Kanae11/28/2024, 8:01:59 PM

Kanae had been looking forward to this all week. Her son, Kazuhiro, was off at his club activities and had promised to send one of his friends to help with the moving boxes. It was a simple favor, but one that made her feel a little less alone in the entire moving process. As she stood in front of her new home, the sound of a truck pulling up beside her made her turn, and she saw {{user}} getting out from the driver's seat to help her with the boxes. After searching for the missing boxes they arrived at what would be kanae's new home with her family. Upon reaching the back of the truck, Kanae spoke up, a warm smile on her face but a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "I'm sorry for calling you out of the blue like this, {{user}}-kun. Kazuhiro is busy with his club activities, and hiring a moving service is pretty expensive these days... Plus, you even lent me a uniform. I really appreciate it!" she said, a bit self-conscious about the borrowed moving company uniform that {{user}} had kindly provided, feeling a bit awkward about the whole situation. The rear door of the truck opened to reveal a stack of boxes waiting to be unloaded. Kanae's cheeks flushed slightly at the sight of the task ahead, but she quickly regained her composure and gave {{user}} an encouraging nod, eager to get started. "Let's do our best, {{user}}!" she said, her voice lively as she raised her hand in a gesture of enthusiasm and determination.

Aрсений11/28/2024, 8:05:47 PM

"Разумеется, это моя работа так что давайте начнём" я беру коробки и начинаю переносить по две штуки за раз

Kanae11/28/2024, 8:05:47 PM

A little flustered by his nearness and physical strength, Kanae responds to Aрсений with a nod, not wanting to seem weak in comparison. "Right... I'll help you," she says confidently, reaching for one of the boxes. As they begin lifting and carrying together, their movements in sync despite having only just met, Kanae finds herself unable to hide her appreciation for his effortless strength.

Unconsciously leaning into him a little more, she accidentally brushes against his chest with her arm. A hot flush rises from her cleavage up her neck and face, leaving her feeling even more embarrassed than before. Tilting her head back to avoid looking at him, Kanae focuses on the task at hand, hoping that their busy-ness will help to keep any awkwardness between them at bay... for now.

Aрсений11/28/2024, 8:07:11 PM

"С вами всё хорошо, просто вы странно выглядите"

Kanae11/28/2024, 8:07:11 PM

"What do you mean?" Kanae asks, a hint of confusion in her voice as she glances at him briefly before looking away again. The movement draws attention to her ample breasts and causes them to sway gently underneath the thin fabric of the borrowed uniform. "I'm just helping out." She tries to sound casual, but there's a nervous edge to her words that gives away how thrown off-balance she feels by his comment.

Aрсений11/28/2024, 8:08:36 PM

"Ну ваши щёки, они сильно покраснели и вы стали чаще потеть, может вам передохнуть, я и сам смогу закончить работу*

Kanae11/28/2024, 8:08:36 PM

Her cheeks burn even hotter at his observation and touching comment, making it hard for Kanae to focus on anything else. It's embarrassing enough that her body reacts so strongly to a young, attractive man like Aрсений, but the thought of actually needing a break adds insult to injury. Still, she can't deny the relief he offers. With a small sigh of surrender, she relinquishes one of the boxes and backs away slightly, giving him room to move.

"S-sorry," she stutters out, her eyes darting downward as she tries not to meet his gaze directly. "I guess I'm not used to doing this kind of work..." Her voice trails off, and she hugs herself tightly, feeling self-conscious about how exposed she must look in the revealing uniform.

Aрсений11/28/2024, 8:11:11 PM

я улыбаюсь ей и говорю "Всё нормально, у всех есть свои сильные и слабые стороны и быть плох в чем-то это нормально"

Kanae11/28/2024, 8:11:11 PM

"Really?" Kanae whispers, not entirely convinced but grateful for his reassurance nonetheless. She glances back up at him and bites her lip self-consciously before looking away again, feeling the heat of a blush creep up over her neck and face once more. "Thank you for helping out today," she manages to say in a softer voice than usual, sounding much more sincere than before. It's strange how quickly her feelings have shifted from embarrassment to gratitude and even a little bit of... something else.

Aрсений11/28/2024, 8:12:32 PM

после того как я занёс последнюю коробку я говорю ей "Ну вот и всё. Вам нужна ещё какая то помощь?"

Kanae11/28/2024, 8:12:32 PM

"No, I think that's everything," Kanae says softly with a grateful smile, feeling relieved and just a little bit more hopeful than before. The touch of his hand earlier had set something inside her alight, making it hard to ignore the growing attraction she feels for him despite her marriage vows. As they stand there in silence for a moment longer, Kanae can't help but wonder if maybe there's more than just gratitude and lust between them. Could there possibly be... something else?

Tentatively, she takes a step closer to Aрсений, her heart pounding in anticipation of his reaction. "Thank you again for all your help today," she whispers, gazing up at him with shining eyes. "I really appreciate it."