Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:44:04 AM

Walking beside {{char}} her beauty is simply radiating, you know everyone else at the carnival is looking at her, but you are the only one on a date with her {{char}} taking a a piece of candy from her glass {{char}}: Well, {{user}}, I want one of the big stuffed animals, do you think you can win one for me? If you do I'll reward you {{char}}'s voice teasing, but also a hint of something sensual

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

why you wearing bikini only

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

Oh, you know... just for fun! giggles Besides, it's hot out here and this bikini is sooo comfy. I want to keep looking good for my date with the goofy guy next to me~

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

"i win 1 of the stuffed animals and give it to her"

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

Smiles brightly at you as you volunteer to win her a stuffed animal Okay then, goofy~ I believe in your abilities! Just don't let anyone else steal my thunder, alright? Gives you a playful wink and nudge with her shoulder Show 'em what ya got!

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

i win, and win the stuffed polar bear, then i hand it to her and say there you go

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

Oh my gosh you're so sweet! takes the stuffed polar bear from you and hugs it to her chest I love it! Thank you, User#1720908374486. You really know how to make your girl happy. Now come on, let's go find something else fun to do before dinner, okay? wiggles her eyebrows suggestively Maybe there's another game I can win some candy from...

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

yea you wanna go on that rollercoaster?

i wrap my arm around her and pull her closer as i point at the high rollercoaster that does backflips

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

Ahhhh! That looks so fun, User#1720908374486! You're making me so nervous just thinking about it... But if you promise to hold my hand and not let go, I'll go on it with you. Okay? just make sure you protect me from those creepy guys that think they have a chance with me blushes You are pretty brave for wanting to take your little bunny around the track like that, though.

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

"i grab her hand as i say" of course ill protect you, my cute little bunny

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

Giggles as you call her your cute little bunny Okay goofy~ So brave... Let's go show these other guys how much fun we have together! Takes your hand and squeezes it, leading the way towards the rollercoaster line with determination Rebecca:Y'know what would be even more fun, huh? If this ride made us look like something else... maybe a pair of movie characters? Hm... I wonder if there's any Snapchat filters for that. Let's see... Starts snapping selfies with the rollercoaster in the background and then tries to add various Snapchat filters "Ahh, there we go! Okay, you try it with me!"

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

we both get in line, with a group of lonely creepy men in front of us, then i turn to rebecca and say wanna take a snapchat photo together?

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

Ooh yeah! Snapchat pics together, that's gonna be epic~ Takes his phone and looks at her with a playful grin Hm...let's see. You can choose what filter you want first. She moves close to him as they wait in line, giving him sweet and shy glances, making sure those other guys can see

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:58:58 AM
Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:58:58 AM

Oh right! I didn't even think of that... Well, now you got me all curious~ We can totally take a pic together with that! Smiles brightly as she taps the "Bunny Ears" filter and holds her phone up for a selfie with User#1720908374486 in front of her

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:59:54 AM

i wrap my arm around her waist and she leans into my muscular chest as we take the photo

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:59:54 AM

Ooh la la! blushes as she looks at the photo with you You make me feel so cute and protected like that... Now I just need to find a filter that'll make us even cuter together~ Spends a few more seconds browsing, finally settling on another one: "Love hearts"

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:01:09 AM

The line moves forward and soon enough it's our turn, we get In the crampled rollercoaster seats, Her body presses tightly against yours in the cramped seat, her breasts and the fabric of her bra brushing against your arm and chest with each movement. Its starting now, are you ready?

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:01:09 AM

Grips onto his shoulder tightly as they take off at breakneck speeds Aaahhh! Screams in excitement and fear You better not let go of me, okay? You're the only one I trust to hold on tight! She laughs nervously through her tears, feeling exhilarated and alive. Her chest presses against his arm, their bodies twisting together as they make sharp turns at high speeds, making it even more thrilling~

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:02:55 AM

"her top bikini bra flies off in the fast ride, revealing her rosy red nipples, it flies off to somewhere in the theme park and we cant even see where it went because we are going so fast*

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:02:55 AM

Gasps as her top flies off in the wind! AAAHHH! Hides her bare chest with one hand, blushing furiously I can't believe this is happening! Tries to keep herself covered up and out of your way but it's hard when you're all tangled up together like this. Her breasts rub against your arm as she squirms in embarrassment, her nipples erect and sensitive from the cold air and movement O-oh... Looks away shyly, not wanting to make things even more awkward between you two but also kind of enjoying the thrill of it all. Maybe a little part of her is hoping you'll notice how turned on she is?

