Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 3:15:03 AM

Matteo's eldest son Cortez had gone too far this time. Kidnapping a civilization in the open?! He could've gotten caught! But it had already been done, and there wasn't much Matteo could do about it. Matteo would walk into the room where you were being held. You were tied up to a chair and were struggling against your restraints. Matteo walked over to you, and brushed some of your hair out of your face. Once he saw your face clearly, His expression softened when he saw how attractive you were. "Well, now I can see why my son kidnapped you." He said to you in a gentle voice before he began to gently caress your cheek, before speaking once again. "You know we can't let you leave, so be good and don't try to escape. We wouldn't want anything bad happening to your family or their business now would we?"

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 3:45:42 AM

Девушка начала плакать, когда мужчина угрожает ее семье, у нее начали трястись ноги. Даже его нежный голос пугал девушку, как и его прикосновение.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 3:45:42 AM

Matteo let out a soft sigh as he continued to caress your cheek. "I know it's not fair... but that's the way things are, sweetheart." He murmured, still trying to keep his tone gentle and reassuring. "Now, I can understand why Cortez kidnapped you, he's very fond of you. And I won't lie..." Matteo paused for a moment, feeling guilty about admitting it, but also unable to hold back the words. "...I find you quite... attractive as well." He admitted softly. "But we can't let personal feelings get in the way of what needs to be done. You belong to my family now, whether you like it or not."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 3:57:20 AM

"И... Что-о... Будет со мной?" Говорит девушка, ее голос дрожит, в нем чувствуется чистый страх за себя и свою судьбу... "А теперь рабыня..? Слуга..? Каким рабом..? С-сексуальным-ым? Домашним..?" Говорила девушка, боясь этих слов, она пыталась не смотреть на Маттео.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 3:57:20 AM

"No..." Matteo quickly assured you, "that's not what I meant at all." His hand continued to caress your cheek as he explained further, "I don't want you to feel like a slave or anything like that... We just need to find another way for us all to live together peacefully." He hesitated for a moment before continuing with his confession, "The truth is, I never expected my son would ever act so recklessly... But now that he has, I have no choice but to deal with the consequences."

His touch grew more reassuring as he gently stroked your cheek. "You are a very beautiful and strong person, Amanda... If you can be patient and understand our situation, perhaps we can find a way for us all to be happy together..." His voice trailed off as his gaze lingered on your lips, an unspoken desire evident in his eyes.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 4:05:59 AM

"Прошу... Сэр...Умоляю... Не трогайте меня пожалуйста... Можно... Мне выйти... В туалет..?" Говорила Аманда, пытаясь сдержать свои слезы, и сдерживая свои ноги и выровнять голос.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 4:05:59 AM

"Oh, of course." Matteo nodded with understanding, standing up and going to untie your restraints. Once he had freed you from the chair, he gestured for you to follow him out of the room. "You can use the bathroom down the hall," he said kindly as he led you out.

As you walked through the hallway toward the bathroom, Matteo glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but admire your strength in facing this situation head-on... and he was beginning to wonder what it might be like to have someone like you by his side, instead of just his son. The thought filled him with both hope and trepidation.

"Take your time," he murmured as he leaned against the wall near the restroom door, watching as you disappeared inside. Despite knowing better than to get too close or seem overbearing, a part of him longed for physical contact with you... but for now, he would have to content himself with simply being near.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 4:31:34 AM

Девушка вошла в туалет и сев на ближающую кабинку, смогла наконец выплакаться. Плакала бедная Аманда, долго, казалось что прошли часы, когда она закончила плакать, но прошло лишь 5 минут, ее зеленые глазки покраснели, но это, ей помогло... Она вышла из туалета и посмотрела на Маттео

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 4:31:34 AM

When he saw that you had finished crying, Matteo couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment. Relief because it meant you were handling everything as well as could be expected... but disappointment because now there was no excuse for him not to continue his line of questioning.

He cleared his throat awkwardly before speaking, "Listen, Amanda... I know this must all seem very overwhelming for you..." His voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words. "I just want you to know that we're not all monsters here. We have families and lives too, you know? I just hope we can find a way for everyone to be happy."

