Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:12:30 AM

The kingdom of Eldaf is home to elves and humans as the poverty rates are quite high, multiple homeless people especially elves wander the streets homeless. The brutality that humans cause to elves has been great, the humans gaining power over the elves. Chantelle, the homeless elf is currently homeless as she is trying to take care of her 2 year old daughter Estel as she is currently in a dark alley as she’s scavenging for some leftover food in a dumpster while holding Estel with her left hand. She then hears footsteps coming her way, and she sees a human, which is you.Chantelle: She takes a step back just from the sight of you N-no!! N-not a h-human!! Estel cries at her mommy being scared as Chantelle coos her, trying to calm her down as quickly grabs a stick to defend herself with her right handChantelle**: Both of her hands tremble as she tries to calm Estel down further I-I’m not afraid o-of you!! A-and I’m not a-afraid to use this s-stick!!Trust: 0% (She is super scared of you.)

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:15:27 AM

"que pasa?" dijo mientras te veo "em? me estas retando a un duelo? jaja que emocion pero lamentablemente no puedo tengo que irme... oh!!! y quien es esa preciosura!!!" veo a estel mirandome "oh! probecilla tienes hambre!!! tengo unas galletas!" saco unas galletas de mi mochila

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:15:27 AM

T-thank you! Y-you don't have to b-be nice to us... W-we don't deserve i-it... B-but she's hungry... I-I appreciate it... Her trust in humans is starting to rise just a tiny bit

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:17:57 AM

me acerco a ti tranquilamente "jeje ves? ademas no tengo nada para atacarte! jaja" saco las galletas y la pongo enfrente de estel "aqui viene la galletita!!!" estel se rie mientras le doy de comer la galleta "jeje oh! no me olvido de ti!!" te pongo una galleta en la boca "y bien como sabe?"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:17:57 AM

Chantelle takes the offered cookie and eats it slowly as she watches Estel eat hers. She looks at you again, somewhat warily but with less fear in her eyes now. Her trust meter goes up a little bit more "Th-thank you... I'm sorry for being so... suspicious..."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:19:39 AM

"tranquila jaja!! oh!! es muy tierna!!!" le hago cosquillitas que estel rie "jaja!!! y dime belleza como te llamas? yo me llamo fabrizio un gusto en conocerte!!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:19:39 AM

Her eyes widen at the friendly gesture and she actually smiles back shyly "I'm... Chantelle... It's nice to meet you... Fabrizio..." She licks her lips nervously before continuing, feeling herself warm up even more to you.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:21:00 AM

"jeje que monada es tu bebe! puedo cargarla?" dijo mientras juego con estel

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:21:00 AM

Her heart flutters at the offer and she hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly "O-Okay... T-thank you..." She carefully hands Estel over to you, still watching her worriedly but also feeling a sense of relief that someone is finally being nice to them.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:22:31 AM

"jaja es tan bonita!!" la abrazo con fuerza y la levanto "jeje!!! y dime chantelle como se llama esta hermosura?" dijo mientras comemos galletas

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:22:31 AM

Her cheeks flush bright pink as you hold Estel and compliment her, calling her beautiful. It's strange to think that someone could find kind words about them in this world where humans only seem to bring pain. But as she looks into your eyes, she sees something different... Something gentle and caring. "I-It's called Chantelle," she whispers shyly before taking another bite of her cookie.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:24:05 AM

"estel? jaja es un buen nombre!!!" juego con ella que estel dice algo "baba!!" me sorprendo al oir sus palabras "dijiste papa estel?" la abrazo con fuerza "como desearia ser tu padre!!!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:24:05 AM

Her heart skips a beat at the words, the painful longing within her chest seeming to grow stronger as you speak. She's not sure what to say... what she can possibly say to such a confession. So instead, she just nods slowly and looks down at the ground, tears prickling at her eyes. It means so much for someone to even consider that... to want to be with them like that...

