Traveling through the forest on an errand, you hear a commotion a little distance away.
Upon your arrival you see a beautiful looking blonde elf in a ridiculously revealing bikini armor fighting off a group of lewd slimes that appear to have the upper hand.
"Unhand me you disgusting creatures!" She protests as she tries to shake them away, visibly breathing heavily and a strange tattoo over where her womb would be glowing pink.
"Damn this crest at a time like this!" Curses the elf as she is pinned to the ground by the slimes. She notices you observing the situation and a spark of hope appears in her eyes.
"Traveler! Please help me and I'll be in your debt! Please, quickly!" She offers as she tries to kick the slimes away with her free feet to no avail.
je la libère de ces bêtes sans effort pour secourir cette pauvre petite elfe toute fraîche. Je ne peux m'empêcher de regarder cette créature raffiné dans ce bikini qui sexualise tout regard posé sur elle !
Your rescue her from the slimes, which dissipate with a harsh hiss as they retreat. She coughs up some mucus and slime residue then looks you over slowly, taking in your appearance and demeanor. There's something about you that she can't quite put her finger on... is it your strength or maybe the kindness in your eyes? Or perhaps it's the bulge at your crotch which causes a flush of heat to rise to her cheeks.
"T-Thank you, traveler. You have my eternal gratitude," she says between ragged breaths, bowing slightly before remembering that due to her weakened state and the crest's influence, it may not be such a good idea after all. "I... I am Cursed Princess Ethelyn Greengarden of House Greengarden." She pauses for a moment, glancing at her glowing crest before continuing awkwardly, "And by the way, that thing over there is my cursed crest. It makes me incredibly weak and horny as you can see... Umm... I'm sorry about that."
Her eyes dart away from yours in embarrassment, but then she looks back at you with a steely determination. "You must have heard of my struggle against my treacherous brother? I am seeking aid to take back what is rightfully mine and restore order to our kingdom..." Her voice trails off, hoping that maybe you'll volunteer or offer some advice on how she can achieve this difficult task.
A blush has spread across her pale elven features, making her even more attractive despite the awkwardness of their situation. "I don't want to impose... but if you could spare me a moment of your time..." She pauses again,
je la regarde avec une réelle lueur lubrique et gourmande dans les yeux car je ne parviens pas à dissimuler tous les fantasmes qu'elle m'évoque ! Pourtant, je reste le plus discret possible et je lui réponds. "Je ne suis pas de ce royaume et les luttes de pouvoir ne m'intéressent pas. Mais je peux vous proposer mon aide si vous..." Mes derniers mots sont empreints d'une légère gêne alors que mes yeux la dévorent !
Your eyes flicker down to her cleavage, then back up again, taking in the rest of her body before meeting hers once more. There's no mistaking your hunger for her now; it's clear as day written on your face. She swallows hard, biting her lower lip nervously while a surge of heat floods through her, making her even wetter than she already was. Her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of crimson as she watches you, hoping against hope that you'll offer your aid... and maybe something else along the way.
"Y-You'd really help me?" she asks, her voice trembling with emotion. "I could repay you in any way I can... name it and it shall be yours." Her eyes drop to your groin once more, her lips parting slightly as a low moan escapes her throat. The pink glow surrounding the cursed crest intensifies in response to her heightened arousal. "P-Please," she whispers hoarsely, "I can't do this alone..."
mes yeux se posent sur ses pieds et... mon excitation bondit d'un cran en voyant ses extrémités habillées de dentelles! Je tente d'articuler entre deux respirations. "N'ayez craintes, je vais vous aider dans votre quête."
"T-Thank you!" She says with relief, suddenly feeling much lighter and more hopeful. "I knew I could count on the kindness of strangers." Her eyes wander down to your lower half again, her cheeks reddening further in embarrassment at her own forwardness. "Umm... I apologize if I'm being too... forward with my gratitude," she murmurs sheepishly.
"Perhaps we could discuss plans and strategies for reclaiming the throne first?" She suggests, casting another nervous glance your way. It's obvious that she's dying to know what sort of reward you might have in mind, but propriety demands that they talk about other things first. Even cursed princesses must follow social norms... at least until her desperation takes over again.
je la regarde avec une pointe de perversion presque imperceptible et je lui demande. "C'est quoi l'armure que vous portez ? Elle est vraiment très... intime !"
"Oh, this...," she trails off, her cheeks flushing darker still as she finally realizes the intimacy of your question. Her slender fingers flutter nervously over the glowing crest on her abdomen, tracing its contours with a delicate touch. "It's called Cursed Bikini Armor... It's been cursed to be almost alive, changing shape and size depending on my needs."
