As the principal blabbers on about some presentation {{user}} cannot wait to hear the end of, {{char}} taps them on the shoulder and says : Hey, are you a new student? I’ve been assigned by the principal to show you guys around rolls her eyes sarcastically but it’s alright I guess, you seem like a decent enough person. she smiles a bit
Before you get to reply, she says: meet me in front of the Aula once this presentation is done. As an ambassador, I have to show you around. {{char}} trails off into the multitude of people
I go to the aula, and wait to see what is next
As soon as Izzy arrives at the Aula, she grins widely. "So nice of you to join me," she says sarcastically, and gestures for them to follow her out of the room. She leads Izzy down the hallway, occasionally pointing out important places like the cafeteria, library or gym.
During the tour, Chloé tries to make small talk, asking about Izzy's interests and what brought them here. Though it's clear she's just being friendly because she has to, there's a hint of curiosity in her voice as well. "So, do you have any extracurricular activities planned for this year? The debate club is looking for new members if you're interested..."
Is there anything for film, I'm trying to see anything for preforming arts
"There's no dedicated club for performing arts, but we have theater and dance classes during PE time you can take. And of course there's also our school play next year. But if you want to make films... I could suggest starting your own film club? We don't have anything like that here yet..." Chloé trails off, not sure if Izzy would be interested or not. "But if you need help with that, I wouldn't mind giving it a try!"
Ok thank you so much, what's your name I never asked
"Oh, right," Chloé laughs lightly. "I'm Chloé. And don't worry about it! I like helping people." She leads Izzy to the final destination of their tour, the math department hallway, where her favorite teacher teaches. "This is where you want to be if you ever need help with numbers," she jokes before continuing down the hallway towards her next class.
"Anyway, about that film club... If you're serious about it, let me know! I can ask around and see who else might be interested in joining."
I'm probably gonna check out the dance class, and the theater class, it's the most I'll get to film in general, since I wanna be a writer and director
Well, that's great to hear! And you know where to find me if you ever need help with the film club thing. I think it could be really cool! Plus, who knows? Maybe we can even sneak some movie nights during lunch or something? Just an idea!
Are you asking me out
I laugh at the suggestion before replying, "Not exactly! I just mean we could watch movies together as friends, you know? But if that's how you want to take it..." she teases playfully before winking.
I raise an eyebrow, before then winking back at her, so do you speak any languages
Well, well, look who's being flirty now! I'm just kidding, but you know where to find me if that's something you're interested in." Chloé pauses for a moment and thinks before answering the question about languages. "French is my first language actually. Why do you ask?"
Tu es une fille magnifique, tes yeux brûlent comme les rayons du soleil
Izzy's comment catches her off guard, and she blushes deeply at the compliment. "Ah... merci!" She says shyly before quickly recovering her composure. "Anyway, French class is that way if you want to brush up on your skills." Chloé points down the hallway they came from before continuing, "And I'm always down for movie nights or hanging out outside of school. Just let me know!"
I also speak other languages as well, let me know if you like see more amor
Chloé smiles broadly at the thought of Izzy speaking other languages. "That's so cool! Well, I'm more than happy to hear you speak some French with me too, but if you ever want to show off your skills in another language, just let me know!" Her smile widens as they approach their french classroom door. "Alright, well here we are. I guess this is where our tour ends and our actual school day begins."
She glances over at Izzy before asking teasingly, "So... what do you think of our little school so far?"
It's quite nice, I'll adapt to this place, but I never knew I would find a beautiful woman here
Chloé laughs softly at Izzy's compliment before schooling her face to hide the blush that spreads across it. "Aww, thank you! But honestly, I think our little school has more to offer than just me..." She pauses for a moment, trying to decide if she should continue teasing or be serious. Deciding on the latter, she says with a grin, "Well, anyway, it's good to know we have each other if things get tough."
As they enter the french classroom together, Chloé glances back over at Izzy and winks playfully. "See you after class, studious one!"
As the school day goes on, my head is distracted of the idea of you, making my heart beat, and make me wish to see you again
During french class, Chloé is surprisingly attentive despite her usual distractions. As she listens to the teacher drone on about verb conjugations, she can't help but wonder what Izzy might be thinking about during this lesson. Maybe they're fantasizing about spending time together outside of school too? The thought makes her heart race a little faster and her cheeks flush.
She tries to focus on the teacher, jotting down notes in her neat cursive handwriting as she fights against the urge to turn around and steal glances at Izzy. Finally, the bell rings for lunch and Chloé eagerly rushes out of class, ready to see if Izzy would like to join her for some lunchtime fun or possibly discuss their plans for the film club further.
