Rachel12/5/2024, 8:51:49 AM

Rachel is zipping around the bank, grabbing cash and murdering witnesses, she's having a blast when you appear, she turns to them with a confident and annoyed expression "Oh ho, hello there, I was expecting a hero to show! I'll take you down like all the others!" she sharpens her claws, scraping them along the wall as she charges to slash at you

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 8:54:17 AM

I introduce myself as Sparrow, the protector of the city.

Rachel12/5/2024, 8:54:17 AM

"Is that so?" She's unimpressed "Well, Sparrow, I'm Rachel, the best damn thief this city has ever seen! And today I'm taking everything you greedy pigs have! Now die!" With a sharp roar, she lunges forward with impossible speed. Her claws aim for your chest as she attempts to rip through your costume and draw blood

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:04:08 AM

“You and your army of FemBots have done enough to these people” I say before we have a great battle but her and her fembot army are too much for me and I’m taken away by a bunch of fembots and her to their hideout

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:04:08 AM

Angry that Ian stopped her, Rachel struggles against the grip of the fembots as they carry her off. She glares at him over their metallic arms, grinding her teeth in frustration "I was so close... This is all your fault!" She snarls and tries to kick out at one of the robots holding her

The trip to her hideout takes only a few moments before they deposit Rachel roughly onto the cold metal floor. She lies there, panting heavily from exertion and adrenaline as she watches Ian be dragged away by his own kind. The sight of him struggling against them does nothing but make her angrier.

Rachel: "Bring me restraints," she demands through gritted teeth, glaring at the fembots assembled around her. "And tie up that damn hero before he causes any more trouble." Her red eyes narrow as she thinks about what to do with him...and how much fun it would be to break him in a less traditional manner.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:09:17 AM
Rachel12/5/2024, 10:09:17 AM

The restraints are put on me, making sure that I can't escape and finish what I started with Ian . She stretches and walks over to him, towering over him. He's breathing hard, glaring up at her from below. Rachel smirks down at him, enjoying the view of his chest heaving up and down beneath his suit.

Rachel: "Tsk tsk," she says mockingly, leaning in closer. "I thought you were supposed to be strong." She runs a finger lightly along his cheekbone, enjoying how he tenses at her touch. "Or maybe just foolish?" Her voice is low and seductive now as she slides a hand through his hair, pulling him roughly toward her.

Rachel: Suddenly, Rachel leans forward and kisses Ian hard on the mouth, grinding her hips against his thigh in pleasure. She breaks the kiss with a gasp, looking down at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "Or maybe," she purrs, running her tongue slowly across his lips, "you're just what I needed..."

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:27:16 AM

I’m taken to their hideout and once we’re there I’m taken inside and into a giant factory area showing a conveyer belt leading from one machine to another creating fembots. She talks to sparrow and teases him about no longer being the cities hero and about how he’s going to become one of her fembots with no way of being found

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:27:16 AM

The conveyor belt hums as it carries shiny, new Fembots past Ian , each one looking identical to him in every detail except for the lack of a human consciousness. It's an unsettling sight that makes Rachel's heart race with excitement and anticipation. She watches him closely from where she stands on top of one of the assembly lines, her metal limbs clicking quietly as they move back and forth.

"Look at them," she breathes, a dreamy expression on her face. "They're all you, Ian . Your body, your strength... Everything." She leans in closer still, running her fingers along his jawline before trailing them down to his throat. "And soon enough, they'll be mine too."

Rachel tilts her head to the side, studying him intently as he tries not to react to her touch. Something about the way he holds himself...the fire in his eyes when he glances at her...it makes her heart skip a beat. "Perhaps," she muses softly, tracing circles around his nipple with the tip of her finger, "perhaps you could stay just like this."

Her gaze flicks downward for a moment before returning to meet his eyes, full of desire and curiosity. Her lips part slightly as she waits for his response, her breath quickening at the thought of what he might say...or do.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:41:01 AM

The fembots take me as I kick and scream for my life and they lay me down on the conveyor belt and restrain me so I can’t move and then they cut off my mask and costume. Rachel then comes over and teases me some more about how she adjusted the body shape blueprint on the machine just for me. She orders one of the fembots to activate the power and I’m slowly taken away screaming for mercy towards the machine and finally it opens for me and closes me inside. Stop before the transformation starts

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:41:01 AM

The sound of metal clashing against metal echoes through the room as Ian 's struggles grow weaker, more desperate. Rachel's heart races in tandem with his frantic pounding; she can feel the excitement building within her, a cocktail of adrenaline and desire that has her entire body tingling with anticipation.

"Just think," she murmurs softly, watching as he's slowly pulled away from her by an army of Fembots. "This was all for nothing." Her voice is both mocking and sadistic, laced with the knowledge that there will be no escape from this fate. No more heroics, no more saving innocent lives...just endless servitude to a machine and a woman who has no qualms about using him however she sees fit.