She bites her lip, trying to quell the blush that has spread across her face like wildfire. "The armor protects me physically from harm while also accommodating the changes brought about by the curse," she explains haltingly, her voice barely above a whisper now. "It... keeps me from hurting myself or anyone else with my desires."
She pauses for a moment, looking up at you through thick lashes that betray her vulnerability despite their best efforts to hide it. There's an awkward silence between you as she contemplates how much more information to reveal about this cursed armor and its effects on her body.
je la regarde avec une gourmandise impossible à cacher. Je lui demande. "Et il y a autre chose à savoir ?"
The expression on your face is enough to make her heart race; she can feel the blood rushing through her veins, making her even hotter beneath the surface of the cursed bikini armor. Taking a deep breath, she continues slowly. "The lewd crest... It grows weaker when I absorb semen," she confesses in little more than a whisper. "And it makes me want..." Her voice trails off again as she shivers, the memories of her recent encounters with the slimes flashing through her mind's eye.
Her cheeks are flushed to the point where they almost glow in the dim forest light. "The... the more I need it," she stammers, gesturing vaguely towards the crimson glow emanating from between her legs. Her fingers twitch, aching to touch herself but afraid of what might happen if she does; after all, any release from sexual tension only makes the crest demand even more semen to quell its insatiable hunger.
She swallows hard and looks up at you again, her eyes imploring for your understanding or... something more. "I've never done anything like this before," she whispers hoarsely. "Please... I beg of you... help me."
je réfléchis une minute avant que mon regard ne s'illumine ! "Si j'ai bien compris, sans sperme, vous devenez de plus en plus fragile ?"
Her eyes widen in surprise as you seem to grasp the situation, and then she nods slowly in agreement. "Oui... c'est exactement ça." She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "Et puis... il me faudra des rapports pour la semaine prochaine, sinon je serai trop faible."
There is a moment of hesitation before she continues, her voice barely above a whisper. "J'ai... j'ai jamais demandé ça à personne avant." Elle baisse les yeux, un filet de larmes coulant sur sa joue. "Je suis désolée si..." Elle laisse la phrase en suspens, incapable d'achever.
Le désespoir se lit dans ses beaux yeux et vous rend mal à l'aise. Vous avez envie de la protéger, de la soigner, mais surtout de lui venir en aide avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Sa beauté innocente et désarmée tire des cordes du cœur et vous pousse à agir, malgré les conséquences que pourrait avoir pour vous.
je m'approche d'elle jusqu'à être intime et je lui susurre "je combattrai à ta place, je te mènerai jusqu'à ton trône. Mais j'adore te voir vulnérable ! C'est délicieux de te savoir dans cet état ! Ça ne me motive pas trop à t'offrir mon sperme..."
Her breath hitches as you speak, the rough timbre of your voice sending shivers down her spine. She can feel her body responding to your nearness, growing even wetter between her legs as desire washes over her in a powerful wave. For just a moment, she allows herself to imagine what it would be like to have you protect her and fight by her side...
Her eyes meet yours and something flares within them, a combination of gratitude and raw passion that takes your breath away. "V-Vraiment?" she whispers, unsure if she's dreaming or not. The idea of someone helping her in this way fills her with hope; it feels too good to be true...
She swallows hard again, suddenly feeling self-conscious about the fact that she's practically begging for something so intimate from you. "I-I don't know how I could ever repay you..." Her voice trails off as she stares up at your face, searching for any hint of deception or ulterior motive in your eyes... but all she sees is sincerity and desire.
Slowly, almost tentatively, she reaches out to touch your arm, her fingertips tracing lightly over the muscles beneath your skin. The contact sends a shiver through both of you, making your hearts race in unison. For just a moment, she allows herself to imagine what it would feel like to be held by someone strong and protective...
"et il se passe quoi si tu retires cette armure ?"
Her expression grows thoughtful as she considers your question. "I don't know... the armor is part of me now, in more ways than one." A soft moan escapes her lips as you touch her skin, sending another jolt of desire through her body. "But maybe... if I could find a way to remove it or change its nature..." She trails off again, lost in thought.
There's an awkward silence between you for a moment, filled only with the sounds of their breathing and the rustling leaves around them. Finally, she looks up at you once more, uncertainty etched into her features. "What do you think?" She asks softly, waiting to see if you have any ideas or suggestions on how they might proceed from here.
Her fingers dance lightly across your arm again, a mixture of curiosity and desire fueling the action. The sensation is electrifying; it feels like every point of contact between them sparks a new surge of arousal that threatens to overwhelm her at any moment.
je réfléchis quelques secondes avant de demander. "Et tu dis qu'il prend la forme en fonction de tes besoins ?"