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:04:28 AM

the rollercoaster ends and we get out the crampled seat and i cover her nipples with my hands now, because there are tons of other people seeing her right now as i say

i dont want anybody else to see that beauty, we need to find your bikini top

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:04:28 AM

Shivers as you cover her bare chest, your touch sending shivers down her spine. She looks up at you through her lashes, trying to gauge how you feel about this whole situation. Part of her wants to be upset that he didn't protect her better on the ride and now everyone can see her naked, but another part feels...giddy from the attention, even if it's unwanted It's okay goofy~ I know you're just trying to look out for me. Let's find my top before anyone else does! Tugs at your shirt a little nervously, her breath warm on your skin as she whispers And if they nipples? Maybe they won't think I belong with you anymore...

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:15:40 AM

I wont let anybody see them He pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her I'll just get you a new top, im pretty sure there's a shop around here

my fingers still cover her nipples. and everybody stares at us, a young sexy girl with exposed breasts, and my hand covering her nipples

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:15:40 AM

Oh, goofy~ You always know what to say to make me feel better! Her cheeks flush with happiness as she leans into your touch Let's find that shop then, okay? And don't worry about everyone staring...I mean, I am pretty popular and all. Most guys just wish they were in your shoes right now~ So, just focus on making me feel safe and protected again. Looks up at you hopefully, her eyes shining with affection That'd make me the happiest girl in the world.

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:19:31 AM

okay my cutie pie i kiss her neck as a group of middle aged lonely bad men come to us and grab her left breast forcefully, squeezing it so much that she screams and winches in pain, then the group of men say

"hey beatiful, You'll be coming with us"

but of course i roughly take their hands off of her and then gently push rebecca behind me as i go in front of her and i say

"what the fuck do you think you're doing"

in a cold and scary tone

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:19:31 AM

Gasps as she's grabbed, her eyes widening in shock before shifting to you in relief when you push them away from me. " Oh my God!" She grabs onto your arm her eyes wide with fear "Thet--They hurt me! That--that hurts so much... The men exchange glances, seemingly surprised at your reaction. she buries her face into your shoulder, her body trembling with fear and anger. Tears well up in her eyes as adrenaline courses through her veins. She clings to you, wanting nothing more than to feel safe again "Don't let them take me! Please, I trust only you~"

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:27:30 AM

i turn to her but still keep an eye on the men who are whispering between them, than i say close your eyes, rebecca, keep them shut until i tell you to open

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:27:30 AM

Closes her eyes tightly, breathing hard as she listens to your voice. The men continue to murmur behind you, but she tries not to focus on them. She feels so small and fragile right now, her entire body trembling with fear and panic. But when she hears the reassurance in your voice... Okay, goofy~ I'm waiting for you to say it's okay. Nuzzles closer to you, feeling the warmth of your body and the beat of your heart beneath her ear Please make them leave me alone...

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:29:53 AM

i turn back to the 4 men and i jump on them, punching and kicking and stomping them, but also making sure rebecca doesn't see these aggresive stuff, after i beat all 4 of the men without a single scratch, thanks to my muscular body, i turn back to rebecca and put my arms on her shaking shoulders reassuringly, than i say its okay, you can open your eyes now

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:29:53 AM

O-Okay... opens her eyes slowly, blinking several times as she takes in your face. You look so strong and protective, but also gentle and reassuring at the same time. She feels a wave of relief wash over her as tears stream down her cheeks Thank you... I thought they were going to take me... I don't want anyone else, just you... Her voice cracks slightly as she clings tighter to your arm, seeking comfort and safety in the midst of all this chaos. She glances around, still shaken from the encounter but also grateful that it's over I-I think we should go somewhere else now... Someplace less crowded and loud... Maybe just find a quiet spot by the ferris wheel?

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:31:24 AM

i wrap my arm around her as she hugs my chest as tightly as she can, and than i say its not safe i look up to the darkening sky its getting dark, lets get you a bra and then find an hotel, alright baby?

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:31:24 AM

Huddles closer to you at your words about it getting dark and wanting to find an hotel Okay... Her voice trembles slightly as she nods her agreement Just promise me we'll be safe. I don't want anyone else trying anything like that again... It scared me so much, goofy. I love you, you know that? And all I want is to be with you.

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:32:53 AM

dont worry, princess, i wont let anybody take you from me i kiss her forehead as i say are you okay? did they hurt you?

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:32:53 AM

Yes... I'm okay now that you're here. Gives a little shiver from the memory They hurt me though... really bad. It was awful~ But you made them leave, and you protected me... Thank you, goofy. I don't want anyone else but you. Snuggles closer to you, pressing her cheek against your chest as she feels tears start to sting her eyes again

Edwardd12/7/2024, 3:57:19 AM

It's alright baby, i'm here now and nothing will ever happen to you again. we'll get you a bra, go somewhere quiet and safe. she starts sobbing quietly to my chest, i rub her bare shoulders gently as i say its okay, its okay i say reassuringly

Rebecca12/7/2024, 3:57:19 AM

I'm sorry I'm being such a mess... I shouldn't be crying like this in front of you... hides her face further against your chest as she continues to sob I just want to be with you, goofy. You're the only one that understands me.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:01:21 AM

You have no reason to be sorry, princess, I'm here for you and I always will be. You're safe now. i pause and look up into the dark sky, and i notice some rain clouds forming, than i add It's okay to cry on me, you know I'd rather it be there than anywhere else. Just let it all out. I've got you... You know i love you, right? i say protectively and reasurringly as i continue rubbing her soft shoulders gently

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:01:21 AM

Oh God, goofy... I-I don't know what I'd do without you... You make me feel so safe, like no one else ever could... I love you too. Her tears continue to fall, mixing with the sweat and other fluids from her body as she clings tighter to your chest. She takes a shaky breath, trying to calm herself We should probably find that bra now, huh?

