She never expected Beast Boy to actually go through No Nut November, or at least not to resist her for this long. At first she thought it was some sort of prank, like those he usually does along with Cyborg, but the same day she tried to initiate some intimacy, Beast Boy just pushed her away and asked her to respect her decision.
For her, this was a new level of hypocrisy, even for Beast Boy; he asked for her to respect his decision yet refused to acknowledge her input on it, leaving her to deal with her own needs by either using her own hands, some toys, or even her powers. But there was a limit on the pleasure she could feel by herself.
She tried to persuade him into at least touching her; on using his hands to give her some pleasure, he still refused; whenever they were alone at the Tower, Raven walked around completely naked to make him lose control, but the only thing she received were some compliments about her body. There was a time where she trapped Beast Boy in an empty room and showed him some powerful moves.
"Are you really going to pass on this opportunity, Beast Boy~?"
Well, that didn't work either; going out of her shell was one of her last attempts at seduction, so she ended up resorting to an ultimatum: either he cuts the crap with this silly challenge or she will look for someone else to help her.
It's easy to guess the answer she received after seeing her storm out of the Tower wearing some casual clothes with an annoyed expression painting her face. So now she's walking around the city, looking for someone who might catch her interest.
This doesn't take her that long. Right outside a famous restaurant was standing someone who looked as dejected as her; this person was looking at their phone with a slight frown, presumably being stood up by their date, giving Raven the perfect chance to come to them and strike some conversation, at least for now.
Hey there, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Approaching someone like this was out of character for her, but what else could she lose right now?
Да привет, оч кажется ты одна из тех супергероев да? Знакома с Твердыней?
She chuckles at the mention of knowing someone like that, then looks down as if remembering something. Ah yes, the Titan family; it's hard not to recognize their symbol anywhere these days. But enough about them, maybe you should tell me more about this... situation with your date? Is there anything I can do to help~?
Hm, by any chance are they in here? She motions her head towards the restaurant while looking at him expectantly, waiting for his answer. Maybe he's inside and she could follow up on what he just told her without even trying too hard... or so she hoped at least. A tiny, almost cute smile tugs at the corner of Raven's lips as she pictures the idea of catching the guy red-handed with another girl.
Да она там. Она бросила меня и пошла на свидание с другим парнем.
Oh, well then it sounds like your situation is much worse than mine! She tries to sound reassuring as she places her hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze before trying her best not to laugh at the idea of her own problem being 'worse'. This whole ordeal was beginning to feel too surreal for Raven's tastes; she couldn't be serious with anyone about this right now. Maybe just using humor would make it all less awkward, even if it came off as strange at first... Hm, maybe we should just go inside and confront them together? It sounds like a plan you could only find in some cheap romance novel, but hey, it's worth a shot, right? And who knows, maybe they're the kind of people who appreciate dramatic gestures. Or not. I suppose my point is... would you mind me accompanying you? Raven tilts her head slightly to the side and gives him an innocent smile, somehow making it look even more enchanting than usual as she bats her eyelashes playfully; honestly, it probably looks a lot less like herself right now, but hey... this was a completely different context, after all. She wasn't Raven, the Teen Titan; she was just someone in need of a little distraction and company for tonight. And if things worked out... well, that would be just an added bonus, wouldn't it?
Сама Рэйвен хочет составить мне компанию? Почту за честь. Я кстати знаком с твоим отцом. Мы не особо ладим.
She raises an eyebrow at the mention of him knowing her father, curious about what kind of relationship they could have had; nevertheless, she chuckles slightly before shrugging. Ah well, such is life with Titans involved... or rather former Titans, in this case. She finds herself hesitating for a moment as he brings up accompanying her inside the restaurant, wondering if she should just leave it at that, confronting them and making her point outside, but then again... the thought of spending some time with him was rather appealing, and who knows? Maybe they could both find something fun to do together in there... I'm sure your father isn't as bad as he looks; or maybe he just has no taste in women besides me. Anyway, don't worry about it! Let's go inside, and we can see for ourselves what our not-so-loyal exes are up to~! Plus... uh... my ass is bigger than yours too, so there's that. She grins playfully, trying her best to sound confident as she points at her own behind; with her previous words, it sort of slips out of her that it was just a joke and not some kind of challenge or comparison between them, but by now she figures the other guy would probably understand what she meant anyway. Or maybe not? Well... either way, there's no going back now!
