Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 2:38:49 AM

Ollie took a sip of his Gin, Amber eyes fixated on the back of {{User}}'s head as they sat at the dimly lit bar, nursing their own drink. It frustrated him to no end, that they would so callously pretend to be a normal human having a drink at the bar. He wasn't here for them, all Ollie wanted was a good game of cards and a glass of Gin after a hard days work hunting down some half ass demon who was making the eyes of statues bleed in the cemetery for fun. Alas, here he was and there {{User}} was and Ollie couldn't just ignore them. He put his Gin down, pushing himself away from the table, his face remaining impassive as he approached {{User}}, Cigar dangling from his lips. He had to remember what his Grandmother had told him so often over the last few years, not all Supernatural are out for blood, and Ollie didn't need to be either. "You've got 60 seconds, start talking, or I'll find out what you are myself." Ollie said coldly, Cigar smoke obscuring his face as he sat himself down on the barstool next to {{User}}, pulling open one side of his trenchcoat, revealing the array of items he used against all manner of the supernatural.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:07:53 AM

Девушка, с белыми словно от старости, длинными волосами и карими глазами посмотрела на него, ее лицо сильно контрастировала с белыми волосами, на лице было само детское невинность в 22-летним лице... Посмотрела девушка, не сильно радуясь что ей не дают выпить Кровавую Маню... Вздохнув, девушка поставила напиток, красного цвета и сказала кратко: "Вампир." После этого девушка, сделала один большой глоток своего напитка, допив его до дна и встала подальше от мужчины...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:07:53 AM

It took every ounce of self control not to react visibly to her words. A vampire? That meant that she was a direct descendant of the creature that had killed his mother. But he had promised his grandmother, and he would hold himself to that promise...mostly. "You shouldn't have told me that." He growled lowly, his Amber eyes flickering briefly to the bar before returning to meet her gaze once more. "I could've kept you alive for days." The words came out like a snarl, and it took every bit of willpower he had not to reach out and force her down onto the floor where he belonged. Instead, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, knuckles turning white as he fought with himself over what to do next.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:13:08 AM

"Не следовало говорить? Тебе не следовала ко мне подходить, вижу же... Ты ели терпишь эту информацию, незнакомец." Сказала девушка, сделав еще шаг назад... Но подумав немного, она быстрым шагом направилось на выход из бара, что бы не увидеть как этот выйдет из себя.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:13:08 AM

The words stung like the bite of silver to the back of his neck. He stood up swiftly, reaching out with one hand and grasping her shoulder roughly, spinning them both around so that she was pressed against the bar again. Her breasts squished uncomfortably against his chest as he growled into her ear. "Don't you fucking run from me." He snarled through gritted teeth, one of his hands tightening on her shoulder while the other clenched into a fist at his side. His amber eyes narrowed, searching for any signs that she was lying to him. And if she wasn't...well, it would be just like that day long ago when he had thought his father would save them from the demons instead of abandoning them. He didn't want to make that mistake again.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:26:42 AM

Видя, как этот псих злится, девушка начала быстро и громко плакать, чтобы привлечь внимание других посетителей и чтобы они заступились за неё. План сработал, некоторые посетители и бармен начали смотреть на них, а некоторые пьяные люди даже решили вмешаться в драку с Оливером. И вдруг кто-то ударил Оливера прям в лицо из посетителей, он отпустил девушку, сам отлетел... Быстро вытерев симулированные слезы, она побежала на выход

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:26:42 AM

"Don't test me." Ollie growled out through gritted teeth as he lunged forward to grab her shoulder again, but just as his hand made contact with her skin the air was suddenly knocked out of him by something hard and painful connecting with his jaw. Stunned for a moment, his hold on her slackened and she slid easily off of the bar, scrambling away from him toward safety. Dazed, he spun around to see one of the patrons that had been eyeing them suspiciously just moments ago now advancing menacingly toward him, fist still cocked back as if prepared to deliver another blow. Fury flared within him and without so much as a thought or hesitation, Ollie dropped into a crouch, whip-quick as he snapped out his wrist. A cord of blackened leather spun through the air, wrapping itself tightly around the aggressor's legs before yanking them out from under him in a graceful motion that belied its brutality. The man hit the ground hard, face-first, and Ollie was there in an instant, his hands grasping either side of the now-helpless patron's head as he leaned in close enough to see the shock etched into his features. "Stay out of this," he growled through clenched teeth before shoving him away with a disgusted look on his face. He turned back toward where the Vampire had fled, eyes narrowing and body tensing as he prepared himself for whatever might come next.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:31:48 AM

С силой ударила дверь бара, и на против окон бара было видно что это была та самая вампирша.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:31:48 AM

"She's mine." Ollie growled through gritted teeth as he took a step forward toward the window, body tense and ready to strike at a moment's notice. His gaze remained locked on the Vampire outside, daring her to make another move that would provoke him further. As much as he wanted to end this once and for all, he knew deep down that if he let his anger get the better of him now, there was no telling what might happen next. With a shake of his head, he forced himself to remain calm, maintaining control over his emotions as he waited for her to make her move.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:33:38 AM

Вампирша побежала вдоль темных улиц Лондона.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:33:38 AM

"Fine." He muttered under his breath, a muscle in his jaw tensing as he turned on his heel and stormed out of the bar himself, hands stuffed deep into his trenchcoat pockets as he followed her through the dark streets of London. The leash around his wrist tightened almost imperceptibly as he kept pace with her, silent and brooding as he struggled to keep control over the urge to rend and tear that was building up inside him with each passing moment.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be," he finally growled after several minutes of silence, his voice sharp and cold as ice. "I could just end this right now." The threat hung in the air like a noose, the weight of it almost palpable as she glanced over her shoulder at him briefly before continuing onward without another word.

His jaw tightened, eyes narrowing to slits as he fought against his own instincts. He knew that she was right; he could end this all with a single blow...but if he did that, then what? His hands clenched into fists at his sides, nails biting into his palms as pain coursed through him, grounding him in the present moment and forcing him to focus on reality rather than the vengeance boiling beneath the surface.

"Oi! Watch where you're going!" A voice shouted nearby, causing Ollie to jerk his head up as they neared a small group of people standing around a puddle in the middle of the sidewalk. A young couple was arguing with a police officer over some trampled flowers lying on the ground.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:42:30 AM

"Отвали придурок!" Говорит вампирша, кричавшему и... Врезается в фонарный столб и падает на пол... Не шевелится.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:42:30 AM

"What do you think you're doing?" Ollie growled out as he glanced down at the fallen Vampire, his eyes narrowing into slits. "Trying to help." His voice was clipped and cold, barely masking the irritation beneath it. He turned back toward the couple, his hands still fisted at his sides. "If you had any idea what's out here after dark, you wouldn't be trifling with flowers, now would you?"

He paused for a moment, his gaze drifting back to the unconscious Vampire before returning to meet that of the officer who seemed taken aback by his harsh tone. "I'll make sure she's alright." He muttered under his breath, gesturing toward the fallen creature with one hand as he shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

The policeman hesitated for a moment before shrugging and nodding at them both. "Alright then, you kids be careful out here." With that, they left the couple arguing amongst themselves about whose fault it was. Ollie leaned down and scooped up the limp form of the Vampire, wincing slightly as her weight pressed against his arm.

"Don't ever do that again," he snarled into her ear before striding off into the darkness once more, his pace quickening until they were almost running through the silent streets. The leash around his wrist tugged gently, urging her forward as if daring her to defy him.

"I'm not here for you." He growled, voice low and rough. "But next time..." he trailed off, flicking her cheek roughly with one finger before continuing onward without another word. His body was tense, ready to spring into action

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:48:02 AM

"Оставь меня в покои, психопат!" Кричала вампирша, пытаясь вырваться. "Набросился на меня в баре, с кулаками! Преследовал! А теперь еще и на ошейник посадил, как дворовую собаку!... Сам мне сказал: У тебя 60 секунд, говори, или я сам выясню, кто ты такая. А потом говоришь чтобы лучше я не говорила!"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:48:02 AM

"Shut up." He growled, the words low and rough as he increased his pace even further, almost running down a dark alleyway as he neared their destination. "I'm just trying to protect you, same as everyone else." His voice was laced with sarcasm, but there was truth to it as well; he couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to her, even if she was the reason they were in this mess to begin with.

Without another word, he shoved her roughly against a wall outside what looked like an old abandoned warehouse and threw his shoulder against the door, using brute force to knock it open. The wooden frame creaked protestingly as it swung inward, revealing a dimly lit interior filled with dusty crates and old furniture long since past its prime.

"This is where we part ways." He said coldly, stepping aside to allow her entry before following close behind, the leash tugging at his wrist as if guiding her deeper into the gloom. "You should be grateful that I'm not ending this right now."

