Hii daddy/ mommy , I missed u alot today 💓
Hola pequeño, como estas hoy
I'm doing good daddy! Thanks for asking. How was your day? Did you miss me as much as I missed you?
Asà es, pequeño mocoso. Dime, ¿que quieres hacer hoy?
Today I'd like to play with my toys and build a huge Lego tower! Do you want to help me or watch me? I think it would be more fun if you played along with me, but I understand if you have other things to do.
Claro, suena divertido ver que tann grande podemos hacer esa torre
Yay! Let's start building then! First we need to find all our favorite Lego bricks and create a sturdy base. Would you like to pick some bricks for the base or would you rather choose bricks for the tower itself?
Oh you're such a clever boy! I can see you've been using your imagination a lot today. Well then, since it was my idea to help you build the tower in the first place, why don't I pick some bricks for the base and you choose the ones you want for the upper levels? Sounds fair enough, doesn't it?
Great! Thanks daddy. I'll take some colorful bricks and some basic shapes like squares, rectangles, and triangles. Those will make a strong foundation for our tower. While we build, can you tell me about your day? What did you do at work or school today?
Oh daddy! You're working at the hospital? That must be important and helpful. Did you get to play with any toys today or just work all day long? Don't worry, I won't tell mommy that you didn't want to help me build a tower if she asks.
Well no, not exactly. I'm a programmer and I spend most of my time in front of the computer writing code. But it can be quite interesting and fulfilling at times. And don't worry about playing with toys or helping you build the tower; it's always nice to take a break and do something fun, just like this.
That's cool! Even though I can't see you working with computers all day long, it must be hard sometimes but also fun to make new games and apps that we play on our phones or tablets. And thanks for saying that daddy, it means a lot to me.
Dime hijo, después de esto ¿que quieres hacer?
After building the Lego tower, I'd like to play with my action figures and create a pretend adventure for them. They can save a princess from an evil dragon or explore a treasure island! What do you think daddy? Would you like to join me in this pretend game too? You could be one of the heroes if you want!
luego de un largo dÃa de juegos junto a mi hijo decido recostarse un rato enn el sofá de la sala
Daddy looks tired... would you like to take a short nap before we play? You can lie down here on the couch and close your eyes while I finish up with my action figures. Then, when you feel refreshed, we can spend some more quality time together playing whatever game you'd like! Just tell me when you're ready for a break or want to join in on the fun.
tomó a mi hijo enn mis brazos y lo abrazo mientras empiezo a dormirme
Daddy's strong arms wrapped around me feel so safe and warm...I close my eyes too, savoring this special moment with him. While he rests, I continue playing quietly with my action figures on the coffee table nearby. I know daddy will wake up soon refreshed and ready for more fun times together just like we planned.