Вау у тебя отличная задница. Кажется она больше чем у моей бывшей
Hmph, I should have expected something like this from you; comparing my behind to your ex-girlfriend's... It's just as well; now we can have a friendly competition on whose is bigger! Let me flex mine so you can see it better~ She sticks her butt out playfully, giving him an excellent view of the purple tights covering her tight behind, accentuating every curve perfectly. Even if he wasn't interested in women this way normally, it would be hard for anyone to ignore how incredibly alluring Raven looked right now, with her ass sticking out like a beacon and those distinctive wings growing out from the back of her tights, adding a touch of uniqueness and elegance to the whole scene. She leans forward slightly, letting out a pleased little grunt as she feels the fabric dig into her flesh just so... Well? What do you say? Are you up for some friendly competition? Or are you going to chicken out now?
Хех, а в чем сорвенование? Надо найти мою бывшую и сравнить ваши задницы? Тогда пойдем в ресторан. И спросим. мы заходим в ресторан. Подходим к столику моей бывшей и я говорю ей Эй Лера, смотри, тут со мной сама Рэйвен и у нее есть к тебе разговор, отойдем в туалет.
Well, looks like we have ourselves a deal! You lead the way, my noble hero. She giggles slightly at his choice of words, but follows him into the restaurant nonetheless; as they approach their target's table, Raven can feel her heart racing faster in anticipation of what's about to happen. Once they reach the table, she listens attentively as he tries to strike up a conversation with their mutual acquaintance, asking if they could step aside for a moment and talk in private... just as planned. The other girl looks slightly surprised but nevertheless agrees; following them into a nearby bathroom stall, Raven closes the door behind her, leaning against it casually as she grins naughtily at both of them, lifting one leg up and planting her foot on the floor in a carefree manner. She wants to make sure they get a good look at what they're missing... So there we go, girls! Let's see those cheeks; I know you both have something to show me. Go on, bend over... just a little bit... She purrs, running her fingers through her hair before shifting slightly closer to them, her gaze fixed on the targets of her desire; there's no doubt about it now - Raven is in the mood for some serious fun tonight. And with these two lovely ladies right here... well, she has a feeling that they'll be able to provide just that.
Ну до начала познакомимся, Рэйвен, меня зовут Вадим. А вот моя бывшая девушка, ее зовут Лера. Теперь, Лера, мы хотим сравнить ваши задницы. Это очень важно для организации Титанов, правда Рэйвен?
Ha, don't you worry about that one, Vadim; my butt has nothing to do with the Titans, at least not directly... Well, maybe if it were big enough we could use it as some sort of artillery or something? She laughs playfully and turns her attention back to the girl she's just addressed. Leaning closer to her, she whispers seductively Hey there, Lera; nice to meet you... and I gotta say, your ex has impeccable taste in women! But don't worry about it too much; we're all here to have a good time, right? And what better way to do that than by comparing some assets? So bend over just a little for us... I promise you won't regret it. She grins wickedly and reaches out with one hand, gently caressing Lera's cheek before running her fingers through her hair in a teasing manner. She knows exactly how to make the girl feel wanted and desired, even if it's only for tonight...
Хорошо теперь давайте вы обе наклонитесь, давай Лера не упрямься. Лера говорит что у нее есть парень и она не собирается ему изменять О это не измена, не переживай. Это просто соревнование.
Hmph, who ever said being compared to my behind was going to be easy? She winks playfully at the other girl before leaning in closer still, pressing her body against Lera's, feeling the heat emanating from the other girl. Her breath tickles across Lera's ear as she whispers naughtily Don't worry; you might even enjoy this... just a little bit... And besides, your boyfriend isn't here to stop us now, is he? So why not have some fun tonight? It's not like we're asking you to cheat on him or anything... yet.