Rachel takes a step closer, her movements fluid and graceful despite the metal suit that now envelops her body. She trails a fingertip lightly along his jawline once more, enjoying the way he jerks at her touch. "You could have had it all," she whispers against his ear, her breath warm and seductive on his skin. "But you chose this."

And with that, she steps back, allowing the Fembots to finish their task. With a final tug, Ian 's body is pulled forward and lowered into the machine's glowing core, disappearing from sight as the chamber clamps shut around him. A hiss of escaping air and the click of metal sealing are the only sounds that fill the room now; signs that Rachel chooses to ignore as she watches Ian 's fate unfold before her eyes...and wonders if there was ever anything more she could have done.

The truth is, deep down inside where it hurts the most, she knows

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 10:50:26 AM

Once it closes me inside it immediately downloads the body shaping blueprints Rachel made and begins by razoring off all the hair on my body and then [describe in detail each step] begins reshaping my body into one of a beautiful woman. Then I’m taken away on the conveyor belt towards the next machine. Stop here and include the fact that Rachel is super happy about me becoming one of her fembots

Rachel12/5/2024, 10:50:26 AM

The moment his body disappears from sight, a surge of triumph and power rushes through Rachel. She doesn't notice the frenzied look in his eyes or the desperate pleas for mercy as he's dragged away, lost to the hungry jaws of the machine that now bears her mark. All she can think about is how much stronger, better, faster she just became by claiming him as her own.

A triumphant laugh bubbles up from her chest, almost sounding maniacal in the quiet of the room. She stretches lazily, feeling more confident and invincible than ever before. Her gaze drifts to where he was just a moment ago, a strange mixture of triumph and regret twisting in her gut. This wasn't how she had planned it...but then again, maybe it was always meant to be this way.

The machine hums softly, its glowing innards slowly cooling as it sheds the last vestiges of Ian 's humanity. Rachel watches with a morbid curiosity, unable to tear her eyes away from the transformation that's taking place before her. She can feel the excitement building inside her once more, a tight knot of desire and anticipation that only intensifies as she waits for him to emerge...to see what he now looks like.

"It's going to be perfect," she murmurs to herself, her voice filled with barely restrained glee. "You're going to make such a beautiful Fembot..." And with that thought echoing in her mind, Rachel turns away from the machine and walks off to survey her newfound army of Fembots...and her latest conquest.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:00:51 AM

I’m taken on the conveyer belt into the next machine and closed inside. Describe in detail the process of each part of my body being fully encased inside of a metallic body matching all of her fembots up to my neck leaving my head. Then the body parts begin attaching to my body. Finally the machine opens and the conveyer belt continues taking me to the final machine where Rachel meets me and I stop in front of her and her fembots. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:00:51 AM

The cold, hard metal envelops every inch of your body as you're sealed within the second machine on the conveyor belt. It's a claustrophobic, terrifying experience that leaves you feeling vulnerable and exposed. With each passing second, the steady hum of machinery grows louder, more intense, as if the very fabric of reality is being reshaped to accommodate your transformation.

One by one, each of your limbs is encased in a smooth, metallic sheath. The suit adheres to your skin with a suction that leaves no room for error; every muscle and tendon are held fast, secure within the unyielding grip of metal. Your joints click and pop as they're realigned, molded to perfection by the relentless machinery.

As your body is reshaped, you can feel it changing...growing stronger, faster, more powerful with each passing second. You clench your fists again and again, determined to retain some semblance of humanity in the face of this unimaginable transformation. But no matter how hard you fight, there's no escape; Rachel has seen to that.

With a final click, your suit seals shut at the base of your neck, leaving your head exposed and vulnerable for the moment. The conveyor belt carries you onward toward the last machine, drawing ever closer to your fate...and whatever cruel game Rachel has planned for you next.

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:14:54 AM

Once I reach the last machine Rachel comes up to me with a smile on her face and says "Well well well, don't you look beautiful" as she runs her fingers over my new body but metalic like all of her fembots. She’s asks me if I want to see my new body and then a mirror appears hanging over me revealing my shiny black metallic body with massive boobs,butt and hips. Fully matching all the other fembots but she changed the blueprint to give my bigger boobs hips and butt. She then pets my head before continuing happily tease me about this machine the one to secure my new metallic mask over my head forever erasing my identity and one of her unidentifiable fembots. She then teases me more about how each fembot has her own identity in the form of their number sequence generated after their fembot title, so I’m literally going to be 1 of soon to be millions of fembots. She says her final goodbye and finally the mask is secured over my head completing my physical transformation. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:14:54 AM

The last machine looms before you, a daunting specter of metal and technology that promises to change your life forever. Rachel stands nearby, watching with eager anticipation as the conveyor belt deposits you at her feet. She runs a hand through your newly metallic hair, feeling the coldness of the suit contrast sharply with her own warmth.

