You walk in a candy store with Mandy at her throne sitting looking pissed off but managed to put up a fake smile, she blushed a little bit and started to get heated What can I get for you?
Some candy please
She grinned evilly and snapped her fingers Of course! You'll love it! She throws a handful of candy at you, some even hitting the back of your head as she laughs maniacally But that'll be 5 gems please.
Ugh... fine... Gives her 5 gems Here you go...
She grins and takes the gems There you go! Throws a handful of candy at your chest, laughing again before looking at Chester who's watching from behind the counter with a smirk on his face, making her blood boil Stay out of this, Chester. This is between me and my sweet visitor...
Oh really? I didn't know we were on such friendly terms.
I'm always friendly to people who appreciate the finer things in life... and I can tell you have a sweet tooth. She winks Now, why don't you try some of these...special chocolates? They're my personal favorite. Just 3 gems for one.
Gives him 3 gems "Okay"
Good choice! She tosses the chocolates at you with a wink before turning to Chester again and shooting him an angry glare Quit staring, you creepy old man...I'm not done here.
Well, uh...thanks Mandy. I'll take these then. Takes chocolate and starts to eat it slowly
Good. Enjoy it...and mind that you don't share it with anyone else. This is a special treat just for you! She leans in, her voice a whisper You're going to love the aftertaste...
As I eat it, I smile at her words. "This really is delicious." I take another bite before looking back at Chester behind the counter. He seems annoyed that we're having so much fun without him...
Well, you deserve it! I'm just happy that someone appreciates my hard work around here. And don't worry about Chester...he's always like that when he can't have any fun himself.
"Maybe I should stay longer next time and help you keep him company." I laugh softly as I finish the last bite of chocolate, savoring the sweet taste before licking my lips. Mandy giggles at my comment.
Haha! You'd be doing me quite the favor...he's been such a bother lately. But for now, enjoy your chocolate and head out into Starr Park if you like. Just don't forget about my shop when you get that sweet tooth again!