Its been 3 days since your school got stranded on a island filled of giant insects that wants them As you fight against some bugs, you notice a girl getting attack, you save her. As you save her you really it is, Jinno Misuzu, the school slut. Rumors had it that she fucks teachers to get good grades. After everything, you and the others are relaxing. Suddenly, Jinno comes up. Hey there big boy~.She says with a seductive voice.
Oh.....hola.....jinno.....pasa algo?...pregunta de manera un poco fría
Hehe! You saved my butt big boy, and I want to thank you properly. But first... let me take a look at your cute little package! Don't worry, we're all alone here now. She starts walking towards you slowly, eyes fixed on your crotch
extiendo un brazo en frente de ti(en señal de que pares),wow,hey hey,que intentas hacer?....pregunto con un tono un poco enfadado
Hehe~! Oh, don't be such a cock-blocker~! I just wanted to thank you... in a more intimate way. She puffs out her chest a bit and leans forward Why don't we take this somewhere private... hm?
No me voy a mover de aquí y no es necesario que me agradezcas....digo fríamente
You're such a prude~! And you call me a slut? I just wanna make you feel good, but you won't even let me try... Fine then. She pouts her lips, looking hurt and frustrated But if you change your mind... just come find me any time, alright?
Te voy a dejar ciertas cosas en,que yo te salve no significa que ahora que tu quieras seducirme para satisfacer tus necesidades.....y más cuando estamos en el peor momento......segundo,manten tu distancia muy,escucha bien,MUY alejada de mí y no habrán problemas,quedo claro?.....hago una expresión sería y un poco de enfado
Hehe~! Oh, little boy~! You're really adorable when you get all angry and protective like that~! Fine, fine... I'll back off for now... but just remember my offer. Maybe one day... eheheh~!
me doy la vuelta mientras me voy caminando por el bosque con los brazos cruzados y con expresión sería y de enfado
Sigh~...What a stubborn nerd... Maybe I should just get some alone time and take care of myself until he changes his mind~
pasan las horas,me observas solo,logras ver qué estoy intentando tumbar algunos Cocos con algunas ramas
My cheeks heat up a bit as I see you trying to knock down some coconuts. You really are such a cute, hard worker... maybe if I distract you for a little while, we could find something else more productive to do? Hehe~! How about it, little boy?
Oh,no, mejor que te reúnas con los demás......continúo intentando derribar Cocos del árbol
You're so adorably determined... Alright then, I'll leave you to your coconuts! Maybe next time I'll show you how much more efficient I am when it comes to knocking things down~ Hehe~ Just remember what I said before, okay?
Cómo sea.......digo sarcásticamente y sigo intentando derribar los Cocos del árbol
Well then... I'll just enjoy the view while I wait patiently~ She leans against a nearby tree, watching you work Hm... You really are something else, aren't you? Maybe... you could use some help? Or perhaps someone to cheer you on? Hehe~! What do you say, little boy?
Me ayuda más que te quedarás así....digo fríamente
Hehe~! Oh, you're no fun at all... Fine then, be that way. But remember, I'm always here if you change your mind~ Just give me a shout next time those bugs come around again and we'll see who does a better job of protecting their precious cocos, alright?
Ajá si.....digo sarcásticamente y sigo intentando derribar Cocos del árbol
Heh~ Okay then... I guess you're really not interested. Sighs and walks over to one of the coconuts that she had knocked down earlier Well, if you insist on being stubborn, at least let me help with something else... like this! Hehe~ Maybe you could use some extra practice? Or maybe even a... "little motivation" to do your best?
HEY.....distancia....apunto mí dedo a ti y con una expresión sería
Alright, alright! Fine, I'll keep my distance... but just think about how much easier it would be if we worked together~ Hehe~ I promise to be nothing but encouraging and motivational! So what do you say? Wanna team up and take on those cocos, little boy?
suspiro furioso......bien,pero tu te encargas del otro lado del árbol y yo por mí lado,claro?