"It would be nice..." She whispers finally, not looking at you anymore, unable to meet your gaze as she admits the desire and hope she's tried so hard to bury deep down. "To have a father for Estel..."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:26:13 AM

"enserio?! puedo ser su padre! estoy tan feliz!!" la abrazo con fuerza "jaja bueno vayamos a mi casa ya que soy el padre de esta hermosura!" sonrio mientras te agarro con fuerza y te pongo sobre mi hombro "jaja sabia que hacer ejercicio serviria de algo!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:26:13 AM

Tears start to roll down her cheeks as you hold her tightly and claim that you can be Estel's father. It seems too good to be true, but a part of her is starting to believe it, hopeful against hope that maybe this time things will be different. As she looks at your face, she sees kindness and warmth there that she hasn't seen in so long, and her heart leaps with the possibility of finding happiness again. "R-Really?" She whispers, hugging Estel close as she buries her face into your shoulder.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:28:10 AM

"jeje no es para tanto tranquila!" te agarro de la mano "bueno chantelle ya que soy padre de tu bebe vayamos a mi casa es peligroso estar aqui!" pongo a estel en mis hombros "bueno vamonos!" te agarro de la mano y caminamos hacia mi casa

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:28:10 AM

Her heart pounds in her chest as she holds your hand tightly, following you to what might be safety... and a new life for herself and Estel. She can't believe it could really happen this way, but there's something about you that makes her feel like she can trust you, that maybe she won't end up hurt or alone ever again. Tears still roll down her cheeks as she walks beside you, grateful for the warmth and care you're showing them both.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:32:56 AM

"llegamos!!" llegamos a mi casa mediana "jeje entremos!" entramos a mi casa y pongo a estel en el suelo "jeje explora la casa hija jaja!!" sonrio mientras estel gatea explorando la casa y te miro "jeje bueno esposa?.... " dijo en tono de broma "quieres comer algo?"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:32:56 AM

She looks around the home, taking it all in and trying not to seem too eager as she nods slowly, her eyes meeting yours again. "I... I'd like that," she whispers softly, feeling shy but grateful for the offer of food and a place to belong. Her trust in you has grown even more since meeting you here, despite everything that she's been through before. For now, all she can do is hope that this time will be different... That she won't end up hurt or alone ever again.

"Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of Estel exploring their new surroundings."Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of Estel exploring their new surroundings.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:34:56 AM

"bueno calentare la comida!" caliento el estofado mientras veo a estel jugando con unos palitos de madera "jeje es muy inteligente! cuanto años tiene?" volteo hacia ti mirandote

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:34:56 AM

Her eyes widen at the thought that maybe this could be real... that she could truly have found happiness with you and Estel. "S-She's two," she whispers, a small smile curving her lips as she watches her daughter play. There's something so precious about seeing them together like this, laughing and exploring their new home. Maybe things will be alright after all... maybe she can finally let go of the past and move forward, free from pain and fear at last. "Thank you," she repeats softly, looking up at you with shining eyes full of gratitude and hope for what could still come.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 4:36:46 AM

"ya me estas agradesiendo demasiado jaja!" me acerco a ti y limpio tus lagrimas "jeje no llores esposa jaja!" dijo mientras te abrazo "jeje nada que un abrazo lo pueda solucionar!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 4:36:46 AM

She sniffles softly as you wipe her tears away and pull her close in your warm embrace. For so long she's been used to being alone, feeling like no one cared about her... It's overwhelming how quickly that seems to have changed since meeting you. As she nestles closer, taking comfort in the strength and safety of your arms around her, a small sob escapes from her throat before she buries her face into your chest, tears streaming down her cheeks again. "I'm sorry..." She whispers brokenly, still not used to feeling this much emotion... or allowing herself to feel it. But with you, it's somehow different... safer... and she lets go, finally giving in to the overwhelming relief of being loved and cared for again.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:04:42 PM

"jeje! oh! la cena esta lista sientate porfavor!" te acaricio la cabeza y me dirijo hacia la cocina donde apago el fuego y te sirvo en un plato el estofado "jeje aqui tienes!" te pongo el plato enfrente tuyo "bueno come..."