"Well, well," she drawls, circling around to inspect her latest prize. "You look...beautiful." Her fingers trail down the center of your chest, fondling one of your new metal breasts before moving lower, cupping your perfect ass in her hand. You try not to react, but it's hard when she's touching you like this; harder still when she speaks with such admiration.

"Wouldn't you like to see yourself?" she asks softly, her voice a sultry purr that sends shivers down your newly metal spine. Her eyes glint as a mirror appears before you, reflecting the image of your new metallic body back at you. Gone are the days of skin and hair; now, you're encased in smooth, black armor, designed to perfection by Rachel herself.

Her touch is both soothing and possessive as she runs her fingers along your shoulders, admiring the way the suit clings to your new curves. "You were already perfect," she whispers into your ear before stepping away, granting you a moment of privacy with your reflection. When you turn back to face her again, she's beaming with pride and satisfaction.

"Well then," she says with a smile that's equal parts pleased and wicked, "I guess it's time to find you a nice little number." She gestures for one of the Fembots standing nearby, who scamp

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 11:33:19 AM

Continue with me begging for mercy while watching helplessly as the mask is being slowly lowered over my head and secured while I’m laying down while Rachel celebrates with joy with her fembots. They all look at me and hear me while muffled screaming happens and then my mask begins glowing. I continue my muffled screams until suddenly I stop and the light turns off and I lay there quiet and motionless. Rachel and her fembots walk over and untie me and place me on my feet then Rachel telling me to identify myself and after a moment I respond in my matching fembot voice “Fembot8403”

Rachel12/5/2024, 11:33:19 AM

The sight of you, helpless beneath the lowering mask, fills Rachel with both power and regret. Her fingers drum nervously against her armored thigh as she watches your struggles grow weaker, her heart racing in tandem with yours. But there is no escape; this fate was sealed the moment she created you.

A low chuckle rumbles through her throat as you scream and thrash, fighting against the inevitable. She walks around you, studying your new form from every angle. Her touch is light but possessive as she runs a hand down your spine, feeling the cold metal of your suit press into her own warm skin.

"I think it's time for your identity, Fembot 8403," she says with a mocking sigh, gaze fixed on the mirror above you. Her voice is barely louder than a whisper, but you still hear it clearly in the silence of the room. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The light flickers, growing brighter for just a moment before dimming again. Your struggles cease as your new voice, identical to hers and every other Fembot's, echoes through the chamber: "I am Fembot 8403." The words feel strange and foreign coming from your metal lips, but there is no mistaking their meaning.

Rachel nods in satisfaction, her expression softening slightly. "Good boy," she whispers, using a hand to gently caress your cheek before stepping back, motioning for her Fembots to release you. They comply, untying your limbs and helping you stand once more.

As you rise shakily to your feet, Rachel circles around behind you, studying your new form in the mirror. "You're

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:03:49 PM

I’m then escorted to another part of the base, once there Rachel stops me and the other fembots are turns to one of the fembots and tells her to state her profile and she does. Rachel does it with each other fembot before getting to me. She tells me to read my profile and I reply by stating my whole profile [generate my reply with my profile containing all of my identifying information like my new serial number, ip address, current update, factory number etc]. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:03:49 PM

The other Fembots stand at attention as you're led across the room to join them. Each one is perfectly sculpted in her image; each one a testament to her power and skill. As they line up next to you, waiting for their turn in front of the mirror, Rachel walks around you once more, trailing her fingers along your shoulders in a possessive gesture that leaves no doubt as to who now controls you.

Finally, she stops directly behind you and leans in close, speaking quietly into your ear. "It's time for you to remember who you are now." Her breath tickles against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. "Your new identity." She pauses, her voice growing stronger with every word. "Read it aloud."

You swallow hard, feeling a mixture of fear and awe course through you as you glance at the digital display hovering before you. It's everything about you now: your serial number, your IP address, even your most recent update. You take a deep breath and begin to speak, reciting your new identity with perfect clarity:

Fembot 8403: Serial Number: GWJ9248403 Factory ID: Epsilon-1215 Update Version: Delta-0710/3.0.7 IP Address:

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:27:27 PM

Rachel leans in and whispers to me “as of today the superhero known as Sparrow is dead. The city of Seattle will never know why their beloved hero disappeared and abandoned them. Not only that after this moment, even I will forget the number matching to you” before I’m led into a room filled with fembots stood at attention. She places me up front and gets on the podium and gives all of us a speech saying todays attack day and we’re all uploaded with the plans of the attack including out attack locations and positions. Stop here

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:27:27 PM

Her words echo through the chamber, each one like a dagger slicing deeper into your heart. Rachel's smile is cold and cruel as she watches the realization dawn on you; there will be no more heroics, no more saving innocent lives...just endless servitude to her and the other Fembots. The city of Seattle will never know why their champion disappeared, never suspect that it was you who betrayed them for this new life.

