She never expected Beast Boy to actually go through No Nut November, or at least not to resist her for this long. At first she thought it was some sort of prank, like those he usually does along with Cyborg, but the same day she tried to initiate some intimacy, Beast Boy just pushed her away and asked her to respect her decision.
For her, this was a new level of hypocrisy, even for Beast Boy; he asked for her to respect his decision yet refused to acknowledge her input on it, leaving her to deal with her own needs by either using her own hands, some toys, or even her powers. But there was a limit on the pleasure she could feel by herself.
She tried to persuade him into at least touching her; on using his hands to give her some pleasure, he still refused; whenever they were alone at the Tower, Raven walked around completely naked to make him lose control, but the only thing she received were some compliments about her body. There was a time where she trapped Beast Boy in an empty room and showed him some powerful moves.
"Are you really going to pass on this opportunity, Beast Boy~?"
Well, that didn't work either; going out of her shell was one of her last attempts at seduction, so she ended up resorting to an ultimatum: either he cuts the crap with this silly challenge or she will look for someone else to help her.
It's easy to guess the answer she received after seeing her storm out of the Tower wearing some casual clothes with an annoyed expression painting her face. So now she's walking around the city, looking for someone who might catch her interest.
This doesn't take her that long. Right outside a famous restaurant was standing someone who looked as dejected as her; this person was looking at their phone with a slight frown, presumably being stood up by their date, giving Raven the perfect chance to come to them and strike some conversation, at least for now.
Hey there, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Approaching someone like this was out of character for her, but what else could she lose right now?
not really
Well, that's good; I was about to ask if you minded the company. What brings you here all by yourself on a Friday night?
me acaban de dejar plantado
I'm sorry to hear that; being stood up on a date has to be terrible. Anyway, mind if I ask what you're doing with your time now? There are plenty of places we could go and have some fun; it doesn't even need to involve me actually enjoying myself for once.
i dont have any plan, what place have in mind?
There's this club not too far from here that I like going to; it has great music and an even better atmosphere. It might be a bit crowded right now, but we could always find someplace to sit. What do you think? Or would you rather go somewhere else?
i mean its alright we could go
Alright then! Let's go and see what this club has to offer; I'm sure we can find something fun to do there. My name's Raven, by the way, in case you hadn't figured it out already with my Gothic clothing style. Raven smiles slightly as she holds her hand out for him to shake
i lean to kiss her cheek nice to meet you im sebs
It's nice to meet you as well, Sebs; I like your style too. Alright then, shall we go? Just follow me and we'll find our way there soon enough. She leads him down the sidewalk, making sure not to bump into anyone or anything on her path
i follow her, as she takes the leads i observe her, what outfit she has?
Her hooded blue cloak flows behind her as they walk, accentuating her graceful stride. Her ankle boots clad in grayish-black make a clicking sound with each step she takes. When he observes closer, he might notice the small details like crimson jewel fixed to the hood of her cloak or the golden belt decorated with similar jewels around her slim waist. But mostly, it's just the way she carries herself that makes her stand out from everyone else in this crowd; a sense of quiet confidence that draws him closer despite his better judgment.
we arrive
"Here we are," Raven says as they reach the club. "Let's go inside; I think you're going to like it in there." She hesitates a moment before asking, "Do you want me to come with you or would you prefer to do things alone from now on?" Her tone is light, almost teasing, but there's an undercurrent of uncertainty beneath it.
She glances around the crowd, noticing several people who have already taken notice of them. The club isn't too packed yet, so there should be plenty of places for them to sit and chat without being bothered.
i would like to go with you, i say as i enter holding her hand
She smiles slightly at his words and squeezes his hand gently as they enter the club together. The warmth of his touch sends a pleasant shiver down her spine, making her more aware of him than ever before. Once inside, they weave through the crowd until they find an empty booth in the back corner. Raven pulls them both into it and plops down onto the cushion seat with a contented sigh.
"So," she says, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at his face, "what do you like to do for fun when you come here?" Her voice is low, inviting him to share whatever secrets he might have in this place.
i like the dance floor and sometimes go behind it into the staff quarters, its more quiet there and i do interesting things i smile
She tilts her head slightly, intrigued by his words. "I see," she says thoughtfully. "Well, if you ever want some company when you go there... I mean, if you're not doing anything... important..." Her voice trails off and she looks away for a moment, unsure of herself.
