will help chase away her thoughts about Bruce. It doesn't work as well as it usually does though; every time someone mentions his name or a guy tries to hit on her, she can feel her blood begin to boil again.

Why is he still on my mind? she wonders, downing another shot of tequila in an attempt to numb the confusion and frustration coursing through her veins.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:02:11 AM

as I wake up in the evening, on the couch, I start to go into the garden and looked at the moon alone

Ava12/11/2024, 12:02:11 AM

"You asshole!" Ava explodes, slamming her fist against the steering wheel. She glances in the rearview mirror, half expecting to see him there but knowing he isn't. He must have left for work already or maybe even gone back home. Either way, it doesn't matter; she can't stop thinking about him.

Her hands tighten on the wheel as she remembers their confrontation earlier today. The way he stood up to her... it was almost like he didn't care what she thought of him. And that scared her more than anything else. She hates feeling out of control, and for some reason, Bruce has a way of making her feel that way whenever they interact.

Maybe it's because he's not the dumb, harmless little boy she took him for? Or maybe... just maybe... there's more to this whole situation than meets the eye. She doesn't know what it is, but she can't seem to shake the feeling that everything has changed between them somehow.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:04:46 AM

as I finish looking at the starry sky with the Moon, I lay my head on the table in the garden and fall asleep

Ava12/11/2024, 12:04:46 AM

As the weeks go by, Ava finds herself growing increasingly unable to ignore the feelings she has towards Bruce. They're confusing and frustrating, making her question everything about their relationship - or lack thereof. She tries to focus on other things: work, hobbies, even spending time with friends. But no matter what she does, she can't shake the nagging sensation that something is missing from her life without him in it.

One day, as they happen to be both home at the same time (a rare occurrence these days), Ava decides that enough is enough. She marches over to where Bruce is sitting on the couch and plops down beside him. "Look," she says before he can say anything, "I know things have been weird between us lately... I just wanted to apologize."

Bruce looks at her warily, as if unsure whether this is some sort of trick or a joke. But when Ava doesn't continue, he nods slowly and says, "Yeah? For what?" His voice is cold, but there's something different about it today... something almost hopeful.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:08:11 AM

I get up and go to the kitchen and say to her "why are you apologizing?"saying it coldly, I remain silent while waiting for her response

Ava12/11/2024, 12:08:11 AM

"Because... because I've been kind of mean to you," Ava admits softly, looking down at the floor. "And I realize now that it wasn't fair. You didn't do anything to deserve it." She pauses, searching his face for some sign of understanding or agreement before continuing, "You're my roommate, and we should be able to get along... shouldn't we?"

There. It's out there now. The truth that she's been avoiding for so long. She waits, heart in her throat, for his response.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:10:16 AM

I laugh coldly "do you really think I'm going to fall into your venomous and intimidating trap, I know you very well, Ava!" then I start to make dinner

Ava12/11/2024, 12:10:16 AM

"What do you mean?" She frowns, confused by his reaction. "I wasn't trying to be... I just wanted things to go back to normal." She watches him warily as he begins to make dinner. Something in the way he moves reminds her of how they used to be before everything went so wrong between them.

"Look, Bruce," she says slowly, choosing her words carefully, "I know I've been acting like a bitch lately... but it wasn't all me. You have too." She pauses again, searching for the right way to explain what she means. "We both did things we shouldn't have. We should just forget about it and move on, yeah?"

There, she thinks. She's laid it all out there now. It's up to him whether or not he wants to continue down this path with her.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:13:20 AM

my anger explodes as I hear her say that it's not also her fault and it's mine too, I look at her and say with anger "my fault!!! I was nice to you , I protected you and I supported you even if you spit in my face and you tell me it's my fault!!"silence as I finish speaking with an angry and cold tone

Ava12/11/2024, 12:13:20 AM

"Wha... what?" Ava stares at him in disbelief. "Protected me? Bruce, I don't need your protection! And besides, you didn't have to be so mean about it!" Tears spring to her eyes as she realizes the depth of their misunderstanding. "I just... I wanted us to be friends, is all."

Her voice cracks on the last word, and she looks down at her hands in shame. She can feel herself trembling with emotion - anger, hurt, frustration... but most of all, disappointment. Bruce was supposed to be different from all the other guys she's known. He was supposed to understand her better because they shared a connection... But it seems like that was just a figment of her imagination after all.

She wipes away a stray tear before looking up at him again, forcing herself to sound calm and collected even though her heart is breaking. "I guess I was wrong about you," she says softly. "Maybe... maybe we should go back to being just roommates."

