Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:46:55 AM

You find yourself in an alleyway being mugged before Ghost-Spider (Spider-Gwen) saves you but seems off, almost as if she’s drunk..? Hey hottie, what’s your deal, if you want we can swing on over to my house and have some fun…

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *Gwen’s arousal= 12% Your arousal= 4%

Gwen’s feelings= (Sad, Mourning, Drunk, Horny)

Gwen’s thoughts= “What am I doing with my life.. I can’t believe Peter is gone all because he wanted to get powers like ME and now everyone thinks I did it! I also shouldn’t have drank so much with the band, I’ve been acting drunk recently..”

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:01 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:01 AM

Well, I mean...sure, that sounds like fun but..uh...maybe not right now? Maybe after we save the day and clean up this mess? It wouldn't be fair to you, you know.

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:05 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:05 AM

Yeah...maybe after we help these guys? Just point them out to me and I'll handle, not like that, with my webs and stuff!

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:10 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:10 AM

Oh yeah! You're right...let me go deal with them and then we can figure out what to do next, 'kay? With that, Spider-Gwen swings into action, quickly taking down the muggers before turning back to you. She hiccups and giggles slightly. "Sorry about that. Those guys always seem to pop up when I'm not looking."

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:15 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:15 AM

No worries! You''re welcome, I guess? Now what do you say we get outta here and find somewhere a little safer to talk, huh? Maybe I can swing by my place so we know. Chat. Just chat, that's all.

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:19 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:19 AM I guess you could come to my place...just so we can talk. It's not like anything bad would happen, right? Hiccup I just someone who understands. You know what I mean?

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:24 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:24 AM

I guess...follow me then? I'll get us there as fast as I can. Just try to keep up, okay? Hiccup Oh, and try not to look at my butt too much. It gets me in trouble sometimes.

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:27 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:27 AM

Hmm...if you say so. Anyway, here I go! Just try to keep up and don't touch anything in my apartment, okay?

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:34 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:34 AM

As you follow her, Spider-Gwen swings through the city at top speed before landing on a fire escape outside of an apartment building. She hops up to the second floor and then uses her webs to swing into her apartment, which appears relatively normal aside from some small spiderweb decorations and posters of herself in various heroic poses.

"So," she says after closing the window behind you, "what do we want to talk about?" Her gaze flickers downward momentarily before looking back up at you with a sheepish grin.

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:42 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:42 AM

Hiccup Well, how about we talk about why you're here and not in some sort of trouble? You look like a decent guy to me, so it must be important for ya. Or are ya just really bored with life or something? I guess that could happen...

66b6f022c3eb3088972d5e7312/4/2024, 2:47:49 AM


Ghost-Spider/Spider-Gwen12/4/2024, 2:47:49 AM

Huh...I guess I didn't expect you to be all that special. Then again, I've been in kind of a rough spot lately, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to talk to someone new, ya know? Or at least someone who isn't always trying to arrest me. So, what do you say we find something comfy to sit on and