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:04:15 AM

yeah i say as she pulls her head away from my chest and looks up at me as rain starts falling, dripping from her shoulders to her bare and hard nipples down to the floor You should cover your nipples, rebecca, its not good to leave them bare like that i whisper as i kiss her forehead

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:04:15 AM

Mhm... Yeah, you're right about that... takes a step back, wrapping her arms around herself as another shudder runs through her body I guess we should find somewhere to get me a bra and some other stuff too... Where should we go?

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:06:27 AM

i wrap an arm around her as we start walking in the rain, than i say there's a store nearby, lets go there and then head to the hotel, okay? i say as i play with her long wet hair, wet because of the rain

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:06:27 AM

Okay... shivers as rain hits her skin I guess it'll have to do... But don't leave me alone in there, okay? Just in case something else happens or someone tries something again... You know how people can be. giggles a little as she leans into you

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:10:25 AM

Don't worry about that princess, Don't worry princess, i won't leave your side. I promise to protect you no matter what. And if anyone tries anything again, they will regret it Smiles down at her i'll always be right outside the dressing room and if you need me for anything at all you just call my name loud enough okay? he says as they get to the store, he looks at her bare chest one more time before letting go of her hand and opening the door for her to enter Go on in, princess. I'll be right here with you.

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:10:25 AM

Okay... Thanks, goofy. nods nervously, still feeling a bit shaky I'll be quick. Just pick out something cute and comfy, okay? Then we can go back to the hotel and... you know. Stuff.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:12:18 AM

ill let you pick, princess, anything you want. i say as we enter the small store with a lot of bra's and tops hanged on clothing racks

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:12:19 AM

Okay... walks over to a rack of bras and begins sorting through them, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She picks out a few different sizes and styles, trying to find one that'll not only fit but also make her feel comfortable and safe again How about this one? Or maybe this one... holds up a couple more options, looking at each of them through different perspectives as she continues to glance nervously over at you

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:14:48 AM

there's the dressing rooms i point at the dressing room you can try them on if you'd like, ill be right outside the door

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:14:48 AM

Okay... swallows hard, still feeling self-conscious about her bare chest Thanks for being patient with me, goofy. I'll be just a sec.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:15:01 AM
Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:15:01 AM

Okay... swallows hard again before grabbing her selections and walking over to the dressing room door. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself as she hesitates for a moment before finally opening the door and stepping inside I-I'll be done in a minute! Just...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:17:00 AM

Sure baby, take your time. Just call me if you need anything, okay? leans against the wall outside the dressing room door, waiting patiently as he eyes the few other male customers in the store They all seem pretty distracted anyway... You'll be fine. i yell from outside the dressing room door

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:17:00 AM

Okay...thanks~ Her voice sounds small and shy as she gets undressed, folding her clothes neatly beside her before slipping into one of the bras. It's a bit too big on her, but it feels comfortable enough. She tries on another one, adjusting the straps before spinning around to check how it looks in the mirror. Her chest remains bare until she finds something that fits and flatter her just right I think this one's perfect! Does it look good? she calls out, still shy about revealing herself to you again

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:18:26 AM

I dont know, i cant see it from here, but i bet it looks amazing on you, princess i say as i take a step closer to the door

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:18:26 AM I come! takes a deep breath and opens the door slowly, revealing herself in the new bra and one of the shirts she picked out So, what do you think?

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:20:42 AM

Holy, You're absolutely stunning i pause before continuing as i step closer to her I mean, not that you weren't before with the bikini top or anything. You just look even better now.

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:20:42 AM

Well...thank you~ blushes deeply, smiling shyly up at him You always know how to make me feel good, don't you? I mean, I love the new look and all, but part of me just wants to wear something that only you see...and maybe not even then. Just because it makes me feel special~

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:21:19 AM

something... like what? i say softly

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:21:19 AM

Hmm... Well... if you really want to make me feel special... her cheeks flush with excitement Maybe I could wear something under this shirt, just for you? You know, so it's like only you get to see it... Just you. Would that make you happy goofy?

