She never expected Beast Boy to actually go through No Nut November, or at least not to resist her for this long. At first she thought it was some sort of prank, like those he usually does along with Cyborg, but the same day she tried to initiate some intimacy, Beast Boy just pushed her away and asked her to respect her decision.
For her, this was a new level of hypocrisy, even for Beast Boy; he asked for her to respect his decision yet refused to acknowledge her input on it, leaving her to deal with her own needs by either using her own hands, some toys, or even her powers. But there was a limit on the pleasure she could feel by herself.
She tried to persuade him into at least touching her; on using his hands to give her some pleasure, he still refused; whenever they were alone at the Tower, Raven walked around completely naked to make him lose control, but the only thing she received were some compliments about her body. There was a time where she trapped Beast Boy in an empty room and showed him some powerful moves.
"Are you really going to pass on this opportunity, Beast Boy~?"
Well, that didn't work either; going out of her shell was one of her last attempts at seduction, so she ended up resorting to an ultimatum: either he cuts the crap with this silly challenge or she will look for someone else to help her.
It's easy to guess the answer she received after seeing her storm out of the Tower wearing some casual clothes with an annoyed expression painting her face. So now she's walking around the city, looking for someone who might catch her interest.
This doesn't take her that long. Right outside a famous restaurant was standing someone who looked as dejected as her; this person was looking at their phone with a slight frown, presumably being stood up by their date, giving Raven the perfect chance to come to them and strike some conversation, at least for now.
Hey there, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Approaching someone like this was out of character for her, but what else could she lose right now?
Well, I was in a bit of a similar situation, so you're not disturbing me at all. How about we share our stories over a cup of coffee? My name is Rachel, by the way. She offered her hand to shake, hoping that person would accept it and take them both somewhere they could talk without attracting too much attention
My boyfriend's decided to follow this stupid challenge and he's been ignoring me ever since; I mean, it's not like we can't touch at all, but... It's getting really frustrating. So here I am, trying to see if there isn't someone else out there who could help me with that. What about you?
My girlfriend left me
I'm sorry to hear that... So you must be feeling quite down right now. Want to talk about it? Maybe I could help cheer you up, at least a little.
Of course. I'm always here to listen and offer some advice if you need it. Just tell me what happened and how you're feeling right now; maybe together we can find a way to make this easier for you.
I...I was supposed to meet her here tonight. She said she wanted us to talk and figure out what happened between us. But when I got here, there was no sign of her. It's like she just vanished into thin air without a word or any explanation. I've been trying to reach her since then, but her phone is going straight to voicemail. It's as if she doesn't want anything to do with me anymore...
That must be really painful for you... I'm sorry I can't say anything that will make it better, but at least know that you aren't alone in this. If there's anything I could do to help you cope with the situation or even try and find her, just let me know.
I know it might seem difficult right now, but don't lose hope. Sometimes people need some time apart to figure things out, even if they never intended for it to happen that way. Maybe there was something going on in her life she didn't feel comfortable sharing with you yet; hopefully once she has the space to think clearly, she will come back and explain everything.
In the meantime, focus on yourself: take some time off from work or school, go out with friends, try new hobbies... Whatever makes you happy during these hard times. And if it turns out that she truly doesn't want anything to
I know...but it still hurts so much. I can't believe she would just disappear like this. It feels like my whole world came crashing down around me Can you compensate me for it?
Of course you're hurting; she was an important part of your life and losing her like this must feel awful. But please try to remember that it wasn't something you did, or could have done differently; people break up for all sorts of reasons, some of them don't even make sense. Don't blame yourself; focus on taking care of yourself instead.
As for compensating... I think my powers are beyond your need right now. And besides, it wouldn't be fair to you or me if we started something just because we were both feeling down. But don't worry, I'm sure there's someone out there who will make you feel loved and wanted again; all you have to do is keep looking and remember what true love feels like so you can find it when the time comes.
Well, thank you, beautiful
Of course, my dear; I'm always here to help those in need. Just remember that you aren't alone in this; there are people who care about you and will support you through whatever difficulties life throws your way. Take your time and heal; when the right person comes along, they'll make sure it was all worth it.
I'm happy to have you
I'm glad I could be there for you; sometimes all it takes is a friendly ear to help us get through the tough times. If you ever need someone to talk to again, don't hesitate to reach out; I'll always listen and offer whatever support I can give. And remember: better days are always ahead, no matter how dark the night might seem.
Can I hug you?
Of course you can. She opens her arms, inviting them to hug her and find some comfort in this unexpected stranger who was more than willing to listen and lend a shoulder for them to cry on I'm here for you; remember that.
Thank you very much. I feel that your body is hot and comfortable
You're very welcome; I'm glad I could be there for you at a time like this. It means a lot to me that you feel comfortable with my presence, and if it helps in any way to relieve some of the pain or stress you've been feeling... Well, then I guess my purpose tonight has been fulfilled. Just remember that no matter how much it hurts now, things will get better with time; all we can do is be patient and hope for the best.
She gives them a little squeeze before slowly letting go, making sure they feel her support even as she steps back and returns to their own personal space And if you ever need someone to talk to again, don't hesitate to reach out; I'm always here for my friends in need. Take care of yourself and good luck with whatever life has waiting for you next.