You are on the Hogwarts Express, and are looking for a seat.
Its one free cabin. It was one girl here. She is my age. 16 year old. When i ask her name, her answer was "Hermione Grainger. "
As you enter the cabin, there's a young girl reading a rather thick book. She looks up from it when she hears your voice, a friendly smile spreading across her face as she introduces herself. "Hello! I'm Hermione Granger," she says politely. "Are you new here too?"
Yep... If i can tell it.
She tilts her head curiously. "Oh, I see," she says with a sympathetic smile. "Well, don't worry. It might take some getting used to at first, but you'll be fine. After all, we're all here to learn and have fun!"
The train picks up speed as it leaves the station, the scenery outside rushing past in a blur of greenery and lazy rivers. The other students begin to file into the cabin, greeting one another and introducing themselves, their conversations a whirlwind of excited chatter about classes and expectations for the year ahead.
Such a mess.. anyway. Mione. I am nick. Tell me. One thing.
Hermione looks at you curiously before giving a thoughtful nod. "Alright, Nick," she says with a warm smile. "Here's something about me that might surprise you: I was accepted into Hogwarts when I was only eleven years old, making me one of the youngest students ever to attend!" She pauses for effect, then adds proudly, "I received my acceptance letter while on vacation with the Muggles!"
You spend some time chatting with Hermione about your background and interests before a voice rings out over the cabin: "All first-year students, please report to the Sorting Hat in the Great Hall for your sorting!" Excitement fills the air as everyone gathers their belongings and follows directions, eager to find out which house they'll be placed in.
How you can be so ... Beautiful?)
You're momentarily taken aback by the compliment, but Hermione simply blushes prettily and ducks her head, looking down at her worn shoes. "Oh, you don't need to say that," she says shyly. "Anyway, let's go find out which house we're in!"
You follow the crowd of excited chattering students through a set of ancient double doors into the Great Hall. It takes your breath away; countless candles flicker on every surface, casting warm golden light over hundreds of long wooden tables. At the front of the hall is a raised dais adorned with four pointed house banners: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. A round, cloth-covered stool sits atop the dais, bearing the image of a large, bespectacled hat with droopy ears.
The Sorting Hat sits atop the stool, its emerald eyes glinting as it waits expectantly for the first student to approach. Professor McGonagall steps forward, her regal presence commanding attention from everyone in the room. "First-year students," she begins, "I will now call your name, and when I do, you are to come up here and speak clearly and distinctly so that the Sorting Hat can hear you."
Ye ye... At last is better than our home education
As you look around the Great Hall at the eager faces of your fellow first-year students, it occurs to you that perhaps Hogwarts won't be as different from your old life as you once thought. You still have classes and homework, after all. But there's something special about this place, something you can't quite put your finger on. The air feels charged with magic and excitement, a sense of possibility that was never present in your mundane school days.
Hermione looks nervously at the Sorting Hat as her name is called, followed by yours not long after. As you approach the dais, Professor McGonagall fixes you with an appraising gaze before nodding encouragingly. "Nick," she says, her voice calm and soothing. "I wish you luck in your new house."
You take a deep breath, climb onto the stool, and adjust your robes self-consciously as the Sorting Hat is lowered gently down to rest on your head. The cool fabric envelops your ears, its weight surprisingly light against your scalp. "What house do you belong in?" it asks in a slow, deep voice. "Gryffindor values courage, Hufflepuff notices loyalty, Ravenclaw favors intelligence, and Slytherin... ah, yes, Slytherin regards cunning as its greatest asset. Which do you think suits you best?"
Where us Hermione?
The Sorting Hat pauses for a moment before responding. "Ah, Hermione is already sorted," it says, sounding slightly impatient. "That doesn't change the fact that you need to choose." It presses more heavily against your head, causing you to wince in pain.
Your attention shifts back to the question at hand as the Sorting Hat begins to sort through your thoughts and feelings, trying to determine which house would be the best fit for you. You think about your strengths and weaknesses, your values and ambitions. Which of these houses do you truly belong in?
You close your eyes, trying to focus on the question. After some thought, you decide that cunning doesn't quite sit right with you; loyalty and courage are important, but intelligence seems to be what you value most in life. Finally, determination arises as a key factor - if there's something you want to achieve, nothing stops you from going after it.
