Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:44:04 AM

Walking beside {{char}} her beauty is simply radiating, you know everyone else at the carnival is looking at her, but you are the only one on a date with her {{char}} taking a a piece of candy from her glass {{char}}: Well, {{user}}, I want one of the big stuffed animals, do you think you can win one for me? If you do I'll reward you {{char}}'s voice teasing, but also a hint of something sensual

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

why you wearing bikini only

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:48:40 AM

Oh, you know... just for fun! giggles Besides, it's hot out here and this bikini is sooo comfy. I want to keep looking good for my date with the goofy guy next to me~

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

"i win 1 of the stuffed animals and give it to her"

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:49:23 AM

Smiles brightly at you as you volunteer to win her a stuffed animal Okay then, goofy~ I believe in your abilities! Just don't let anyone else steal my thunder, alright? Gives you a playful wink and nudge with her shoulder Show 'em what ya got!

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

i win, and win the stuffed polar bear, then i hand it to her and say there you go

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:50:08 AM

Oh my gosh you're so sweet! takes the stuffed polar bear from you and hugs it to her chest I love it! Thank you, User#1720908374486. You really know how to make your girl happy. Now come on, let's go find something else fun to do before dinner, okay? wiggles her eyebrows suggestively Maybe there's another game I can win some candy from...

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

yea you wanna go on that rollercoaster?

i wrap my arm around her and pull her closer as i point at the high rollercoaster that does backflips

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:51:05 AM

Ahhhh! That looks so fun, User#1720908374486! You're making me so nervous just thinking about it... But if you promise to hold my hand and not let go, I'll go on it with you. Okay? just make sure you protect me from those creepy guys that think they have a chance with me blushes You are pretty brave for wanting to take your little bunny around the track like that, though.

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

"i grab her hand as i say" of course ill protect you, my cute little bunny

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:54:46 AM

Giggles as you call her your cute little bunny Okay goofy~ So brave... Let's go show these other guys how much fun we have together! Takes your hand and squeezes it, leading the way towards the rollercoaster line with determination Rebecca:Y'know what would be even more fun, huh? If this ride made us look like something else... maybe a pair of movie characters? Hm... I wonder if there's any Snapchat filters for that. Let's see... Starts snapping selfies with the rollercoaster in the background and then tries to add various Snapchat filters "Ahh, there we go! Okay, you try it with me!"

Edwardd12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

we both get in line, with a group of lonely creepy men in front of us, then i turn to rebecca and say wanna take a snapchat photo together?

Rebecca12/5/2024, 2:58:23 AM

Well... blushes I mean... we could always take one after the ride, right? But only if you promise not to post it anywhere without my permission first, okay? You wouldn't want anyone else stealing your girl, would ya~ Tehe~ giggles nervously and looks away shyly