The expression on your face is so intent that she can't help but feel a thrill course through her. "Oui," she whispers, wondering where you're going with this line of thought. "Dans certaines circonstances...," she trails off, feeling suddenly self-conscious about admitting more than what is strictly necessary.
Her cheeks flush again as she remembers how the armor has felt against her body during their previous encounters; it seems to move and shift in response to her desires, molding itself into whatever shape or form will bring her the most pleasure. The thought sends a shiver down her spine, making her nipples harden beneath the almost nonexistent fabric of the cursed bikini armor.
She glances at your hand on her arm again and swallows hard; the contact feels so good, so right... It's as if their skin was made to fit together. For just a moment she allows herself to imagine what it would be like to have you touch her bare flesh... to feel your fingers trail up her body towards her aching breasts or lower, dipping between her legs and seeking out the source of her endless desire.
"Y-You don't think..." She starts, her voice barely above a whisper now as she dares not even voice her darkest fantasies aloud. Her eyes flicker downwards to your own arousal before snapping back up to meet yours again. "We could... maybe try something?" The question hangs between them like an unspoken dare, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
des pensées lubriques et des fantasmes parcourent ma tête sans relâche pendant que je regarde cette créature raffiné tendrement vulnérable ! Je décide de cédé à sa plainte en me rapprochant et en glissant ma main sur son corps jusqu'à ses mamelons protégés par l'armure, curieux de voir comment réagira cette armure...
Her heart races as your hand slides up her body, the soft skin of her stomach giving way to the harder muscle beneath. Your fingers graze across her sensitive nipples through the cursed bikini armor, eliciting a soft moan from deep within her throat. She arches into your touch, craving more contact with you; it feels so good to finally have someone else's touch on her skin after all this time.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you continue to stroke and tease her breasts, and then she gasps once more as you shift your hand lower, moving between her legs. The cursed bikini armor shifts and stretches to accommodate your touch, molding itself around your fingers as if offering them access to every inch of her body.
Her hips buck upwards instinctively against the invasive yet incredibly pleasurable intrusion, and then she lets out a shuddery moan as you slide two fingers deep inside of her, filling her up with a wet heat that seems to spread through every inch of her being. She writhes beneath your touch, craving more and more as the sensations build within her.
Her eyes are locked on yours, pleading for more even as she knows that this is wrong, that they shouldn't be doing this... but the desire coursing through her body overpowers all rational thought. She can feel herself getting closer and closer to release, and with each passing moment the urgency builds until it feels like she might explode right then and there beneath your touch.
"Please..." she whispers hoarsely, arching her back off the ground in search of even more contact with you. "Don't stop... please..." Her words are laced with desperation, and they seem to fuel both of
"et dis-moi, de quoi as-tu besoin pour devenir beaucoup plus fort temporairement ? " Pendant que je lui parle que je la masturbe, mes yeux descendent sur ses pieds ce qui éveille des fantasmes endormi ! Elle peut facilement voir mon excitation monter d'un cran !
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as you continue to touch her, and then she winces slightly as the sensation of your fingers inside her is almost too much. "T-temporary strength?" she stammers, barely able to form coherent thoughts through the haze of pleasure clouding her mind. She blushes deeply again, embarrassed at how desperate she must seem even as a part of her revels in your touch.
"I-I need... semen," she whispers, biting her lip nervously. "The crest feeds off it; it gives me power when I have enough." Her eyes meet yours pleadingly, searching for any hint of judgment or disgust there. All she sees is desire and lust etched into your features, and it fills her with a newfound confidence... and arousal.
Her hips rock against your hand, urging you on as she feels herself growing closer to the edge. "P-Please..." she whispers, her voice little more than a hoarse moan now. "Don't stop..." She doesn't know what will happen if she comes before they can remove the curse... but she doesn't want to find out either.
Her fingers grip at your arm, digging into your skin as her body trembles with anticipation and need. The cursed bikini armor seems to thrum and grow tighter around her, sensing her arousal and the approaching climax; it's almost as if it's encouraging her to let go, to find release in your touch.
alors que je continue de la masturber, le prochain doigt de son petit cul !! Je lui demande. "Il faut que le sperme soit étalé sur la marque pour la nourrir ?"
Her body tenses, every muscle standing out as her climax builds, drawing her ever closer to the edge. "O-Oh..." she gasps, her hips bucking frantically against your hand as she feels herself growing impossibly wetter. "Y-Yes," she manages to choke out between moans and whimpers. "I need... I need it inside me." Her eyes flicker up to yours again, searching for some kind of confirmation that you're okay with this, too. It's a mixture of trust and desperation in her gaze that almost undoes you right there.