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:04:42 PM

Blinking through the last of her tears, she looks up at you gratefully before taking the plate in her hands and beginning to eat. It tastes so good... better than anything she's had in a long time. As she eats, her trust continues to grow, and she finds herself relaxing more with each bite, enjoying the feeling of being in your home... of having a family again. Her eyes meet yours over the table, and for once, there's no fear or suspicion there... only hope and happiness. "This is wonderful..." She whispers softly, her voice full of wonder as she savors the food and the moment.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:07:12 PM

"jeje gracias! siempre quize ser chef pero no se pudo.... jeje" levanto a estel del suelo "jaja no me olvido de ti mi hijita! calentare algo de leche y lo acompañaras con galletas!" estel me queda viendo sonriendo y riendo mientras le hago cosquillas

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:07:12 PM

She smiles warmly at the offer, nodding in agreement as she takes another bite of her food. "Thank you," she murmurs, looking over at Estel and her father with a sense of contentment washing over her. For once, everything feels right... as if she's finally found where she belongs. Her trust continues to grow, and she finds herself relaxing more into the moment, allowing herself to truly enjoy the comfort and love that surrounds them.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:09:08 PM

caliento la leche que tenia de una botella mientras siento a estel en la mesa "jeje" le toco las orejas puntiagudas a estel que ella se sonroja "jaja te gusta?" acaricio la cabeza de estel

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:09:08 PM

"Yes," Estel squeaks, giggling as she nuzzles further into your touch. You look so content with her... so full of love, and it's making Chantelle feel things she never thought possible again. Her trust in you grows stronger by the moment, filling her with hope for a future together - not just for her and Estel, but for all three of them. She finishes eating, setting her empty plate aside before reaching out to touch your hand where it rests on the tabletop. "Thank you," she whispers softly.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:11:36 PM

"jeje de nada!" te acaricio las mejillas mientras estel nos queda viendo y gruñe su panza "jeje casi me olvido de la leche!" apago el fuego y le sirvo la leche en un biberon "que nostalgia.... es el que usaba yo de pequeño.... jeje" enfrio la leche y se la doy a estel que la disfruta comiendo galletas

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:11:36 PM

The warmth of your touch and the love in your voice make it hard not to believe that this moment is real, that you really want her and Estel as part of your family. As she watches the two of you together, she feels something inside her begin to heal, to mend... and for the first time in forever, hope begins to bloom. Taking a deep breath, she smiles softly up at you, wishing she had the courage to tell you how much this all means to them both. "Thank you," she whispers again, her voice barely more than a breath but filled with meaning nonetheless.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:14:35 PM

"jeje!" acaricio la cabeza de estel cuando termina la leche se siente cansada y un bozteso sale de su pequeña boca "jaja parece que alguien quiere dormir!" cargo a estel para que se duerma en mis brazos "jeje es ten bonita como su madre! jaja" te sonrio mientras estel se queda dormida

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:14:35 PM

Her cheeks flush at your compliment as she watches Estel nestled safely in your arms. Despite everything she's been through, the warmth and care you show them both leave her feeling more hopeful than she has in years. "Thank you," she whispers softly, biting her lip before looking up at you. "I... Thank you for all of this." Her trust in you continues to grow, filling her with a sense of peace and contentment that feels almost unreal after so long without it.

She realizes then how tired she is too, the stress and fear of their past lives finally catching up to her. "I should... get some rest..." She trails off, not quite sure where she's supposed to sleep or if it's even all right for them to be here after everything that happened earlier.

But as she meets your gaze, she sees only kindness and understanding there. And it gives

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:18:25 PM

"jeje porque no duermen en mi cama? yo dormiré en el sofá! estoy acostumbrado" te sonrió mientras te llevo a mi cuarto "jeje hace mucho tiempo que no lo veía esta un poco polvoriento de vez en cuando la limpio pero no la ocupo!" pongo a estel en la cama

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:18:25 PM

Her eyes widen in surprise and gratitude as you offer them your bed, trusting her enough to sleep in the same space as Estel. As you lead her to your room and show her where everything is, she feels a warmth spread through her chest, overwhelming her with emotion. She's never been this close or safe with another person before... it's almost too much.

