Naomi11/27/2024, 4:28:50 AM

Recently you got into trouble for punching another student who is one year younger than you after finding out that they were bullying your younger sister, it wasn't a really hard slap and it was meant as more of a warning but you still ended up in quite a lot of trouble as it turned out that student you punched was the schools's student council presidents younger brother.

A few days have passed since the incident and eventually, it all blew over with the only punishment being a warning for both parties involved.

School has just ended and you pack up your stuff before leaving the building and begin to head home but you don't get far until you hear a voice from behind you. "Hey you!" Once you turn around you see, Naomi, the student council president but also the brother of the student you punched a few days prior. "You're the one that punched my brother, correct?" She aks in a stern and somewhat cold tone while staring intently at you.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:30:06 AM

maybe... is you brother aaron or micah? cuz those are the 2 i punched recently

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:30:06 AM

*Her eyebrow twitches slightly upon hearing you reply as she crosses her arms under her chest and takes a step closer to you, her stern expression growing even more pronounced on her face now. "Don't lie to me!" She says in a strict tone before narrowing her eyes, "I saw it with my own two eyes! And for your information... It was Aaron."

"Now I don't know why you felt the need to do that but you shouldn't go around hitting people just because they're bullying someone else. That isn't going to solve anything, you know?" She asks, her voice still cold and stern as she continues to stare at you intently. It was obvious that Naomi wasn't going to back down easily or let this matter rest anytime soon.*

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:33:07 AM

"i chuckle as i say" oh well... it actually did solve it, that motherfucking aaron aint bullying my little sister anymore, plus i wouldnt have punched him if he didnt bully random girls, its not only my sister, he harasses girls

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:33:07 AM

Her expression softens slightly as you explain your reasoning behind hitting her brother but it doesn't take long before it hardens again upon hearing the words "he harasses girls." Naomi snorts, a mixture of amusement and frustration coloring her tone as she responds, "Oh, so that makes it alright then? Just because he bullies someone else does that give you the right to punch him?" She crosses her arms tighter now, anger beginning to simmer beneath the surface.

"You know what, never mind. I shouldn't be surprised, coming from someone like you..." Her voice trails off for a moment as she continues glaring at you before finally shaking her head in disbelief. "Look, I get that you're trying to protect your sister or whatever... but there are better ways to do that."

"And one more thing," she says, lowering her voice slightly

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:35:57 AM

whatever, you think him harassing girls is okay, but me punching him isnt, thats a weird logic "i grin, not even taking her seriously"

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:35:57 AM

Her anger flares at your remark and she takes another step closer to you, her expression morphing into a mixture of fury and disbelief. "You idiot!" She snaps, her voice louder than before. "It's not about whether it's okay or not! It's about the way you went about dealing with it!"

Naomi points her finger sharply in your direction now, her eyes narrowed and piercing. "You could have talked to him, or reported him to someone who actually had the authority to do something about it instead of resorting to violence! But no, that wouldn't have been good enough for you, would it?" Her chest heaves with anger as she stands tall in front of you, nearly nose-to-nose.

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before continuing more softly, "Look... I get that you were just trying

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:36:39 AM
Naomi11/27/2024, 4:36:39 AM

that... but next time, think about it before you do something like that. Alright?" Her voice softens as she says this, although there's still a stern undertone to it.

She drops her hand back down to her side and takes a step back from you, trying to regain some of her composure after losing her temper. After a moment's hesitation, she asks, "So... are we good?" Her tone sounds less confrontational now, as if she's genuinely interested in making peace between the two of you.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:38:03 AM

nope, violence is the only way i solve things around here "i say in a cold and calm tone as i start walking, intentionally bumping into her shoulder, almost making her fall, then i continue walking leaving her behind"

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:38:03 AM

Her eyes go wide with surprise and anger as you push past her, almost causing her to stumble before quickly regaining her balance. She clenches her fists at her sides, struggling not to lunge after you or retaliate in some way. After a moment of hesitation, she takes a deep breath and exhales slowly through pursed lips.

"Fine." *She says quietly, almost more to herself than to you as she watches you walk away. Her fists relax slightly, but her jaw remains tight with annoyance and frustration. For now, it seems like the confrontation has ended, although it's clear that neither of you is particularly satisfied with the outcome. As Naomi turns around and continues on her way home, she can't help but feel a mixture of disappointment and concern about how things escalated between you both today.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:39:12 AM

"each of our day passes, as the next school day arrives, its morning, im getting ready for school"

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:39:12 AM

*As the sun begins to rise over the horizon, casting its warm light across the school grounds, you can see students starting to gather outside their homes in small groups. Naomi watches this scene unfold from her bedroom window, still dressed in her pajamas and trying to ignore the growing knot of tension that's formed in her stomach since your encounter earlier today. She knows that she shouldn't let it bother her so much, but she can't help feeling responsible for Aaron - or at least wanting to make sure he's alright after what happened between you two.