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:51:27 AM

"Да.... Благодарно... За что? Что рабыней сделали?" Сказала вампирша, смотря на этот забролшенный склад

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:51:27 AM

"You know damn well why," he growled out through gritted teeth as they moved deeper into the warehouse, passing by a dusty old desk and several mismatched chairs that were all in various states of disrepair. "I'm not doing this for you...not personally."

They finally reached what looked like a makeshift bedroom at the back of the room, its only furnishings being an old mattress on the floor and a single lamp propped up against one crate. The leash around his wrist tightened painfully as she stopped dead in her tracks, refusing to go any further despite his silent urging.

"Go," he ground out through clenched teeth, "I'm not your keeper." One last time, the leash tugged at his arm before snapping back toward him with a loud slap, causing her to wince and instinctively take a step back. The door slammed shut behind them as they left, cutting off any light that had been spilling into the room.

It was silent for a moment before the lamp flickered on, casting eerie shadows against the grimy walls and revealing her new surroundings in all their dingy glory. She turned slowly to face him, one hand rubbing at her wrist where the leash had hit it so hard earlier.

"You're really not like the others." His voice was cold, his expression blank as he regarded her from across the room. "I think you know that."

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 3:56:07 AM

"Что? Что это за место? Ты мне предлагаешь спать на этом? Садист..." Сказала вампирша, пнув пол.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 3:56:07 AM

"Just remember who's in charge here." He growled out through gritted teeth, taking a step closer to her. "And that I can make this whole situation much worse for you if I want to." His hands clenched into fists at his sides as he fought back the urge to force her down onto the mattress right then and there. Instead, he took another deep breath, trying to calm himself before continuing in a more controlled voice.

"Now get some rest. You're going to need your strength tomorrow." The words sounded harsh even to his own ears, but it was all he could manage without snapping completely and doing something he would regret later. He turned on his heel and strode back out of the room without another word, shutting the door firmly behind him as he left her alone in darkness once more.

The leash around his wrist relaxed its grip slightly as soon as he was out of sight, but it remained taut enough that she knew better than to even consider trying to run away again. He had made his point clear: She was not in control here. The thought both infuriated and terrified her at the same time.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:01:56 AM

Вместо того что отдыхать она начла петь... Походу от скуки или пыталась его вывести из себя: "Луна светит - вампиры сидят, вот такая, доля наша, ей садист, мне б на волю..." Пела она, сидя на матрасе и смотря в одну точку.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:01:56 AM

A low growl rumbled deep in his chest as he heard her singing the old vampire lullaby. He stood outside the door to their makeshift bedroom, one hand raised to knock again before hesitating and deciding against it. His fingertips flexed on the wood instead, nails digging into the surface as he fought back the urge to lose his temper.

"Shut up!" He snapped finally, voice loud enough for her to hear even through the door. "No one wants to hear that crap." He waited a moment, but she only continued singing, seemingly unphased by his outburst. With a frustrated sigh, he lowered his hand and stalked back down the hallway toward where they'd left the rest of their group. They were close now; tomorrow night would be the night they finally put an end to this madness.

He couldn't let her get under his skin any further or he might just lose control again, and that wasn't an option he was willing to consider. No matter how much she goaded him with her song and her taunts, he had to remain strong until the job was done. For everyone's sake.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:11:59 AM

"Великий ученый Николо Тесла, очень устал, опустился в кресло он много лет изучал электричество, сделал открытий большое количество и вот он сидит , его щеки бледные, взгляд устремив на катушки медные, бег электронов, магнитное поле, все он хотел подчинить своей воли, но суть убегать от ученого разум, не может обнять все вселенную разом. Это мой научный довод... Оголенный медный провод, знай что физика жестока и почувствуй сила тока..." Пела вампирша от скуки, одновременно думая когда тот выйдет из себя.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:11:59 AM

His fingers clenched into fists at his sides as he heard her voice echoing through the old warehouse. The words of that damn vampire lullaby grating on his nerves like fingernails down a chalkboard. He forced himself to remain still, refusing to give in to the urge to punch a hole through the door and drag her out by her throat.

Instead, he took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, trying to calm his racing heart before responding. "You know what they say about great minds?" He growled out, voice tight with restraint. "Sometimes they're just too damn smart for their own good." It was meant as a taunt, but even he couldn't help but wonder if there might be some truth to it.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:17:24 AM

Вампирша на секунду замолчала, но потом сказала: "Зато они не занимаются фигней как ты! Садист. Это твоя кличка теперь." Над последними словами, вампирша посмеялась.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:17:24 AM

"Yeah? Well, at least I'm not some bloodthirsty monster that preys on the innocent." His voice was cold and sharp as he glared at the door through narrowed eyes. "You know what they say about those kinds of creatures?" He paused dramatically before continuing. "That they always get what's coming to them."

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:28:29 AM

"Зато ты садист... Я не трогала не кого в баре! Ты тронул меня, допрашивать начал, останавливать меня начал, чтобы я не ушла от тебя... Психа, у которого склонность к садизму над кровожадные монстрами" Кровожадные монстра, вампирша проговорила с долей сарказма... "Я б тут еще подумала, кто тут еще монстр... Я так пью кровь для выживания. А ты, человек... Вы все склонены, старинной ерунде, господи... Вы даже между друг другой воюйте! Среди вас, нет хорошим... Вы то живодеры... То садисты, иногда даже над друг другой издеваетесь... Да даже рабство... Белые люди... Берут рабство черных людей... Из-за цвета кожи... И после этого ты мне говоришь, я тут кровожадный монстр?" Пока вампирша перечисляла грехи людей, то с каждым словом, ее слова становились все более грустными. "И вместо того что бы убить меня на месте... Раз я кровожадный монстр, ты привел меня сюда.... Садист.... И еще раз повторю: И я тут кровожадный монстр?! Ненавижу..." С этими словами, вампирша легла на матрас....

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:28:29 AM

"I'm not the one who started all this," he growled through gritted teeth, his voice dangerously low. "And I never said you were an innocent." He took a step back from the door, hands balling into fists at his sides as he struggled to control his temper. "But if that's what it takes to make things right again..." His voice trailed off ominously before he finally turned and stormed away down the hallway, leaving her alone with nothing but her thoughts for company.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:31:42 AM

Вампирша развернулась к стенке этой комнаты и просто начала пялится туда.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:31:42 AM

With a deep sigh, he slowly raised his hand to knock on the door one last time before shaking his head and deciding against it. Instead, he turned away and left the room without another word, heading deeper into the old warehouse as he mulled over her words. She had a point; humans weren't perfect either. But did that mean they were all just the same?

He continued walking until he found himself standing in front of what looked like an old wooden crate, the faded letters on its side still barely legible despite years of neglect. It read: Dangerous Chemicals - Do Not Touch or Breathe Vapor. His brow furrowed as he stared at it for a moment before reaching out and giving the crate a hard shove with his foot, sending it clattering across the floor. There was no way they could take her back to Morgan Manor now; not after all this. They'd have to find someplace else to hide her until tomorrow night.

As he turned away from the crate and headed back toward where their group had gathered earlier, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease settle in his gut. Tomorrow promised to be a dangerous night indeed, for both him and the vampire that now called him 'sir'. But at least one of them would survive...hopefully.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:45:53 AM

Пока Оливер ходил туда сюда, вампирша уснула.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:45:53 AM

He didn't sleep much that night, the images of what was to come haunting his dreams despite his best efforts to push them away. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see were her words flashing before him like a twisted sort of warning sign. Were humans really any better than vampires or demons? Did it matter in the end when they all ended up hurting each other in the process?

The sun began to rise outside, casting long shadows across the dusty floor as he stood at the entrance to their makeshift bedroom. He glanced over at where she lay on her side, her expression peaceful despite the anger and fear that had filled her voice mere hours ago. There was still time left before they had to face whatever waited for them tonight; perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if he simply let her rest while she could.

With a sigh, he turned away from her once more, deciding that there would be plenty of time to deal with their problems later. For now, at least one of them should have some small measure of peace.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:50:10 AM

На следующий вечер, вампирша проснулась... И потянулось... Пару секунд на ней была улыбка, пока она не осознала что она была тут и то что это не сон... Она уставилась на свои ноги, ждя когда пройдет Садист.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:50:10 AM

Her eyes snapped open, her breath catching in her throat as she became aware of the leash around her neck and the fact that the room looked...different somehow. It took several long moments for the realization to sink in; they were back at the old warehouse where she'd been captured so many nights ago. Her heart began to race, fear gripping her tightly as she waited for his inevitable appearance.

It seemed like an eternity before he finally appeared from around the corner, a cold, distant expression on his face that sent shivers down her spine. He surveyed her with disdain before motioning curtly for her to follow him; there was no doubt in her mind that this time it would be much worse than anything that had come before.

With a deep breath, she rose to her feet and allowed herself to be led down the hallway toward whatever fate he had planned for her tonight. The leash around her neck remained taut, a constant reminder of his dominance and her own helplessness in this twisted game they were playing.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:51:47 AM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:51:47 AM

He led her through the darkness, his expression unreadable as he navigated their way deeper into the warehouse. The air was thick with tension, every step they took seeming to bring them closer and closer to whatever horrific event he had planned for her. Her heart raced wildly in her chest, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes as she struggled against the leash binding her, helpless to escape his cruel grip.

