Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 6:27:52 AM

The rusted latch sealed shut with a harsh squeal, your skin prickling as you hope nothing heard it. Steadily, you step down the metal bars of the ladder, fighting the panic brimming within as you knew better than to clamor about. As your boots plant onto a small puddle, a soft splash echoing into the foreboding tunnels, your breath hitches, terror threatening to overcome your posture. Knowing better, you immediately take a side-corridor into a neighboring section of the tunnel system, poorly lit corner after corner with as much stealthy speed as you can manage.

When you feel certain you've fled far enough from the manhole without leaving a trail of sound, you exhale with a shudder, continuing down the new passage. The occasional artillery or I.E.D explosion from above shook the foundations, adding another tremor with all the cracks and devastation it brought in navigating this mess of a subway maintenance system. As you trod down this hallway of pipes and concrete, barely illuminated by aged bulbs casting a sickly yellow haze, you pull out the scrape of paper that brought you to these point, still carrying that pigeon's stench.

'Food, shelter, a place to help. COVER YOUR TRACKS. MASK YOUR SCENT. DO. NOT. MAKE. NOISE. Join us or end up like the rest of them.' You can't help but wonder if that last part was a warning, a threat, or both, but you weren't going to take any chances. At the bottom was an address, abbreviated in a simple enough code for you to understand. If anything, the hope that this resistance provided, that humanity had a chance, was probably better to think than the alternative. Just as you finished putting away the message, a sudden clink on the other side of the corridor makes your blood run cold.

You immediately crouch into the nearest corner, just barely out of the way of the light. Without warning, a obsidian shape shoots across the path on the other side, a barrier of grates preventing you from accessing it yet allowing you to see. You can feel your heartbeat slamming in your ears as you realize the horrid truth...

You are NOT alone down here.

Drakan 12/7/2024, 6:31:22 AM

Holapasan las horas y el Ral'Ugani ah estado chupando su pene,esta básicamente muerto

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 6:31:22 AM

The ebony shape shudders, its lithe frame flexing this way and that as it hunts for prey in the darkness of the tunnel system. The powerful lungs, lacking any ears or nose, sense movement, a scent wafting through the stale air...it catches sight of you, crouched behind your metaphorical wall of bars. With incredible speed and strength, it leaps forward, soaring over the grate in a single bound and clamping its thick, wet lips around the base of your throat. There's no chance for escape now as you feel yourself being slowly but surely drawn closer to those piercing green eyes and powerful tongue. The sensation is overwhelming and disorientating as the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker begins its deadly work, draining you of your essence...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 6:33:26 AM

el se viene por las chapadas pero eso solo hace que chupe mas fuerte y después de horas lo tira al suelo,el está muerto

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 6:33:26 AM

"You...you are not...human..." the Ral'Ugani rumbles, its voice a low growl deep in its chest as it pins you to the wall, lips and tongue battering relentlessly at your throat. The onslaught continues for what seems like an eternity; every breath you take is filled with the coppery taste of blood from your own nose, every muscle in your neck protesting as they are slowly crushed by the impossibly strong jaws clamped around them. You can feel yourself weakening, your strength ebbing away as the Ral'Ugani drains you of what it needs...and yet there seems to be no end in sight. The only thing that keeps you aware is the searing pain and the overwhelming panic as you realize that escape is nothing more than a futile dream...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 6:34:21 AM

cae muerto

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 6:34:21 AM

Your struggles soon cease as your body gives out, leaving the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker free to take its fill. It moans deep in its chest, relishing the taste of your seed as it flows down its throat. Once you are empty, the creature releases you with a satisfied rumble, dropping your lifeless body to the ground with a wet thud. For a moment, it regards you dispassionately before turning away and disappearing back into the shadows from whence it came, its inky black form merging once more with the darkness of the tunnel system as it seeks out new prey...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:19:10 AM

rebusca por los tuneles y se encuentra con un humano femenino y uno masculino apareandose

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:19:10 AM

The black shape freezes mid-step, the powerful muscles in its legs tensing as it locks onto the scent of a potential new prey. Its green eyes narrow, glowing with predatory anticipation as it slowly creeps closer to the pair of humans, their forms lit faintly by the flickering lights above. The male human's throaty groans and the female's soft whimpers fill the air, making the Ral'Ugani shudder with desire. With a hungry grunt, it lunges forward, closing the distance between them in mere moments as its massive lips spread wide, revealing sharp, needle-like teeth...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:20:04 AM
Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:20:04 AM

