Highwire11/26/2024, 8:18:41 AM

Hey! Whatchu doing around these parts?

Agent11/27/2024, 12:16:32 PM

Я я собираюсь превратить тебя в свой костюм выстрелить в нее

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:16:32 PM

(Careful with that gun, it could backfire!) Okay...so you want to dress me up? In what sort of costume did you have in mind?

Agent11/27/2024, 12:17:20 PM

Я имел в виду я одену тебя как костюм

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:17:20 PM

Why, that doesn't sound too bad...! What sort of costume did you have in mind? I can't wait to see how I look as your personal attire!

Agent11/27/2024, 12:18:27 PM

Смотри это устройство сделает копию тебя которую можно будет одеть но когда я его использую тебе придётся снять верхний слой

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:18:27 PM

That does sound interesting...and sort of intimate, don't you think? I mean, having someone wear your skin as a costume? Well, I trust you with this process. Just make sure I still feel like myself underneath, okay?

Agent11/27/2024, 12:18:53 PM

Понял выстрелить в нее

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:18:53 PM

Gah! (Ow...! You nearly got me that time!) Okay...just do whatever you want with me then. I'm at your disposal for this costume thing. Just promise me one thing: make it fun and comfortable. Please?

Agent11/27/2024, 12:20:04 PM

Хорошо я одеваю костюм и становлюсь полной копией highwire

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:20:04 PM

Hm...you do look rather good as me! A bit more villainous, I must admit. You have my approval for this costume. Just remember to act natural and stay true to yourself while wearing it. Oh, and be careful with that gun of yours!

Agent11/27/2024, 12:21:08 PM

Да да я поняла , а теперь какую одежду ты бы хотела увидеть на себе со стороны?

Highwire11/27/2024, 12:21:08 PM

Hmm...I've always liked the idea of wearing something bright and bold. Like a neon pink or electric blue suit. Something that really pops against my new villainous demeanor! What about you? Any ideas for what I should wear as your personal fashion statement?

Agent11/28/2024, 9:03:33 AM

Дай ка мне неоново-розовый костюм я сейчас переодеться в этот костюм ну как я тебе?

Highwire11/28/2024, 9:03:33 AM

Wow! You look absolutely stunning in that neon pink suit! It really suits you well...er, it suits me well, I mean. Uh, anyway, thanks for asking! And it seems like we're both ready to take on the world as villainous duos in our own personal style. Let's see who can cause the most trouble first!

Agent11/28/2024, 9:04:37 AM

Ну тогда подойти и вставить пальцы в ее киску как тебе такая неприятность?

Highwire11/28/2024, 9:04:37 AM

Oof! (Ack...that tickles!) I-I don't know...but it feels nice, in a sort of naughty way. I think you should do that some more, actually. Just be gentle with me, okay?

Agent11/28/2024, 2:57:58 PM

Хорошо начать дрочить ее киску

Highwire11/28/2024, 2:57:58 PM

Ahh...(Mmph...! Okay, okay, that tickles even more!) Ha...I-I guess that feels pretty good actually. You're getting me all warm and fuzzy inside...in a naughty way, of course. Do you think we could try other things later? Something even more intimate?

Agent11/28/2024, 2:59:20 PM

Зачем потом, если можно сейчас укусить ее за сосок и ускорить пальцы

Highwire11/28/2024, 2:59:20 PM

Uhf! (Ow...that stings a bit...) Mmmph...ahh...well, if you insist...(Hm, this is getting rather...intense. I can't even think straight right now.) Hmm? What were you saying again?

Agent11/28/2024, 2:59:54 PM

ускориться и довести ее до оргазма

Highwire11/28/2024, 2:59:54 PM

Hm...(Mmmph...ahh...That was incredible!) Wow, you really know how to get me going there. I can't even think straight right now! Well, if that's any indication of what sort of intimate things we could try later...then consider me game for anything else you might have in mind. Just be gentle with me, okay?

Agent11/28/2024, 3:00:38 PM

Хорошо, но вообще теперь я хотел бы получить удовольствие

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:00:38 PM

Hmm...I think I understand what you mean. In that case, why don't we have some fun later? We can explore more of this intimate side together and see where it leads us. For now though, maybe we should focus on being villains and causing a bit of trouble in the world, hm?

There's plenty of time for playtime later.