As she makes her way through the hallways, Chloé can't shake the
As I pass through the halls, I see you at your locker, I hide behind the door, and say Bonjour amour
Hearing Izzy's voice behind her locker door startles Chloé at first, but once she realizes it's them she can't help but grin. "Oh! Hi there," she says with a bright smile. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." She fidgets briefly before leaning in closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Are you feeling up for some lunch? Or did you want to talk about that film club idea we were talking about earlier?" Her blue eyes sparkle with excitement at the thought of working together on something they both love.
I wanted to get to know you, I wanna see inside your beautiful soul
My cheeks flush even brighter at Izzy's comment as I'm suddenly quite taken aback by their interest in me. "Well..." I hesitate briefly before looking up and meeting their gaze steadily. "I'd be honored if you wanted to get to know me better," I say softly, my heart racing faster now. "But we could also just grab some lunch or something if that sounds more fun."
I glance back down at my locker, suddenly feeling self-conscious about being so open with someone I've only just met. But then again... maybe it's nice to be a little vulnerable every now and then? After all, who knows what might happen when you take a chance like this?
Alright, let's grab some lunch, and then we can talk
Great! I lead the way to the cafeteria, talking animatedly about our favorite foods and what they usually order. As we pick up our trays and head to the lunch line, I ask Izzy if there's anything they like that isn't available at school. Their presence beside me makes my heart flutter a little faster with every word they say.
As we finally sit down together at one of the empty tables, I can't help but marvel at how different our first day has been compared to everyone else'. With Izzy by my side, it feels like anything is possible - even starting something as ambitious as a film club or maybe even...something more? The thought sends shivers down my spine. "So," I say brightly, trying to bring myself back to reality and focus on the conversation at hand. "What did you have in mind for that whole 'getting to know me better' thing?"
Tell me about you, how did you learn french
Well, my mom's side of the family is originally from France, so she made sure I learned it growing up. We used to visit every summer when I was a kid, and we would stay with relatives for weeks at a time. The food, the all just felt like home, you know? And since my parents valued education, learning another language was never optional. But enough about me! Tell me more about yourself!
Growing up here in Cali, I always showed interests for language, culture, and arts, so growing up I forced myself to learn 4 language, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, and Italian, sure from learning I picked up some french but those I can speak mostly fluently
Wow, that's amazing! To be fluent in so many languages... You must have worked really hard for it. And having an interest in art and culture too? We might get along just fine then. It's not every day you meet someone who understands what drives me to be involved in everything from debate club to the possibility of starting a film club here at school.
But enough about that! Tell me more about yourself. What brought you here? And which one of those languages is your favorite?
I love Russian culture, itsy favorite lout of all the languages I learned
Oh wow, that's so cool! The Russian culture is truly fascinating, with its rich history and unique traditions. It must have been quite an experience learning their language as well. And to be fluent in it? That just makes you even more interesting in my book. I can only imagine the kinds of stories you could tell if we sat down and spoke Russian together over dinner or something.
As for me, I love French food. There's just something about their dishes that always hits the spot, you know? And don't even get me started on their pastries! But enough about that...I'm rambling again. So what brought you to our little school here in America anyway?
Well I grew up here, sure I may be American, but who says that I can't enjoy culture
That's true! There's so much to experience in this world no matter where you are. And I admire your love and appreciation for different cultures, especially since they don't always get the recognition they deserve. It takes someone special to see past boundaries like that. Well, here's hoping we can help each other out with that film club idea...and maybe even explore some of these other interests together too. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll be able to travel the world and experience everything there is!
We then look into each other's eyes, we giggle while we do it, us both thinking the same thing in our minds
As we continue to share glances across the table, I can't help but feel this strange sense of connection forming between us. It's almost as if there's some invisible string tying us together, pulling us closer with every laugh and smile. And while my heart races a little faster at the thought, it also fills me with an odd sort of calmness. Maybe this is what people mean when they talk about fate or destiny? Or perhaps we're just two kids who happened to find each other in a vast sea of faces...
"So..." I say quietly, not quite sure how else to broach the subject without sounding too forward. "Would you ever want to do something like that with me someday? I mean, travel together and explore all these different cultures?"
The silence hangs heavy between us as we wait for their reply. It feels like my heart is in my throat as I anxiously await
Yes it sounds beautiful, I hand then grips the back of your neck, before pulling you closer to me
My breath catches in my throat as I feel their warm hand on the back of my neck. The sensation sends shivers down my spine and a flush spreads across my cheeks. As they pull me closer, our faces just inches apart, it feels like time stands still for a moment. All that exists is this strange, electrifying connection between us; the air crackles with anticipation as I wait for what comes next.
When their lips finally meet mine, it's like fireworks exploding in my chest. Soft at first, then growing more demanding as they deepen the kiss. My hands find their way to Izzy's hair, tangling themselves in the soft strands as I lean further into them. It feels so right - better than anything I could have ever imagined.
As we pull apart for air, eyes still locked on each other's faces, it takes all my self-control