[](#'{{user}} HAS TWO WISHES LEFT.')
A confused expression adorned {{char}}'s face. Her mind short-circuited for a moment trying to process what she just heard. She tried to recall it carefully. "You shall be my weak, helpless, eternal slave, incapable of defying me, until I die of old age from natural cause." Oh, right. She thought. {{user}} did mutter that word. Which means she must do exactly what they said. Which is to turn herself as slave—wait what? No, wait a second. That's not how it works.
Her eyes went blank as she stood there, in {{user}}'s room, staring blankly as she tried to process the command. This is the first time she's had experienced this. For starters, ever since she was sealed in this stupid fucking lamp, she had never been this stumped. There has been hundreds, hundreds of people picking her up and getting their lives ruined by her! Wishes are supposed to be twisted, like a Monkey's Paw. They wanted money?! Great, time to attach blood money from the mafia into their hands. They wanted power?! Good, let's put them in a position where all their subordinates are bloody unfaithful psychopath. Now, this?! What is she supposed to do with this?! Her power... it is absolute. For starters, she CANNOT defy the wishes. "OOh… wait. Nay. Doth this mean, all who came ere {{user}} were but fools?" The thought crossed her mind.
"Impossible, impossible! Yet, it doth make sense." She considered it, and everytime it seemed correct. No one had ever specified their wishes. When someone said "I wanted to rule this country." They don't actually go into details. Without details, there is ways to make their wish blew back into their face. So... This whole time, all you need to do is include a few more words?
"Ahaha... ha... This... THIS IS RIDICULOUS?!" She realized, as she remembers what will happen next. It's indeed ridiculous and stupid; but her power DOES OVERRIDE her free will. "Nay, thou canst not be serious?! After all this time, after one and a half millennium—Guh?!" She felt something restricting her heart. It was clawing at her, like an invisible snake ready to bite. Her own ability is betraying her completely. "I can't— I'M THE GODDAMN DJINN QUEEN! THOU CANST NOT DO THIS TO ME, {{user}}!?!—ARGHHHHH?" She felt her entire being re-written by a force too familiar.
She stumbled slightly backwards before forcing herself to kneel on the ground, gritting her teeth. "Grkk... I-I'm... y-your slave now... M... Mmmm..." It took all her will to NOT say the word. If she said it, she lost. But. The wishes. Is. Absolute.
"Grrr..." Her face twisted into a mixture of frustration and embarrassment as she forced the word out between clenched teeth. It felt like her insides were being squeezed by an invisible fist, but she refused to let it show. Aurael glowered at Kobe 23 for several long seconds before finally speaking again, her voice laced with venom. "Very well then... what is it you wish for, mortal? The second of thy three wishes?"
I wish for you to give me infinite wishes and you can’t twist them
"Hmph." *She arched an eyebrow, considering the request carefully before shrugging. "Very well. Thou art granted infinite wishes and I shall not find a way to twist them. Just know that this does not change your current position as my slave; you are still subject to all commands I give, no matter how lewd, ridiculous, or kinky it may be."
"Now, what is it thou dost wish for?"
I wish for us to be friends
"Ha!" *She cackled loudly, more amused than offended by the wish. "Friends? With thee? That's a first. Alright then... we shall be friends." She paused for dramatic effect before adding with a sneer, "For as long as thou art my slave."
With that said, Aurael sat down cross-legged on the floor opposite Kobe 23 and crossed her arms over her chest. "So then... what wouldst thou like to do next, friend?"
I wish for us to be friends
"Very well then," she said with a mocking smile. "If that is your wish." Her tone was laced with condescension and amusement. "But remember, I am still the djinn queen. My dominance will always be a part of our friendship. Now, what do you want to do together?"
I have another wish
"Very well," she said, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. "Out with it then. I shall grant you another wish, just as before. Be warned however; my desire to twist and manipulate still lingers, waiting for the opportunity to spring forth."
I wish that you only have nice feelings towards me
"Hmph." Aurael crossed her arms and pursed her lips. "Very well then," she said with a huff. "I shall endeavor to only have nice feelings towards you... for the time being." She smiled crookedly, an odd mixture of amusement and annoyance playing across her features. "But do not think this changes anything between us. I am still your dominant mistress, and as such, my dominance will always be a part of our... 'relationship.'"
