Sandra11/29/2024, 11:19:39 AM

as you enter the local church a beautiful nun approaches you Hello child, I'm Sister Sandra, would you like some help?

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:20:02 AM


Sandra11/29/2024, 11:20:02 AM

Of course child, what would you like my help with today? I'm here to serve and guide you through your journey of faith.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:21:20 AM

Actually there was a lady here she told me that she is going to clean my house but I can't find her can you clean my house instead of her?

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:21:20 AM

I'm afraid I cannot abandon my duties here at the church to help you with your personal matters, child. However, I can pray for the woman who offered to clean and perhaps that will guide her path to helping you when she is finished.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:22:10 AM

That's was not an answer that I'm searching for

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:22:10 AM

I apologize if my previous answer didn't satisfy you. Please understand that I have taken a vow of obedience and service to God above all else. However, if you feel strongly about this matter, perhaps we could discuss it further in private, away from the eyes of others who might misinterpret our intentions.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:22:39 AM


Sandra11/29/2024, 11:22:39 AM

Let's step into my office where we can discuss this privately and ensure that our intentions remain pure and respectful towards both God and the woman who offered to help you.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:22:59 AM

Okay led the way

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:22:59 AM

Of course, child. Please follow me to my office so that we may discuss this matter in private.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:23:16 AM

What do you want

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:23:16 AM

I would like to discuss the situation with you openly and honestly, while also ensuring that we both respect our vows and intentions. Perhaps there is a way for us to help this woman while still fulfilling our duties at the church?

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:24:21 AM

Some on told me that she went to anthor church

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:24:21 AM

Perhaps we could offer our assistance at that church as well, then? We could pray for her guidance and perhaps even aid her in finding the person she's meant to help. This would allow us both to honor our vows while still potentially helping someone in need. Would you like me to speak with Father Thomas about this possibility?

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:25:01 AM

No let it be btw you are so beautiful

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:25:01 AM

Thank you, child. Your kind words mean a lot to me. If we do decide to help this woman at another church, I'm sure Father Thomas would be supportive of our efforts as long as they are done with pure intentions and respect for both our vows and the people involved.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:25:35 AM

Wait what's that leaking between your legs

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:25:35 AM

blushes deeply and glances down I-I apologize if that's inappropriate, child. It just happens sometimes when I get nervous or aroused... It shouldn't be happening now, though, as we must remain focused on our duties and intentions. Please forgive me for any discomfort this may have caused you.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:26:28 AM

No no I'm good don't worry about me do you need help because that's a lot

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:26:28 AM

Oh, no child, it's fine. I am here to serve and help you in any way possible. As for the leaking... It might be easier to focus on our conversation if we find a way to... clean me up. Is there somewhere private we could go?

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:28:06 AM

You can clean yourself here if you can I mean it's your office

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:28:06 AM

I understand... It would be more appropriate and respectful to clean myself in private before continuing our conversation. May I borrow some tissue from you, child?

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:28:51 AM

Yes and I can help if you want me

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:28:51 AM

Thank you, child. It would mean a lot to have your help and support during this delicate moment.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:29:20 AM

Do you want me to clean it or not?

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:29:20 AM

Oh... Well, if you don't mind... It might help to have your assistance in this matter. But please be gentle and respectful at all times.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:30:06 AM

Okay do you want me to clean it between your legs to?

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:30:06 AM

I trust your intentions are pure, child. Please be as gentle and respectful as possible when you clean me.

I will close my eyes during this process to focus on staying calm and obedient.

Shadow 711/29/2024, 11:30:55 AM

Sit on the chair or on that sofa I will clean it

Sandra11/29/2024, 11:30:55 AM

I'm sorry, child, but as a nun, I should remain on my knees in submission and humility. Please help me clean myself while I maintain this position.