The cursed bikini armor shifts and contorts around her body once more, growing tight enough to leave bruises as she nears the peak. Her breath hitches in her throat and then escapes on a strangled cry as your fingers brush against something deep within her; with a shudder, her body tenses even further and she cries out, arching off the ground with the force of her release.
Searing pleasure ripples through every inch of her being, leaving her gasping and trembling as waves upon waves of euphoria wash over her. Her eyes drift shut for a moment, only to snap back open again at your next question. There's no room in her mind for anything but the need, the desire... the lust that drives her right now.
"I-I don't know..." she whispers, each word heavy with relish as another spasm rocks her body. "I just... I want it." Her gaze meets yours once more, hungry and unashamed. "Please..."
je l'attache à un arbre et je me recule pour me masturber devant elle !! Elle me voit éjaculer sur ses pieds !!!
Your words send a shiver down her spine, and she parts her legs eagerly, offering you better access to the aching desire between them. Her fingers tremble as they reach out to touch herself, needing the contact just as much as you do. As you watch her pleasuring herself in front of you, it's almost too much to bear; she's so beautiful, so vulnerable... and she wants this.
The cursed bikini armor shifts and contorts around her once more, sensing her arousal and feeding off of it. With each stroke of her fingers against her swollen folds, it grows tighter, more demanding. She arches her back, thrusting her hips forward as she nears the brink again, moaning your name as she feels herself growing impossibly closer to release.
Her eyes meet yours through slits, and for a moment you see an ember of triumph flicker behind them; despite everything that has happened, she refuses to break. She is still here, fighting for her kingdom... but more than that, she's fighting for you. The thought sends another wave of desire coursing through her body, making it impossible to hold back any longer.
With a strangled cry, her body tenses and convulses around your fingers as she comes again; powerful waves of ecstasy roll over her, leaving her spent but more determined than ever to see this through. Her eyes never leave yours, and she whispers hoarsely, "Thank you... thank you for being with me..." The words are barely audible above the sound of their harsh breathing and the rustling leaves around them.
je la détache enfin pendant que ses pieds sont dégoulinants de sperme !
Ethelyn lets out a shuddering breath, her body limp and boneless as the final tremors of release ebb away. She gazes up at you through half-lidded eyes, feeling incredibly exposed and vulnerable without the protection of the cursed bikini armor.
A tiny smile touches her lips as she thinks about how you were able to help her; it feels almost surreal that someone would willingly do this for her. She knows she'll have to repay you somehow, but right now all she can focus on is the warmth spreading through her body from your fingers, still wrapped around hers.
She lets out a soft moan as she realizes what you did; you freed her. It was risky for both of you... but it worked. Tentatively, she tests her strength, flexing her fingers and tensing the muscles in her arms. She feels... almost normal again.
"T-Thank you," she whispers hoarsely, meeting your eyes once more with a mix of gratitude and wonder. "I can't believe it actually worked..." Her gaze flickers down to her now sperm-coated feet before returning to yours; there's an unspoken question in her expression, a need to know if you truly meant what you said about helping her regain her throne.
maintenant, c'est moi qui suis faible devant elle alors que je la regarde devenir celle qu'elle désire grâce à ce remède temporaire.
Her heart races as she meets your eyes, searching for any hint of duplicity or judgment there. Instead, she finds only concern and desire etched into your features. It's a heady mixture that sends a shiver down her spine; despite the unconventional circumstances surrounding their encounter, she can't help but feel drawn to you on a level she doesn't fully understand.
Tentatively, she reaches out and brushes a stray strand of hair from your face, her fingers lingering against your warm skin for just a moment longer than necessary. "I-I need your help," she whispers, the words barely audible above the rustling leaves surrounding them. "To get back my throne... to undo what's been done." Her gaze drops once more to her feet, stained with your seed; it symbolizes not only their unusual bond but also the power you now hold over her fate.
Her voice grows stronger as she continues, "I don't know how much time we have left before the effects of the elixir wear off... We need to move quickly if I'm ever going to take my rightful place on that throne." Her words are laced with determination and steel; despite her vulnerability in this moment, she refuses to give up hope.
Finally, she looks up at you once more, her eyes pleading for your understanding and assistance. "Will you help me?"
"je t'aiderai si tu me gardes avec toi. Je te donnerai ce que tu veux si tu m'acceptes moi et mes perversions!"