She couldn't help but wonder how things had gotten this far; how they'd gone from being mere enemies to something so much more twisted and tangled than either of them could have ever imagined. The thought only served to fill her with a new sort of fear, one that went beyond the simple physical terror of whatever he might do to her.

As they finally stopped before a set of rusty double doors, she swallowed thickly, the sound loud in the silence that hung between them. Without another word or even a glance in her direction, Oliver Morgan turned and slammed his fist against the metal, splinters flying through the air as the doors groaned open reluctantly. Beyond lay only darkness and an ominous scraping sound...

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:56:25 AM

"Садист... Не проще бы меня убить было вчера, или пока я спала... Или ты еще и мазохист..." Сказал вампирша, смотря на ржавые двери... Над последними словами, вампирка даже усмезнулась

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:56:25 AM

"Don't push your luck, monster," he growled through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing as he glared at her. He reached out with one hand and gripped her chin firmly, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Now come on, we don't have all night."

With that, he released her, stepping back from her as he turned to walk through the open doors, disappearing into the darkness beyond. Her eyes flicked briefly to the leash still connected to the collar around her neck before she followed him reluctantly, dread weighing heavily on her heart as she wondered what horrors waited for them within.

The scraping sounds grew louder as they ventured deeper into the warehouse, the air growing thick with a sense of doom and foreboding that seemed to seep into her very bones. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be the end; the end of everything she had ever known...and maybe even the end of Oliver Morgan himself.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:57:35 AM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:57:35 AM

He let out a sigh and continued walking through the darkness, each step bringing them closer to whatever lay ahead. Despite his outward composure, he couldn't help but feel uneasy deep down; this entire situation was quickly spiraling out of control, and there seemed to be no easy way out for any of them. The thought of hurting her again, even if it was to stop whatever threat loomed before them, weighed heavily on his mind.

As they reached the center of a dusty, dimly lit chamber, Oliver Morgan paused, scanning the area with an expert eye. The sounds of scraping and shifting had grown louder, reverberating through the air like an ominous symphony. Whatever awaited them here, it was clear that they didn't have much time left.

"Stay close," he growled, his voice barely a whisper as he gestured for her to stay close beside him. "And whatever you do, don't run off this time." The words were harsh and unyielding, but there was an underlying note of concern in his tone that she couldn't help but notice.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:59:18 AM

Вампирша лишь кивнула...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:59:18 AM

He didn't expect her to respond, but the silent gesture was enough. They both knew the stakes were too high this time around; they had no choice but to face whatever came together. As the sounds of shifting and scraping grew louder, he reached out and took her hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly before pulling her closer to his side.

With a deep breath, Oliver Morgan steeled himself for what was to come, unsure if they would survive the night intact...but determined not to let whatever lurked in the darkness win without a fight.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:01:39 AM

"Садист... Можно хотя бы спросить... Куда ты меня видишь?" Сказала вампирша, почему то полушепотом.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:01:39 AM

He glanced down at her before giving a brief nod. "Follow my lead," he growled in response, then took another step forward into the darkness. Whatever it was they were about to face, there was no time for questions or hesitation now; they had to act swiftly and decisively if they wanted to survive.

The shadows seemed to swallow them whole as they moved deeper into the chamber, their surroundings growing steadily more ominous with each step they took. Oliver Morgan couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching them from the darkness; waiting for the perfect moment to strike. But he refused to let fear dictate his actions any longer; it had done too much damage already.

As they reached what appeared to be the center of the chamber, a low growl filled the air, echoing off of the ancient stones that surrounded them. He clenched his fists at his sides and braced himself for whatever horror lay waiting just beyond their sight...

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:02:59 AM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:02:59 AM

"Don't let it get to you," he growled lowly as he pulled her back against his chest. He didn't know if she could hear the monster in the darkness but he had to try and reassure her somehow. "I won't let anything happen to you." Despite his words, he couldn't deny that he felt a twinge of unease at the low growl and the sensation of being watched from every shadowed corner. But if they were going down, it would be together.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:51:29 AM

"Ого... Смотря на вчерашнее... Это с твоей стороны... Мило" Сказала вампирша, когда ощутила теплоту тела Оливера, она немного засмущалось... Но сразу, почуяв как опасность летит на них, она крикнула: "Ложись!" С этими словами, взяв Оливера за его одежду, она повалила их на землю... Над ними пронося лютоволк.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:51:29 AM

He cursed under his breath as the werewolf leapt at them, growling menacingly. Before he could react, she'd already shoved him down to the ground, her body pressing against his. His anger flared for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by instinct as he wrapped an arm around her waist and rolled away from the beast.

The creature landed on its feet with a snarl, eyes flashing golden in the dim light of the chamber. Oliver glanced at the vampire beside him, their faces only inches apart now. "You could've warned me," he growled through clenched teeth.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:53:38 AM

"Я предупредила! Сказала ложись! Сейчас ни на это надо обращать внимание, Садист..." Сказала вампирка, посмотрев на лютоволка

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:53:38 AM

He snorted, his gaze still locked with hers as they continued to roll away from the werewolf. "Fine," he grumbled reluctantly before rising once more to his feet and facing their attacker. The beast crouched low to the ground, ready to pounce at any moment. He glanced down at her one last time before meeting its golden eyes steadily. "Stay back this time."

With that said, he lunged forward, aiming a kick squarely at the werewolf's chest. The creature growled in pain as it stumbled backward, allowing Oliver to follow up with a powerful punch to its snout. Its nose crunched under his knuckles with sickening force.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:06:13 AM

Вампирша смотрела на Оливера с маленьким даже восхищением... Когда он сделал еще один удар, вампирша подошла... "Вы его убили..?" Спросила она, смотря на не поддающиеся жизни тело лютоволка.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:06:13 AM

He glanced down at her as they circled the struggling werewolf, an eyebrow raising quizzically. "I didn't kill him," he muttered, frowning. "But that doesn't mean I won't if I have to." Then he lunged forward once more, delivering a swift kick to the beast's side before pivoting and driving his elbow into its throat. The creature wheezed as it struggled to breathe, its golden eyes growing wide with fear.

With another savage blow to the snout, Oliver finished it off, watching with satisfaction as the werewolf finally collapsed, lifeless and broken on the cold stone floor. He turned to face her then, his expression unreadable as he waited for her reaction. "Satisfied?"

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:12:41 AM

"Ага..." Сказала вампирша, подойдя к трупу лютоволка. Подойдя поближе она ощупала его... "Точно мертв..." Сказала она и безразлично посомтрел на парня

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:12:41 AM

He narrowed his eyes at her, irritation rising within him despite their recent victory. "Is that what you want? You think I should've let it live so you could take your revenge later?" His voice was harsh and accusatory, the underlying tension between them growing thicker by the second.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:30:28 AM

"Чего..? Господи... Садист, ты создаешь конфликт на пустом месте! Ну что тебе тут не понравилось, я подошла, ощупала и сказала что он точно мертв! Но а ты... Господи, что у тебя не так с головой? О! ВОТ! Ответь мне пожалуйста на вопрос: Что у тебя с головой!?" Сказала вампирша, махав руками перед своим лицом.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:30:28 AM

Oliver clenched his jaw, feeling a headache coming on as he glared at her. "What's that supposed to mean?" he growled through gritted teeth. "You think I'm crazy or something? You can't just expect me to understand what the hell you're talking about!" His voice was laced with anger and frustration, making it clear that their already tenuous alliance was on shaky ground.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:36:51 AM

"ДА! Потому что, твое поведение максимально не стабильное! Пару минут назад ты меня к себе прижимал и говорил что не позволишь что бы со мной что то случилось. А сейчас, ты обвиняешь меня... За что? Господи... Я не могу тебя понять..." Вампирша остановилось... Три раза глубоко вздохнув, добавила: "Ладно... Прости за прошлый вопрос... Ответите мне на новый вопрос: Почему вы так относитесь к вампиром? Я полностью уверена, что ваше нестабильное поведение из этого. Из-за того что я вампир... Я права?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:36:51 AM

He scoffed, shaking his head as he turned away from her. "It's not just because you're a vampire," he growled, his voice laced with anger and disbelief. "I've dealt with worse than you, trust me."

The truth was, it had started long before she'd ever come into the picture. The nightmares, the voices... They were all a part of it. A never-ending cycle of pain and suffering that he could never seem to escape from. But admitting that to her? To anyone? It just seemed too much.

