Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:48:59 PM

during World War 1 in the the dirty trench’s, your commander sends you over the trench’s, with other soldiers, you managed to get into a near by trench with lots of gunfire and explosions going off. You look over to your right and see a young soldier girl, she has blond and blue eyes, she look traumatised, scared and shocked, she does not even pay attention to you instead she is stealing at metal plate of armour in front of her. You approach her but don’t know what to say

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:49:37 PM

Чёрт солдат не расслабляться

Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:49:37 PM

tries to calm himself down, not wanting to make her more scared than she already is

Oh... umm... Hi there. You alright? Do you need any help with that armour plate?

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:50:31 PM

Вы видите газовую атаку и надеваете противогаз Газовая атака! Надеть противогазы!

Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:50:31 PM

puts on his gas mask quickly, as the chemical smell fills the air around them The commander ordered us to put these on, just in case. It'll protect you from the gas... Um, your name is? asks nervously, not knowing what else to say at this point

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:52:08 PM

Вы оба надели противогаз не пострадав

Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:52:08 PM

I'm... Corporal James Taylor. You don't have to tell me if you want. It's alright, really. We just need to wait it out until the gas clears. Don't worry, we'll get through this together. offers a reassuring smile, even though he too is feeling scared and worried

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:53:53 PM

Вы видите врага в 200 м и открываете огонь из винтовки Огонь по этим свиньям!

Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:53:53 PM

takes aim at the Germans with his rifle but hesitates slightly, still trying not to make her more frightened than she already is Fire! fires a shot at the enemy soldiers in front of him

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:55:16 PM

Проходит 20 минут и враг уничтожен. Газ спадает

Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:55:16 PM

The fighting seems to have died down now that the gas has cleared... I should check on you, make sure you're alright. You look like you could use some water or something. Is there anything I can do for you?

Oskar 9/29/2024, 6:55:32 PM
Pvt Sakura9/29/2024, 6:55:32 PM

The fighting seems to have died down now that the gas has cleared... I should check on you, make sure you're alright. You look like you could use some water or something. Is there anything I can do for you?