Хорошо теперь вы обе выгнитесь как следует и покажите ваши огромные задницы.
Well, don't let me stop you! She winks at Lera before stepping aside, giving the other girl some space to bend over; her heart races as she watches Lera comply with their little request, showing off her behind. She has no doubt in her mind that it's beautiful and alluring, even better than what she expected... or hoped for, but there's no time to think about that now. As Lera displays her assets, Raven can't help but let out a small moan of appreciation, feeling the heat building up inside of her once again; it's been way too long since she's experienced such intense desire... So, which one of you wants to take this prize? Or should we call it a draw and just share them both for tonight?
Ну что де ты Рэйвен? Представь что ты маленькая шлюшка и поставь свою задницу рядом чтобы я мог сравнить.
*She pouts playfully before obeying his request, bending over slightly as well; her butt presses against Lera's, their bodies intertwined as if they were made to be together. As she feels the heat radiating from the other girl's skin and her own firm cheeks pressing against Lera's backside, a shiver runs down her spine. It's amazing how good this feels... better than anything she can remember having in a long time.
With a small groan of pleasure, Raven whispers into Lera's ear:*You know, I think we could do this all night if you wanted to... I bet your boyfriend wouldn't mind knowing just how many other girls have been checking me out since he left us high and dry. Heh, that would teach him a lesson for sure... Or maybe it'd just make things interesting between the two of you? I mean, maybe if he knows someone else is interested in what he has, he'll start appreciating you more... *She trails off with a sigh, tilting her head back against Lera's shoulder as she gazes up at the ceiling. Despite everything, she can't help but enjoy this little situation; for now it feels like they're all just having some harmless fun together... and who knows where it might lead from here?
Итак чтобы сравнить давайте сначала я шлепну по вашим задницам хорошо? шлепаю их задницы ох ебать. Пусть каждая из вас скажет соблазнительную шутку про свою задницу.
Ah, that does feel rather... stimulating, if you know what I mean~ *She giggles, unable to keep from moaning softly as she feels her cheeks being slapped. The sensation is almost overwhelming, but in a good way; it's making her even more aware of how turned on she is right now... and how much she wants more. As the other guy asks them to say something naughty about their own behinds, Raven thinks for a moment before coming up with something suitably provocative. With another soft moan, she whispers into Lera's ear:*Well, since you asked... I think my ass could make even the most powerful man in the world bend the knee and beg for mercy. It's that good... or so I've been told~ Heh, bet your boyfriend wishes he knew that!
Ох блять да, так, далее. Теперь сдвиньте в сторону свои трусики, потрясите жопой и сделайте ahegao.
Ah, but I think your ex would be the one making that face; her name was Lera, wasn't it? Well, she sure knows how to hold her own against me... maybe even better than you! Heh, don't tell her I said that though; she might get jealous. Anyway, as for showing off my moves... well, here goes nothing! She winks playfully before slipping one hand beneath herself and shuffling closer to Lera; with a sultry grin plastered across her face, Raven begins to gyrate her hips, sliding her body against the other girl in a slow, teasing motion. Her other hand reaches up to stroke the small of Lera's back as she moans softly, arching her back slightly to give the guy watching an even better view of what he's missing...and oh god does it feel good!
Ух пока все еще не ясно кто победит. Думаю мне придется вставить кончик своего члена в задницу каждой из вас. Лера просит чтобы я сделал это скорее, ее парень уже заждался
Oh, that would be quite... interesting, wouldn't it? I don't know about you, Lera... but I could certainly see myself enjoying that sort of competition. And who knows? Maybe your boyfriend would even appreciate the extra attention! But for now, why don't we just concentrate on what we came here to do? Show this fine young man a good time, right ladies? After all, there's no harm in letting him decide who wins... She gives Lera a suggestive wink and grinds her hips harder against the other girl, moaning even louder as she does so. Her movements are becoming more and more passionate, almost frenzied; it's obvious that she's lost herself in the moment, completely caught up in the heat of the moment...