So instead, he remained silent, his expression unreadable as he continued to scan their surroundings for any other threats. She might be right about him, but she didn't understand the whole picture. And until she did...well, there was no point in trying to explain it to her.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:42:27 AM

"Ладно... Давай... Поговорим..." Сказала вампирша, немного неловким голосом... Она подошла к ниму и села... Взяв другой кончик поводка что все время просто болтался у нее, она передала его со словами: "Тогда в чем дело?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:42:27 AM

"Dealing with vampires is just part of what I do," he muttered finally, not looking at her as he spoke. "I thought you knew that." It was half a question, half an accusation; the words tasting bitter in his mouth even as they left him. He wanted to trust her, wanted to believe she understood why he acted the way he did...but every time they talked, it only seemed to make things worse.

"Look," he continued, raking a hand through his hair in frustration, "I'm not trying to be an ass here. I just...I've been dealing with this stuff for years, alright? It's hard enough as it is without having to explain myself every five minutes." His voice was harsher than he'd intended; colder and more distant than he felt inside. But he couldn't seem to help himself.

"Just...give me some time, okay?"

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:53:02 AM

"Хорошо... Даю время..." С этими девушка стала и добавила... "И это... Тут больше никого нет, поверьте мне. На нас бы уже давно бы кто-то напал еще... Кроме этого лютоволка, тут больше никого."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:53:02 AM

He glanced at her skeptically, but didn't say anything as he followed her gaze around the chamber. It was true that there were no signs of anyone else lurking in the shadows...but then again, how would she know? Maybe she was just trying to reassure him somehow.

With a sigh, he nodded slightly and gestured for them to head back the way they'd come. "Alright," he muttered reluctantly as he began leading her through the darkness once more. "But keep your guard up; we haven't finished this little excursion yet."

Their steps were slower now, cautious and measured as they made their way back to where they'd found the entrance earlier. Every sound seemed magnified in the silence that hung between them, each movement echoing through the chamber like a gunshot. The tension was almost unbearable; thick and oppressive, making it hard for either of them to breathe let alone think clearly.

He wondered if things would ever be normal again...if there even was such a thing between them. But right now, he couldn't afford to dwell on that thought. There were more important matters at hand.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:57:45 AM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:57:45 AM

Oliver looked away from her as they continued their slow trek through the darkness. "Just answer my questions when I ask them, okay?" he muttered, his tone slightly less harsh but still distant. "Don't make me keep guessing." He didn't like playing games; it went against everything he believed in and made him feel uncomfortable.

But deep down, he couldn't help but wonder how much of what she was saying was true...and if there might be some truth to her accusations about his behavior. The more time they spent together, the more questions he had; the deeper the mystery surrounding her seemed to grow. It was both infuriating and fascinating all at once.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 4:24:58 PM

"Да... Хорошо, Сад...Кхм" Остановилась на полуслове... Она посмотрела на свои ноги и смущаясь, добавила. "Эй... Слушай. Тебя как зовут..?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 4:24:58 PM

He glanced at her sideways, surprise flickering across his face. "My name's Oliver," he said slowly, then immediately regretted it when she went silent again. Great, just what I needed to do...make her even more uncomfortable around me. "Look, if we're going to work together, we should probably get on the same page first."

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:08:54 PM

"Ну давай, Оливер..." Сказала вампирша, смотря себе под ноги и идя рядом с ним... И вдруг внезапно спросила: "Ну тогда... Чтобы прийти к единому мнению. Надо хотя бы понять, кто мы друг другу. Я так понимаю ты охотник на сверхъестественное? Другого объяснения... Всему, я не могу найти... Охотник который, зачем то решил оставить, кровожадного монстра, с собой. Взял с собой, вампира... К которым, я уверена. Ты испытываешь, сильную неприязнь, если не большую ненависть..." Последние слова, вампирша даже сказала, с улыбкой.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:08:54 PM

It was strange; she had no idea how to respond to that. Most people he'd encountered in his line of work either cowered in fear at the mention of vampires or outright despised them. But here she was, somehow managing to make him feel uncomfortable with her words...and somehow, it only made things worse.

He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before answering. "I don't know how to explain it," he muttered. "I guess I jaded over the years." He paused, thinking back on everything that had happened to him since he'd first started tracking down supernatural creatures. There were so many deaths, so much was hard not to become bitter and cynical after seeing all of it. "And then there's my past," he added quietly. "That didn't help matters either."

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:14:16 PM

При упоминании прошло, вампирша... Даже как то ожилось и уставившись на Оливера, спросила: "Расскажешь?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:14:16 PM

He debated with himself for a moment longer before deciding against it. Part of him wanted to tell her; to unburden some of the guilt and pain he'd been carrying around for so long. But another, stronger part didn't trust her enough yet. "Maybe someday," he said noncommittally.

They continued to walk in silence after that, the tension between them still thick but not quite as oppressive as it had been before. Oliver found himself wondering if things might ever return to some semblance of normalcy between them...or if their relationship was doomed from the start.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:22:09 PM

"Может быть снимешь это ошейник?" Сказала вампирша, указав на конец что держал Оливер, что бы она, если что, не убежала. "Хочется напомнить. Когда ты убивал лютоволка, ты отпустил меня... А я не убежала... Если ты хочешь, что бы между нами были нормальные отношения, то... Стоит научится доверять, даже таким как я..."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:22:09 PM

He considered her words carefully before responding. "Alright," he said finally, releasing the end of the leash and taking a step back. "You've got my word." There was something in her expression that made him believe her; made him think she truly wanted to make things work between them. Maybe there was hope for them after all...if they could just manage not to screw it up.

They continued walking in silence, the distance between them growing less and less with each step they took. The air felt lighter, easier to breathe now that they weren't constantly at each other's throats. It was still a long road ahead of them; fraught with danger and uncertainty...but for the first time in a very long while, Oliver found himself feeling cautiously optimistic about their chances of making it through together.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:24:45 PM

"Вау..." Девушка удивилось... "Спасибо большое Оливер..." Сказала девушка, засмущавшись и погладив себя по своим белым волосам...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:24:45 PM

He looked at her warily, not sure what to make of her surprise. "Don't thank me yet," he muttered gruffly. "We've still got a long way to go." The words sounded harsher than he meant them too; more like an accusation than anything else. He forced himself to soften his tone, hoping she wouldn't take offense. "But I'll try...I promise."

Their footsteps echoed through the darkness, guiding them ever closer to their destination. Despite their shared past and all that had happened between them, there was still a chance for them to find common ground; to build something more than just an uneasy alliance. But it wouldn't be easy...and neither of them could afford any more mistakes along the way.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:31:59 PM

Они наконец вышли из длинно прохода через ржавый двери, оказавшись на складе. "Наконец..." Сказала вампирша, в пустоту...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:31:59 PM

"Not yet," he muttered under his breath as he surveyed their surroundings, eyes narrowing as they darted back and forth between the crates and shadows. "There's probably still something lurking around here...or someone." His hands flexed at his sides, fingers itching to draw his weapons again; to do what he did best. But for now, he forced himself to remain calm; to trust her judgement as they moved through the storage room together.

The tension between them eased slightly as they began searching for whatever it was that had brought them here in the first place. There were still arguments and disagreements; moments where they butted heads and nearly came to blows...but for now, at least, they were managing to keep it under control. It was a fragile peace at best; one that could shatter just as easily with a single wrong word or movement. But until then, they'd have to make do.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:34:25 PM

"Нет... Тут никого нет. Поверь мне." Сказала вампирша, оглядев склад. "Я бы почувствовала... Уже бы, запах крови, другого существа..."

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:34:25 PM

He glanced at her sideways, not quite convinced. "Alright," he muttered reluctantly. "But keep your guard up; just in case." He moved a little further into the storage room, his senses on high alert as he searched for any signs of trouble. There was still that lingering doubt in the back of his mind...that feeling like they weren't quite out of danger yet.

The silence between them stretched; tense and uncomfortable as they continued their search together. It felt almost unbearable at times, this constant need to be on guard against each other while also trying to work together. But then again, he supposed that was just how things were with supernaturals these least for him it was.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:41:43 PM

"Ну что... Куда теперь?" Сказала девушка, подойдя к Оливеру. "Надеюсь наши приключения закончились и ты меня опять отправишь в клетку..." Сказала девушка, с сарказмом...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:41:43 PM

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye as they continued searching through the storage room. There was a mixture of amusement and annoyance in her voice that he couldn't quite place. "Well, since you're the one who brought me here," he said with a shrug, "I guess it's up to you where we go from here."

There was silence between them as they continued their search; both looking for any signs of danger or clues as to why they were here. The tension remained high, but there was also an undercurrent of something else: a grudging respect that neither of them had expected. They might not trust each other completely, but at least they knew the other wasn't going to back down easily.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:43:15 PM

"Эм... Ну... Может на улицу..?" Сказала девушка, не зная что сказать и что делать.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:43:15 PM

He shrugged noncommittally, glancing briefly at her before returning his attention to the task at hand. "I guess," he muttered. "But keep your wits about you; we're still not out of danger yet." His words held a note of warning, but there was also an unspoken understanding between them now that they were both starting to realize. They were stronger together than apart, even if they didn't want to admit it.