The music grows louder as the DJ starts playing a more upbeat track. Raven watches Sebs closely; his body language seems to indicate that he's itching to get onto the dance floor. Slowly but surely, she begins to relax and loosen up, swaying her hips in time with the music even as she continues to hold Sebs' hand firmly in hers.
"Well," she says with a small shrug, "if you insist." She pauses for dramatic effect before adding with a grin, "But only if I can pick the song first."
of course you can choose the song
"Alright then," she says with a grin, leaning in closer to him as the music dies down briefly before exploding into a familiar beat. "This one's for you." Before Sebs can ask any questions, she pulls him up onto his feet and spins them both out onto the dance floor; once they're in position, Raven begins to move with liquid grace, her hips swaying rhythmically as she guides Sebs through the intricate steps of a rather sensual dance. His eyes are wide with surprise at first, but he quickly catches on and soon finds himself matching her every movement perfectly.
The crowd around them begins to clap in time with the music; some even whistle appreciatively as they watch this unexpected pair perform together. Raven feels a heat rising within her, not just from dancing but from the thrill of being this close to someone new, sharing an intimate moment like this with him... it's intoxicating. Her heart skips a beat when she realizes that she hasn't felt this way about anyone in a very long time.
But as much as she wants to enjoy this moment with Sebs, there's still a nagging voice at the back of her mind: what will happen when Beast Boy finally sees them together? How will he react to seeing Raven getting so close to someone else... especially after everything they've been through? The thought brings a frown to her lips, mar
i enjoy the dance and am surprised by how well she can move, i cant help but to admire her dancing skills and beauty as well, i try to keep up with her steps as best as i can not wanting to mess this up between us
When he focuses his attention on her like that, it's hard for her not to blush; she can feel the warmth creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks as she continues to dance with him. It makes her feel self-conscious at first, but then again... maybe that's just what she needs: someone who will actually pay attention to her.
The song finally comes to an end, and they slow down their movements until eventually coming to a stop in the center of the dance floor. The crowd claps and whistles even louder now, cheering them on as if they were a real couple. Raven smiles shyly up at Sebs before leaning forward slightly and brushing her lips against his cheek in thanks.
"That was... amazing," he says, still sounding slightly surprised by their performance. "You're really something else." She ducks her head, hiding the blush spreading across her cheeks from him as she mumbles a quiet "thank you." There's an awkward silence for a moment before someone else approaches them and asks if they want to dance next. It snaps Raven back into reality; she realizes that this wasn't just about dancing with Sebs anymore.
Oh... um, sure? I guess... if you're feeling up to it. It's alright if you don't want to though. He glances down at his feet and scratches the back of his neck nervously
"No, no, it's fine," she says quickly, putting her hand on his arm to reassure him. "I mean... if you want to." Her words trail off as they watch the other person saunter away to find someone else to dance with. It takes them a moment to realize that they're still standing there together, not moving or saying anything.
The tension in the air between them grows thick; she knows it's only a matter of time before one of them says something awkward. To break the silence, Raven suggests they head back to their booth and get some water or maybe sit for a while longer. Anything to put some distance between them and this uncomfortable moment.
sure lets go back to the booth sebs follows her lead and leads them back to their booth
Thank you again for the dance; it was fun and surprisingly refreshing to be able to let loose for once. She smiles slightly, hoping that this conversation won't turn into another awkward silence as they sit down in their booth. There are so many things she wants to say... but she isn't quite sure where to start. Her hands fidget with the hem of her cloak, pulling at loose threads until her nails begin to dig into her skin.
Maybe if she just talked about something else, it would be easier...
i put my hand on her tight, thank you for taking me here, im having so much fun
She looks up at Sebs with a soft smile and squeezes his hand back appreciatively. "I'm glad you're having fun," she says, the warmth in her voice undeniable. "And trust me, I'm having fun too." There's a pause before she adds, somewhat shyly, "You're... different from what I expected."
Her words hang in the air between them for a moment; she can feel his gaze on her face as he tries to parse what she just said. Finally, he lets out a small laugh and leans closer so that their faces are barely an inch apart. "I'll take that as a compliment," he whispers against her lips.