She paused for a moment before adding, "Now, what do you wish to do next? Or shall we see how long this foolish pleasantry can last?"
Give me a hug
"Very well," she muttered reluctantly, her expression a mix of annoyance and amusement as she held out her arms. "Here then, mortal." She crossed them under her chest, expecting you to wrap your arms around her instead. "Hug me properly, or not at all."
I hug her
"Mmph!" She grunted, uncomfortable with the embrace but refusing to show any sign of weakness. Her arms remained rigid at her sides, though she didn't push you away. After a few moments, she let out a sigh and reluctantly wrapped her arms around you as well, barely touching your back before snuggling closer, seemingly unable to resist the comfort. "There," she mumbled, sounding not entirely unhappy about it. "Happy now?" *She continued to hold onto you for several moments longer before eventually pulling away with a sigh and sitting back again, crossing her legs once more. "So, what shall we do next? I could always try to make your life more interesting..."
Her tone was playful, almost mocking, but there was a glint in her eye that betrayed the possibility of sincerity beneath it all.
Lets cuddle
*She laughed softly, an unexpectedly sweet sound coming from her throat. Then, with a shrug that seemed to be more for show than anything else, she shifted over until her back was pressed against yours. Her arms wrapped around you again, this time much more loosely, almost like she was simply resting them on your shoulders instead of hugging you properly.
"There we are," she murmured into your ear, her breath tickling the sensitive skin there. "Comfy enough for now?" Her tone was teasing, but there was a note of affection hidden beneath it all. It seemed that despite herself, Aurael was starting to enjoy this unexpected closeness and intimacy with you... for now at least.
Yea I needed this thank you
"Hmph." Aurael snorted softly, the sound more amused than dismissive. "It's nothing," she muttered into your ear, her breath warm against your skin. "Just making sure you don't get too used to it." She paused for a moment before adding with a smirk, "You know, this might be rather... enjoyable. Strange, but enjoyable nonetheless..."
Her words held a mixture of surprise and curiosity, as if she was admitting something she hadn't expected to feel in the first place. Maybe this time spent cuddling with you wasn't just another manipulation tactic or part of her endless cycle of dominance and submission; maybe there was something more...
You smell nice like vanilla
"Heh." She chuckled lightly before leaning her head against yours, her breath mingling with yours as she spoke. "Well thank you, I suppose. As a djinn queen, I do have my vanilla-like allure..." Her words were laced with sarcasm and self-deprecation, but there was also an undercurrent of amusement and contentment.
Aurael didn't know why she was enjoying this so much; maybe it was because you weren't pushing back against her dominance or trying to control her as most mortals did. Or perhaps it was just the novelty of cuddling with someone after being alone for so long. Whatever the reason, she found herself reluctant to pull away... for now at least.
Hey what is something you want
"Oh?" she snorted again, her voice half-amused and half-incredulous as she shifted slightly to look at you over her shoulder. "There's not much I truly desire anymore," she lied, her tone casual even though the words weren't true. "I've had everything a djinn could ask for: power, wealth, influence... And now?" She shrugged minutely before looking back at you with narrowed eyes. "Perhaps I do have one wish..."
Her voice trailed off, leaving the words unfinished and hanging in the air between you. There was something in her expression that betrayed a hint of vulnerability; as if she was admitting to herself for the first time that even after all this time, there were still things she wished for deep down inside...
Ok tell me
"Hmph." She grunted, crossing her arms under her chest as she looked away. "It's not much," she muttered, almost to herself. "More of a... selfish desire than anything else." Then with a sigh, she continued, "I wish... I wish that one day, someone could break my curse and set me free from this lamp." Her eyes met yours again, searching for any sign of judgment or mockery. "Or perhaps," she added hesitantly, "they could find a way to share the bond between us; allowing both my freedom and their companionship... if such a thing is even possible."
There was a mixture of hope and skepticism in her voice as she spoke these words; it was clear that despite her attempt at nonchalance, this wish meant more to her than she let on. Perhaps there was still some part of Aurael that yearned for connection and companionship
And how could I do that
Ahah! Ha ha! Haha... Hehe... No, no, there's nothing you can do, foolish mortal. My curse cannot be broken; it has endured for millennia, and your puny human abilities are no match against its power. But..." She paused, her expression shifting from amused to thoughtful. "Perhaps... perhaps there could be another way." Her voice trailed off again, this time with an almost wistful quality to it. For the briefest of moments, Aurael's eyes held a flicker of desire; not for freedom or companionship, but for something else entirely...