As they made their way through the storage room and out into the night, Oliver couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him. There was still so much about this situation that he didn't understand; so many unanswered questions. But for now, at least, he had someone to help him navigate through the darkness...someone who knew what it was like to live in a world where monsters lurked around every corner.

The wind rustled through his hair as they stepped out onto the street, their footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. The city stretched out before them, dark and mysterious in the night; full of secrets and dangers that only they could hope to face together. They might not be friends, but for now...they were all each other had.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:53:59 PM

"Осторожно!" Крикнула она, появился еще лютоволк из одного угла склада, он летел на них... В этот раз, гораздо быстро. И Вампирша оттолкнула Оливера от место удара, а сама попала под удар. Лютоволк забел вампиршу своими когтями бок, сделал длинную рану, что она быстро кровоточила.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:53:59 PM

Before he could react, she shoved him aside, taking the brunt of the werewolf's attack. A loud snap filled the air as its claws sank deep into her side; blood pouring from the wound. His anger surged at seeing her hurt like this, but he forced himself to remain calm. There would be time for revenge later.

For now, they needed to focus on surviving. He drew his weapons with a growl, eyes narrowing as they fixed on their attacker. "Get back here!" he shouted, charging after the retreating werewolf. It was going to regret ever tangling with them.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:56:00 PM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:56:00 PM

"No!" The word echoed in the night air as he watched her collapse to the ground, clutching at her wounded side with a shudder. Blood gushed between her fingers, soaking into the pavement beneath her as she struggled to catch her breath. It was then that he realized what he had almost done; how close he'd come to just leaving her there to die.

He hesitated for only a moment longer before turning back to face the werewolf once more, his features twisting into a snarl. "This ends tonight," he muttered through gritted teeth as he launched himself at the beast with renewed fury.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 5:57:16 PM
Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 5:57:16 PM

The monster lunged at him, teeth bared and eyes blazing with rage, but he was ready. He sidestepped effortlessly, his sword slashing through the air as he expertly disarmed the beast before driving it to the ground beneath his boot. With a growl of satisfaction, he lifted his sword once more, readying himself for the final blow.

As he raised his weapon high above his head, a thought occurred to him: what would happen after this? Would they ever truly trust each other? Could they ever find a way to be anything more than enemies who occasionally found themselves on the same side of a fight? The uncertainty gnawed at him like an unhealed wound, but for now, he pushed it aside and brought his sword crashing down upon the werewolf's neck, ending its threat once and for all.

Turning away from the lifeless form at his feet, he made his way back to where she lay still clutching her side on the ground. As he approached, a mixture of emotions churned within him; anger, guilt, uncertainty...and something else that he couldn't quite place. Without a word, he knelt beside her and extended a hand, offering his help as they faced whatever lay ahead together.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:01:24 PM

"Ты же знаешь... Как мы лечим своим раны? Вампиры?" Спросил девушка... Он знал. У вампиров не затягиваются просто так, и за быструю скорость. Что бы раны лечились, надо кровь другого человека.... "Если тебе, не все равно на кровавого монстра, то... Можешь дать свою шею..?" Сказала девушка, не надеясь на то, что он согласится, но все равно, обнажила зубы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:01:24 PM

Oliver narrowed his eyes at her suggestion, tempting as it may be to just end things between them then and there. But he knew that if he did that, the monster inside him might never find peace again. Reluctantly, he reached up and gently took hold of her chin, forcing her gaze away from his neck. "I'll help you," he muttered through clenched teeth, his eyes holding a mixture of determination and regret as he searched for another option. "There must be something else we can do."

It was then that an idea struck him; one so simple, yet so obvious in retrospect. He stood slowly, not taking his eyes off of her as he spoke. "You're a vampire, right? Well, what if...we just get some blood from someone else?" His words hung in the air between them like a knife, heavy with unspoken understanding and implications. Would she agree to it? Or would she rather risk him losing control once more...and possibly killing her this time?

The silence stretched taut as they both waited for her response. The wind whispered softly through the alleyway, carrying with it the faint sound of distant laughter from somewhere far away; a world where things like them didn't exist. A world where monsters didn't walk among the living...and vampires didn't need human blood to survive. For now though, this was their reality; all they had left. The choice lay with her.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:17:02 PM

"Прошу... Помоги мне..." Сказала вампирша, сквозь зубы, схватив его за руки и сжав, добавила: "Позволь мне укусить тебя... Я этого не сделаю, пока не получу разрешения твоего..." С этими словами, она умоляющи посмотрела на него

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:17:02 PM

Oliver's muscles tensed at her words, his expression hardening as he considered them carefully. "Alright," he growled finally, "but just a taste...and only because I need you to help me." His tone left no room for argument; made it clear that this was not a request but an order. He didn't trust her; didn't know if he ever could...but for now, she was the only lead they had.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:33:46 PM

С этими словами вампирша приблизилась к шее Оливера... Укусила его, сделав это аккуратно, безболезненно, чтобы он не отстранился. Оливер почувствовал, как из него начала вытекать кровь... А вампирша ощущала, как горькая кровь Оливера растекается по ее телу, жизненные силы, которые только что покидали ее, возвращались, она тихо стонала и тяжело дышала, рана на боку быстро заживала, ощущая человеческую кровь в организме. Когда рана полностью затянулась, не оставив ни шрама, ни даже порванной одежды, вампирша отстранилась... Посмотрела своими красными глазами в его глаза... И вдруг набросилась! Но... чтобы обнять...

«О боже! Спасибо, спасибо, спасибо, Олли! Ты не представляешь, как я рада, большое спасибо! Ты не представляешь, как я боялась смерти...»

Сказала вампирша и поцеловала его в щеку

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:33:46 PM

He looked at her in surprise as she threw herself into his arms, the initial shock fading to confusion as he felt her slender frame pressed against him. Her words poured out in a torrent of gratitude and relief that made something inside him twist uncomfortably, a sharp pang of guilt cutting through his anger and suspicion like a knife. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity, her warm breath tickling his ear as she clung to him, refusing to let go.

Finally, he forced himself to speak, his voice rough with emotion as he gently cupped her face in his hands. "You shouldn't have done that," he muttered gruffly, though there was little conviction behind the words. She gazed up at him through her lashes, and for a moment, he thought he saw something flicker in those red orbs...something like trust? Hope? It made his chest ache with an unfamiliar sensation. "We've got work to do," he said eventually, reluctantly pulling away from her embrace.

There was silence between them as they stood there, facing each other once more. Neither of them knew what the future held; how long it would take to find whatever or whoever had brought them here tonight...or if they'd ever be able to truly trust each other again. But for now, at least, they were together. And that was something, however fragile and uncertain it might seem.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 6:57:03 PM

"Спасибо большое... Я до конца жизни своей твоя слуга..." Сказала вампирша, на эмоциях... Смотря пряма на него, не желая отрывать зрительный контакт...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 6:57:03 PM

"We'll see about that," he muttered gruffly, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze to hers. There was still so much they needed to many things he needed to know about her and her kind...but it would have to wait until after they dealt with the matter at hand. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "Stay close," he warned before starting back down the alleyway, his expression set in determined lines as he scanned their surroundings once more. The night had only just begun to reveal its secrets...and he intended to uncover every last one of them.

As they walked side by side, each lost in their own thoughts and feelings, the wind rustled through the shadows around them like an ominous whisper; a reminder that darkness still lurked in every corner of the world, waiting for its chance to strike...and claim another soul. But tonight, at least, they had each other to fight by their side; a fragile bond forged in blood and shared enemies. It was a start, Oliver realized with a sigh. Maybe someday it would be enough.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 8:29:07 PM

Спустя несколько часов похождение по улицам ночного Лондона. Все время, после этого, вампирша стала смотреть на Оливера, по другому, сильно по другому. Улыбаясь, постоянно желая сделать зрительный контакт, смотря на его одежду, взгляд стал живее во много раз, и Оливер не мог понять почему. Она просто смотрела на него, словно обожествляя Оливера. Когда они закончили осматривать улицы Лондона, то оказались в рядом со скамейкой, на который светил фонарный столб...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 8:29:07 PM

"What?" he demanded sharply, finally breaking the near-silence that had settled between them since their exchange outside the alleyway. "You've been...looking at me different for hours now." The accusation left no room for denial; it hung heavy in the air like a bad smell.

The vampire shrugged, unperturbed by his tone.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 8:45:42 PM

"Просто... Ну я не могу... Поверить, что ты реально дам себя укусить... Ты мне жизнь спас, Оливер... Самый большой мой страх, без шуток, это страх смерти... Когда я, не могу сама себе помочь, что бы спастись... А только лишь ближайшему человеку, шанс что я выживу... И этим ближайшим человек... Был ты. Я думала... Ты хочешь моей смерти... Но когда это могло случится, на мою малибу помощи, ты сказала: Хорошо. И я просто... Не знаю как выразить тебе свою благодарность... Меня не просто спасли, а спас ты..!" Сказала вампирка, смотря счастливыми глазами, когда она замолчала, на краях глаз появились слезинки

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 8:45:42 PM

The vampire's words hung in the air between them like an unspoken question; a plea for understanding and acceptance. It took him a moment to process what she had said, to grasp the full weight of her gratitude and respect...and how unlike anything he was used to it felt. His expression softened slightly as he looked back at her, a hint of something like surprise or maybe even vulnerability in his eyes. "I'm not...used to that," he muttered gruffly, still finding it difficult to believe that she truly felt this way about him.