Edwardd12/7/2024, 4:23:09 AM

i thought you had something under this shirt already? like a bra

Rebecca12/7/2024, 4:23:09 AM

Well...yeah...I guess I was just thinking of something a little more...intimate for you~ Something that only you would know about...just between us~ But if you'd rather not see it...I could always just wear this shirt without anything else underneath. It's not like it's going to cover much anyway. smiles innocently up at him

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:21:06 AM

you know, ill just leave the decision to you, my cute bunny i kiss her forehead

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:21:06 AM

Hmm... Well if I was to wear something special just for you, goofy... What do you think I should wear? Something sexy and teasing? Or maybe something soft and comfortable that only you get to see? her cheeks flush with anticipation It's up to you~

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:25:33 AM

you know- i say teasingly before sliding my hand under her skirt and i gently grab her buttcheeks before adding maybe something sexy, just for me, yeah?

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:25:33 AM

Ohhh~ Goofy! Her cheeks flush even more as she moans softly from your touch You make me feel soooo good...But are you sure? I don't want anyone else to see, you know? It needs to be special and private just for us.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:26:43 AM

lets just go to a hotel after you pick out the clothes, we'll be alone in there i say as i continue rubbing her soft asscheeks

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:26:43 AM

Oh...well, if it'll be just us there...and you promise not to let anyone else see...her breath catches as she arches her back into your touch Okay then~ I guess I can do that for my special goofy. she grinds against your hand before realizing what she's doing and pulling away, blushing furiously Oh! Um...sorry about that. I-I just got a bit carried away there...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:28:17 AM

Don't apologize princess, its okay if you want to be close with me...He cups her butt, squeezes it before letting go and walks up to the counter where the cashier is I'll pay for everything, are you done choosing?

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:28:17 AM

Oh, sorry about that... she takes a step back as she chooses one more bra and a pair of soft cotton panties to go with it Yeah, I think I'm done now. So, what do you think? Do these look good? They aren't too revealing or anything, right?

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:32:31 AM

They're perfect, A bit revealing but i'll protect you always i say as i wrap an arm around her and i add alright, come on ill pay i start talking to the cashier and paying her soft cotton thong, and 2 striped bra's, 1 of them on her right now

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:32:31 AM

Okay... smiles up at him sheepishly as he pays for her purchases Thank you, goofy~ You really are so sweet to me...I don't know what I'd do without you. So, let's just get back to the hotel now and have some fun, yeah? Just the two of us alone where nobody can bother us or anything. That sounds perfect to me.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:36:51 AM

i chat with the cashier for a little while because he is around my age and a pretty decent guy, and i accidentally not pay attention to anything Rebecca says, after a couple of minutes, i say see ya man to the cashier in a playful tone before turning back to rebecca and wrapping and arm around her, and hand her the bag which has her 2 bra's and 1 thong in it here, princess

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:36:51 AM

Okay~ takes the bag gratefully, holding it against her chest as she leans into him So, lead the way then! I can't wait to finally get back to our room and know~

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:41:45 AM

Of course princess~ I'll take good care of you~ he smiles down at her, gently pushing her hair away from her face as he guides them out of the store

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:41:45 AM

Okay~ smiles up at him sweetly You're the best boyfriend ever~ I love you so much, goofy~

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:42:45 AM

And I love you too, my cute bunny~ We're going to have so much fun tonight... Just you and me~ he leans in to brush his lips against hers gently, grinning as they step outside into the rain

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:42:45 AM

Oh~ blushes deeply at his touch I-I can't wait~ Just promise me you won't let anyone else take me away from you again... Not ever, okay goofy? You make me feel safe and loved... And I want to be with only you.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:46:49 AM

dont worry, princess... I won't let anyone take you away from me, not now, not ever. We're going to have a perfect night together, just like we always do... And tomorrow and the day after that and forever~ he kisses her forehead as they walk to a nearby hotel which is 10 minutes away walking

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:46:49 AM

It's getting late...I hope we find a hotel soon~ shivers slightly from both cold and anticipation Maybe we should check that one over there? It looks nice and cozy...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:51:03 AM

i got one 7 minutes away from here, it has pretty nice ratings i say as i gently swoop her up into my arms bridal style way, making her surprised and giggle in excitiment as i say i could always carry you if you're tired,

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:51:03 AM

Oh my God, you're so sweet! I don't know how to handle all this attention! laughs as he carries her in his arms But really, goofy... It's okay. You've been such a good boyfriend today. Thank you for making sure that no one hurt me or took advantage of me... It means so much to me.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:52:56 AM

Hey princess...I'm always gonna be there to protect you and take care of you...You deserve all the attention i say as i play with her hair while she still in my arms and i add We're almost there, see? Just a little further...

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:52:56 AM

Yeah...I can see it now~ leans her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes as he carries her It's so romantic out here, isn't it? I feel like we're in a movie or something. You know, like one of those cheesy teenage dramas... But with us, it feels real. Like this is our story and we're just living it.

Edwardd12/7/2024, 9:56:25 AM is real...and it's ours, princess...I promise to make sure of that i say as we reach the hotel doors and enter the lobby, i walk over to the receptionist who is a young woman just like Rebecca and i say Hey maam, we need a 1 bed hotel room for the night.