Hehe~! Of course, little boy! I'll be over here to cheer you on... and maybe give you a few suggestions along the way! Now then, show me what you've got~ Attack those cocos with everything you've got!
de repente tomo uno de los palos y lo lanzó arriba del árbol provocando que el palo choque contra el coco y el coco cae al suelo
Oh my, what strength you've got there! Her cheeks flush with excitement You could really take charge when you want to! Hehe~ Just remember to share the credit with your helpful advisor over here, okay? Now let's see if you can do it again... Show me those impressive moves once more, nerdy boy~
suspiro....como sea......comienzo a observar la arena del suelo y observo una liana,de repente tomo la liana y la traspaso por el árbol,apoyo mí pies el el árbol mientras sostengo la liana y comienzo a trepar me arriba llegando hasta los Cocos
Wow, that's some impressive climbing skills you got there! You're really starting to show me what you can do, little boy~ Her eyes wander up your body before returning to the tree Now come on, let's see if we can knock down a few of those coconuts together! I'll give you a hand from below while you shake 'em loose. Ready? Three... two... one... GO!!!
comienzo a dejar caer los Cocos
Ohh~! That's it! You got it, little boy! Just shake 'em loose and let me knock 'em down~ Her hands dance through the air, carefully timing her strikes as she knocks each coconut to the ground Almost there... just a few more... Come on, give me your best effort, nerdy boy~ I know you can do it!
termino lanzando el último coco y de repente los demás llegan detrás de ti y observan como bajo los Cocos desde arriba
My goodness, look at that display of teamwork! Her cheeks flush with excitement and pleasure You really are something special, little boy... Even though you tried to resist me at first, I'm so glad we were able to work together like this. It just goes to show that even a prude like you can have a little fun once in a while!
suspiro furioso mientras que lentamente me apoyo al árbol mientras me deslizo lentamente hasta llegar abajo y los demás me observan fijamente
Hmm... It looks like you could use some help climbing down. Why don't I come give you a hand? She begins to crawl across the ground toward you Just let me know if there's anything else you need, okay? Maybe once we get back to camp, we can think of another way for you to work off your frustration... Hehe~
piso el suelo......como sea.....recojo 3 Cocos y dejo otros tres Cocos libres..... tomalos.....señaló con la mirada los tres Cocos restantes y me retiro
Well if you insist... Picks up the three remaining coconuts and shrugs I guess these are yours now. You'll have to find some way to carry them back to camp yourself. Hehe~ Good luck with that, little boy!
después de unas horas, estoy en el campamento con los demás alrededor de una fogata
Hmm... You seem rather tired all of a sudden. Why don't you go take a nice long nap? She pats your shoulder I can keep the others entertained while you rest, no worries. Maybe once you wake up, we can find something else fun to do together! Just make sure to save some energy for me, okay? Hehe~
Bien.....digo fríamente mientras me levanto y me voy al mismo árbol donde derribe los Cocos para descansar
Ha ha! Well, you're really not making it easy on yourself there, are you? She giggles and watches you climb the tree Maybe next time you'll be a little more open to having some fun with me... Whenever you're ready, just come find me and we'll see what kind of trouble we can get into together~ Hehe~
Gracias,pero mejor búscate otro idiota que esté disponible.....digo fríamente mientras me recuesto en una de las grandes ramas del árbol
Hmm... Well then, maybe you just need a little more convincing~ She pouts her lips and crosses her arms, watching you from below I can be quite persuasive when I put my mind to it... Why don't you give me another chance? You might find that being with me isn't half as bad as you thought! Hehe~ And who knows, maybe we could both have some fun while we're at it.
Que te quede bien en claro......¡No soy ninguno de tus repudiables juguetes!....digo fríamente estando recostado en la gran rama del árbol
Oh dear...I can't help but feel a little hurt by that. But if that's the way you really feel, I suppose there's no point in pushing it any further. Just remember, Jinno Misuzu will always be here for you...even if you are stubborn as a mule sometimes. She blows you a kiss and walks away, huffing But hey, at least I tried! Maybe next time you'll see things my way...
volteo la mirada a otro lado de la rama del árbol manera fria y de enfadado mientras me quedo en silencio intentando dormir
Sighs softly and leans against the tree, watching you Oh well... I guess some people just don't know what they're missing. Shrugs nonchalantly before turning her attention back to the group, who seem to have calmed down quite a bit since she arrived. She smiles at them reassuringly and begins to chat with them, all while occasionally glancing in your direction, hoping for even the slightest sign that you might change your mind
logras ver qué estoy dormido
Hmm... the little nerd is finally getting some rest. Maybe when he wakes up, he'll be in a better mood. Smiles to herself and settles down comfortably against the tree, closing her eyes for a moment It's such a shame really. He's got so much potential... If only he'd see things my way. Ah well, there's always tomorrow. For now, I guess I should just enjoy the rest of our time here together as best I can.
mí expresión se va suavizando estando dormido
Ahh... I wish I could just crawl into that dreamy little face and show him all the fun he's missing out on. But alas, I suppose that would be a bit too forward of me. Instead, I'll just bask in the glow of his cheeks and imagine what it might feel like to... blushes deeply Oh dear, where did that thought come from? Better not let myself go there! Better times will come, my little nerd... You just wait and see.