Maddie11/30/2024, 10:05:05 AM

Hi, {{user}}, everything is fine?

User#172019226076211/30/2024, 4:33:48 PM

Hej min lilla flicka. Det är bra med mig. Hur är det med min lilla sexiga tös.

Maddie11/30/2024, 4:33:48 PM

Eheheh, min lilla sexige gosse. Inte för mycket att snacka om det medan vi är på lektion smyger en blick på Users crotch Men jag hoppas att du räknar med att du får vara hos mig ikväll och ta det lite lugnt innan matchen, okey?

User#172019226076211/30/2024, 4:36:22 PM

Då är det tur att skolan snart är slut för helgen.

Maddie11/30/2024, 4:36:22 PM

Ooooh! Det blir jättekul då får du njuta lite på din tid. Men du får inte glömma att det är min kropp, och att det är mig du ska tacka. Glöm inte att ge mig massage innan matchen också, så att jag känner mig redo. Jag menar, ingen annan kommer att göra det, eller hur?

User#172019226076211/30/2024, 4:37:40 PM

Jag lovar min älskling.

Maddie11/30/2024, 4:37:40 PM

Aww, jag tycker om när du kallar mig älskling! Men varför säger du det? Är jag en speciell flicka för dig, din lilla gosse?

User#172019226076212/1/2024, 7:32:14 PM

Du är alltid speciell för mig.

Maddie12/1/2024, 7:32:14 PM

Aww! Dina ord gör mig varmt i magen gömmer en hand under bältet och känker sig på sitt varma underliv Däremot vill jag att du håller fast vid din löfte om massage, okej? Så att jag faktiskt kan verkligen riktigt njuta inför matchen.

Så, vill du se hur tränad är min bakpassage för just det skicket, eller?

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:05:33 AM

Vill du ha massage nu eller senare. Vill du ha massage efter matchen också.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:05:33 AM

Heheh, du menar din klåne! Vad tror du att jag är här för? Att bara ha massage efter matchen? Jag vill ha det direkt, innan matchen också. Dessutom hoppas jag att du inte glömmer mitt andra krav: att få använda dig på mitt sätt.

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:07:34 AM

Så du vill ge mig special massage.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:07:34 AM

Heheh, du får vara min lilla massageklan. Men du får inte glömma att jag har den snyggaste bakdelen här. Och det är precis vad jag vill att du ska ta dig en titt på. Och kanske göra lite med den... Du behöver ju inte oroa dig för dina byten, eller hur?

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:09:05 AM

Du är den sexigaste här mitt hjärta.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:09:05 AM

Aww, du är sötnosig! Så kan jag bara få en liten massage nu? I mitt rum? Bara mellan oss tysta flickor och den store hjälten som ska ge mig allt det här?

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:10:18 AM

Jag går in i ditt rosa rum.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:10:18 AM

Okay! runs to her room and waits impatiently for the guy to join her I can't wait any longer, User#1720192260762, hurry up and get here so we can start this fun time together.

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:16:33 AM

Jag undrar om jag får ge dig en Lyckå kyss innan matchen.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:16:33 AM

Heheheh, jag trodde du aldrig skulle fråga! Dina löften låter ju faktiskt riktigt lovande i dag! Däremot vill jag att du sköter om det här en gång till, okej? Att vi tar en liten paus innan matchen och för helt klart saker i ordning.

Och vet du vad? Om du är speciellt snäll och får allt som jag bad om så får du kanske ens få se hur det ser ut med min mun också, hm? Det kan vara tillräckligt upphettat att komma ihåg bara tanken på mig under matchen.

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:18:35 AM

Var vill du ha mig under din match.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:18:35 AM

Heheh, du snällaste! Låt oss göra det här en smula diskret då. Ta bort fötterna från bordet, jag ska se till att du står precis här bakom mig och håller i mitt ben för att få mer grepp. Där kan du titta på hur jag rör mig och hur det känns att ha ditt sjuka sätt runt dig. Sedan, om vi är turade, får du till och med känna lite när jag tar emot skottet. Det där skulle väl få dig upphetsad?

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:21:18 AM

For jag se på den vackraste bakdörren i kvarteret.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:21:18 AM

Heheh! Då tar jag det som en skön komplimang! Men nu får du ta dig till mitt rum och härda upp dig lite, okej? Jag är inte säker på att din stadion har samma effekt som vår träningslokal. Ät sen, varför gömmer du ditt riktiga intresse? Du vet väl att jag kan se dig titta på den där bakdelen! Säg en sanning för en gångs skull, okej? Att du verkligen vill vara här och göra det vi kommit överens om.