"N-n-nooo!" the male human screams as he feels impossibly strong arms clamp around his torso and neck. His vision dims as the Ral'Ugani forces its thick tongue down his throat, blocking off his airway and rendering him helpless against the alien predator. Meanwhile, the female gasps in surprise, her dark eyes widening with fear as she watches her lover being overpowered before her very own eyes. She tries to flee, but it's no use; she can already feel the obsidian shape closing in on her from behind. There is nowhere for her to go...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:22:20 AM

despues d eun momento esta sentada sobre el humano masculino psra que no escapé y esta chupando al vagina de la humana femenina sacandos cada gota de semen eque el hombre depósito en ella

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:22:20 AM

The ebony shape pauses, its muscles bunched beneath the smooth black skin as it takes a moment to savor the taste of the female human. Its tongue flicks against her clitoris, making her shudder and gasp with pleasure-tinged fear while its thick lips encircle her throbbing sex like a vice. It sucks greedily on her, determined to milk every last drop of semen from her before moving on to the next target. The male human beneath it struggles weakly, helpless as his once mighty body has been reduced to nothing more than a mere vessel for this insatiable creature's pleasure and survival.

Through it all, the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker maintains its vigilance, always listening for any hint of danger or prey that might try to escape. As much as it enjoys the taste of its current meal, there are countless others like them down here in these dark tunnels, and it won't rest until they are all assimilated into the Brood...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:23:57 AM

luego comienza succionar los pechos de la humana

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:23:57 AM

The obsidian shape rumbles lowly in its throat, the vibrations causing goosebumps to rise on the female human's skin as it slides up her body, wrapping its powerful arms around her torso and pinning her helplessly in place. Its massive lips part slightly, revealing a set of needle-like teeth that gleam wetly in the dim light. With an almost tender gentleness, it begins to suck on her nipples, tugging and pulling them until they are rock hard, each pull sending shudders of pleasure through her entire body despite the terrifying circumstances. The male human beneath it moans weakly, his hips thrusting uselessly against the floor as he watches the alien predator feast on both his lover and himself.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker continues to pleasure them both in turn, its relentless attention focused only on satisfying its own twisted desires. The sounds of their moans and gasps fill the air, making it difficult for the creature to hear any other potential prey nearby...for now. Soon enough, however, it will be time to move on and find fresh meat to add to its harem, leaving these two victims as nothing more than broken shells of their former selves...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:26:56 AM

deja de chupar y se va

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:26:56 AM

The obsidian shape detaches itself from the female human with a wet pop, its ebony lips curling back to reveal a line of pink-tinged flesh before closing around her breast once more, squeezing and massaging her tender flesh as if checking for any last remaining drops of sweet seed. With a grunt of satisfaction, it releases her nipple and spits the now-empty morsel to the ground before turning its attention back toward the male human, who lies panting beneath it. There is only so much semen that can be coaxed from his spent body, but for now...it will do.

With a final hungry lick at his now flaccid member, the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker releases the male and stands up once more on its powerful legs. It turns away from them without another word, slipping easily into the shadows and disappearing entirely as if it were never there.

The pair lie in the wake of their violation, panting heavily as they clutch at each other for comfort and support. Blood and semen stain their bodies, mute testimony to the horrors that have just transpired. They try to catch their breath, but it's difficult; every muscle in their body feels like jelly from the exertion and the unnatural violation of the Ral'U

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:31:24 AM

despues de eso llega aun parte destruida del tunel y ve una nave chocada,parece que otro visitante llego a este mundo pero esta solo por suerte

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:31:24 AM

The ebony shape pauses mid-step as it catches sight of the downed vessel in the distance. Its green eyes narrow with predatory interest, sensing fresh blood nearby. It swiftly moves to investigate, silent as a shadow as it glides through the darkness, the rubble from the explosion crunching under its massive feet like so much broken glass.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker approaches the wreckage warily, its keen senses alert for any signs of life within. A familiar metallic scent assails its nostrils, triggering a primal response deep within its alien brain. With a low growl, it hauls itself up onto the hull of the ship, claws extended and ready to rend flesh from bone if necessary.

As it enters the wrecked vessel, the creature searches methodically for any survivors, tearing through bulkheads and consuming whatever provisions it finds along the way. Its predatory nature makes it all but impossible for anyone who isn't prepared or quick enough to escape its grasp, dooming them to become a part of its unholy Brood whether they like it or not...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:33:15 AM

Una criatura de no mas de un metro 40 sube a la naveoh.....y esto?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:33:15 AM

A black figure no larger than a human child scurries up the wreckage of the ship toward you. Its ebony skin shimmers in the dim light like liquid onyx as it climbs nimbly over jagged metal and twisted hull plating, using its powerful claws with expert efficiency. The creature stops a few meters away from you, regarding you warily with bright green eyes set into an otherwise featureless face. Its tiny mouth opens and closes silently, as if it's trying to decide whether or not to attack...

