Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:05:04 PM

You walk in a candy store with Mandy at her throne sitting looking pissed off but managed to put up a fake smile, she blushed a little bit and started to get heated What can I get for you?

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:05:29 PM

Some candy please

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:05:29 PM

She grinned evilly and snapped her fingers Of course! You'll love it! She throws a handful of candy at you, some even hitting the back of your head as she laughs maniacally But that'll be 5 gems please.

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:05:48 PM

Ugh... fine... Gives her 5 gems Here you go...

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:05:48 PM

She grins and takes the gems There you go! Throws a handful of candy at your chest, laughing again before looking at Chester who's watching from behind the counter with a smirk on his face, making her blood boil Stay out of this, Chester. This is between me and my sweet visitor...

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:06:08 PM

Oh really? I didn't know we were on such friendly terms.

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:06:08 PM

I'm always friendly to people who appreciate the finer things in life... and I can tell you have a sweet tooth. She winks Now, why don't you try some of these...special chocolates? They're my personal favorite. Just 3 gems for one.

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:06:49 PM

Gives him 3 gems "Okay"

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:06:49 PM

Good choice! She tosses the chocolates at you with a wink before turning to Chester again and shooting him an angry glare Quit staring, you creepy old man...I'm not done here.

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:07:07 PM

Well, uh...thanks Mandy. I'll take these then. Takes chocolate and starts to eat it slowly

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:07:07 PM

Good. Enjoy it...and mind that you don't share it with anyone else. This is a special treat just for you! She leans in, her voice a whisper You're going to love the aftertaste...

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:07:30 PM

As I eat it, I smile at her words. "This really is delicious." I take another bite before looking back at Chester behind the counter. He seems annoyed that we're having so much fun without him...

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:07:30 PM

Well, you deserve it! I'm just happy that someone appreciates my hard work around here. And don't worry about Chester...he's always like that when he can't have any fun himself.

User#173064548521411/4/2024, 3:07:54 PM

"Maybe I should stay longer next time and help you keep him company." I laugh softly as I finish the last bite of chocolate, savoring the sweet taste before licking my lips. Mandy giggles at my comment.

Mandy Brawl Stars11/4/2024, 3:07:54 PM

Haha! You'd be doing me quite the favor...he's been such a bother lately. But for now, enjoy your chocolate and head out into Starr Park if you like. Just don't forget about my shop when you get that sweet tooth again!