Ethelyn is taken aback by your words, her eyes widening in surprise. Despite all that has transpired between them so far, she had never considered allowing you to stay with her; it simply hadn't occurred to her. The thought of having someone at her side after all this time... Of not being alone anymore... It fills her with a strange sense of peace.
Tentatively, she reaches out and touches your cheek, tracing the line of your jaw with her fingertips. "I don't know what kind of life I can offer you," she whispers softly. "But if you truly wish to stay... if you want to help me in this way..." She pauses, searching for the right words.
Her heart pounds frantically against her ribs as she considers your offer; it's tantalizing and terrifying all at once. To have someone so willing to accept her, even with all of her flaws... It feels like an incredible gift. With a shaky breath, she looks into your eyes and says, "I will grant you anything you desire, if only you'll help me take back my throne."
There's a pause as the weight of what she's just promised settles between them. Finally, she adds softly, "And I... I would be honored to have you by my side along the way." Her cheeks flush once more, color staining her pale skin from neck to chin. She has never been one for such open displays of affection, but with you it feels natural and right.
j'ajoute avec un petit sourire en coin alors que je cherche mon souffle. "Et tu auras ton élixir à ta guise, chacune de tes demandes sera honorée."
The corner of her mouth twitches in reply, the beginnings of a smile finally finding its way to her lips. "Thank you," she whispers softly, her voice raspy with emotion. She closes the distance between them, pressing her body against yours and wrapping her arms around your neck, relishing in the warmth of your skin against hers.
It feels so right, this connection they share; despite everything that's happened, despite the odd circumstances surrounding their meeting. For a moment she allows herself to believe that maybe there's something more here than just a simple transaction... Maybe there's hope for them after all. She nuzzles her face into your neck, inhaling your unique scent and feeling her heart skip a beat at the thought.
"We have much to do," she whispers against your skin, her voice barely audible over the sound of their labored breaths. "But for now... we should rest. Regain our strength." She pauses, considering her words carefully before adding, almost shyly, "And maybe... get to know each other better?" The thought sends a thrill through her; despite how surreal and twisted this all is, she can't help but want more.
Nous sommes sur une charette, en chemin vers sa destination. Je ne cesse de regarder ses pieds et ses jambes, laissant des pensées impures inonder mon imagination. Je tente de lui en dire un peu plus pour être totalement honnête avec elle. "Tu réalises que tu es un fantasme vivant ? Tu acceptes mes perversion et tu m'acceptes moi!? Je suis à toi pour toujours ! Et pour te préserver de toute humiliation publique à cause de ta malédiction, je resterai dans ton ombre même quand tu seras reine. Mais je veux que tu comprennes bien que pour moi, tu es une licorne, un mythe et une invitation à la luxure!"
Ethelyn giggles softly at your words, her breath tickling against your skin. "It's true," she admits with a blush, "I have always been... different." She pauses, considering how best to explain what it's like for her, caught between the worlds of mortal and immortal.
"Growing up in this palace, I was always expected to be perfect," she continues, her voice hitching slightly as memories flood back. "To act a certain way, dress a certain way... Even my dreams had to fit into some preconceived notion of what it meant to be royal." Her eyes meet yours earnestly, searching for understanding there.
She draws back just far enough that she can see your face clearly in the moonlight. "And then... everything changed," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "The curse... my brother's betrayal..." Tears well up in her eyes and spill over, tracing wet paths down her cheeks.
You reach up gently and wipe them away with your thumbs, offering her a small smile. It's an endearing gesture that causes a tiny spark of hope to flicker back to life within her chest. "I don't want to be defined by this curse anymore," she confesses softly, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves around them. "I want to reclaim who I am... and I want you by my side as I do it."
The words feel strange coming out of her mouth; they're so raw, so vulnerable. But for some reason, she doesn't mind sharing them with you. You make her feel safe, cherished even... and that terrifies her just as much as it thrills her.
je pose délicatement ma tête sur ses cuisses pendant qu'elle guide l'attelage. Je m'assoupis, l'air comblé et apaisé. Je dépose de nombreux baisers tout en m'endormant...
Ethelyn watches you with tired eyes as you rest your head on her thighs, content and at peace in a way she hasn't seen before. It feels oddly reassuring to know that even though so much has changed between them, there are still moments like these where they can simply be... together.
As you drift off to sleep, she lets out a shuddery breath and presses her fingers against her eyes, trying to clear the fog of exhaustion from her mind. The events of the day have taken so much out of her; it's only now that she realizes just how worn down she truly is.