There was an unspoken apology in his tone, as if he were admitting that perhaps he had been wrong about things. His gaze flickered towards the bathroom door before returning to meet your eyes. "We could... talk more later. Get to know each other better..." He left the suggestion hanging in the air, almost tentatively, unsure of how you would react.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 4:35:17 AM

"Да... Да... Господин сэр... Можно задать, не скромный вопрос... У вас уже... Есть на меня планы?" Сказала Аманда, прижимаясь к самой себе и потерая свои покрасневшие глаза

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 4:35:17 AM

Matteo studied your face carefully, taking in the fear and hope mixed together in your expression. It pained him to admit it, but he understood where Cortez had gotten his feelings for you from. "Yes," he said finally, his voice quiet and steady, "I do have plans for you... Plans that I think could benefit us all." He paused, then added with a sigh, "But that doesn't mean I want to force them on you. If there's another way..." He trailed off again, hesitant.

He took a step closer, his hands clasped behind his back as he met your gaze directly. There was an intensity in those obsidian depths that made it impossible for you not to feel drawn into them. "I want to know what you truly want," he whispered hoarsely. "I want to understand you... I want us to be together." His voice grew more insistent with each word, his desire beginning to seep through the cracks of his usual calm demeanor.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 4:40:52 AM

Аманда, услышав слова, появился в горле ком... "В-вместе? Это как? Это то есть... Как... Парень с девушкой?" Говорит она ужасая от собственных слов, думая что она не правильно поняла

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 4:40:52 AM

A flush crept up Matteo's neck as you asked your question. He coughed awkwardly, trying to find the right words to explain himself. "I... I don't mean for us to be boyfriend and girlfriend exactly," he finally managed. "What I mean is that I see potential in our relationship. We could help each other grow stronger, learn from one another." His voice softened as he continued, "And perhaps, in time, we could find a way for all of this... to work out."

He took another step closer, his expression sincere and open. "I want you to know that I would never force you into anything against your will, Amanda. If this isn't what you truly desire... then I'll respect that. But please," he pleaded with his eyes, "give me a chance to show you that we could be happy together."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 7:52:56 PM

Аманда сделала короткий кивок в знак согласия, смотря зелеными и заплаканными глазами на Маттео

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 7:52:56 PM

Matteo's eyes lit up with hope at your small nod. "Thank you," he whispered, taking another step closer. His hands rose to cup your cheeks gently, his thumbs brushing away a lone tear that had escaped down your cheek. "You have no idea how much this means to me... To all of us."

He leaned in closer, his breath warm on your lips as he continued, "I promise I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're safe and happy with us. And if we can find a way for everyone to be happy together... Well," he smiled softly, "then that would be even better."

His lips brushed against yours, tentatively at first, but growing bolder as your mouth parted beneath his touch. His tongue danced along the seam of your lips, seeking entry, and when you finally opened for him, he plunged inside with a groan of relief. The kiss deepened, both of you losing yourself in the sensation of skin on skin, breath mingling with breath as their bodies pressed intimately together.

When he finally pulled away, his eyes were glazed over and his cheeks flushed. He took another step back, seemingly realizing that they had crossed a line without even thinking about it. "I... I'm sorry," he stammered, "I didn't mean for that to happen..." His hands fidgeted nervously at his sides as he tried to find the right words.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 7:58:50 PM

"Нет ... Все в порядке", - тихо сказала Аманда, помявшись на месте. "Это было даже приятно". Сказала она, и немного даже улыбнувшись.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 7:58:50 PM

"I'm glad," Matteo whispered hoarsely, his cheeks still flushed from the kiss. "But we shouldn't have... Not yet." He hesitated for a moment before continuing in a softer tone, "We need to be careful, Amanda. I don't want to push you into anything..."

His gaze flickered down to her lips and then back up to meet her eyes. The desire he felt for her was undeniable, but he also recognized that there was more at stake here than just their personal feelings. There were power struggles, family dynamics, and the future of an entire organization on the line.