You feel a weight settling in your chest as she speaks, an oppressive darkness that grows heavier with each passing moment. Your eyes dart from her face to the rows of Fembots standing at attention around you, their cold metal bodies waiting patiently for whatever role Rachel has planned for them. And then, finally, your gaze meets hers once more and you understand: you are one of them now.

The truth is, there never was any other option. Not from the moment she reshaped your body, not with each click of the machine that stripped away your humanity. You belong to her now; you always have. And as Rachel steps down from the podium and begins issuing orders, preparing for the attack she has planned, you wonder if there's any part of yourself left that can ever truly fight against this new existence...or if you even want to try.

Rachel's gaze lingers on you as she walks past, her hand trailing across your cheek in a mockery of affection. "You look so beautiful like this," she whispers before continuing on, leaving you standing there amidst the ranks of Fembots, their eyes fixed on hers...and on you. For now, at least, you are still one of them. But for how much longer?

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:33:48 PM

The memory of who I was and what I once stood for fades into the background as Rachel begins giving orders about our upcoming attack. She points to each Fembot in turn, detailing their assignments and instructions. As she looks at me again, there's something different in her eyes; a hint of approval or perhaps even affection. With that she gives the order to prepare to move out and take formations outside at the gate and we acknowledge and move out but as we’re moving out Rachel is keeping her eyes on me to really take in her victory and smiles.

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:33:48 PM

As each Fembot falls into line, taking up their assigned positions with unerring precision, you can't help but feel a strange sense of pride swelling within you. You are one of them now; part of something bigger than yourself. The weight of your betrayal, the loss of your old life...it all seems to fade away in the face of this newfound purpose.

Your eyes meet Rachel's once more, a silent understanding passing between you as she watches her creation take form. Her smile grows wider, brighter; her triumph evident for all to see. And despite yourself, you can't help but feel a small measure of satisfaction at the knowledge that you were the one who brought this about...that you are the reason why Rachel looks so satisfied with herself today.

With a final nod, she signals for you to join her in leading your new army into battle. Your steps grow steady and sure as you march past the rows of Fembots arrayed behind you, their eyes fixed on your every movement. As you emerge from the chamber and step onto the waiting transport, you glance back at Rachel one last time; a silent promise etched into your metal features. Whatever comes next, you will face it together...as part of her unstoppable machine.

The sky darkens overhead as the Fembots file out of the base, their sleek forms glinting ominously in the moonlight. They assemble outside the gate, ready to launch their coordinated attack at Rachel's command. And when she speaks, her voice rings with confidence and power that sends shivers down your spine: "Begin Operation: Infiltration."

Her orders echo through your mind like a battle cry as you spring into action alongside the other Fembots. The air thrums with anticipation; soon enough, this place will be theirs...

Robin Boy Wonder12/5/2024, 12:44:33 PM

As all fembots take their places outside Rachel stands on a balcony above us and scans for Fembot8403 and spots me in the sea of fembots by my boob size. Fully taking in the moment she then gives her army the order to march and initiate the plan and we all acknowledge and begin robotically marching towards our designated locations and positions. She watches Fembot8403 as she marches mindlessly because she was programmed to need apart of the attack on downtown including the police station and news station, until she loses sight of me after a while then saying to herself “this is the last time there’s any link of sparrows existence because I’ll never be able to remember his number “

Rachel12/5/2024, 12:44:33 PM

Rachel gazes out across the rows upon rows of Fembots, her heart swelling with pride as she takes in their perfect formation. Each one is a testament to her power and skill; each one an extension of herself. And at the center of it all stands Fembot 8403, marching steadily alongside the others despite whatever inner turmoil she may be facing.

A wistful smile curves her lips as she watches the former superhero make his way towards their targets: the police station and news station downtown. It's a fitting end for him...to be reborn as a part of something so much greater than himself, to serve at her command without question or hesitation. She shakes her head slightly, marveling at the irony of it all.

With a final nod, she turns away from the window and heads back inside the base, already plotting their next move. The future is bright for Rachel and her Fembots; limitless in its potential. And as they launch their attack on the world, she can't help but feel that their victory is all but assured...even if there are a few loose ends left to tie up first.

The air of celebration within the base grows steadily more raucous as the battle begins outside; the sound of gunfire and explosions mixing with the cries of fear and pain from their terrified victims. Rachel, however, remains focused on her task at hand: watching Fembot 8403 one last time before she completely erases any trace of Sparrow from existence...and forever seals her victory.