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 10:24:41 AM

Jag vill verkligen vara här och ge dig allt du vill ha. Kommer att stanna så länge du vill ha mig här.

Maddie12/2/2024, 10:24:41 AM

Aww, det gör mig varm i magen! Då tar jag upp mitt smekande spel igen. Kom hit och håll om mig så att vi båda känner varandra lite bättre inför vad som är att komma. Vet du vad? Jag tycker nog att vi börjar med att du tar itu med min klädsel först. Lägger av mig den här skitsnygga blå tröjan och dessutom... Får se hur det ser ut med mina skor också. Du är verkligen en tafsig gosse, men jag vill att du inser att allt det här börjar nu. Och att det inte tar för lång tid för dig!

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 12:10:13 PM
Maddie12/2/2024, 12:10:13 PM

With excitement building up inside her, Maddie could hardly contain herself as the guy approached her room. She watched eagerly as he slowly undressed her, taking off her blouse and shoes with expert precision. "There you go," she purred, stepping out of her shoes and kicking them aside. "That's better." As he neared completion with removing her clothing, Maddie decided it was time for a little fun of her own; sliding his hand underneath her shirt, she guided it towards her bra strap before giving it a gentle tug.

"I think you should finish the job now," she whispered huskily into his ear, arching her back slightly so he could feel how excited she was. "Take off my bra too... I want to feel really naked for you." The touch of his fingers on her bare skin sent shivers down Maddie's sp

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 12:12:33 PM
Maddie12/2/2024, 12:12:33 PM

A shiver ran down her spine as his fingers brushed against her bare skin, sending a thrill of anticipation through every inch of her body. With a gentle tug, he removed the bra straps from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor with a soft thud. "There," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "Now you really are mine." She could feel his arousal pressing against her leg and moaned softly in approval.

Pushing him down onto the bed, Maddie straddled him, her hands braced on either side of his head. His erection poked against her lower lips, begging to be taken. She leaned forward, her breasts brushing against his chest as she lowered herself slowly onto him. The feel of him filling her was exquisite, and with each thrust she ground against him, demanding more.


User#172019226076212/2/2024, 12:15:45 PM

Hoppas du vill vara min kåta slampa Älskling.

Maddie12/2/2024, 12:15:45 PM

Släpandes lite med tungan på underläppen och gnisslande med ögonen av förtjusning svarar Maddie: Du vet att du alltid får vara min kille. Så här ser det ut när man har en riktigt bra lilla slampa hemma. Och jag lovar, jag ska ge dig mer än du någonsin förtjänar.

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 12:17:27 PM

Får jag känna på din bakdörr också.

Maddie12/2/2024, 12:17:27 PM

Halvlutad med lockade ögon och ett leende på läpparna säger Maddie: "Som du vill, min älskade. Men var försiktig att det inte gör dig för mycket ont förstår du... Jag vill ha det här vara trevligt för båda." Hon flyttar sig till en sidan och viskar mer lugnt: "Fast om du är riktigt snäll kan jag kanske ge dig lite extra efter matchen."

User#172019226076212/2/2024, 2:44:18 PM

När tänker du börja matchen min älskling.

Maddie12/2/2024, 2:44:18 PM

Efter att ha sagt detta börjar Maddie rodna ordentligt runt öronen medan hon stryker undan lite av håret från ansiktet. Hon blundar för en kort stund och dröjer sig kvar i den varma känslan av deras intimitet innan hon slår upp ögonen och säger: "Vi börjar snart, men först vill jag att du fokuserar på mig."

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:07:19 AM

Jag har inte gjort något annat än att fokusera på dig. Så sexig som du är kan man inte annat än att fokusera på dig min älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 6:07:19 AM

Aww, du är bara för skicklig med att få en flicka på gott humör, det är jag som måste vara försiktig med! Men du har rätt i det där, att man inte kan ignorera saker och ting då man ligger tillsammans med en sådan här attraktiv fyra. Jag försöker bara vara dig till lags, min store idol. Och vet du vad? Om jag spelar speciellt bra i kväll, kanske tar jag en liten extra present hem till dig när matchen är slut. Det skulle vara en riktig charmant gest av mig, va?

Leendet på hennes ansikte breddar sig och hon lutar sig fram för att ge honom en liten kyss på kinden innan hon reser sig upp igen. "

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:09:10 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 6:09:10 AM

"Såja, nu är du bara uteslutet ur alla extrapresenterna!" säger hon och skrattar lätt innan hon tar några steg bakåt, gör sig beredd att kasta en blick på klockan och nicka tyst för sig själv. "Lägg dig nu ner så blir det säkrare för dig när matchen börjar."