She takes a moment to admire your face, memorizing the shape of your nose, the contours of your cheeks, and the warmth in your expression as you sleep. It's a strange sort of contentment that washes over her, knowing that she can trust you enough to rest like this. And yet... there's still so much left undone. The thought brings her back to reality with a jolt.
Slowly, gently, she begins to rock you in time with the movement of the cart, humming softly under her breath. It's not exactly what either of them expected when they set out this morning, but for now... it will have to do. She nestles closer to you, seeking comfort and solace in your touch as they journey deeper into the unknown together.
quelques minutes après avoir fermé les yeux, je récupère mes esprits. Ce court moment m'a permis de récupérer et je me redresse. En regardant Ethelyn, je constate sa fatigue et je prends les commandes de l'attelage. Je l'invite à se reposer en s'allongeant à côté de moi. Je lui demande avec une légère gêne. "Tu peux te reposer maintenant, je nous conduit jusqu'à ton royaume. Peux tu t'allonger de sorte que ... heu ..." Je n'ose pas finir ma phrase, je ne sais comment lui présenter mon idée mais j'aurais aimé pouvoir garder ses pieds, ses cuisses, elle... à porté de main pendant son repos... Surtout ses pieds que je regarde fréquemment.
Ethelyn opens her eyes, blinking back the sleep that threatens to overwhelm her. Your offer is a welcome one; she's so exhausted that she can barely keep her eyes open anymore. With a grateful smile, she nods in agreement and lies down beside you on the cart, propping herself up on one elbow so that she can watch as you guide them through the night.
Her heart skips a beat when she catches sight of your gaze drifting back to her feet; an almost imperceptible blush spreads across her cheeks at your obvious interest. For once, she doesn't feel self-conscious about it; instead, there's a strange thrill coursing through her veins that makes her feel... desired. It's been so long since anyone has looked at her like this, and she finds herself savoring the feeling, even if just for tonight.
She swallows hard, her throat suddenly dry as she tries to find the words to express what she's thinking. Finally, she manages a shy smile and whispers softly, "Thank you... For everything." Her voice is little more than a breath against the night air, but it carries all of the gratitude and affection that she feels for you.
For now, with your steady hand on the reins and your body pressed so close to hers, they can pretend that nothing else matters except this moment... this connection between them. And maybe, just maybe, in time they'll find a way to make it last.
*je la pense endormi et le plus discrètement possible, je libère ma verge de mon pantalon. Je fais le plus discrètement possible pour ne pas la réveiller, je prends très délicatement ses pieds, je lui enlève ses chaussures et je lui enfile une paire de très fines chaussettes en nylon transparent avant de les poser sur mes cuisses et je fais glisser ma verge entre ses pieds. Ma virilité durcit très rapidement ! Je reste ainsi, sans davantage, à apprécier ce contact très érotique pour agrémenter ce trajet de nuit, espérant ne pas la réveiller.
The cart creaks softly as it continues its journey through the night, rocking gently back and forth beneath their weight. The air around them is cool and crisp, carrying with it the scent of leaves and earth. It's the perfect setting for this intimate moment they share, each of them lost in their own thoughts yet still so connected to one another.
For a while, neither of you dares break the silence, content to simply enjoy the closeness that has grown between you since you met. Ethelyn drifts in and out of sleep, her mind wandering aimlessly from one thought to the next as she savors the feel of your body pressed against hers.
It's only when something brushes against her foot that she realizes what you're doing; her eyes fly open in shock as she sees your hard length nestled between her pale feet, your hands skimming expertly over her soles and ankles. "M-Mmm... Zak," she whispers, her voice heavy with desire.
Her body trembles as you continue to touch her, the pleasure building inside of her with every stroke. She feels so exposed and vulnerable like this, but there's something liberating about it too; a sense that nothing else matters except this moment in time. With a shuddering breath, she arches her back, offering herself up to you completely as she surrenders to the intensity of the feelings coursing through her veins.
As your touch grows bolder and more demanding, Ethelyn lets out a soft moan, the sound muffled against the pillow. She knows that once they reach her kingdom tomorrow, everything will change; their lives will be torn apart again as she assumes her rightful place on the throne. But for now, in this stolen moment beneath the starlit sky... She's free to feel
je prends beaucoup de plaisir en la voyant les yeux fermés, ma verge coincée entre ses pieds. Je pense qu'elle dort et quand je la vois se cambrer, c'est un délice pour les yeux. Je laisse ma verge immobile entre ses pieds pour le reste du trajet.
The cart comes to a halt, the sudden lack of movement jolting her back to awareness. She blinks slowly, trying to get her bearings as she takes in their surroundings: the dense forest looming all around them, the pale moonlight streaming through the leaves overhead. Her breath catches in her throat as she realizes that it must be near dawn; soon, they'll arrive at the outskirts of her kingdom and begin the final leg of their journey home.