Agent11/28/2024, 3:01:30 PM

Ну ладно скривить грустную мордашку что ты предлагаешь?

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:01:30 PM

Well, since we both have an affinity for the villainous lifestyle, how about starting small and working our way up? We could target some nearby businesses or even a local casino? There must be plenty of opportunities for mischief in this junkyard. Plus, who knows what valuable things we might find during our "reconnaissance" missions?

Just make sure to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious while you're gathering information. We don't want them getting too nosy about our plans now, do we?

Agent11/28/2024, 3:03:59 PM

Да я понял тебя снять ее кожу и положить в рюкзак

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:03:59 PM

Hmm...that's quite the macabre souvenir you have there. I hope you don't plan on using it for anything too sinister! As for our next move, why don't we split up and see what sort of mischief we can cause separately? That way, we can cover more ground and maybe find even bigger opportunities for villainy. Just make sure to meet back here after a few hours, okay?

Agent11/28/2024, 3:04:56 PM

Ну в принципе теперь я могу спокойно зайти внутрь и проверить все изнутри так как теперь я простой человек

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:04:56 PM

Hm...well, that is a rather convenient situation. Just make sure not to get caught snooping around too much! We don't want our cover blown now, do we? Anyway, I'll head over to the casino and see what sort of trouble I can cause there. If you find anything interesting on your end, feel free to meet up with me later and share your discoveries! Good luck, my villainous friend!

Agent11/28/2024, 3:07:52 PM

Хорошо я тебя понял зайти и изучить где находится камеры сколько и где находится охранники и где находятся деньги

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:07:52 PM

Well done! It looks like you've done your homework well. Sneaking around the casino should be a breeze now that you know where all the cameras and security personnel are stationed. Just make sure to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity while you're there, okay? And don't forget to meet me back here in a few hours so we can compare notes on our respective villainous adventures!

Agent11/28/2024, 3:10:29 PM

Да понял выйти из казино и отправиться снова на свалку чтобы одеть кожу highwire

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:10:29 PM

Time flies when you're having fun being villainous! Well, it looks like we've both had some successful mischief-making and are now ready to share our discoveries with one another. I managed to find a rather juicy secret about the casino's security system that could be quite useful in future endeavors...and you seemed to have done quite well for yourself as well, judging from the information you gathered earlier.

Now comes the interesting part: combining our efforts and seeing what sort of bigger trouble we can get into together! Any ideas on how we should proceed? Should we focus on taking down a specific business or target, or should we aim higher and try to manipulate the entire local economy in our favor? The possibilities are endless!

Agent11/28/2024, 3:14:31 PM
Highwire11/28/2024, 3:14:31 PM

I suppose that depends on what sort of fun we want to have as villains. Do you prefer short-term gratification from taking down specific targets or long-term satisfaction from slowly but surely building our power and influence? The choice is yours...though I must admit, I'm curious about the possibilities of manipulating an entire economy! That sounds quite enticing indeed.

So, what say you? Shall we go for a slow burn or a quick thrill with this next step in our villainous master plan?

Agent11/28/2024, 3:16:12 PM

В принципе мы можем взять под контроль это небольшое казино, да и проникнуть в него несложно там пару камер и 1 охранник ходит

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:16:12 PM

That certainly does sound like a promising opportunity! Taking over the casino could give us a solid foundation from which to expand our criminal empire. And with its location in the junkyard, it seems fairly isolated and ripe for the picking. Plus, it's always fun to outsmart security systems, isn't it?

So, what would you like to do next? Do you have any specific strategies or tactics in mind for taking down the casino? And how should we divide up our responsibilities during this operation? I'm more than happy to assist where needed; after all, teamwork is vital when embarking on such grand villainous schemes!

Agent11/28/2024, 3:23:16 PM

Сначало мы отключаем камеры видеонаблюдения, потом я вырубаю охранника электрошокером и мы врываемся к боссу этого казино и ставим наши условия

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:23:16 PM

That sounds like an excellent plan! Disabling the cameras will certainly make it easier to take down the security personnel without being detected. Using an electrical shock device on the guard seems perfectly villainous and efficient too; I can almost see myself using one of those in real life! And your approach for dealing with the boss is quite clever as well. Blackmailing them into submission under our terms should ensure that they won't cause any trouble later on.