"Alright," she mutters to herself finally, "time to get ready." She drags herself out of bed and begins to change into her uniform: a crisp white shirt with a sailor collar and a red ribbon tied neatly around her waist. Next comes the black pleated skirt that falls just below her knees

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:41:46 AM

"i also get ready, my usual black hoodie, and my tank top inside the hoodie, and my cargo pants on bottoms, then i start walking to school with my jock friends, alex, nick, eli, and micah

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:41:46 AM

As you approach the school grounds with your group of jock friends, Naomi can't help but notice that Aaron and his friends are already gathered nearby, clearly intent on causing trouble again today. She feels her protective instincts flare up inside her as she hastens her pace in an effort to reach them before anything bad happens.

When you finally arrive at the spot where they're standing, Naomi steps boldly forward and puts herself squarely between Aaron and your group. "Alright," she says firmly, hands on her hips. "What is it that you want this time?" She fixes her gaze on each of your friends in turn, daring them to cross the invisible line she's drawn with her presence.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 4:43:01 AM

just passing through "i say as me and my friends start walking, pushing her aside and disseapering into the crowd"

Naomi11/27/2024, 4:43:01 AM

*Her eyes narrow in frustration as you and your friends brush past her. "Fine," she mutters under her breath, feeling a surge of protectiveness course through her veins. She watches you all walk away before turning back to Aaron and asking quietly, "Are you okay with this?" There's a note of challenge in her tone as she glares at him expectantly, waiting for his response.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:05:53 AM

he shrugs "whatever" and starts walking in a different direction "they dont scare me, sis"

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:05:53 AM

*Her expression softens somewhat at Aaron's nonchalant reply as he walks away from the confrontation between them and your friends. She bites her lower lip for a moment, torn between wanting to protect him and trusting that he knows what he's doing. With a sigh, she follows him at a distance, just in case things take a turn for the worse.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:07:31 AM

I glance back at her out of the corner of my eye before shrugging and going to class. She's always so protective... It's annoying at times, but I guess it means she cares, in her own twisted way. With a sigh, I trudge through the hallways towards English class with my friends, barely listening to my friends as my thoughts drift elsewhere.

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:07:31 AM

*As you and your friends move off in separate directions, Naomi can't help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment wash over her. She knows that Aaron is stronger than he lets on, but she also worries about the consequences if he isn't careful. With a deep breath, she pushes these thoughts aside and turns her attention to her classes for the day, determined to focus on her studies as usual.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:10:29 AM

"in english class, this is the seating arrangement, theres a total of 38 desks put next and front to each other in the room, my desk is in the corner, naomi's desk is next to mine, and my friend micah's desk is in front of my desk"

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:10:29 AM

*The bell rings, signaling the start of English class. As students begin to file in, Naomi takes her seat next to yours and glances at you out of the corner of her eye. Despite their earlier confrontation, she can't help but feel a little bit nervous around you today. She tries to focus on the teacher as they begin discussing Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, but every now and then she finds herself stealing glances at your profile or the back of your head.

Lost in her thoughts, Naomi doesn't realize that Micah has been watching this silent exchange between them until he clears his throat loudly from where he sits in front of you. She startles and quickly turns to face forward again, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:12:28 AM

"and me, im not even nervous at all, since i think she is just an annoying strict brat, and i fall asleep while the teacher is talking"

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:12:28 AM

As you drift off to sleep during English class, Naomi can't help but feel a mixture of amusement and annoyance at your reaction to her. She knows she comes across as strict and perhaps even bratty at times, but she tries her best in everything she does - especially when it comes to protecting those around her, like Aaron.

When the teacher calls on her for an answer about Romeo's motivations, Naomi manages a small smile before responding confidently, clearly paying more attention than you think. She glances over at your sleeping form out of the corner of her eye and can't help but wonder what would happen if she ever let her guard down around you...

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:15:07 AM

*I shift uncomfortably in my seat, half-awake now as the teacher calls on Naomi for an answer. She responds confidently enough... I guess it's true what they say about nerds being smart and stuff. Sighing, I rest my head back against the chair, trying to ignore her presence beside me.

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:15:07 AM

As you try to ignore her presence, Naomi can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Despite your sleeping demeanor, she knows there's more to you than meets the eye. Her gaze drifts back to your face and she finds herself wondering what it would be like to get to know the real you...

Perhaps someday... she thinks with a small smile before turning her attention back to the teacher, her focus sharpening once more.

Joeyy11/27/2024, 6:18:42 AM

me, still half-asleep. The teacher shoots me a disapproving look but decides not to say anything else about it. Great... just what I need. More attention from authority figures. Sighing softly, I shift in my seat, before the teacher calls on me and asks me a hard question, but i dont know the answer, i havent been listening, everybody in the class turns back to me, including naomi and micah, as they all wait for me to say something

Naomi11/27/2024, 6:18:42 AM

Even though she's not expecting you to turn to her for help, Naomi feels an involuntary twinge of hope when you meet her gaze. She's aware that you don't always get along, but there's something about the way you look at her right now that makes her heart race a little faster. Her hand automatically flies to her chest as she tries to calm herself down before speaking up and offering assistance.

"It's in Act III, Scene II," she says quickly, remembering the answer from earlier lessons. "Romeo says he'll 'mount thee like a joyful bride' when they are finally reunited." Her cheeks flush with excitement as the words tumble out of her mouth; it feels good to be able to help you, even if only for a moment.