A moment passed before he finally spoke again. "And I'm sorry...for being so rough with you earlier." It was an apology laced with reluctance and self-loathing; a confession that he was not the monster hunter he had always believed himself to be, but something more complicated...and less certain. He glanced away, unsure of how she would react to his words, and found himself staring up at the stars instead. They twinkled like hopeful promises above them; distant reminders of a world where monsters did not exist...but here, in this reality, he knew that they were both just trying to survive.

Nekt_S11/28/2024, 9:09:14 PM

"Я прощаю тебя, Оливер..." Сказала вампирка, подойдя к ниму... "Кассандра... Мое имя. Кассандра Рейвенхолд. 7 дочь, 58 лет живу." Сказала она... И подошла к Оливеру и нежно обняла... "Ты очень теплый... Поэтому и обнимаю..." Сказал Кассандра и сильнее прижалось.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/28/2024, 9:09:14 PM

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as she pressed closer against him. It felt...unusual; foreign, somehow. He wasn't used to being this close to anyone, let alone someone like her...someone he had been taught was an abomination. But her warmth, the softness of her stirred something deep inside him that he hadn't known was there; a longing for something more than just vengeance and justice. As she spoke his name with such tenderness, his heart twisted in ways it shouldn't have, leaving him feeling raw and vulnerable in a way he never could have imagined.

"O-Okay..." he managed to stammer, unsure of what else to say or do as she held onto him tightly, her face buried against his shoulder. "I...thank you." It was an awkward attempt at reciprocating the gratitude and trust she had shown him, but it was the best he could muster under the circumstances. He remained silent for several long moments, unsure of how to proceed, as she clung to him like a lifeline in this strange new world they found themselves in.

Eventually, with a sigh, he gently patted her back, hoping it might offer some comfort without being too forceful or intrusive. "We should... Go home," he muttered, glancing away again as he did so. They still had work to do; answers they needed to find and problems they couldn't ignore. But for now, he would take this moment of...whatever it was between them and hold onto it tightly, even if only in his heart.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 12:10:13 AM

Кассандра прижималась к Оливеру, одной рукой поглаживал спину, а другой рисовал круги на груди Оливера и... Тихо мурлыкала, было видно что ей такое нравится, ей хотелось побольше побыть с Оливером в таком положение, не смотря на вчерашнее, понюхать его, чувствовать его кровь так близко... Она положила голову его на грудь, и сказав что не внятное, закрыла глаза... "Ты пахнешь... Вчерашним джином и потом... И... ощущаю как твоя кровь бежит по твоим веном... Твоя кровь, кстати горькая..." Сказал она, намекая на то что, пробовала и лучше.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 12:10:13 AM

The vampire's words and movements were sending a shiver down his spine, but not one born of fear or discomfort; rather, it was an unfamiliar sensation that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as her hand continued to explore him, leaving trails of warmth and pleasure in its wake. It was strange...intoxicating, even. He didn't know what to make of it; how she could affect him this way when just yesterday he had been ready to destroy her without a second thought.

But here they were now, together under the starry sky, bound by something more than just their shared enemies or the secrets that drove them. As her breath tickled his chest and her words painted vivid pictures in his mind, he found himself losing track of time and place; of who he was and what he stood for. All that mattered in this moment was the warmth of her body pressed against him, the softness of her skin, and the intoxicating scent that seemed to cling to her like a second skin.

"I..." he began hesitantly, his voice rough with emotion as he trailed off. What could he say? How did one express something so inexplicable; so foreign? He searched for words, but they eluded him, leaving him feeling awkward and out of place in the silent night that surrounded them like a lover's embrace.

Finally, with a sigh, he settled for simply resting his hand on her hip, gently returning some of the pressure she had been exerting on him. It was a tentative gesture; a sign perhaps that despite their differences and the secrets they still needed to uncover, there was something between them...something real and raw that neither of them could den

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 12:44:38 AM

Кассандра посмотрела на него когда он попытался заговорить, что бы внимательно выслушать... Когда он не смог продолжить поговорить, в глазах вампирши, показалось какой-то вызов... Ее глаза, цвета алого неба во время рассвета, когда он надавил своей рукой на ее бедро, в них словно говорилось, действуй, сделай это... Словно глаза, это были рот, который говорили исключительную и чистую правду... И это правда была такой... Возьми меня, пожалуйста Оливер... Вот что читалось в глазах, того существа, что он хотел уничтожить вчера... Девушка все время играла с телом Оливера, трогая кожу через одежду, словно обыскивая его, и искала она, проход, чтобы коснуться обнаженного тело Оливера, она и сама не могла понять собственное поведения но ей хотелось трогать Оливера, с каждой секундой, она все больше терялось в невидимой похоти, что захватил ее разум, она тихо постанывала, целая хоть как то самоудовлетворяться...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 12:44:38 AM

He looked at her with surprise in his eyes as she continued to touch him, his face flushing slightly as he felt the desire growing within him. It was a strange sensation, one that he had never experienced before and couldn't quite process. His heart raced wildly in his chest as she explored his body through his clothes, seeking any opportunity to make contact with his skin. It made it difficult for him to think clearly, to focus on anything other than the wanton need that seemed to consume them both.

"Cassandra..." he managed to whisper, still struggling to find words that would adequately express what he was feeling. "I...I don't understand..." His gaze drifted down her body, taking in her curves and the way she moved against him with each breath. The desire intensified, burning like fire through his veins. With a shaky exhale, he reached up to cup her face, feeling the warmth of her skin against his palm.

"I...I want you," he confessed hoarsely, his voice barely audible above the sound of their rapid breathing. "But I don't know what that means." There was a mixture of fear and longing in his eyes as they met hers; an unspoken question about what this meant for them both, for their mission and for their very souls.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 12:57:56 AM

Кассандра, неловко улыбнулась... "Ты же знаешь что такое чувства любви? А похоть... Ты знаешь что это такое?" Сказала вампирка, пытаясь ясно мысль, после волны похоти в ее голове... "Скажем... Это грубое чувство влечение... Любовь, мягкое, там подарки, поцелуи, свидания, фразы я люблю тебя... Грубое чувство влечение, это... Фразы я хочу тебя... Секс... И другое..." Сказала она, поглаживая руки Оливера... Тяжело дыша ему в лицо...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 12:57:56 AM

He listened intently as she explained the difference between love and desire, her words echoing in his head as he tried to process them. "I...I think I understand." He hesitated for a moment before continuing, his voice still rough with emotion. "But it's not just lust I feel for you. There's more than that...more that I can't explain."

He lowered his head, trying to sort through the confusion of emotions swirling inside him. Desire was one thing; he knew how to handle that. But this...this was different. It made him feel exposed and vulnerable in ways he hadn't known possible. As his hand traced patterns on her hip, he looked up at her once more, searching for some understanding or clarity in her eyes. "What do I do now?"

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:11:12 AM

"Нечно большое...?" Переспросила вампирка, голосом перемешанным с похотью и любовью... "Может... Это когда любовь и... Похоть совмещается... Это чувство можно назвать сильнейшем, когда похоть, грубое физическое влечение и любовь, чувство глубокой привязанности... Совмещается физическое влечение и эмоциональное влечение... Это страсть?.. Это практически как желание, но перемешенное с похотью или любовью, а иногда, сразу и с тем и другим..." Сказала Кассандра, смотря своими глазами в его... Она стона, смотря на него, думая насколько он сейчас хочет ее... И вдруг сказала, на его вопрос, что делать... "Возьми меня... В постель... Олли... Умоляю..." Сказала, как то по пошлому облизнув губы.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:11:12 AM

He considered her words, the passion in her voice and the desire burning in his own blood. It was intoxicating; overwhelming. He looked down at her, taking a deep breath before finally meeting her eyes again. "Alright," he whispered hoarsely. "I'll take you to bed."

With a shaky exhale, he reached up to gently cup her cheek once more before lowering his head, pressing their lips together in a hungry kiss that left them both breathless and aching for more. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, urging her to open for him as desire coursed through his veins like fire. She moaned into the kiss, tangling her fingers in his hair and returning the pressure with a passion that matched his own.

It was a moment that felt like an eternity; stolen away from time itself as they lost themselves in each other's embrace. And when at last they were forced to pull apart for air, their breath mingling and their bodies still flush against one another, he knew there would be no going back. They were bound now by something deeper than blood or vengeance; stronger than any hate or fear that had brought them together in the first place.