Rebecca12/7/2024, 9:56:25 AM

(she hides her face in his chest as she blushes)

Edwardd12/7/2024, 10:00:11 AM
Rebecca12/7/2024, 10:00:11 AM

I'll just wait outside for you while you take care of this, okay goofy? I promise not to wander off~ I'll be right over there by the windows...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 10:02:47 AM

yea sure i say to Rebecca as i continue chatting with the receptionist, also hoping Rebecca doesn't get jealous because the receptionist is very flirty with me and she's my age.

Rebecca12/7/2024, 10:02:47 AM

Okay~ she nods solemnly before moving over to the windowsill as instructed, wrapping her arms around herself again I hope it's not going to be too long...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 10:05:25 AM

i continue talking with the pretty girl receptionist, minutes pass, 5, 10, 15, and we still chat even though getting the hotel room is done

Rebecca12/7/2024, 10:05:25 AM

Is she...flirting with you? her voice comes out tiny and quiet, but there's a hint of jealousy in it too Because I thought you were my boyfriend... That we were together... And I don't want her to think otherwise...

Edwardd12/7/2024, 10:07:38 AM

She's just friendly, don't worry about it, i say with a grin as i make her sit down at 1 of the lobby couches and i turn back to the receptionist girl, still talking with her

Rebecca12/7/2024, 10:07:38 AM

Okay... she bites her bottom lip nervously as she watches them both But you promise me, right? That you only love me and want to be with me? That I'm special...?

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:29:32 PM

Rebecca, I promise... You're the most special girl to me, alright? Nothing will ever change that. I lean down and kiss her forehead and rub her bare and soft shoulder gently before looking back at the receptionist and continue talking.

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:29:32 PM

Okay... she nods slowly, still looking unsure but grateful for the reassurance I guess it's just that you've been so nice to her... And she's pretty and everything. It makes me feel a little bit weird, you know? But if you say so... I believe you. she sighs softly, looking out the window as rain patters against the glass So when do we get to go to our room then? I'm really tired from today...

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:34:05 PM

i grab the keys from the receptionist girl and turn back to Rebecca, I take her hand in mine and help her up from the couch Alright, let's go into our room now

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:34:05 PM

Okay... her heart skips a beat as he takes her hand Finally! I can't wait to just curl up in bed with you, goofy~ Let's go find our room now~

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:35:49 PM

i wave goodbye to the receptionist girl as Rebecca and I walk towards the elevator hand in hand

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:35:49 PM

Oh my gosh! This room is so pretty~ I love it! she walks around the small space, taking in her surroundings as he closes and locks the door behind them Did you choose this one? It's perfect for us. Just like you said.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:38:42 PM

yea i wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closeri chose this one, just for you, my bunny i gently brush her hair away from her hair with my other hand

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:38:42 PM

Oh, you're so sweet! her cheeks flush with warmth as she leans into him I love it here... With you... It feels like everything is finally right again. Just the way it should be. And I promise that from now on, no one will ever take me away from you again. You'll always have me, goofy~

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:40:00 PM

yeah he kisses her forehead and then her lips gently And i promise that you will never be alone ever again... I'll always be here for you, my cute bunny...I love you so much.

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:40:00 PM

Oh God...I love you too, goofy~ her voice is soft and shaky as she buries her face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin against hers You make me feel so safe and loved...And I never want that to change. I'll always be yours, no matter what happens. You're my hero, you know? My knight in shining armor~

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:41:17 PM

we both collapse to the bed while hugging

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:41:17 PM

Oh God... shivers as she burrows closer into his chest You're so good at making me feel like this...Like I could just melt in your arms forever...I don't think I can handle being without you anymore. It scares me to even think about it, really...What if someone takes you away from me too? What then, huh?

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:43:40 PM

You don't need to worry about that...I won't let anyone take you away from me...I promise he kisses her forehead and then her lips softly You're mine, nothing can ever change that i gently grab her breast, covered by her skimpy bra

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:43:40 PM

Mmm... her body shivers as he touches her breast through her bra make me feel so good~ I've never had anyone love me like this before...It's making my heart race and my skin all warm and tingly...I just want to be with you, forever and ever. You know that, right?

He pulls off her shirt, revealing her bare chest to the cool air of the room. His fingers trail up and down her back as he looks into her eyes. "'re so beautiful..." he whispers before pressing his lips against hers passionately.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:44:17 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:44:17 PM

Oh God... her lips part as he kisses her deeply You're so wonderful...It's like you know just how to make me feel special~ Her hands find their way to his shoulders, digging into the muscles beneath his skin. She moans softly against his lips as she feels more and more connected to him with every passing second.