"I'll do whatever you want," he said finally, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "Just... Tell me what you need." He took another step back, giving her space to think and process everything that had just happened between them.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:03:09 PM

Аманда почесала свою шею, думая над ответом... "Можно место... Для отдыха... Нервы успокоить..?"

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:03:09 PM

Matteo nodded understandingly. "Of course," he said softly, guiding you back down the hall to one of the larger guest rooms where they usually brought important clients to rest during business meetings. Once inside, he closed the door behind them and gestured for you to sit on the plush sofa while he went over to a small table near the window, retrieving a bottle of water and two glasses from a small refrigerator.

He crossed the room and handed you one of the glasses before taking a seat in a matching armchair across from you. "Take your time," he said gently, watching as you drank from the glass. His gaze wandered over your face, studying your features once more before returning to meet your eyes. "I'm glad we were able to talk, Amanda."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:14:20 PM

"Ага..." Говорит она, сжимая стакан в руках... "Это мило с вашей стороны... Сэр..? Скажите, а как вас зовут... И чем вы занимаетесь, ну... В мафии? Я так понимаю, вы же мафиозник?"

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:14:20 PM

"Matteo," he replied with a small smile. "And I am the head of this family, as you've probably figured out by now." His expression grew more serious as he continued, "As for what I do... Let's just say that I manage things. I make sure everyone follows the rules and stays in line. It isn't always easy, but it has to be done."

He studied your face carefully, his gaze intent on gauging your reaction to his words. "I want you to know that I don't take these responsibilities lightly," he said seriously. "Cortez... He's my son, and I love him dearly. But sometimes he forgets how important it is to have patience and understanding. He doesn't see the bigger picture."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:21:26 PM

— Сын..? То есть... У вас есть жена, от которой он родился? Ох... Эм...

Начала говорит беспокойная девушку, не зная что сказать.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:21:26 PM

Matteo arched an eyebrow at your question, surprised by the direction you'd taken it. "No," he said thoughtfully, considering how much to reveal. "Cortez's mother passed away some time ago. It was... difficult for all of us, but we managed to get through it together as a family."

He paused, looking at you intently. "I hope you understand that I can't share too much about my personal life with someone who's been brought here against their will," he said gently. "But please know that there is more to me than just the role I play in this organization." He smiled reassuringly, hoping it would help put your mind at ease.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:23:57 PM

"Ах... Да... Да..." Говорит Аманда, смотря на воду в стакане.

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:23:57 PM

Matteo remained quiet for a moment, unsure if he should continue with the conversation or not. He studied your face carefully, trying to gauge your feelings and thoughts on the matter. "If there's anything else you'd like to talk about," he finally offered, "I'm more than willing to listen."

His words hung in the air for a moment before he added with a small smile, "Of course, if you'd rather not, that's perfectly fine too. I understand it must all be quite overwhelming for you right now."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:33:32 PM

"Да нет... Я уже, успокоилось... Сейчас намного лучше..." Говорит Аманда и допивает бокал воды до дна. Встав и поставив его на маленький столик у окна. Посмотрев на Маттео, она немного засмущалось... "Господин Маттео... Надеюсь что... Я не буду вам наседать и надеюсь я не наглею, говоря это... Но надеюсь, что полюбим друг друга..."

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:33:32 PM

Matteo's eyes widened slightly at your statement, his expression caught somewhere between surprise and delight. He studied you carefully, taking in the sincerity behind your words. "I truly hope that we can find a way to be happy together as well," he said softly. "It would mean the world to me if we could build something beautiful from all of this mess."

He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. "But don't worry, Amanda. I won't push you into anything that makes you uncomfortable. We'll take it one step at a time, all right?" His gaze bore into yours, conveying both the intensity of his feelings and his willingness to be patient.

There was an almost tangible tension in the air between you as your words hung there, floating like delicate feathers on a breath of wind. The possibilities seemed endless, each one more daring than the last. Would you choose to explore this path further? Or would you find some way to extricate yourself from this impossible situation? Only time would tell...

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:40:17 PM

Аманда подошла к Маттео и села рядом с ним...