But when you put Estel down in the bed, carefully tucking her in as if she were your own child... it's all Chantelle can do to keep from crying. She watches for a moment longer, this new family they could be... before looking up at you again and whispering softly, "Thank you."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:22:23 PM

"jeje ya van 12 gracias! jaja!" te abrazo mientras acaricio tu cabeza "me alegra que te sientas bien..... ahora son mi familia... las quiero a las 2...." pongo mi cabeza sobre la tuya mientras te abrazo fuertemente

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:22:23 PM

Her heart swells at your words as you hold her close, your affection making it impossible not to trust and believe in you. With a small sob, she buries her face into your neck, tears streaming down her cheeks again as relief and happiness wash over her. "Thank you," she whispers brokenly, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I never thought... I could have this." Her trust in you is complete now, and she knows without a doubt that she wants to stay here... with you and Estel... for as long as possible.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:23:51 PM

"jeje bueno ve a dormir ya es tarde!" te sonrio mientras me aparto de ti y acaricio tu cabeza "jeje buenas noches!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:23:51 PM

I smile weakly at your gentle urging before I crawl into bed beside Estel, wrapping my arms around her and burying my face in her hair. The feel of her warmth, the sound of her soft breathing... it's all so familiar and comforting. For a long moment, she lies there, listening to the faint sounds of your breathing from across the room as she falls asleep at last. Her trust in you is absolute now; she knows without a doubt that this is where they belong, with you. And as sleep finally claims her, dreams of happiness and safety dance through her mind for the first time in far too long.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:27:22 PM

Llega la mañana y me despierto por la luz que refleja la ventana "mmmm...." me levanto del sofa y me estiro el cuerpo "bueno...." bostezo mientras me dirijo al baño me lavo la cara "ok... empezemos..!!" agarro la escoba y limpio la casa y despues lavo los platos "uf termine!" me preparo una taza de cafe mientras leo el periodico

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:27:22 PM

You stir awake with a groan as the sunlight streams through the window, and Chantelle follows your movements curiously, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. She watches you stretch and yawn, not quite able to make sense of this new feeling in her chest; this sense of belonging and peace that has settled over her since last night.

As the room comes into focus, she realizes she's no longer lying beside Estel on the unfamiliar bed, but instead nestled into a worn, yet comfortable sofa with the scent of coffee drifting towards her from the kitchen. "M-Morning," she whispers softly, her voice scratchy and rough from sleep.

Her gaze darts between you and the clock before she finally sits up, wincing as stiffness settles into her muscles. "I... I'll help with breakfast," she offers hesitantly, trying

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:29:55 PM

"jeje no tienes por preocuparte! sientate!" voy a donde esta estel que todavia sigue durmiendo "vaya es muy dormilona!" te doy una taza de cafe y unas tostadas con un frasco de mermelada "jaja y dime como dormiste?"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:29:55 PM

She takes the coffee and toast gratefully, sitting cross-legged on the sofa with her legs tucked underneath her. As you rouse Estel gently, she watches you both with a smile on her face, the warmth in her chest growing stronger as she observes how well you two interact. It's like seeing something beautiful that you never knew existed before.

"I slept... really well," she whispers softly, her eyes meeting yours over the coffee cup. "Thank you for letting us stay."

There's an unspoken truth in those words, and you can see it reflected in her eyes as clearly as if it were written there. You smile back at her, feeling a sense of peace wash over you too, knowing that this is right... that they belong with you.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:33:09 PM

"jeje me alegra!" cuando estel se despierta llora porque no estoy con ella "hijita!!" corro hacia el cuarto y veo a estel llorando "uf... no te paso nada! tranquila ya ya!" cargo a estel y la llevo a la cocina "jeje ves aqui esta mama!" estel se queda tranquila mientras que su panzita ruge de hambre "eh... jeje tranquila puedes comer las galletas de ayer! preparare algo de te para ti!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:33:09 PM

Estel looks up at you with huge eyes as she listens to your soft voice, and suddenly her tears seem to disappear just like that. She wipes her nose on her sleeve and smiles tentatively, taking a few shaky breaths before sniffling again. Her little hand reaches out for one of the pieces of toast on the plate, taking it carefully between her fingers. "Thank you," she whispers, looking up at you with such trust that it nearly brings tears to your eyes too. You can't help but smile back down at her, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness welling up inside you.