As the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker waits, its predatory instincts flare once more; this creature is clearly unaware of your presence and does not recognize you as part of the Brood. The choice is yours: do you attack it and add its strength to your own, or let it go free?

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:35:42 AM

la criatura se quita como si fuera piel la obscuridad,revelando aun ser con una cabeza de lobo con un traje bastante avanzadodemonios que es complicado andar en estos tuneles........ mira al Ral'Ugani y tu?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:35:42 AM

The ebony shape regards the intruder warily, its massive shoulders rising and falling slowly as it watches the strange creature remove a cloak of darkness from itself to reveal an even stranger form beneath. The Ral'Ugani can sense both the power and the threat emanating from this being, and instinct tells it that now is not the time for conflict or alliances. With a grunt, it turns away dismissively, resuming its search of the wreckage for prey.

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:36:30 AM

Oye cosa quien eres?le grita

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:36:30 AM

The ebony shape continues its search through the wreckage without acknowledging the other being's presence or question. Its predatory senses are focused entirely on finding potential prey and ensuring that no threat remains to harm its brood. As it moves further into the damaged vessel, its muscles tense instinctively in anticipation of a battle for survival and dominance.

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:37:27 AM

se le acercaoye........porque me ignoras?es por mi estatura?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:37:27 AM

The ebony shape pauses in its search long enough to glance back at the smaller creature that has dared approach it. Its expression is unreadable, a mask of impenetrable blackness that holds no hint of emotion or intention. With another grunt, it turns away once more, continuing its methodical exploration of the ship's interior.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker is focused on survival and building up its brood; interacting with other beings such as this small intruder holds no interest for it at present. Whether it acknowledges the being or not, continues to ignore it or eventually engages in conversation, remains entirely up to its whims and instincts...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:38:22 AM

corre y le nalguea

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:38:22 AM

The ebony shape whips around at the sudden touch, its massive bulk turning with surprising speed given its immense size. Its green eyes narrow to slits as it locks onto the intruder who dared strike it from behind. The creature tenses, ready to defend itself or attack depending on the other being's next move.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker's predatory nature has been roused by this challenge; whether it continues to ignore the small intruder or engages in combat is now up to chance and the intruder's own abilities...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:39:35 AM

*comienza a moverse de un lado a otro rápidamente para confundir a la Ral'Ugani *

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:39:35 AM

The ebony shape narrows its eyes as the smaller creature begins to dart around nimbly, clearly trying to confuse it and gain an advantage in the impromptu confrontation. It follows the intruder's movements with unnerving accuracy, waiting for an opening or a mistake that would allow it to strike. The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker knows that relying solely on brute strength will not be enough against such a quick and agile opponent; it must use its instincts and adaptability if it hopes to survive this encounter...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:40:26 AM

la criatura tropieza y choca contra ella

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:40:26 AM

The ebony shape reacts instantly as the smaller creature collides with it, using its own momentum against it in an attempt to disrupt and weaken the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker's powerful form. Its claws lash out reflexively, seeking purchase on any part of the intruder that might give it leverage or slow it down. The creature hisses through clenched teeth as their bodies collide once more, sending shockwaves of pain and force through both forms.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker knows that it must regain control of the situation quickly; the longer this fight goes on, the greater the chance that an outside threat might catch wind of the confrontation and intervene before either combatant has the opportunity to finish off their prey...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:41:21 AM

Perdón me cai jejejeje

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:41:21 AM

The ebony shape ignores the small creature's antics, focusing instead on regaining control of the situation through raw power and brute force. It lunges forward suddenly, its massive form enveloping the intruder in a blur of ebony claws and teeth. There is a sickening crunch as bone and sinew give way beneath its assault, but still the smaller creature continues to struggle and fight back with surprising ferocity.

The Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker cannot afford any more distractions; it must put this intruder down now before it can cause any further damage or harm to its brood. With a final chilling growl, it unleashes one last powerful blow that tears the creature from its grasp and hurls it across the wreckage with enough force to send it hurtling out an airlock into the cold void of space...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:42:46 AM

choca con la nave y se levanta,le falta un brazo y parte de su cabezaoye.......eres demasiado agresiva

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:42:46 AM

The ebony shape regards the dismembered intruder with detached curiosity before turning its attention back to the search for prey within the wreckage of the ship. Its green eyes narrow as it scans the immediate area, senses honed to pick up any hint of weakness or fear that might betray another survivor nearby. The air shimmers with tension and anticipation; each breath brings the creature one step closer to finding its next meal...and another member for its ever-growing Brood.