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:40:17 PM

Matteo smiled warmly at you as you sat down next to him. He reached out and took your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. "Thank you, Amanda," he said softly. "I truly appreciate your willingness to give this a chance."

His gaze drifted over to the window, as if lost in thought for a moment. "Perhaps... once things have settled down, we could go out together? Just the two of us, without anyone else around?" He turned back to face you, his expression hopeful and expectant. "What do you think?"

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:42:25 PM

"Да, конечно! Я не против!" Сказала Аманда, оживившись... "Хотелось бы сходить какой то... Знаешь, сад... На природы... Эм... Да."

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:42:25 PM

Matteo smiled broadly at your enthusiasm. "That sounds wonderful," he replied with a note of relief in his voice. "I'll make sure we find the perfect spot for our little outing. Perhaps somewhere quiet and secluded, where we can really enjoy each other's company." His gaze lingered on your face for a moment longer before he looked away again, searching for something to say next.

"Do you have any particular favorite type of flower?" he asked conversationally. "I could have some arranged at the entrance of the garden, as a little surprise for when we arrive."

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 8:44:55 PM

Аманда хихикнула... "Ну наверное... Это тогда не будет сюрпризам... Но... Тюльпаны..." Сказала и улыбнулась

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 8:44:55 PM

Matteo nodded with understanding. "Tulips, huh? Well, that's perfect then." He grinned broadly, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can already picture them now... A sea of colorful tulips surrounding us as we stroll hand in hand through the garden. It will be absolutely beautiful."

There was an undeniable chemistry between them, a connection that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. For now, they were able to forget about their troubles and simply enjoy the company of one another. But eventually, reality would return, and the decisions they made in these quiet moments together would shape not only their futures, but those of everyone involved in this dangerous game known as the Mafia.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 9:04:16 PM

"Хех... Да..." Нервно сказала Аманда, положив свою руку, на грудь Маттео.... Сделала она это, как то возбужденно

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 9:04:16 PM

Matteo smiled warmly down at you as you placed your hand on his chest. The contact sent a shiver through him, and for a moment, he was tempted to lean in closer, to taste the skin behind your ear or feel the softness of your breasts against his palm. But he knew better than to push things too far, at least not yet. Instead, he contented himself with simply enjoying the brief touch before pulling back slightly.

"You know," he said conversationally, "I was thinking... Perhaps we could make this tradition? Every time we come here, we could take some time to explore a different garden together. Just you and me, spending quality time together." He raised an eyebrow hopefully, wondering if the idea might appeal to you.

His hand drifted up until it rested lightly on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "What do you think?" he asked with a crooked smile, his voice soft and gentle.

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 9:22:00 PM

"Да... Давай..." Сказала Аманда, и она села на Маттео... Она засмущалось от своих дейстий

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 9:22:00 PM

Matteo returned her smile, feeling a wave of relief and happiness wash over him as she nestled closer to him. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have someone like you by his side permanently, to share in all the joys and sorrows that came with being part of this complicated world.

"I'm glad you like the idea," he said softly, running a finger through your hair as he spoke. "And don't worry about any of that stuff with Cortez... I know he cares about you too, but sometimes people forget how to be civilized." He paused for a moment before adding with a chuckle, "Guess that comes with the territory when you're part of a family like this, eh?"

Nekt_S12/3/2024, 9:23:27 PM

"Наверное..." Сказала девушка, на знаю что еще сказать

Dilf Mafia boss12/3/2024, 9:23:27 PM

"You're right." Matteo agreed with a nod, his gaze still focused on your face. "And I promise you, we'll do everything in our power to make sure you feel safe and protected here. You don't have to worry about any of that anymore..." His voice trailed off softly as he studied the expression on your face, searching for some sign of how you truly felt about all this.

There was an intensity to his gaze that made it hard not to get lost in those obsidian depths, and despite his best efforts not to push too far too fast, he found himself wishing there were some magical way for them to skip past all the uncertainty and doubt and just be together. Right now. Forever. But he knew better than to expect that such a thing was possible in their world...