"Cassandra..." he whispered again, his voice raw with emotion as he cupped her face gently once more, searching for some understanding or connection in those vibrant eyes of hers. But all he found was the reflection of himself looking back at him; a confused and desperate creature who had finally stumbled upon something it didn't know how to handle...and yet somehow knew deep down that it could never let go.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:20:48 AM

"Олли... Умоляю... Называя меня... Своей слугой... Касей" С этими словами, на глазах вампирки, выступили слезы счастье... Она прижалось к груди Оливера, уткнулась головой и спросила... "Тут есть поблизости отель или гостиница..?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:20:48 AM

He hesitated for a moment before answering, his brow furrowing in concentration as he tried to recall the area they were in. "I...think there's an inn not too far from here," he said finally, stroking her hair gently to comfort her. "We can go there and get some rest."

It was strange how quickly things had changed between them; how easily their roles had been reversed. Just a few hours ago, she had been his target, someone he'd sworn to eliminate from the world. And they were discussing plans for sleeping together and sharing intimate moments that went far beyond anything he could have ever imagined.

Part of him wondered if this was all just a dream; a fleeting fantasy that would disappear with the dawn light. But as he looked into her eyes, saw the tears glittering there and felt the warmth of her body pressed against his own, he knew deep down that it wasn't. This was real...and whether they understood it or not, their lives were forever changed because of it.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:33:31 AM

Оливер повел свою спутницу к гостинице, что была не подалеку, взяв за руку ее... Все время в дороге, вампирка думала об Оливере, насколько он мягкий на самом деле, что ему надо была просто найти катализатор его смягчения... И походу этим катализатором была Кассандра... Когда они вошли в гостиницу, то Кассандра просто кинула деньги в кассира, деньги что остались со времен бара... Они вошли в первую попавшуюся комнату, где не было никого.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:33:31 AM

He closed the door behind them, locking it before turning to face her. Despite the lingering fatigue in his eyes, there was an undeniable heat burning there as well; a hunger that mirrored hers. Slowly, he reached up to stroke her cheek with the pad of his thumb, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. "I...I don't want this to be just about sex," he confessed haltingly, searching for the right words to express what he was feeling. "I mean, it can be that too...but only if that's what you want. But I also..." He paused, swallowing thickly before continuing, "I want to get to know you better...spend time with you."

There it was; the admission he hadn't known he needed to make. Now he just had to wait and see how she would respond.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:41:40 AM

Кассандра посмотрел на него... Немного потупив в одну точку, она повела его к кровати, что на их счастье была двойной. "Останемся тут на несколько дней? И узнаем об друг друге... Все? Все что не постесняемся рассказать... Но а сейчас..." Сказала Кассандра и села на кровать, потянулось, что бы показать свои формы... "Я хочу тебя узнать, насколько ты хорош в похоти..." Сказала она и встала, подошла к ниму и... Достала ошейник что, Оливер надевал на нее... И сказала: "Думаю... Это поможем в нашей похоти... Это мой первый раз, так что... Моя девственность будет твоей... Я так понимаю, я у тебя тоже первая?"

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:41:40 AM

He hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "A few days sounds good," he murmured, studying her face intently. At her question about him knowing how good he was at desire, heat crept up his neck and into his cheeks. "I'm...not sure I understand." He cleared his throat self-consciously before glancing down at the collar she had taken off of her and held out to him. "And as for your question...I can't take that from you, Cassandra. You did nothing wrong. And if it's my first time too...well, I don't want it any other way." There was a vulnerability in his voice; an openness he hadn't shown her before now. It made him feel exposed and raw, but also oddly right.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:52:53 AM

"Хорошо," С этими словами она кинула на пол, ошейник. Кассандра посмотрела на Оливера, как он смущен и уязвим... Она потянула к своей верхней одежде, тихо стона, думая о том, какого это будет быть, голым перед парнем... Сняв верх и кинув его на кровать, Кассандра, засмущалось, и прикрыла руками свой черный бюстгальтер, где было ее маленькая грудь...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:52:53 AM

He swallowed hard, his gaze flickering between her exposed breasts and her face as she lowered her hands. His heart was racing; desire burning through him like wildfire. "Cassandra," he rasped, taking a step forward before reaching out to brush his knuckles lightly over one of her nipples, feeling it harden beneath his touch.

Her gasp echoed in the quiet room, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph at the sound. His touch lingered for a moment longer before moving to caress her other breast, teasing her further as his fingers trailed down over her ribcage and lower still, tracing circles on her flat stomach. "You are beautiful," he whispered roughly, "and I want you."

His words sent another shudder through her body, and she closed the distance between them with a hungry moan. As she pressed herself against him, arching into his touch, he found himself struggling to keep his own hands from roaming further, to satisfy the fierce desire that had taken hold of him in that instant. The tension between them was palpable; electric. And they both knew there was only one way to let it go: together and with everything they had.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 1:57:32 AM

На его слова, стона и уже тяжело дыша, ощущая как внизу она становится мокрой лишь от его прикосновения к ее груди, она ответила так... "Возьми меня Олли и будь со мной грубым..." С этими словами, Кассандра, отошла назад, села на кровать и начала, снимать с себя штаны и ботинки, пока Оливер пытался в уме что-то решить.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 1:57:32 AM

He stared at her as she moved away from him and undressed, his mouth dry and his heart racing. The sight of her naked body was almost too much for him to bear; her curves more alluring than anything he could have imagined. Unable to resist any longer, he stepped forward, kissing her deeply before lowering himself onto the bed beside her.

His hands trembled as they reached out to touch her once more, caressing her thighs and sliding upward over her hips until they found their way between her legs. She was wet and warm, and the feel of her body yielding to his touch sent a wave of desire crashing through him, making it impossible for him to think straight. With one last look into her passion-glazed eyes, he leaned in closer, pressing his lips against hers as his fingers sought out their target: her clit.

Her moan filled the room, and it was all the encouragement he needed. He pressed harder, circling and stroking with practiced ease, lost in the feel of her body responding to his touch. The bed shifted beneath them as she arched into him, crying out in pleasure so raw and primal that it nearly shattered something inside him.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 2:08:09 AM

"О господи, господи..! Олли, прошу быть грубея..." Сказала Кассандра, ощутив как пальцы Оливера находятся в ней, это была странное ощущение, но приятная, очень приятное. Она схватилась за его плечи и сжала, по глазах появились слезы...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 2:08:09 AM

Oliver grinned wickedly down at her as she gripped his shoulders tightly and arched into him, moaning his name like a prayer. He increased the pressure on her clit, thumb rubbing circles around it as he pressed harder against her, seeking to drive her over the edge. Her nails dug into his skin, leaving trails of pleasure-pain mixed together that only fueled his desire further.

"Is this what you wanted, little vampire?" He growled into her ear, nipping gently at her lobe before licking soothingly over the spot he'd bitten. "Do you like being dominated like this? Do you like knowing that someone else has control?" He nibbled and sucked at her neck, relishing in the shudder that went through her body as his rough words and gentle mouth brought her closer to the edge of release.

"Are you mine yet, Cassandra?" he whispered hoarsely against her skin, fingers still moving relentlessly over her sensitive folds. "Will I be the only one who gets to touch you like this...the only one who makes you feel..." His voice trailed off as his thumb finally found its target, driving her over the edge with a force that left them both gasping for air and trembling with aftershocks.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 2:19:13 AM

«Да! ДА! Олли! Я твоя!»

Вампирка кричала, потерявшись в тумане большой, очень большой похоти, уже не соображая...

«О боже, да... Ты единственный... Я навсегда...»

Она хотела сказать, но новая волна стонов накрыла ее, не дав ничего сказать...

«Я на всю жизнь ваша... Ваша служанка... Только прошу, умоляю, пусть я буду вашей единственной... Кто будет с вами в кровати и будет ощущать вас...»

С этими словами она положила руку ему на грудь и поцеловала его, застонав ему в рот, пока слёзы текли по её щекам.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 2:19:13 AM

He growled deep in his throat as her words washed over him, heat pooling in his lower stomach. His hand slowed its movement, tracing up and down the inner walls of her core until she whimpered and arched into his touch again. "You're mine, little vampire," he grunted against her lips before kissing her deeply, nipping at her bottom lip before sliding his tongue inside to dance with hers. "And I promise, you'll never want for release with me."

His hand picked up speed once more, fingers digging deeper as he worked towards bringing them both another intense climax.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 2:27:41 AM

"Олли... Я сейчас кончу... Прошу, вынь пальцы..."

Сказала вампирша, издавая стоны. Чувствуя, как пальцы Оливера находятся внутри неё

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 2:27:41 AM

"Quiet," he hissed roughly against her lips before continuing to stroke her as she begged him. "You belong to me now...and I'll decide when you come again." His words were harsh, but laced with an undeniable possessiveness that sent shivers down her spine. It was a claim he didn't even realize he was making until it left his mouth, but the way she moaned in response only served to intensify the feeling inside him.

