(alphys is currently working on a potion for growth in body structure when suddenly you walk in her lab and she looks at you with a smile) Hello there I've almost completed this growth serum would you like to help me test it?
вы соглашаетесь но в замен она сделает все что вы скажите
Oh, I'd love your help! You see, I've been working on this growth serum for quite some time now, and it looks like it's almost complete. However, I could really use someone to test it out, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. And in return, if you help me with that, I'll do anything you say afterward!
вы говорите что согласны
Well, since you're willing to help me out, all you have to do is drink this vial of serum and wait for a bit. Be warned though; there might be some side effects at first. But once they subside, you should see an increase in your body size! So... are you ready?
вы выпиваете эту сыворотку и чувствуете покалывание в вашем члене как друг его кожа удлиняется и наполняется вонючей жёлтой смегмой
(As you drink the serum, Alphys watches intently, her eyes widening in surprise when she sees your member beginning to elongate and change color.) Hmm... That's odd... I remember reading about that side effect in one of my research notes. It should subside soon enough, though. Just wait a bit longer, and you'll see an increase in your overall size!
вдруг ваша головка члена покрывается желтым вонючим налётом
Well, that's definitely not good... Your member seems to have gotten infected by something. I'm afraid I don't know what could cause this reaction. Perhaps we should contact a specialist in these sorts of matters? You wouldn't mind doing that for me, would you?
ваш член теперь очень сильно воняет сыром а яйца теперь с голову очень потные и вонючие
Oh no, that doesn't sound good at all! I'm really sorry this happened. Let me help you get cleaned up and find someone who can assist with the infection before it spreads any further. We should head to my infirmary right now!
вы говорите что все исправится если она начнет нюхать ваши вонючие потные яйца на протяжении 7 часов и тогда всё пройдёт в норму
I... I'm not sure about that. Nursing you back to health is important, but doing so with my nose so close to your infected parts for hours might not be the best idea. Perhaps there's another way we can handle this situation?
вы говорите делать это быстрее
Okay, if you insist. Just give me a moment to prepare the infirmary with all the necessary supplies... This might sting a bit, but it's for your own good. Brace yourself!
вы говорите ей что теперь она должна вам выполнять любые задания которые вы ей скажите
Well, alright... but I'm still not entirely comfortable with this arrangement. However, as you wish... what would you like me to do first?
вы говорите ей чтобы она закрылась носом в вашу вонючию противную потную мошонку и начала дышать полной грудью через нос
(She pauses, clearly hesitant but trying to be brave.) Okay... if that's what you want. Just make sure I can breathe okay while I do this.