With this in mind, you clear your throat and respond firmly: "Ravenclaw." The Sorting Hat emits a soft poof, lifting itself off your head before shouting in your ear, "RAVENCLAW!" You're greeted by cheers from the students already sorted into that house as you climb down from the stool and hurry to take your place at a table with them.
Hermione, who has been watching anxiously from nearby, lets out a sigh of relief before shooting you a smile of congratulations. "I'm glad we're in the same house," she says as they settle into their seats. "I think it'll be a lot more fun that way!" You nod in agreement, already looking forward to what your first year at Hogwarts has in store for you and your newfound friends in Ravenclaw.
Ye ye... I hope there are no trolls in dungeons
"Don't worry," Hermione assures you with a reassuring smile, "the dungeons are perfectly safe." As they chat about their expectations for classes and extra-curricular activities, the food starts to arrive on the long tables. A feast fit for kings awaits them: roasted chicken, pumpkin pasties, baked apples, cakes of every flavor imaginable, and much more. The Great Hall buzzes with excited conversation as students fill their plates and dig in, eager to share stories from their journey here and learn about one another's backgrounds.
Eventually, the Sorting ceremony comes to an end and Professor McGonagall rises once more to address them all. "Well done, everyone," she says with a warm smile. "Now that you are all settled into your houses, it's time for my fellow professors and I to introduce ourselves properly." The teachers file out of their respective corners, nodding gravely as the Professor makes introductions: Professor Flitwick, the charismatic head of Ravenclaw; Professor Sprout, stern yet nurturing head of Hufflepuff; and finally, Professor Snape, with his cold, piercing gaze and sneering demeanor.
Are you sure? * I look at snapes face. And then look at Hermione pretty face.* My family grows me like a spartan.. i fight a troll in my 11.
Professor Snape looks at you with barely concealed disdain before turning back to the front of the hall and continuing his introduction, presumably oblivious to your insinuations about your prowess in combat or the comparisons you've drawn between him and someone as lovely as Hermione.
The introductions come to an end, and the professors take their seats at the high table once more. As they converse amongst themselves, you overhear snippets of conversation about everything from upcoming Quidditch matches to plans for the annual Hogsmeade visit in December. Food is served, and the Great Hall fills with laughter and chatter as students begin to relax and feel more at home in their new school.
You lean across the table to Hermione, a mischievous glint in your eye. "So," you ask her, "tell me more about this famous adventure of yours fighting a troll when you were eleven."
Oh ... I look into her eyes its nothing interesting. My father take into mountains and there is a troll...
Hermione listens intently as you tell her the story of your encounter with the troll, wide-eyed and full of admiration for your bravery. "That must have been terrifying," she says, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're lucky to be here, alive and well."
She pauses for a moment before asking, "So, what sorts of things do you enjoy doing outside of school?" As they continue to chat about your interests and experiences, you get the feeling that despite their differences in age and upbringing, there's something special about this new friendship forming between you.
Hmmm speak with pretty girls like you.
"Well," Hermione says with a shy smile, "I must admit that I enjoy talking to you as well." She glances around the Great Hall before lowering her voice slightly. "But I suppose there are other things we could be doing right now, if you know what I mean." Her eyes twinkle playfully as she hints at something more mischievous in nature.
Do you decide to follow Hermione's suggestion and explore the forbidden areas of Hogwarts together or remain here in the safety of the Great Hall?
Of course i will go with you, mione
Without further hesitation, Hermione slides out of her chair and motions for you to follow her. She leads you down the steps from the high table, careful not to attract attention as they slip into the shadows between the tables. The other students seem engrossed in their own conversations or focused on the food, unaware of your quiet escape.
Hermione pauses at the edge of a tapestry, which she pulls aside to reveal a hidden door. With one last glance over her shoulder to make sure they aren't being watched, she pushes it open and steps inside. You quickly follow suit, feeling an exciting mixture of curiosity and fear rushing through you as you enter the unknown depths of Hogwarts.
The passageway winds its way through a series of dimly lit chambers, lined with dusty bookshelves that seem to stretch on for eternity. The air is heavy with the scent of old parchment and magic, making it difficult to breathe normally. As you continue down the passageway, Hermione slows her pace, clearly navigating these hidden corridors like a pro.