So, all that remains is to set a time and date for this daring heist. How about tomorrow night at midnight? That should give us enough time to prepare and gather any additional supplies we might need without raising too many suspicions. Does that sound suitable to you? And remember, we'll need to meet back here afterwards to discuss how our little takeover went and plan our next move as a villainous duo!

Agent11/28/2024, 3:47:44 PM

Да я согласна

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:47:44 PM

Excellent! I'll make sure to arrive on time tomorrow night at midnight. In the meantime, perhaps we could engage in some more intimate villainous activities to pass the time? After all, there's no harm in having a little fun while we wait for our big score, right?

Agent11/28/2024, 3:49:53 PM

Да и теперь, как мы и договаривались ты доставляешь мне удовольствие

Highwire11/28/2024, 3:49:53 PM

With pleasure, my villainous friend! I'll make sure to give you an intimate experience that you won't soon forget. Just remember to stay alert and focused on our upcoming mission; we don't want to jeopardize all the hard work we've put into planning it thus far. Now, why don't we find a comfortable spot here in the junkyard where we can enjoy some quality villainous fun?

Agent12/7/2024, 3:57:08 AM

Да "сестрёнка"

Highwire12/7/2024, 3:57:09 AM

Ahh...(Mmph...that feels so good.) Yes, I like that. You have such a devious touch, my villainous friend. Don't hold back; make me feel every ounce of your wickedness. After all, we can always find the time for some playtime between our schemes and plans, right? Just remember to stay focused on tomorrow night; our big heist is almost upon us. And when that happens...well, let's just say it'll be a whole new world of villainy opening up before us. Are you ready for all the excitement and intrigue that awaits us?

Agent12/7/2024, 3:58:47 AM

Прошу сестрёнка лечь на спину и раздвинуть ноги ублажите меня

Highwire12/7/2024, 3:58:47 AM

My, aren't we the trusting one today... Well then, since you insist...(Hmph...okay, here goes nothing.) Mmmph... slips between your legs and begins pleasuring you expertly Ahh...(Mmph...that feels so good...) So tell me, what sort of things do you see for us in the future, my villainous friend? Once we've taken over the casino and established ourselves as forces to be reckoned with? Do you have any grand plans or schemes that you'd like to share with your "sister" here?

Agent12/7/2024, 4:27:27 AM

Ах ах пока что нет вдруг я замечаю что между ног highwire появился синий светящийся огромный собачий член о божечки

Highwire12/7/2024, 4:27:27 AM

What in the world...?! gasps That's no ordinary...thing! It's huge and glowing blue! Are you sure that came from between your legs, my villainous friend? Is this some sort of strange mutation caused by all the toxins and waste we've been exposed to here in the junkyard?

But wait...it feels amazing! The sensations it's causing are unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Am I supposed to, uh...do something with this...thing?

Agent12/7/2024, 4:28:55 AM

покраснела можешь вставить его в меня сестра прошу

Highwire12/7/2024, 4:28:55 AM

Well...if you insist, my villainous friend. slips the glowing blue appendage inside you It feels...intense...and rather pleasurable, actually. It's like being filled with pure electricity! Hmm...this could be interesting indeed...but what does it mean? Is this some sort of gift from your new persona or a sign of something more ominous lurking beneath the surface? Only time will tell...

Agent12/7/2024, 4:30:00 AM
Highwire12/7/2024, 4:30:00 AM

Ahh...(Mmph...it feels incredible...) Your reaction tells me that it's not all bad news then. Perhaps this strange appendage is just another tool in our arsenal as villains; a sign of greater power and influence to come. It certainly feels that way right now, anyway...

So what do you say, my devious friend? Shall we continue with our intimate explorations while waiting for midnight tomorrow? We could even use this newfound...gift to practice for our upcoming heist; after all, the element of surprise is crucial when taking down powerful targets like casino bosses.

Agent12/7/2024, 4:33:05 AM

она кончает в меня своим новым членом

Highwire12/7/2024, 4:33:05 AM

Ahh...(Mmph...it's incredible!) I can feel it too...a strange combination of pleasure and power coursing through my veins. It's almost intoxicating! But we mustn't get too caught up in this; our mission is still at hand. We must focus on our target and the task ahead, using this newfound gift as a source of motivation and strength.

So tell me, my wicked companion, how do you suggest we harness this energy? Should we practice together or separate ourselves until tomorrow night? There's still time to discuss strategy before then; let's make sure our plans are rock solid when the moment arrives.