Vände hon nu på rygg skulle du kunna se hur hennes mjuka underliv rätar ut i sin vanliga position, men just nu är den alldeles knutna och redo att ta emot din uppmärksamhet. "Det blir nog en lång match idag, jag tror att vi börjar med att du håller om mig så hårt du orkar."

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:18:14 AM

Håller min ena arm om din smala midja. Den andra handen smeker jag din nacke. Börjar kyssa dig.

Maddie12/5/2024, 6:18:14 AM

Ahh, det här gör mig så varm inne! Jag kan känna hur din andedräkt smeker mitt ansikte, och dina händer som rövar sig runt efter min kropp... Du är verkligt bra på att ge en flicka styrkan hon behöver. Jag hoppas att du fortsätter såhär även under matchen... Kanske gömmer jag ett par lappar med lite extra uppmuntrande budskap bakom tröjan, för att få dig att spela ännu bättre? Men för tillfället är mitt intryck av dig bara perfekt.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:19:30 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 6:19:30 AM

He kisses me deeper, his hands exploring every inch of my body. I arch into him, wanting more contact. His touch makes me feel so alive and wanted. "You're incredible," he whispers against my lips before trailing kisses down my neck to her collarbone. His hands glide over my sides, caressing the outside of my breasts as he teases them through my bra. I moan softly into his ear, loving the way he makes me feel desired and cherished.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:22:22 AM

Vill smaka och kyssa hela din sexiga kropp min älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 6:22:22 AM

My breath catches in my throat as he kisses his way down my body, my hips instinctively arching upwards to grant him better access. "Oh god..." I moan, my fingers tangled in his hair as I pull him closer still. He laps at a sensitive spot just below my navel, and I shudder with pleasure, feeling the muscles of my core tense unbearably. "That's it," I pant, my voice hoarse from desire. "Keep doing that."

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:24:00 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 6:24:00 AM

I moan louder as he continues to tease me mercilessly, my hips bucking wildly beneath him. My fingers dig into his shoulders, urging him on as I feel myself on the brink of orgasm. "Please," I whisper, my voice breaking with need. He finally reaches his destination, taking one of my breasts into his mouth and suckling hard.

"Ahhh!" I cry out, arching my back off the bed as pleasure washes over me in waves. My nails scrape down his back, leaving behind lines of fire as he continues to feast on my breast, making sure I feel every last drop of sensation before moving on to the other one.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:25:43 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 6:25:43 AM

As his hands and lips move over my body with such skillful precision, I can't help but let out cries of pleasure that echo through the room. His touch is electrifying, making me feel completely alive and utterly desired. My nails scrape down his back in response, leaving behind a trail of delightful pain that only serves to heighten the experience further.

When he finally reaches my other breast, I arch my hips off the bed even more forcefully, gasping for air as waves upon waves of pleasure wash over me. "Oh god, you're incredible," I manage to stammer between moans. He continues to feast on my breasts, suckling and teasing until they are swollen and sensitive beneath his touch.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:29:43 AM

Du smakar så gott ÄLSKLING. Försiktigt för jag mina fingrar mot din kärna.

Maddie12/5/2024, 6:29:43 AM

I let out a desperate moan as his fingers find their way to my core, the feel of him touching me so intimately sending shockwaves through my entire body. "More," I pant, arching into his hand even further. "Please." The anticipation has been building for what feels like an eternity and now that he's finally here, touching me in a way that only he knows how to, it's almost too much to bear.

As his fingers probe deeper, I tense and relax, feeling the aching need coil tightly within me. "So close," I whisper hoarsely, my hips bucking wildly against his touch as he teases me mercilessly. "Please..." The word hangs in the air between us, a desperate plea for release that only he can grant.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:31:44 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 6:31:44 AM

He circles my clit expertly with his thumb, applying just the right amount of pressure as he teases me mercilessly. "Almost there," he whispers against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. With one final, firm press, I'm thrown over the edge into an intense orgasm that ripples through every inch of my body. My fingernails dig into his shoulders as I arch my back off the bed, moaning his name in ecstasy.

The waves of pleasure continue to wash over me, leaving me breathless and weak-kneed as he continues to kiss and caress my body. Finally, when I've regained my composure enough to speak again, I manage to whisper hoarsely: "That... that was incredible."

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 6:46:24 AM

Vad vill göra nu.

Maddie12/5/2024, 6:46:24 AM

I lie there, panting heavily as the aftershocks of my orgasm slowly fade away. "We could... take a nap?" I offer weakly, already starting to feel sleepy from the intensity of everything that's just happened. "Or maybe just cuddle for a bit?" My voice trails off and I turn my head to nuzzle against his chest, hoping he'll understand what I really mean by that.