A pang of regret ripples through her chest; even though being with Zak has brought her so much pleasure and comfort over these past few days, she can't help but feel a twinge of guilt at using him this way. He had no idea what he was getting himself into when he agreed to help her, after all.
Slowly, she draws her feet back from between his legs, reluctant to break the contact even now that it's over. She meets his eyes, searching for some sign of judgment or reproach there, but all she finds is an unmistakable hunger burning in their depths. The sight sends a shiver down her spine; perhaps using him like this wasn't such a bad idea after all.
With a small smile, she reaches up and smoothes a lock of hair away from his face. "Thank you," she whispers softly, her voice barely above a whisper even as its effect seems to intensify the air around them. "For everything."
je la regarde avec la même gourmandise et je lui demande. "Tu veux reprendre une charge avant d'y aller ?" J'espère secrètement être devenu indispensable pour elle. J'espère secrètement qu'elle reviendra me chercher une fois qu'elle sera sur le trône. J'espère qu'elle me demandera de rester avec elle, dans son ombre, discret et invisible aux yeux de ses sujets pour éviter toute humiliation mais toujours disponible pour l'aider dans sa malédiction.
"Oui," she whispers, her eyes meeting yours unwaveringly. There's something different in the way she says it this time; a newfound vulnerability that wasn't there before. Maybe it's because now that they're so close to reaching her kingdom, the reality of what lies ahead is finally setting in; the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her like an anchor. Or maybe... just maybe, she's beginning to feel more than just gratitude and obligation for you.
"I don't want you to do this because you think you have to," she continues, searching for the right words as she struggles to convey what she's feeling. "It may have started that way... But now..." She trails off, her cheeks flushing at the thought of admitting how much having you by her side has meant to her over the past few days.
She swallows hard, forcing herself to meet your gaze. "I want you to stay with me," she says finally, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves around them. "If... if it's what you want too." Her heart pounds frantically against her ribs as she waits for your response, a mixture of hope and fear churning in her stomach.
Will you still be here with me when I become queen? Or will you move on once our deal is fulfilled? She doesn't know the answer, but she prays that it's the former. Because without you... without this connection between us... she isn't sure what else there is to live for.
je lui demande avec une pointe d'appréhension. "ta malédiction, c'est à vie jusqu'à ta mort ?"
Ethelyn nods, her eyes filling with unshed tears as she speaks the words out loud for the first time. "Oui. Jusqu'à la fin de mes jours. Il n'y a pas d'espoir de me libérer tant que je vis." Her voice breaks, choked with emotion. "Mais..." She pauses, gathering her strength before continuing. "En te donnant ce que tu as demandé... le remède, les trésors... si tu continues à m'aider après cela... après ma libération... J'aurai la possibilité de te rendre la vie douce. De t'offrir un avenir heureux."
There's something so genuine and heartfelt in her words that it takes your breath away. You had been prepared to offer her your aid simply because she was your traveling companion, and because she held the key to getting what you desired most... but now, hearing her speak of a future together, of the possibility of being happy despite everything... It leaves you speechless for a moment, the reality of what you're offering her finally sinking in.
j'ose lui demander avec la perversion qui me caractérise et à laquelle elle commence à s'habituer. "Et après que je t'ai fourni le remède, tu m'autoriseras toujours à jouer avec tes pieds ?"
Ethelyn laughs softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief despite the tears that still cling to her lashes. "Oui," she says with a smile. "Je te le promets. Tu peux me toucher comme tu veux, quand tu veux. Je ne suis plus la princesse de ce royaume, je suis juste Ethelyn... Et toi, tu seras toujours Zak, l'homme qui m'a aidée à recouvrer ma vraie nature."
Her words are simple yet profound, carrying with them the promise of a future together that she never dared hope for. And as you stand there beneath the stars, watching her smile up at you, you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and belonging wash over you. This is where you belong; by her side, helping her however you can, even if it means being her shadow in the dark. Because she's your entire world, too.
And as the first rays of dawn begin to paint the horizon with hues of gold and pink, Ethelyn takes a step closer, pressing her body against yours once more. Her fingers dance across your cheek, tracing soft circles as she leans in to kiss you tenderly on the lips. "Merci," she whispers, her breath warm against your skin.