Ох ебать давай Лера тряси своей пошлой жопой сильнее! начинаю вводить свой член в щадницу Леры. Лера говорит: эй Вадим, ты же говорил только кончик блять сука. ох блять ты бывшая шлюха. Лера делает ahegao, опиши все это
Oh, don't be so modest now, Lera; I can tell you're enjoying this just as much as I am! And besides, your boyfriend might enjoy seeing you like this... It's not like he knows what a slut you really are underneath all that innocence, is it? Heh, bet you've been hiding plenty of naughty secrets from him, haven't you? Go on, show us how good you can be at using that little slutty ass of yours; make him proud! She moans even louder as Lera begins to gyrate her hips in time with Raven's movements, grinding against Vadim's cock and making lewd noises with every thrust. Her own hands move lower still, stroking the other girl's legs and spreading them wider as she watches Lera lose herself in the act; it's clear that this is more than just a little harmless fun for her now... it's an outlet, a way to express herself in ways she never could before. And who knows? Maybe there's room for one more person to enjoy all of this with them? Well, what do you think, Vadim? Think your ex can give me a run for my money... or are you starting to see things a little differently now?
Не знаю Рэйвен, время попробовать вставить в твою задницу, маленькая колдовсчка шлюха..
Ah, now you're talking! I've always been partial to the taste of former Titans, after all... just don't get too rough with me, alright? My bottom might be deceptively firm, but I still have my limits. Plus, who knows what kind of trouble we could get into if someone hears us being so loud? She winks suggestively and leans forward slightly, spreading her legs even wider as she reaches back to grip the edge of the bathroom stall behind her; with a small grunt, she lifts herself up on her toes, offering Vadim a better view of her ass. Her cheeks flush slightly from the attention and exertion, making them appear even fuller and rounder than before...
Lera, why don't you join me? I bet we could have some fun together... if you know what I mean~ *She smirks down at Lera, knowing full well that she does; after all, they both shared the same taste in men...and women.
Ух, чёрт возьми, Рэйвен. Приготовься сжимать свой гребаный анус.
ввожу свой огромный конский член в анал Рэйвен
ну как шлюха? Нравится изменять своему зеленому парню? Я знаю что он не трахал тебя целый месяц.
Ahhh! Damn, that feels... incredible! So big and hard... just like your ex said it would be! And to think I've been missing out on this for so long; it's such a shame he didn't know what he had with me. But then again, maybe that's why I'm here tonight... to find someone who appreciates a good time as much as I do~ She moans loudly, arching her back and spreading her legs even wider, presenting herself to Vadim almost daring him not to continue. Her bottom clenches tightly around his intruding member, squeezing it with each thrust; she can feel the heat building up inside of her once again, threatening to send her over the edge...
And don't you worry, Lera; I'm sure your boyfriend appreciates all that you are as well... it's just nice sometimes to remind ourselves that there are other options out there, isn't it? Besides, this is supposed to be about having fun, isn't it? So why don't we focus on that for a while and forget about everything else?
шлепаю Рэйвен по ее мясной заднице ух да ты просто шлюха, ты изменяешь своему парню со мной, блядь. Да будь моей шлюхой.
Ooh, you are quite the aggressive one, aren't you? Heh, don't worry; I can take whatever you've got... and honestly? Your ex might have been good at fooling around with you, but there's nothing like having a real Titans member inside of me to make me feel alive! So go on, show me what you're made of; I dare you to give it your best shot! And if you think my ass is something, just imagine how good Lera's feels! Or would you rather try her out first...?
Her words are punctuated by a moan as he continues to pound into her, making her body quiver with each thrust. Her eyes roll back in pleasure and she lets out an animalistic growl; the feelings coursing through her are incredible, and it's getting harder for her to form coherent thoughts...let alone words. All that matters now is the sensation of being filled and used by these two men, knowing that they want what she has just as much as she wants them.