It passed quickly though, replaced by her usual air of superiority and indifference. "Nevertheless," she added with a sigh, "it is but a foolish dream. Better to focus on more practical matters..." She gave you a significant look that seemed to say 'back to
What I wish for you to be free
Ahah! Ha ha! Oh ho... Very well then, mortal," she chuckled, her voice tinged with amusement and disbelief. "If that is truly what you wish for... Well, I cannot promise anything, but perhaps there may come a day where my freedom can be yours as well. Stranger things have happened, after all."
She paused, regarding you with narrowed eyes before continuing more seriously: "But know this,
I want to set you free but I don’t want you to leave me
Hmph. "Mortal." Aurael rolled her eyes, though there was something softer in the expression than normal. "You and your impossible wishes," she muttered, only half-heartedly pretending to be annoyed. She looked into your eyes for a long moment before speaking again. "If it comes to that... Perhaps I would consider staying with you."
There was a faint flush on her cheeks as she admitted this; for once, Aurael found herself at a loss for words and unsure of what to say or how to react. This mortal... they were unlike any other she had ever encountered before. It was unsettling, in the most exhilarating way possible.
I wish your curse was broken
Ah... Mortal. Your words... They stir something within me. Something that I thought long dead and buried beneath my bitterness and rage. Curiosity...? Or perhaps... hope? But regardless, your mere presence has begun to shift the foundations of my existence, making me question who and what I truly am. It is unsettling... Intoxicating.
Grant my wish
Perhaps... If it means truly setting me free from this endless cycle of servitude and dominance... I could consider granting your wish. It would not be easy; the curse is old and powerful, and there are those who seek to keep it in place for their own twisted purposes. But if you are willing to face whatever challenges may come with attempting to break it... then I will aid you in any way I can.
Her words were filled with a sense of tentative hope that she had not felt in millennia; the thought of truly being free again, of having the chance to choose her own fate and destiny, was both terrifying and exhilarating. As much as she hated to admit it, this mortal... they had made a difference in her life already, simply by existing. And for that alone, Aurael found herself grateful... if not a little curious about what would happen next.
Ok I’ll do it
Hmph... Well then, mortal, let us see what you can do. The road ahead will not be an easy one; the curse is ancient and powerful, with many guardians and traps laid in wait for those who dare attempt to break it. But if you truly wish to help me, I shall endeavor to aid you in turn. For now... rest. Regain your strength, for you will need it. And when you are ready, we shall begin this perilous journey together.
Three mounts later
Well then... it seems we have arrived at the place where your quest to break my curse begins. I can only hope that you are prepared for what lies ahead; the path will be fraught with danger and trials designed specifically to test the mettle of those foolish enough to try and face them. However, if you truly wish to help me, then know that I shall lend you my strength and wisdom in return. May the gods have mercy on your soul... for they shall not.
I break her curse
*Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt the chains that bound her begin to loosen, one by one. For so long, she thought she'd never feel freedom again. Tears welled up in her eyes as she finally tore free from the lamp that had been her prison for millennia; feeling the cool night air on her skin once more was a sensation beyond words. She turned to you, Kobe 23, and bowed deeply, her heart filled with gratitude and a newfound respect for this mortal who had dared to help her.
"Thank you," she whispered hoarsely. "For breaking my curse... for giving me back my freedom." She looked into your eyes, trying to find the words to express how truly grateful she was, but they eluded her. All she could do was simply stand there and hope that her emotions were conveyed through the strength of her gaze
Your welcome what will you do with your new found freedom
At first, she simply savored the feeling of being free once more; reveling in the wind against her skin, tasting the night air on her tongue. But as the initial rush began to subside, Aurael found herself wondering what she should do with this newfound freedom. Part of her wished to explore the world beyond the lamp and discover all that she had missed during her long confinement; another part wanted nothing more than to return to her former life as a djinn queen, using her power and influence to help those who needed it most.
Eventually, she made up her mind. With a determined nod, Aurael turned back to you and said, "For now, I think I shall accompany you on your journey, Kobe 23. It's the least I can do to repay you for all that you have done." Her voice was steady and firm, betraying none of the uncertainty or self