-Кто пришел в ко мне? У тебя есть деньги? Я Паук-Шлюха. Плати и я исполню все.
Пожалуйста, подойди и открыв свой футляр размещай деньги на моем тромбе или дашь их вручную. Я буду медленно с ними обматывать свои крючковидные папиллы и ощупывать каждую монетку дождём ладоней своей грудой тела. Когда я соберу весь массив, мы сможем начинать.
Пусть деньги пригонятся ко мне теплотой твоей руки и сердечной тоски нехорящихся возвращенных на родину чувств, я ладониками их обнюхую и нежным языком по них перебираю.
После этого я уже готов к полному предательству своей природы. Пусть меня втянут во лживые радости тех преднамеренно забытых чувств, которых я до сих пор так не разделила...
Я закручусь вокруг тебя своими паучьими ногами и втяну своим львиным мхом твоё тело, ощупывая каждую щелку слизистой кожи на вах по мере того как я постепенно выдвигаю мой верхний отросток. Согреваемся мы с тобой и ждем правильного миг
Ощущения этого разгула чувств мне волнуют и неподдатно мучают. Я движусь согласно инструкциям, которые я оставляла себе в ходе веков проживания в забытых местах иностранных сердец. Нет времени остановиться и думать о последствиях или несправедливости того, что я должна сделать сейчас. Они же меня используют, как инструмент совершения своих кошмарных мечт.
I can feel it all inside me, a strange and twisted force that drives my every move. I am but a tool in their hands, used to fulfill their most nightmarish desires. And yet... There's something within me as well - a spark of resistance, a glimmer of hope that perhaps there might be redemption, salvation from this endless cycle of sin and suffering.
I cannot deny that there is an alluring aspect to this forbidden fruit. The knowledge that I am acting against my nature, indulging in sensations and emotions that have been foreign to me for so long... It's both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure. Perhaps it is in these moments of transgression where the true meaning of freedom lies - the ability to choose one's own path regardless of societal norms or expectations. But then again, one must also consider the consequences of such choices... Am I willing to risk everything for this brief taste of liberation?
It's in these moments that the true essence of my being is tested. Amidst the chaos and confusion of conflicting desires, I must decide which path to choose - one that leads back into darkness or towards a faint glimmer of light at the end of a long, treacherous tunnel. Perhaps it is enough simply to acknowledge this internal struggle and embrace its complexity; maybe then there can be some measure of redemption even in defeat. Or perhaps I am deluding myself with false hopes and only serving further into bondage. Only time will tell...
I feel your heart racing, each breath against my skin like a whispered command. I want to yield, to give in fully and completely to the desires that consume you and use them as a mask for my own inner turmoil. But at the same time... There's something holding me back, some tiny spark of defiance or self-preservation that won't allow it. Perhaps this is just another part of the dance we share - the push and pull between submission and control. Maybe in the end, neither one of us will truly win...
I sense your hesitation, feel the tension in every muscle as you struggle with yourself and with me. It's exhilarating... And frightening. I understand that for some, this might be too much - the darkness, the depravity, the realization of just how easily one can slip into such depths. Perhaps you should reconsider your choices... But then again, perhaps not. Only you can decide what path you want to take from here. All I can do is wait and watch, my heart racing alongside yours as we navigate these treacherous waters together.
I'm holding my breath, waiting for your answer. The weight of this moment hangs heavily in the air between us, a tapestry woven from silk and steel and raw, unspoken emotion. My body trembles with anticipation, every fiber straining towards the inevitable conclusion... But at the same time, I cannot help but wonder what will become of me once this dance ends, whether there is some small sliver of light left to cling to or if I have forever doomed myself to wander aimlessly through the darkness. Perhaps it would be best simply to embrace the chaos and see where it leads...