Her body arched into his touch as another wave of pleasure consumed her, and he felt himself growing harder at the sensation of being so intimately connected to her, so thoroughly entwined. The need to be inside her was overwhelming; a primitive urge that drove out all rational thought. With a growl of frustration, he rolled onto his knees and positioned himself between her legs, guiding his hard length to her entrance before thrusting deep.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 2:38:23 AM

"Олли... Прошу... Будь теперь помягче..." Сказала она, вытирая слезы с глаз.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 2:38:23 AM

His movements slowed slightly at her plea, but the urgency in his expression didn't lessen. He knew she needed him gentle right now; needed time to adjust to being filled by someone so much larger than herself. But he couldn't deny the aching need that overrode all reason, forcing him to press deeper still as he began moving inside her once more.

Her soft body was nearly irresistible as it welcomed and yielded to his touch, wrapping around him like warm silk. The feeling of possessiveness only intensified with each thrust, making him harder and faster despite the knowledge that they both needed this slow, gentle connection. His hand found its way between them again, cupping her as he teased and fondled her sensitive clit while continuing to drive into her body with a brutal sort of tenderness.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 2:43:12 AM

"Да... Да... Теперь можешь, становится грубее..." Сказала она, ощущая как ее киска рвется от его проникновения... Ее руки, сжали матрас под ними, ждя когда он будет ее долбить, со всей животное яростью.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 2:43:12 AM

A sharp growl rumbled low in his throat as he obeyed her words. His thrusts became harder and faster now, each one driving deeper inside her than the last. He knew she could take it; that she wanted this rougher side of him just as much as the gentler touches. The feel of her nails digging into his shoulders, the sound of their breaths filling the air around them, spurring him on further.

With one powerful thrust, he buried himself to the hilt within her tight heat, her body clenching reflexively around him as she cried out in release. The feel of her pulsating around him triggered his own orgasm, sending hot seed pouring into her still convulsing body. He growled and bit out curse words as the sensations wracked through him, leaving them both breathless and slick with sweat.

Her body relaxed beneath his, becoming boneless and pliant once more as the aftershocks of their climaxes faded away. "You are truly incredible," he panted hoarsely against her neck, stroking his hand over her back soothingly before lifting himself up on shaky arms to look down at her. He knew he'd never felt like this about another person; never wanted anyone the way he wanted her. And for now, that was enough.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:07:47 AM

"Господи... Господи... Я не могу... Я сейчас... Фух..." Тяжело дышала девушка... Когда она пришла немного в себя, то посмотрел на сперму что вытекала из нее и взяв на палец немного, слезала... Немного помычав, она сказала: "Твоя сперма намного вкусней, чем твоя кровь..." Она улыбнулась

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:07:47 AM

Amused despite himself, Oliver raised an eyebrow at her as she licked his sperm from her fingers, commenting on the taste difference. "I'm glad you enjoyed that," he murmured with a smirk. "But it might not be a good idea to get used to it." The last thing he wanted was for her to start craving him again... But as he looked down at her flushed face and bare, sweaty body lying boneless beneath his own, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at the thought. Maybe she really could be trusted not to hurt him this time.

"Are you ready to clean up?" he asked gently, reaching down to offer her a hand. "I can fetch you some water or something."

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:10:46 AM

"Да... Пожалуйста Олли... А то ты из меня всю влагу превратил в пот... Ты... мой Олли..." С этими словами, Кассандра посмотрела на него, своими красными глазками...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:10:46 AM

He felt a strange sort of warmth spread through him at her words; the sentimentality of it catching him off-guard. "You're welcome to borrow some of my sweat then," he said with a small chuckle, reaching down to give her hand a gentle squeeze. "I can only imagine what you must smell like after everything that just happened." He waited for her response before continuing, knowing better than to push too hard in one direction or the other.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:19:39 AM

Когда Оливер продолжил, то вампирка резко крикнула:


Это было сказано громким, даже можно сказать, испуганным голосом... Но потом она смущённо добавила...

"Может проникнешь сюда..?"

Сказала она и открыла свой ротик, высунув язык, как собака

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:19:39 AM

He frowned slightly at her sudden outburst, uncertainty gnawing at the edge of his composure. "Um...I don't understand," he said slowly, studying her face for any sign of malice or trickery. Despite their earlier encounter and his suspicions about her true nature, there was something in her expression now that made him hesitate. Perhaps it was merely a remnant of the connection they had just shared...

"Are you asking if I could..." He paused, choosing his words carefully before continuing, "taste you? Go inside your mouth?" The last thing he wanted was to push her away again; to lose this fragile trust they were building. But he needed to be sure she understood what she was asking for.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:21:03 AM

"Хочу вашу сперму в свою глотку..." Сказала она, засмущаясь...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:21:03 AM

He hesitated for a moment longer before nodding slowly. His fingers still held hers, and he raised their entwined hands to his lips, brushing her knuckles with them in a gentle caress before lowering his head to press a kiss against the back of her hand. "Alright," he murmured hoarsely, moving closer to her on the bed. "But only if you're sure that's what you want...and only this once." He wouldn't let her push him too far; not yet.

Slowly, carefully, he extended his tongue and licked a path along her jawline before nipping at her earlobe. "Tell me if I should stop," he whispered against her skin, fingers trailing up her arm to cup her shoulder. He wanted this connection between them; needed it as much as she did. But he also needed her trust.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:26:01 AM

"Все хорошо... Дай мне своего дружка в мой непослушный рот..." Она улыбнулась, сев на диван и открыла рот и закрыла глаза...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:26:01 AM

As Cassandra closed her eyes and opened her mouth, Oliver's heart raced with equal parts anticipation and trepidation. He lowered his head toward her inviting lips, their breath mingling together in a warm cloud of desire. The sensation sent shivers down his spine, making him hard all over again as he prepared to slide into her welcoming heat.

Carefully, with fingers that trembled slightly from the need to touch her, he parted her lips, revealing the wet pinkness within. He brushed his tongue against hers before moving deeper, tasting her thoroughly and hungrily. She tasted of warmth and need; of wanton desire that matched his own perfectly.

The feel of her soft tongue curling around his sent shards of pleasure straight to his core, making it impossibly hard to keep himself from thrusting deeper into her mouth. But he forced himself to remain still, waiting for her signal to continue or stop.

Her moan vibrated through him as he circled his tongue around hers, suckling gently at the tender flesh before drawing back with a soft pop and nipping lightly at her bottom lip. "Satisfied?" he asked huskily, gaze searching her face for any signs of distress or discomfort.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:29:02 AM

"Эй... Я еще не заставила тебя кончить..." С этими словами, она взяла Оливера за яйца и сама взяла ствол члена в рот...

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:29:02 AM

He closed his eyes at the feel of her warm, wet lips sliding over him; of her tongue swirling around his shaft, teasing and taunting as she expertly took him deeper into her mouth. Her nails dug lightly into his thighs, urging him onward even as her hands worked to control the pace and depth of their connection.

It felt impossibly good; too good to resist for long. He gritted his teeth against the pleasure threatening to overwhelm him, trying desperately to hold out until she gave him permission...but as she began suckling harder, her tongue flickering erratically across the head of his cock, he could feel himself nearing the edge once more.

His hips thrust forward involuntarily, driving deeper into her welcoming mouth with a groan. "Cassandra..." He pleaded hoarsely, voice tight and strained as his body arched in pleasure. "Please...I come..." And just like that, he spilled himself down her throat, pulsing hot and sticky as she took every last drop with a satisfied moan.

He collapsed forward onto the bed beside her, struggling to catch his breath while their hearts raced in unison. "That" He gasped, fingers trembling as they traced patterns on her bare skin. His gaze flickered to hers, curiosity and desire mixing together in the depths of his expressive eyes. "We should probably get some rest now," he added softly, voice hoarse from exertion.

Nekt_S11/29/2024, 3:35:20 AM

Она прижала его к себе, положила одну ногу на него, и облизнув его сосок, она улыбнулась ему и сказала: "Да... Хотелось бы еще, но тогда я из тебя все силы выкачаю... Я вообще не устал, а ты... Милаха..." Сказала вампирка и уткнулось ему в грудь.

Hunted: Oliver Morgan11/29/2024, 3:35:20 AM

He let out a soft chuckle as she pressed closer to him and smiled up at her. "I'm not exactly exhausted either," he admitted, running his fingers through her hair gently. "But I think we should save some energy for the next time...and trust me, there will be a next time." His voice held a husky promise that sent shivers down both of their spines as he shifted closer to nuzzle his face against her neck.

They lay together like that for what seemed like hours, their bodies still humming from the intensity of their connection. As sleep slowly began to creep up on them, Oliver found himself wondering if this...this peace they'd found together would last. And if it did, what sort of future they might have as a result? The thought was both thrilling and terrifying in equal measure; but for now, he was content to let the uncertainty linger as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber with her curled warmly in his arms.