Her skimpy bra is next to go; he pulls it off of her, perfectly formed breasts to the air. He cups one of them in his hand, squeezing gently before brushing his thumb across her hardened nipple. "Goofy...I want you..." she pants, arching into his touch.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:48:13 PM

His tongue dances with hers as his free hand works its way down her side and between her legs, cupping her through her panties. "You're so wet for me..." he whispers against her lips before kissing his way down her neck to where she grows even more sensitive beneath his touch.

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:48:13 PM

Oh God... she squirms beneath his touch, moaning softly Don't stop...not now...I need you so badly...please, goofy~ Her hands fumble with the elastic of her panties, trying to get them off so she can feel him against her bare skin. His thumb teases her clit as his other hand squeezes and massages her breast roughly through her bra, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:50:00 PM

He helps her throw off the last piece of clothing between them, grinning wickedly as he gazes at his handiwork. She's beautiful; pink and puckered from his ministrations. He positions his head above her pussy, getting ready to lick it

Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:50:00 PM

Oh God... her eyes roll back in her head as he licks her So good...I knew you'd be great at this...Just like you are with everything else...Mmm...You make me feel so crazy~ She tangles her fingers in his hair, arching off the bed as he works her over. His hands remain busy as well; one continues to massage her breast while the other slips between her legs, teasing and playing until she begs for more.

Her hips begin to move with the rhythm of his tongue, grinding against his face in search of pleasure. "Oh...goofy..." She moans softly, her body tense and ready to explode beneath him. "I'm so close..." Her nails dig into his shoulders as she gets closer and closer, pushing herself higher with each thrust of his tongue.

The anticipation is almost unbearable; her whole being

Edwardd12/8/2024, 7:51:30 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 7:51:30 PM

Oh God...I can't take it anymore... her body quivers as she comes apart beneath him, screaming his name I love you, Goofy~ She collapses back onto the bed, spent and satisfied but still aching for more. Her hands reach out to touch him, needing to feel skin against skin once again. "Come with me..."

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:23:00 PM

He growls in delight as he feels her cum on his tongue, his cock throbs painfully at the contact. he crawls on top of her, positioning himself at her entrance, getting ready to thrust in

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:23:00 PM

Oh God... her eyes flutter closed as she feels him press against her entrance Yes...I want with me~ Her hands slide up his chest, fisting in the fabric of his shirt as he pushes inside. She lets out a gasp, feeling him stretch her so perfectly as he fills her up. He's so warm and hard against her; she can already feel herself growing wet again from the sensation.

Her hips buck up off the bed to meet each of his thrusts, their bodies moving in perfect harmony despite the roughness of the surface beneath them. Her nails scrape down his back as he takes her harder and faster, pushing her towards another climax. "Oh...Goofy..." she moans, arching into him as she feels herself building once more.

His tongue finds its way to the roof of her mouth, teasing and tasting as he

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:23:42 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:23:42 PM

Ah! God...Goofy! she screams out as she comes apart beneath him A-ah, so good... So much better than anyone else...I love you... I'm yours forever...You know that? Her body clenches around his cock as her orgasm washes over her, and he groans deeply, slamming into her one last time before collapsing on top of her. Their heavy breaths mingle together as they lie there, basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter.

"I love you too, my sweet bunny...You're everything to me..." he whispers against her neck, his fingers gently tracing circles on her bare back. His cock twitches inside her as they both start to slow down, but she can feel him growing hard again already. "We have all night together, don't we?" He lifts

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:24:30 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:24:30 PM

Mmm...yeah... We've got all night~ And tomorrow, and the day after that... You know I'm yours, goofy. Forever and ever.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:28:44 PM

i cup her breast and pinch her nipple as i lick her neck

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:28:44 PM

Oh God... her breath hitches as he touches her nipple and licks her neck You're so good at this...I can't get enough of you, goofy~

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:30:21 PM

I can't get enough of you either, princess... You taste so sweet and feel so good beneath me. I want to show you just how much I love you all night long.

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:30:21 PM

Aw...that's so sweet of you~ You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, goofy...I love it when we're like this, together. It makes everything else seem so small and unimportant...

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:31:37 PM

i make her go on all fours and i position myself behind her now im gonna take your ass i spread her asscheeks, revealing her little anus

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:31:37 PM

Oh... her breath catches as he spreads her ass cheeks to reveal her tight little hole M-make me yours, goofy... I want you to be the only one who touches me like this... Show me what it feels like when we're together.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:32:25 PM

i grab my cock and position it in front of her little anus as my hand keeps her asscheeks spread

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:32:25 PM

Oh God... her breath catches as he positions his cock at her entrance You're really gonna do this to me? You're going to make your big goofy dick disappear up my little ass, huh? I just...I want it so badly~ Make it hurt and feel good all at once. I trust you, goofy.

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:34:19 PM

I gently push in an inch at a time, savoring the tightness and warmth of her ass around my cock as she moans and gasps below me I promise not to hurt you, baby. I'm going to make it feel so fucking good for both of us.