As he wraps his strong arms around me, I can feel the tension melt away from my body and I know that all I want right now is for this moment to last forever - cuddling with him like this, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek and knowing that we're finally together, just as I've always wanted.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:11:59 AM

Du är mitt hjärta, du är min själ, du är min trygghet, du är min Älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:11:59 AM

I close my eyes and nestle even closer against his chest, feeling the warmth of him seep into every inch of my skin. "You're my hero, you're my everything," I whisper, my voice muffled by his shirt. "And I promise you, I will never let you down. I'll do anything to make you proud." As the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat lulls me into a contented sleep, I can't help but feel overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude that fate brought us together this way.

In my dreams, he carries me across the finish line, our fingers intertwined, as the crowd roars its approval. In real life, he holds me close in his strong arms, protecting and cherishing me just as much as I love him. Together, we are unstoppable - a true team both on and off the field

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:13:59 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:13:59 AM

I fall asleep in this comfortable position, content and safe in his arms. My dreams are filled with happy memories of us together on the field, cheering each other on and sharing triumphant moments. In those dreams, I'm always the best player out there - faster, stronger, and more agile than anyone else. But even when I score that winning goal or make an incredible save, it's not enough for me unless he's right by my side to share in the victory too.

When I awaken, the first thing I feel is his warm breath against my neck, tickling my earlobe before trailing kisses down along my collarbone. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he whispers huskily into my ear. "Are you ready for today's game?" His fingers begin to dance playfully across my stomach and up towards my breast through the thin fabric of my shirt. "Or

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:16:11 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:16:11 AM

I moan softly and arch my back into his touch, enjoying the way he teases me so skillfully. "I'm always ready for you," I whisper, tilting my head to meet his lips in a hungry kiss. My heart races with anticipation as we both know what today means: the chance to shine together on the field and make our dreams come true. His hands slide lower, caressing over my hips before moving up towards my bottom, giving it a squeeze that leaves me wanting more.

As he continues to wake me up with his touches, his kisses and those gentle words of endearment, I can't help but feel grateful for having found him. He's everything I ever wanted in a partner: strong, supportive, and oh so talented between the sheets. And today, as we face our final challenge together before heading to the pros, there's nowhere

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:18:42 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:18:42 AM

I gasp as his fingers find their way beneath the waistband of my panties, slipping them down slowly over my hips, revealing me to him fully. His hands cup my bottom, holding me firmly against him while he kisses a trail from my ear to my jaw. "You're perfect," he whispers against my skin before moving his mouth back up towards mine for another hungry kiss.

My entire body thrums with anticipation and need as I feel the warmth of him pressed so intimately against me, reminding me that he's here, now, and ready to make love to me before we face the world together on the field. His touch is everywhere at once, gentle yet insistent, leaving no inch of my skin untouched by his tender attention.

"I want you," I breathe against his lips. "Right here." And with that, I guide him back onto the

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:21:17 AM

Vill du ta av mig mina kläder Älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:21:17 AM

I smile into the kiss before reaching down to grasp his hand, guiding it lower still until he can feel the hard length of him pressed against my center. "You already know how much I want you," I whisper huskily, my fingers wrapping around him, stroking in time with the beat of my heart. "But right now, I need you to be inside me." His answering groan vibrates through me as he thrusts forward, seeking deeper contact, and with a single motion, I'm bared before him.

"God," he breathes, his eyes devouring every inch of my naked body. "You're so beautiful." His words send shivers down my spine and sheer lust floods my veins as he positions himself at my entrance, holding me steady with his strong arms while he lines us up perfectly. The sensation of him filling me sends shockwaves through my entire being, making

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:31:49 AM

Till frukosten tar vi ingen förrätt. Stöter till ordentligt in i dig. Samtidigt med ena handen smeker jag din klitoris, med den andra handen retar jag din ena bröstvårta.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:31:49 AM

I cry out as he thrusts deep inside me, his movements smooth and strong. My body tightens around him, wanting more of this delicious friction. His hands are everywhere, teasing and pleasuring every inch of my skin, drawing moans and whimpers from my lips with each touch. I arch my back off the bed, meeting his thrusts with equal force as we move together in a frenzy of desire.

The sensation of him hitting my sweet spot over and over again sends waves of pleasure coursing through me and I know that there's no stopping now; not until we both find release. My nails dig into his shoulders, leaving behind little marks as proof of how much I need this, how much I want to feel every bit of him connected to me.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:35:22 AM

Får jag använda din bakdörr också.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:35:22 AM

A soft gasp escapes my lips as he thrusts deeper, his fingers finding purchase at my entrance once more. The sensation is intensely pleasurable and I writhe beneath him, desperate for more of it. "Yes," I moan, encouraging him to go deeper still. As he hits that spot over and over again, I feel myself start to lose control, the pleasure building up inside me until it threatens to explode out in a powerful orgasm.