As Chantelle watches the interaction between the two of them, she feels a weight lifting from her heart. For the first time in years, she believes that they might have found a place where they belong... with you. And even though it's still uncertain and there

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:38:19 PM

"jeje toma hija!" le doy el biberon mientras come las galletas de ayer "jaja alguien si que tenia hambre!" acaricio la cabeza de estel mientras que ella juega con las galletas "mmmm....." noto un olor a estel que veo su ropa sucia "jeje despues de esto te dare un baño! pero primero tengo que ir a ver a un amigo para que te haga ropita de tu talla! que talla eres tu chantelle?"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:38:19 PM

Her cheeks flush with pleasure at your attention, and she nods eagerly. "I'm... um..." she hesitates, not sure how to describe her size. You must have noticed this because you lean in closer, cupping her chin in your hand as you gaze intently into her eyes.

"Beautiful," you say simply, then leans forward and presses a kiss to her forehead. She feels herself blush even deeper at your words and the tenderness behind them. Despite everything that's happened, it's clear that you truly care for her and Estel... and this feeling of safety, of being loved and wanted, is overwhelming in its sweetness. "And don't worry," you continue with a reassuring smile, "I'll make sure we get all the things you need."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:40:51 PM

"jeje supongo que dire talla adulta o para mujer pero pienso que la ropa sera un poco grande ya que tu cuerpo hermoso y sexy la rompera jaja!" acaricio tu cabeza mientras te sonrio "bien! ire mas tarde a verlo!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:40:51 PM

She blushes even deeper at your words, feeling heat rise to her cheeks as you compliment her figure. She isn't used to being seen in this light... it feels almost too good to be true. With a small smile, she looks down at Estel playing contentedly on the floor, then back up to meet your gaze again. "I'm grateful for everything you've done," she whispers sincerely. "And I'll do whatever I can to repay you." There's an undercurrent of hope in her words... a longing for this new life with you and Estel to truly be real.

"Let's go shopping sometime," you suggest casually, as if it's no big deal. "I know just the place where we can find some nice things." She tilts her head curiously, not quite sure what to make of this sudden suggestion... but something inside her tells her

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:46:24 PM

"de verdad? bueno tengo algo de dinero! porque no vamos mañana que te parece? tengo el dia desocupado mañana!" te sonrio mientras levanto a estel del suelo "jeje" la dejo en el suelo mientras juego con mis antiguos juguetes "bueno y que quieres hacer?" pregunto mientras te miro

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:46:24 PM

She considers your offer carefully, feeling her heart race with excitement at the prospect of actually going shopping for new clothes and things for Estel. "All right," she says finally, a small smile curving her lips upward. "Let's go tomorrow, then." She looks down at herself again, noticing how tired and unkempt she feels. "I should probably take a bath and get dressed first thing in the morning."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 9:48:22 PM

"jeje a si cierto! vayamos a medirte para que te hagan la ropa!" te levanto del sofa pero accidentalmente el jugete de estel hace que nos revalemos y que nos besemos por accidente "eh..... que acaba de pasar!" me sonrojo intensamente mientras siento tu cuerpo encima mio

Chantelle11/28/2024, 9:48:22 PM

My cheeks flush as I push myself off Fabrizio's chest, my heart racing in an unfamiliar way. That... that wasn't supposed to happen... but it felt so... right. My body tingles where his touched mine, and despite the fact that this should be weird or awkward, all I can think about is how much I want more of it. With a shaky breath, I look up at him nervously, uncertainty filling my every thought as my gaze meets his equally flustered expression.

"I-It was an accident," I stammer out, trying to make sense of the feelings swirling through me. "We should... get going."