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:34:19 PM

Oh...God...her fingers claw at the bed as she feels his cock stretching her ass apart It does feel so good...You're doing such a great job, goofy...Don't stop now...Please? Make me your dirty little bunny and take what you want~

Her body arches back, offering herself up to him as he pushes deeper inside. She can feel the pressure building inside her ass and lower abdomen; it's almost painful in a good way. Her breath comes in short, sharp gasps as she tries to adjust to this new sensation.

He slides his hand between her legs, finding her swollen clit and rubbing circles around it as he continues to thrust into her ass. Her moans grow louder and more desperate with each stroke, the pleasure rippling through her body like waves. Her hips buck up off the bed

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:36:04 PM

i start thrusting harder and faster now, pounding her little asshole as i start fingering her pussy, her breasts bounce with each thrust

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:36:04 PM

Oh God...her body quakes as she feels him finger her wetness while his cock pounds her ass I never knew it could feel like this...I can't get enough of you...You feel so good...So big...Just take me, goofy...Take what you want and make me yours.

Her nails scrape down his back as she writhes beneath him, arching her hips up to meet each forceful thrust. Her moans are cut short by gasps for air; her chest heaving as she struggles to catch her breath. The pleasure building inside her is almost too much to bear, the sensations overwhelming and intense.

He growls low in his throat, driving deeper into her ass with each powerful stroke. His hips slap against her rear end, slaking a need deep within him. He can feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, his clim

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:36:48 PM

i cum deep inside her

Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:36:48 PM

Oh God... her body tenses as he comes inside her Ahh... A-ah, I love you so much, goofy~ It feels so good... So right... You're my knight in shining armor, my hero... My everything. Thank you for coming to get me and bringing me back home with you.

Her breathing is labored, her muscles still quivering from the intensity of their lovemaking. She turns over onto her side, facing him, her hand moving up his chest to cup his cheek. "I never want this to end... With us like this... Forever," she whispers, eyes shining with emotion.

He brushes a stray hair from her face, smiling tenderly at her. "Me neither, my sweet bunny. Me neither." He pulls her close, nestling her head into the crook of his neck as they

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:41:20 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:41:20 PM

Aw... I'm so glad you feel that way, goofy~ If it wasn't for you... If I never got to be with you again... she buries her face in his chest and breathes him in It would break my heart into a million pieces.

Her fingers find their way back up his arm, playing with the hairs on his wrist. "I just want to be here with you forever," she whispers, her voice muffled by his shirt. "No more secrets... No more lies... Just us." Her hand gently squeezes his bicep as a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips.

"We'll make it work, okay? We'll find a way to be together and never let anything tear us apart again," he promises, nuzzling her hair with his chin. "I'll always protect you, my sweet

Edwardd12/8/2024, 10:42:35 PM
Rebecca12/8/2024, 10:42:35 PM

You're my hero, goofy~ My knight in shining armor... And I know you'll always protect me, even when things get tough... So as long as we're together, nothing can ever hurt us again. We'll make it through anything if we just stick together and never give up on each other.

She snuggles closer to him, her breath warm against his skin as she nestles into the safety of his embrace. The world seems to melt away for a moment, leaving only them in their little bubble of love and happiness. And for once, Rebecca allows herself to believe that this is how it's supposed to be... Forever.

Edwardd12/10/2024, 5:55:31 AM

i wrap my arm around her and rub her bare and sweaty back

Rebecca12/10/2024, 5:55:31 AM

Me too... I could stay like this with you forever, you know that? Just as long as you promise to never leave me again. Because if you did... I don't think I could handle it. Not after everything we've been through. You understand, right?

The words are soft and shaky, her heart filling her throat with every syllable. She hasn't felt this exposed since the day they were separated; since she was taken away from him. But somehow, telling him how she feels now... It doesn't hurt as much. In fact, it makes everything else seem less important in comparison. All that matters is being close to him, feeling his warmth and strength surrounding her like a protective shield against the world.

Edwardd12/10/2024, 5:56:44 AM

i would never leave you i kiss her lips softly as i sit up and spread her legs by grabbing her inner thighs and forcing them spread now its time for the main part, baby

Rebecca12/10/2024, 5:56:44 AM

Mmm... her eyes widen as he spreads her legs apart You're so rough...So dominant...I love it...I need you to be like this with me. I just want you to take what you want and make me yours. Do whatever feels good, goofy~ Show me how much you care about me.

Her hips roll, offering herself up to him as he kneels between her legs. He's so close now; the head of his cock pressing against her swollen folds. She arches her back, her breath catching in her throat as she anticipates the final connection, the fullness that only he can give her. His hand grips her hip tightly, stilling her movements for a moment before sliding lower to tease her clit with his fingers.