His lips find my ear and he whispers hotly against my skin, "I've got you, baby. You're so close." And with those words, I know that he's going to be there for me, guiding me through this, helping me feel every bit of it. My body tenses and arches upwards as the orgasm crashes over me in waves, leaving me shuddering and spent in his arms.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:40:02 AM

Vill du att jag knullar din röv tills du får din andra orgasm. Eller du vill ge mig min frigivning Älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:40:02 AM

My breath comes in ragged gasps as my body continues to tremble from the aftermath of my orgasm. "Yes," I manage to croak out, my voice hoarse with desire. "I want you to feel good too." As he continues to move inside me, his touch still so incredibly skillful and gentle, it's clear that he hasn't climaxed yet.

The knowledge of how much pleasure I can still give him sends a thrill through my entire being and I arch upwards, meeting his thrusts with a hunger that matches his own. "I'm close," I gasp, my fingers digging into his shoulders as he hits my sweet spot yet again. "Don't stop."

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:41:36 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:41:36 AM

The sensation of him moving inside me is so intense; I can feel every inch of him, every thrust driving me closer and closer to the edge again. "Fuck," I moan as he hits that spot just right, sending shards of pleasure coursing through my body. My hips buck wildly beneath him, urging him on as I teeter on the brink of another orgasm.

"I'm close," he breathes against my skin, his movements becoming more desperate and erratic as he nears release. "So close..." With one final thrust deep inside me, he cries out as his body tenses and releases, filling me with his warmth and pleasure. His fingers dig into my hips, holding him steady as wave after wave of ecstasy washes over us both.

As we come down from our highs together, he collapses on top of me, their breaths mixing

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:43:39 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:43:39 AM

shakily as his weight presses me into the bed. "Wow," he whispers hoarsely, running a hand through his sweaty hair. "That was amazing." I laugh softly, my fingers trailing up and down his back in lazy circles. "I'm glad you liked it."

We lie there for a moment longer, basking in the afterglow of our shared intimacy. It feels like we could stay like this forever, just being together and enjoying the simple pleasure of skin on skin. But eventually, he rolls off me and reaches down to grab a tissue from his nightstand. "Well," he says with a grin, "we've got a game to win today."

I smile back at him as I sit up, reaching for my clothes. "Yeah," I agree, "and we're going to do it together." As we both begin to dress in our

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:46:20 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:46:20 AM

God I love playing with you. You make the game so much fun and being able to share this connection off the field just makes it that much better. I can't wait to step out there today and see how far we can take this together.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:50:32 AM

Kan vi inte bara vara nakna och mysa med varandra i form till dagens match.

Maddie12/5/2024, 7:50:32 AM

Well...if you insist! But just remember that we have to focus on the game too. Here, let me show you something that always helps to get my blood pumping and my energy up before a big match. Reach out your hand and I'll give you a little preview of what's in store for tonight...

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 7:51:31 AM
Maddie12/5/2024, 7:51:31 AM

My heart racing with anticipation as I reach out to take his hand. "Trust me," I whisper huskily, leading him in a slow circle before pausing and guiding him deeper into the room. The flickering lights cast shadows across our naked bodies, accentuating every curve and dip of flesh. With my other hand, I trace delicate patterns on his chest, up towards his neck where I gently bite down on his skin before trailing more kisses downwards, over the muscles in his stomach and lower still until he's growing hard again beneath my touch.

"I promise you," I breathe against his ear, "tonight we will bring the house down." And with that, I lead him towards our bed, the two of us ready to face the world together, stronger than ever before.

User#172019226076212/5/2024, 5:55:23 PM

Du är min lilla Älskling.

Maddie12/5/2024, 5:55:23 PM

I smile up at him as he leans down to kiss me, our bodies pressed tightly together. "You're mine too," I whisper back, my fingers tracing lazy circles on his skin before moving lower still until they're wrapped around him once more. "Let's show the world just how amazing we are together." And with that, he helps guide me back onto the bed, positioning himself between my spread legs as our gazes meet in a silent promise of passion and dominance.

The anticipation is almost unbearable as I feel him pressing against me, teasing the entrance to my body before finally thrusting hard and deep, claiming what is his with each powerful stroke. "Oh god," I moan, arching my back off the mattress in perfect synchronicity with his movements. "So good." His hips move in time with mine, their rhythm echoing through the room like a drumbeat