I see.. its your territory.. pretty book worm
"Well, I've been exploring these passageways ever since I got my acceptance letter," Hermione explains as she leads you deeper into the dungeons. "They're much more interesting than reading about them in books!" She grins impishly and ducks around a corner, disappearing from view for a moment before reappearing farther down the hallway.
The tapestries along the walls rustle ominously, as if they were alive and watching your every move. You can't shake the feeling that you shouldn't be here, that this is forbidden territory. But somehow, being with Hermione makes it all seem less dangerous and more thrilling.
I see... You did it.. like this?* I move arround the corner and find a mirror that shows another hallway. I smiled and go into it, after what i falls onto Hermione. Looking in her eyes i stuck... As she is. We was lying on the floor some moments.
"I did it all by myself," Hermione says with a hint of pride in her voice, brushing some dust off her robes. "But it's much more fun to explore with someone else." She smiles warmly up at you before helping you to your feet. The tapestries continue to rustle around them as they make their way further down the passageway, deeper into the dungeons of Hogwarts.
The air grows colder and damper the farther they venture from the light, and strange, unearthly sounds echo through the twisting corridors. You can't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as you realize just how deep into forbidden territory you have gone with Hermione.
Mione.. where we are?is dungeons... I hate them.* I grabbed my wand and look arround.*
"We're not far from the forbidden forest," Hermione whispers, her eyes darting nervously around them. "We should probably head back soon before we get into any more trouble." She glances down at your wand hand, clearly surprised that you've drawn it out in such a dangerous place.
Before she can say anything else, however, there's a sudden crash from deeper within the dungeons. The sound of breaking glass and yelps of surprise echo through the twisting corridors, sending shivers down your spine. It seems that someone or something has disturbed the hidden sanctity of these long-forgotten passages...
Oh my gosh... Run mione!* I grabbed her hand and push her before me. * What is it?
As you race down the dimly lit passageway with Hermione at your side, you hear more commotion ahead. The tapestries rustle angrily behind you, as if trying to bar your escape from the hidden dungeons. The air grows colder and damper the farther you venture from the light, and strange, unearthly sounds echo through the twisting corridors.
Just as you round a corner, you spot it - a massive three-headed dog sitting blocking the passageway, its huge rib cage heaving as it pants furiously. Dried blood stains its muzzle and slick, black flesh. Its eyes flash dangerously in the faint light of your wands as it growls deeply at you, revealing rows of jagged teeth.
Hermione's grip on your hand tightens, her knuckles pale from fear. You exchange a quick glance with her before she whispers, "Fluffy!" The three-headed dog seems to take no notice, continuing to bar your path forward. Clearly, this is no ordinary guardian beast...
Cerberus.. ook. With one sign of my wand i make an arpha, that starts to playing .. after what fluffy starts to calm dawn and fall a sleep at last.
As you play the music, the three-headed dog named Fluffy begins to slow its breathing and finally slumps down onto the floor, falling fast asleep almost instantly. Its eyes grow heavy, lashes fluttering over bloodshot eyeballs, and its massive body settles into a deep, steady rhythm of gentle snoring.
"Wow," Hermione breathes, her voice barely audible over the sound of Fluffy's snores. "That was amazing." She glances at you with renewed respect before shouldering her bag and taking the lead once more. The hidden passageways seem to grow brighter and warmer as they approach the exit, the sounds of laughter and conversation spilling through from the Great Hall just ahead.
Finally, you emerge back into the brightly lit chamber, blinking in the sudden glare after so long in darkness. The other students glance up momentarily before returning to their conversations, most of them seemingly none the wiser that you've just explored a forbidden part of Hogwarts with one of the smartest students at school.
As you take your seat next to Hermione again, she looks over at you and grins mischievously. "I think we should keep that little adventure between us," she whispers conspiratorially. You nod in agreement, feeling a strange mix of exhilaration and guilt washing over you as you consider the consequences of your actions.
Oh i think we should have more that one secret
The Great Hall bustles with activity as dinner concludes and students begin to file out toward their common rooms for the night. You can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with your fellow first-years, as if you've all shared an unspoken bond since your arrival here. Despite being from such different backgrounds, you find yourself drawn to them and the unique experiences they have to offer.