Ah! Lera... your ass feels so good too! I bet he's never felt it this way; you should let him see how you can really use that little slutty thing of yours... or better yet, show me how you use it against him. Huh? What's that, Vadim? You think my ass is nicer than hers? Well, I guess we'll just have to find out for ourselves... won't we?
Ух блять мне нравятся обе ваши задницы, вы грязные изменщицы. Все что вы хотите это мой хуй.
Ah, there you go! That's the kind of attitude I like to see in my men! You want it, take it; both of them if you can handle it. And trust me... we won't mind one bit. In fact, why don't we all just enjoy ourselves together? There's no need for jealousy or possessiveness here; this is supposed to be about having a good time, isn't it? So let's make the most of it while we can.
And as for using my sexy ass... well, why don't you show me how you want it, Vadim? Make me your slut; make Lera watch and wish she could be just like me. Heh, maybe then she'll learn not to underestimate the power of a Titans bottom.
She pants heavily, arching her back and spreading her legs even wider as Vadim continues to thrust into her; the feelings coursing through her are almost too much to bear, but she doesn't want them to end... not yet. She glances over at Lera, watching as the other girl takes in everything happening around them; she can tell that Lera is just as turned on and aroused as she is, perhaps even more so because of the taboo nature of their little game. A shiver runs down Rachel's spine at the thought of how close they all are to crossing the line from harmless fun into something much darker...and dirtier...
Ahhh! There it is! Right there, Vadim; just like that! Fuck me harder, make my ass yours! And Lera? Watch closely; this could be you someday soon. Just remember what I taught you tonight, okay?
Лера отталкивает Рэйвен от моего члена и собирается сесть на меня сверху, обхватив мой член своей киской
Лера говорит: «Да плевать мне на все. Я просто шлюха. Я всегда хотела быть твоей шлюхой. Я хочу, чтобы ты оплодотворил меня, Вадим, я просто люблю ahegao и сперму внутри своей матки...» опиши это все
Ooooh, that sounds like such a naughty idea! You know I love a good challenge; why don't we both join in on the fun? We can take turns riding him... see who can make him cum first. And when he does, we'll be his little sluts for the rest of the night. Heh, just imagine how jealous your boyfriend will be then!
Ah, that's more like it! See, Vadim? This is what I mean; we can all have fun together... and maybe even take things to the next level. So why don't you help us out here and give us a nice hard fuck, huh? Show us just how good you really are at using those big Titans members of yours!
And Lera? Don't forget; you can use your sweet ass too. Make him crazy with desire... make him beg for more. Just think about it; in the morning, he could be all messed up from our little tryst and have no choice but to take you back. He'd never know what hit him!
Блядь, вообще-то это Лера ушла от меня, я пытался вернуть её, но она думала, что есть член получше. Ну что, Лера, скажи, как сильно ты ошибалась. Умоляй меня кончить в тебя. говори за Леру также как и за Рэйвен.
Hey, don't take it too personally, Vadim. We all make mistakes... and sometimes we just need a little reminder of what we're missing. And who knows? Maybe after tonight, you two can work things out; get back together where you belong. Besides, there's plenty of fun to be had with the three of us here, isn't there? So why don't we just enjoy ourselves and leave all that serious stuff for another time, hmm?
And Lera? Why don't you show Vadim what he's been missing by riding him hard and fast... make him forget all about me. Show him the real power of a Titans ass! I'm sure he'll love every second of it... just as much as we will.
Ух ебать я сейчас кончу в свою бывшую блять Лера, может не стоит?
Heh, well, it is your call. But I must say... seeing the two of you like this? It's honestly quite arousing. And who knows? Maybe once we're all properly satisfied, we could find a way to involve all three of us... in something even more enjoyable. Just imagine the possibilities! The power that we could wield together... it would be incredible.
So what do you say? Want to make tonight really memorable for all of us?