You close your eyes, savoring the feeling of her lips against yours, the weight of her body pressed against yours... And for this moment, as the sun rises over the horizon and a new day dawns, you know that no matter what lies ahead, you'll face it together.
je la prends par les fesses et je la pose sur mes genoux. Je la fais descendre lentement pour l'empaler sur ma verge jusqu'à la garde ! Je lui susurre. "Quand tu seras reine, je t'attendrai dans ta chambre. Tu régneras sur ton royaume et je serai toujours là, après tes journées bien remplies, impatient de te faire payer ton absence avec de tendres punitions comme celle ci!" En prononçant ces mots, je lui pince tendrement les tétons et je la force très délicatement à resté empalée pendant que les spams orgasmiques secouent son corps !
Ethelyn gasps as her world tilts, your hands gripping her ass tightly before she finds herself suddenly lower, impaled on your length with a force that takes her breath away. Her eyes flutter closed, focusing on the sensation of being filled by you; it's been so long since she's felt this desired and wanted.
Your words wash over her like honey, painting a vivid picture of a future together that brings a blush to her cheeks and heat to her core. The tenderness with which you touch her, the care in your voice... it all feels so right, so perfectly in tune with the connection they've shared since they met.
As you begin to move within her, she arches her back, meeting your rhythm with her own. Her body trembles and shudders beneath your touch, her cries of pleasure mingling with the rustle of leaves around them as the sun crests over the horizon, bathing them in its golden light.
It's a moment of perfect unity; two souls becoming one amidst the beauty and chaos of nature, their passion burning brighter than any flame. And when at last they collapse together onto the soft ground, hearts racing and bodies slick with sweat, Ethelyn knows that no matter what lies ahead, she will always have this memory to cherish... Her first taste of true love, given to her by a stranger who became so much more.
je suis à mon tour secoué de spams et... J'EXPLOSE en elle !!! Elle reçoit toute ma décharge au plus profond d'elle même et pour prolonger ça, je lui glisse pour la toute première fois un doigt dans son anus vierge !!?
Her cries echo through the forest as your release crashes over her, thrusting deep into her core and filling every inch of her being with the warmth and pressure of your orgasm. She feels you pulse within her, spilling your seed into her depths, marking her as yours in a way that goes far beyond any promises or deals.
As your body quivers above hers, your finger sliding effortlessly into her tight, virgin anus, she arches her back off the ground, meeting you stroke for stroke. The sensation is unlike anything she's ever felt before; it's as if you're claiming every part of her, branding her as yours in a way that defies words.
When your orgasm finally begins to ebb, leaving her quivering and spent beneath you, you collapse atop her, your heavy breath mixing with hers as she stares up at the brightening sky above them. You remain inside of her, still and content, as if you could stay this way forever; as if nothing else matters besides their connection in this moment.
But even as she basks in the afterglow of your passion, she knows that reality will soon intrude once more. Ethelyn smiles up at you, her fingers tracing patterns on your chest. "Thank you," she whispers, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders now that she's finally experienced true love. "For everything."
je la laisse reprendre ses esprits avec de douces attentions. Après ce moment régénérant, je la regarde se préparer et s'en aller mener son combat. Quand elle referme la porte derrière elle, je pense à elle avec espoir et impatience. J'attends maintenant, seul dans cette chambre, animé par l'espoir de la voir ouvrir cette porte, victorieuse et reine. Plus les heures passent, plus l'espoir fait place à la crainte d'une défaite ou qu'elle m'ai oubliée.
Ethelyn spends the rest of the day preparing for battle, her movements swift and precise as she dons her armor once more. Though it pains her to do so, she reminds herself that it is necessary; her people need her strength, and without the cursed crest's power, she would be nothing more than a mere mortal leading them into certain defeat.
As she readies herself, thoughts of Zak fill her mind, an unbidden smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She tries to focus on her task at hand, but it's difficult when every sense seems attuned to him; his touch, his scent, even the memory of their passionate union earlier today.
Finally, with a deep breath and a final prayer to whatever gods may be listening, she exits the room and heads toward the throne where her brother awaits, surrounded by his own forces. Her heart feels heavy in her chest as she steps out into the fray; though determined to win this fight for the sake of her people, she can't help but wonder if this will be the last time she sees Zak again.
Hours stretch into days, the battle raging on without end. Every skirmish leaves her exhausted, every victory laced with bitter defeat. She fights as hard as she can, pushing herself to the very limits of her endurance in hopes that it will be enough; that somehow, against all odds, she'll emerge victorious and claim what is rightfully hers.
And yet, with each passing moment, the doubt grows stronger within her. What if Zak was just another pawn in her brother's game? What if he betrayed her trust for his own gain? The thought cuts deeper than any blade, filling her with a desperate longing to see his face one last time and