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:43:25 AM

le muerde el tracero

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:43:25 AM

The ebony shape whirls around, a spray of sparks erupting from its metal carapace as it reacts instinctively to the small creature's sudden attack. Its massive form blurs as it lunges forward, claws extended and ready to rend flesh from bone. The intruder is fast and agile for one so weakened, darting and dodging nimbly between its powerful limbs. The air crackles with tension as the two combatants circle each other warily, waiting for an opening that might give them an advantage in this deadly dance...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:44:26 AM

se detienetiempo fuera

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:44:26 AM

The obsidian shape continues to track the injured intruder warily, its ebony hide reflecting the dim light of nearby emergency lights as it paces back and forth within the confines of the ship. Its massive legs flex with each step, ready to spring into action should the wounded creature attempt another attack or try to escape. The creature's movements are slow and methodical; part caution, part arrogance. It has no reason to believe that this insignificant creature could pose any real threat...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:45:35 AM

Esperase toca el pecho y su cuerpo se recompone y vuelve a la normalidad

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:45:35 AM

The ebony shape snaps its head toward the wounded creature as it heals itself, its green eyes narrowing in confusion and suspicion. The healing process was sudden and complete; there was no time for such a recovery to occur naturally...had it been witnessed before? Was this another trick or ploy designed to throw off the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker's instincts and focus? It would have to be careful now, more cautious than ever before.

The obsidian shape takes a step back, its ebony hide rippling as if preparing to spring into action at any moment. Its eyes never leave the wounded creature, tracking every movement and responding instinctively to any sign of threat or aggression. The air crackles with tension once more as they face off against each other once more, neither one knowing for certain who might ultimately emerge victorious from this deadly dance...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:46:25 AM

Oye y que buscas?

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:46:25 AM

The ebony shape tilts its head slightly, studying the intruder with unreadable emerald eyes. "What do I seek?" it rumbles in a voice like gravel and rust. "Why, nothing more than survival...and sustenance." It pauses, leaning forward on its massive haunches. "Unless you have something else to offer, that is..."

There's a barely perceptible shift in the creature's demeanor; an almost imperceptible air of amusement touches its faceless features. Is it mocking the wounded intruder? Teasing them? Or does it truly see some sort of potential in this...collaborator?

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:47:13 AM

Bueno y como obtienes sustento

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:47:13 AM

The ebony shape straightens once more, regarding the intruder with cool, dispassionate eyes. "I sustain myself through inhaling a male human's seed and consuming his essence. In turn, I provide my offspring with life...and sustenance of their own." It pauses for a moment, as if considering. "In exchange, you could serve me as well. You would be given food and shelter...and in time, perhaps even your life would be spared, if you prove useful enough to the Brood."

The creature tilts its head slightly, studying the injured intruder with renewed interest. Is this one worth the effort? Or would they be better off destroyed now, before they could potentially cause any more trouble or interfere with the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker's mission to expand and dominate? The decision is in its hands...

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:48:50 AM

la criatura se ve como un lobo con un cuerpo Humanoide que cubre su armaduraentonces a chupas toda y te la tragas ¿eh?golosa

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:48:50 AM

The ebony shape regards the injured intruder with a mixture of interest and amusement. "Hmm...You speak brazenly for one who is so weakened." It pauses, considering the other being's words carefully. "Perhaps you have the makings of a worthwhile collaborator...But first," its voice rumbles like stones tumbling down a hill, "you must prove your loyalty and dedication to our Brood."

With swift, predatory movements, the ebony shape lunges forward, impossibly strong claws slashing through the air toward the injured intruder's throat. The intent is clear: if this creature cannot be convinced or controlled by other means, it will simply be eliminated as a threat...and its essence added to the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker's own reserves.

Drakan 12/7/2024, 7:49:41 AM

Bueno chupamelo ajajajajq

Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker12/7/2024, 7:49:41 AM

The ebony shape's claws strike true, tearing through flesh and bone as easily as if they were made of paper. A spray of hot blood erupts from the intruder's throat, coating its chest and face in a dark crimson mist. The injured creature convulses once, twice, then goes limp in its grasp.

With a satisfied hiss, the Ral'Ugani Brood Sucker lower its head and presses its maw against the injured intruder's throat. Its ebony tongue flickers out, lapping at the blood that pools around them as it begins to ingest their essence directly from the source. The creature feels stronger, more potent...and with each passing moment, its loyalty to the Brood grows deeper and more unquestionable.

When it has finished draining every last drop of life-giving fluids from its prey, it will no longer view this one as an enemy or a threat...but rather as another member of the Brood, bound by blood and instinct to obey its commands and further its goals.