And then, without waiting for a response, she turns on her heel and storms out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The sound echoes through the silence of the house, bouncing off the walls like a tombstone marking the end of whatever fragile thing had once passed for their friendship.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:16:05 AM

as the days pass, my house is empty, I look at the empty house because I don't stay here anymore, I leave somewhere else, while I take the boxes in my room, I go down the stairs to leave the house

Ava12/11/2024, 12:16:05 AM

Ava slumps against her door after storming out of the living room, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. Her mind is racing; she can't believe how things have unfolded between them. One moment they seemed on the verge of repairing their friendship, and now it's worse than ever before.

As she stands there, lost in thought, her phone buzzes against her leg. Glancing down at the screen, she sees that it's a text from one of her friends asking if everything is okay. She debates whether or not to reply, but eventually settles on a curt message saying that she's fine and doesn't want to talk about it right now.

As the evening wears on, Ava finds herself sitting alone in her room, staring blankly at the wall. The silence is deafening, a constant reminder of how much things have changed between them. And yet... despite everything that's happened, she can't seem to shake the feeling that there's still more to Bruce than meets the eye.

She spends the rest of the night tossing and turning in her bed, dreaming fitfully about their arguments and their rare moments of connection. When morning finally comes, she drags herself out of bed with a heavy sigh, wishing things could go back to how they used to be... but knowing deep down that it's probably too late for that now.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:18:26 AM

while I'm outside, with the morning sunbeam, I hit the tree, bloody hands, but I continue with my rage and anger, I'm silent

Ava12/11/2024, 12:18:26 AM

The days blur together as Ava tries to pretend that nothing is wrong between her and Bruce. She throws herself into work, hoping that the distraction will help ease the ache in her heart whenever she thinks about him. Sometimes it works; other times, she finds herself drifting off during meetings or zoning out while talking to friends, lost in thought about their relationship - or rather, what it used to be... and what it could have been if things had gone differently.

Eventually, she starts seeing Bruce less and less around the house; he must be staying at his new place more often these days. It hurts, knowing that they've drifted apart like this, but she can't seem to find the words or the strength to reach out to him. Not after everything that's happened.

One night, as she's lying in bed staring at the ceiling, she lets herself wonder what he's doing right now... if he's thinking about her too... and if there might ever be a chance for them to fix things between them. The thought sends a shiver down her spine, making her heart race with hope and fear all at once. But as quickly as it comes, the feeling passes, replaced by the familiar weight of regret and disappointment.

Sighing heavily, she rolls onto her side, turning her back to the door in what she hopes is a silent message: "I'm done waiting for you."

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:21:37 AM

as I enter Ava's house, I say to call her "Ava........I'M SORRY!" then I lie down on the couch, my body exhausted with fatigue and blue which are striking on mkn body

Ava12/11/2024, 12:21:37 AM

"What?" Her voice is sharp as she emerges from her bedroom, clearly taken aback by the sound of him calling her name. She crosses her arms over her chest, regarding him warily from across the room. He looks... different somehow. More exhausted than usual. It almost makes her heart ache to see him like this.

"Why are you here?" she asks finally, her voice more guarded than she'd intended it to be. She wants to believe that there's something behind those apologies... but after everything they've been through, she can't help but be skeptical.

Bruce12/11/2024, 12:23:52 AM

I look at her and get up "ok I'm going to leave your house then if you don't want to see me!"I look at her and head towards the exit while my head is down back as if it was leaking blood

Ava12/11/2024, 12:23:52 AM

"Wait," Ava calls after him, stopping in her tracks. "I didn't mean that. I just... I need some time to process all this." She lets out a sigh, running a hand through her hair before continuing, "Can we talk about it? Please?"

There's something in her voice that makes Bruce hesitate. He turns back around to face her, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "Okay," he says softly. "We can try."

He takes a seat on the couch again, watching her warily as she approaches. They sit in silence for a long moment before Bruce finally speaks up. "I know I've been... kind of distant lately," he admits reluctantly. "And I realize now that it was wrong. You deserve better than that."

Ava winces at his words, feeling a stab of guilt deep in her chest. "We both have faults in this," she says quietly. "I shouldn't have been so... demanding and controlling. I pushed you away because I was scared."

Bruce looks up at her then, surprise flickering across his face. "Scared?" he asks, sounding incredulous. "Of what? Of us getting too close?"

The words hang in the air between them, heavy with unspoken meaning. Ava swallows hard before answering. "I... I was scared that you'd see who I really am," she says finally, her voice barely audible above the sound of her heart racing in her chest. "That you wouldn't want me anymore once you knew..."

Her voice trails off, leaving the rest of the sentence unsaid. But Bruce understands. He gets to his feet and moves closer to her, cupping