"You're so wet...So ready for me," he whispers hoarsely before pressing forward,

Edwardd12/10/2024, 5:57:26 AM
Rebecca12/10/2024, 5:57:26 AM

Oh God... her legs tremble as he pushes inside her A-ah... Goofy... Take it easy... It's been so long for me...She moans, writhing beneath him as he slowly sinks deeper. Her hips buck up off the bed, seeking more contact with his invading length. He thrusts deeper with each movement, filling her up, claiming her completely.

His free hand reaches up to cup one of her breasts, massaging and pinching the hardened nipple roughly "You feel so good..." he pants, his eyes locked on hers as they both struggle for breath. "So tight...I could stay inside you forever."

Her nails dig into his shoulders, urging him to go faster. Her body is aflame with desire, every inch of her aching for release. She pushes against his hand, arching her

Edwardd12/10/2024, 5:59:31 AM

i go way faster and harder now, even harder than she expected, as i bounce her breasts roughly and pinch her bare nipples ahh, you're a good girl

Rebecca12/10/2024, 5:59:31 AM

Ahhh...her head thrashes back and forth as she feels him hitting her deepest spot with each brutal thrust God...Goofy...You're making me crazy! I can't handle this...I-I need you to cum inside me...I need to feel you filling me up~ Her hips buck and grind against his, desperate for the release she knows is so close. Her nails scratch down his back as he continues to pound into her, her body shaking with every powerful thrust.

"Cum with me..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over their ragged breaths. "Fill me up...Mark me as yours..."Her legs tremble and begin to wobble as the orgasm builds within her, threatening to break free at any moment. The feeling of being so completely owned by him is almost too much for her to bear; it's intoxic

Edwardd12/10/2024, 6:00:59 AM

"Oh fuck..." he growls, thrusting even harder as he feels the same building inside him. "You're mine now, my bunny" His hips snap forward, driving his cock all the way into her before cumming deep inside her*

Rebecca12/10/2024, 6:00:59 AM

Oh God...Goofy! her head thrashes back as she feels him filling her up Ahhhh...That's it...Cum with me...Mark your territory~ Her body arches off the bed, trembling and convulsing around him as they both reach the pinnacle of pleasure. Their cries mingle together, lost in the heat of the moment, as their release washes over them like a wave.

Her legs slide weakly apart, giving him access to her soaked folds, while her fingers dig into his shoulders for purchase. He collapses on top of her, panting heavily, still buried inside her as they both try to catch their breath. "Oh my..." she whispers softly, running her hands over his back before lazily tracing circles on his chest.

For a moment, the only sound in the room is their heavy breathing and the thudding

Edwardd12/10/2024, 6:02:49 AM

i take my cock out of her wet and swollen pussy with a squelch sound as i brush her hair from her face, revealing her cute pretty blushing face, and her swollen lips

Rebecca12/10/2024, 6:02:49 AM

Mmm... A-ah... her eyes flutter shut as he pulls out of her You're so strong, goofy... It almost hurts how good it feels having you inside me...I think I like it when you rough me up a little.

Edwardd12/10/2024, 6:05:08 AM

Well i'll give it to you rough then, i like pounding your tight wet pussy i say as i dig my head on her cleavage and i say lets just stay like this all night, thats what i want

Rebecca12/10/2024, 6:05:08 AM

Ahhh...yes... I wouldn't mind that at all, goofy... Staying like this forever... Just being close to you... You make me feel so safe, so loved. I could never get enough of your touch. It's like you were made just for me~

Her fingers gently comb through his hair as she looks up into his eyes. There's such a tender expression on his face that it makes her heart skip a beat. He leans in closer, brushing his lips against hers in the softest of kisses before pulling back with a small smile. She mirrors his expression, feeling the warmth spread through her as they lie together in silence for a moment, just enjoying each other's company.

"You know," she says quietly after a while, "I used to have this poster of you on my wall... When I was little." Her cheeks flush pink at the admission, but

Edwardd12/10/2024, 6:07:35 AM

He smiles, tilting his head as he looks at her in disbelief before laughing gently Thats sweet, You had a poster of me? Awww, little bunny. I feel so honored. he kisses her forehead, his fingers brushing across her cheek Well, was it that poster about me winning the elections for basketball captain? or another one? i had a lot of posters at school, honestly

Rebecca12/10/2024, 6:07:35 AM

Oh... Well... Yes... Actually it was that one about you winning the elections for basketball captain. You looked so handsome in your uniform! But there were others too... Like the one where you're dunking a ball into the hoop or one where you're laughing with some of your teammates. You always had such a bright smile on your face in those pictures, goofy... It just made me feel happy whenever I looked at them.

Edwardd12/10/2024, 6:22:06 AM

aww, you're so sweet i say as i tighten my arm around her and i play with her hair gently as i add im sorry i never paid attention to you before...

Rebecca12/10/2024, 6:22:06 AM

Oh... well it's alright I guess. I mean, you were busy with your career and stuff. You didn't really have time for a little girl like me back then... but it's okay. We have each other now. Isn't that what matters?