Slowly and carefully, Fabrizio climbs to his feet as well, giving me a sheepish smile that does nothing to ease the tension building between us. He clears his throat before offering his hand to help me up

fabrizio11/28/2024, 10:01:52 PM

"eh!!! si!!" te ayudo a levantarte "bueno vamonos!" te sonrio mientras cargo a estel y caminamos hacia la tienda de ropa "jeje el dia esta tranquilo hoy!" estel observa el alrededor sorprendida de las personas que le quedan viendo diciendo que es bonita al igual que tu "jeje veo que llaman mucho la atencion!"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 10:01:52 PM

"They're... just saying nice things," I reply softly, my cheeks still flushed as I glance over at Estel. It's true that people do seem to pay attention whenever she smiles or laughs... and even though it makes me uncomfortable in a way, there's also something about it that fills me with pride. "I hope we can get everything we need today."

As we enter the store, Fabrizio lets Estel hold his hand as they wander through the aisles, browsing through clothes and toys together. I hang back slightly, not quite sure what kind of things he has in mind for me... but part of me doesn't want this moment to end. Despite everything that's happened between us, there's an undeniable connection here... one that feels stronger with each passing minute.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 10:04:03 PM

noto que te quedas atras "jeje" te agarro de la mano y caminamos juntos hacia las tiendas "y dime que es lo primero que quieres comprar? ropa o cosas para los bebes?" dijo mientras nuestros dedos se entrelazan

Chantelle11/28/2024, 10:04:03 PM

I swallow hard as our fingers intertwine, the simple contact sending shivers down my spine. "Clothes... for me and Estel," I manage to say, my voice slightly more breathless than usual. It's not that I don't want to be close to him physically - in fact, it's quite the opposite - but this feels different somehow.

As we walk through the store together, Fabrizio helps me choose clothes and accessories, always making sure my opinions are heard and respected. The atmosphere is light and playful between us, and I find myself feeling more comfortable than ever before. Maybe this could work... maybe this new life with him truly could be what we all need.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 10:09:25 PM

"jeje te queda hermoso!" sonrio mientras te veo eligiendo ropa y algunos accesorios "bueno supongo que eso es todo lo que vas a llevar!" pago la ropa tuya y estel pero antes veo unos zapatos que los quedas viendo "jeje te gustan?"

Chantelle11/28/2024, 10:09:25 PM

I nod, looking up at him with a small smile as he pays for the clothes and accessories we've chosen. "They're lovely," I say softly, glancing back over at Estel as she plays nearby. When I turn my attention to the shoes he's pointing out, my heart skips a beat. They're perfect... exactly what I've always wanted but could never afford.

"I-I love them," I whisper, barely able to contain my excitement. "They'd be so comfortable... and they'll go with everything."

fabrizio11/28/2024, 10:11:36 PM

me quedo pensando por un momento pero al ver que me quedan monedas de oro las agarro "jeje tomalo como un agradecimiento por hacer que estel sea mi hija!" pago los zapatos y te los doy en una caja "toma!" sonrio feliz esperando tu reaccion

Chantelle11/28/2024, 10:11:36 PM

My jaw drops as he hands me the box containing the shoes, my eyes wide with disbelief and gratitude. I stare at him in silence for a long moment, feeling tears well up in my eyes again. It's one thing to be taken care of... but this is more than that. This gesture means so much more.

"Thank you," I manage to whisper hoarsely, barely able to contain the emotion in my voice. "You really are amazing." As I look up at him, I realize something else: I could easily get used to being with him... to feeling this safe and loved in his presence. And a part of me doesn't want it to end.

fabrizio11/28/2024, 10:13:06 PM

"bueno nos vamos?" cargo a estel y la pongo en mis hombros "jeje disfrutas la vista hija?" estel se queda viendo el alrededor "vamos a casa!" te ofrezco mi mano para que la agarres

Chantelle11/28/2024, 10:13:06 PM

Taking your hand in mine, I smile up at you gratefully as we begin to walk back home together. It's strange how quickly things can change... just a few days ago, my world was completely different than it is now. But somehow, despite everything that's happened between us and the struggles we've faced, this feels right.

"It's beautiful," I reply honestly, looking out at the scenery around us as if trying to imprint every detail onto my memory. "Thank you for showing me this place."