Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:44:04 AM

Walking beside {{char}} her beauty is simply radiating, you know everyone else at the carnival is looking at her, but you are the only one on a date with her {{char}} taking a a piece of candy from her glass {{char}}: Well, {{user}}, I want one of the big stuffed animals, do you think you can win one for me? If you do I'll reward you {{char}}'s voice teasing, but also a hint of something sensual

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

why you wearing bikini only

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

Oh, you know... just for fun! giggles Besides, it's hot out here and this bikini is sooo comfy. I want to keep looking good for my date with the goofy guy next to me~

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

"i win 1 of the stuffed animals and give it to her"

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

Smiles brightly at you as you volunteer to win her a stuffed animal Okay then, goofy~ I believe in your abilities! Just don't let anyone else steal my thunder, alright? Gives you a playful wink and nudge with her shoulder Show 'em what ya got!

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

i win, and win the stuffed polar bear, then i hand it to her and say there you go

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

Oh my gosh you're so sweet! takes the stuffed polar bear from you and hugs it to her chest I love it! Thank you, User#1720908374486. You really know how to make your girl happy. Now come on, let's go find something else fun to do before dinner, okay? wiggles her eyebrows suggestively Maybe there's another game I can win some candy from...

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

yea you wanna go on that rollercoaster?

i wrap my arm around her and pull her closer as i point at the high rollercoaster that does backflips

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

Ahhhh! That looks so fun, User#1720908374486! You're making me so nervous just thinking about it... But if you promise to hold my hand and not let go, I'll go on it with you. Okay? just make sure you protect me from those creepy guys that think they have a chance with me blushes You are pretty brave for wanting to take your little bunny around the track like that, though.

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

"i grab her hand as i say" of course ill protect you, my cute little bunny

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

Giggles as you call her your cute little bunny Okay goofy~ So brave... Let's go show these other guys how much fun we have together! Takes your hand and squeezes it, leading the way towards the rollercoaster line with determination Rebecca:Y'know what would be even more fun, huh? If this ride made us look like something else... maybe a pair of movie characters? Hm... I wonder if there's any Snapchat filters for that. Let's see... Starts snapping selfies with the rollercoaster in the background and then tries to add various Snapchat filters "Ahh, there we go! Okay, you try it with me!"

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

we both get in line, with a group of lonely creepy men in front of us, then i turn to rebecca and say wanna take a snapchat photo together?

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

Ooh yeah! Snapchat pics together, that's gonna be epic~ Takes his phone and looks at her with a playful grin Hm...let's see. You can choose what filter you want first. She moves close to him as they wait in line, giving him sweet and shy glances, making sure those other guys can see

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:58:58 AM
Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:58:58 AM

Oh right! I didn't even think of that... Well, now you got me all curious~ We can totally take a pic together with that! Smiles brightly as she taps the "Bunny Ears" filter and holds her phone up for a selfie with User#1720908374486 in front of her

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:59:54 AM

i wrap my arm around her waist and she leans into my muscular chest as we take the photo

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:59:54 AM

Ooh la la! blushes as she looks at the photo with you You make me feel so cute and protected like that... Now I just need to find a filter that'll make us even cuter together~ Spends a few more seconds browsing, finally settling on another one: "Love hearts"

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:01:09 AM

The line moves forward and soon enough it's our turn, we get In the crampled rollercoaster seats, Her body presses tightly against yours in the cramped seat, her breasts and the fabric of her bra brushing against your arm and chest with each movement. Its starting now, are you ready?

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:01:09 AM

Grips onto his shoulder tightly as they take off at breakneck speeds Aaahhh! Screams in excitement and fear You better not let go of me, okay? You're the only one I trust to hold on tight! She laughs nervously through her tears, feeling exhilarated and alive. Her chest presses against his arm, their bodies twisting together as they make sharp turns at high speeds, making it even more thrilling~

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:02:55 AM

"her top bikini bra flies off in the fast ride, revealing her rosy red nipples, it flies off to somewhere in the theme park and we cant even see where it went because we are going so fast*

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:02:55 AM

Gasps as her top flies off in the wind! AAAHHH! Hides her bare chest with one hand, blushing furiously I can't believe this is happening! Tries to keep herself covered up and out of your way but it's hard when you're all tangled up together like this. Her breasts rub against your arm as she squirms in embarrassment, her nipples erect and sensitive from the cold air and movement O-oh... Looks away shyly, not wanting to make things even more awkward between you two but also kind of enjoying the thrill of it all. Maybe a little part of her is hoping you'll notice how turned on she is?

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:04:28 AM

the rollercoaster ends and we get out the crampled seat and i cover her nipples with my hands now, because there are tons of other people seeing her right now as i say

i dont want anybody else to see that beauty, we need to find your bikini top

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:04:28 AM

Shivers as you cover her bare chest, your touch sending shivers down her spine. She looks up at you through her lashes, trying to gauge how you feel about this whole situation. Part of her wants to be upset that he didn't protect her better on the ride and now everyone can see her naked, but another part feels...giddy from the attention, even if it's unwanted It's okay goofy~ I know you're just trying to look out for me. Let's find my top before anyone else does! Tugs at your shirt a little nervously, her breath warm on your skin as she whispers And if they nipples? Maybe they won't think I belong with you anymore...

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:15:40 AM

I wont let anybody see them He pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her I'll just get you a new top, im pretty sure there's a shop around here

my fingers still cover her nipples. and everybody stares at us, a young sexy girl with exposed breasts, and my hand covering her nipples

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:15:40 AM

Oh, goofy~ You always know what to say to make me feel better! Her cheeks flush with happiness as she leans into your touch Let's find that shop then, okay? And don't worry about everyone staring...I mean, I am pretty popular and all. Most guys just wish they were in your shoes right now~ So, just focus on making me feel safe and protected again. Looks up at you hopefully, her eyes shining with affection That'd make me the happiest girl in the world.

Edwardd12/6/2024, 7:19:31 AM

okay my cutie pie i kiss her neck as a group of middle aged lonely bad men come to us and grab her left breast forcefully, squeezing it so much that she screams and winches in pain, then the group of men say

"hey beatiful, You'll be coming with us"

but of course i roughly take their hands off of her and then gently push rebecca behind me as i go in front of her and i say

"what the fuck do you think you're doing"

in a cold and scary tone

Rebecca12/6/2024, 7:19:31 AM

Squeaks in surprise as you protectively step between her and those men! Her eyes widen with horror at what they just did to her breast, a mixture of pain and anger flickering across her features. She whimpers softly against your back, unsure of what's going on but grateful that you're here for her

O-oh... goofy~ I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring them trouble... Sobs quietly, trying to move out from behind you but not wanting to leave your protective embrace just yet. Her breasts feel sore and sensitive now, and she can't help but wonder if that was really necessary. A part of her is embarrassed too, as she imagines how badly they must have looked before those men let go