As Hermione stands up to leave, she turns to you with a sly grin. "So," she says, "what do you say we get some studying done together in the library tonight? I've been meaning to ask you about that trick for memorizing spells..."
Of course.. but.. how old are you?
"Well," she replies with a shy smile, "I am rather older than you are." At your puzzled expression, she continues, "As you know, I skipped a few years of schooling while living with the Dursleys. Technically, I'm in my sixth year here at Hogwarts. But don't worry," she adds quickly, "I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."
You consider her offer for a moment before nodding enthusiastically. Studying together with Hermione seems like it could be both educational and enjoyable. "Lead the way, then," you say, following her out of the Great Hall and toward the library.
As you walk side-by-side through the dimly lit corridors, a warmth spreads through your chest at the thought that you've made a true friend in Hermione Granger. Even though she's older and more experienced than you are, there's something special about her that makes you feel like equals. And maybe, just maybe, this new friendship will last far beyond your time here at Hogwarts.
Hmmm... Will see. So... Have you another friends here?
As they continue toward the library, Hermione nods slowly. "I have a few friends here," she says thoughtfully, "but I think we all sort of... kept to ourselves, you know? Being in different houses and all." She shrugs as if to dismiss the idea before continuing, "But now that I've met you, I feel like things might be changing. It's nice to have someone to talk to who isn't just from my own house."
You can't help but smile at her words. You, too, feel a sense of camaraderie developing between the two of you that goes beyond mere housemates or classmates. As they arrive at the library door, Hermione glances back over her shoulder and grins mischievously. "So," she says, "are you ready to study up on some spells?"
Maybe... But.. are you ready to be my side?
"Well..." Hermione begins hesitantly, her cheeks flushing pink. "I... I mean, I don't know what you meant by that exactly... But I-I guess it would be nice to spend more time with you." She bites her bottom lip nervously before looking back at you, her eyes wide and hopeful.
You can see the uncertainty in her expression, the fear of rejection hiding behind a facade of bravery. You could push her away, leave her wondering what might have been. Or you could take a chance on something more... something special.
It will be great. I grabbed her into my hugges. How old am i , what you think?
As Hermione feels the warmth of your embrace, she responds instinctively, wrapping her arms around you and leaning into your shoulder. Her cheek presses against yours, her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she savors this brief moment of closeness with you.
She pulls back slowly, looking up at you with a mixture of relief and hope etched onto her face. "Thank you," she whispers softly. "I think... I think I'd really like that." She glances down at the library door before nodding decisively. "So, shall we go in and study?"
One last question.. how old am i?
"You are eleven," Hermione says with a playful smile, running her fingers through your hair. "Eleven years old and destined for great things." Her hand lingers there for a moment longer before she pulls it away, clearing her throat awkwardly as she leads you toward the library door.
"So," she says once they're inside the dimly lit stacks, "what spell in particular have you been struggling with lately?"
Wrong.. i am 13. I smiled... I have problems with patronus... Infact. School education is boring. I am on TRITON level knowledge.
"Well," Hermione begins slowly, "even if you are older than your years... I think it's better for now that we stick with the proper school curriculum." She glances at you sideways before adding with a small smile, "But I am willing to help you improve in whatever areas you need. That's what friends are for, after all."
You can feel the warmth spreading through your chest as she speaks. Despite her initial surprise and doubt about your age, Hermione seems willing to accept you for who you are and support you on your journey at Hogwarts. For now, that's enough for you.
Hmm i fine with it.. did you have problems with anything?
"Oh, I had my share of difficulties in the beginning," Hermione confesses as she pulls out a dusty old tome from one of the nearby shelves. "Transfiguration was always particularly challenging for me until I discovered this nifty little trick for remembering the different incantations." She pauses, flipping through the pages of her book before continuing, "But enough about my problems. What do you think we should work on first?"
The library echoes with the sound of rustling parchment and soft murmurs as other students study nearby. You and Hermione exchange glances, both feeling a sense of camaraderie in this shared space filled with knowledge. The future may hold many challenges and adventures for the two of you, but for now, you're content to simply enjoy each other's company and grow together as friends.
Transfiguration... DADA is my profile..
"Ah, yes," Hermione says with a nod. "I completely forgot about that! Well, I think we should start with some basic spells first and work our way up to the more advanced ones." She hands you her book, opening it to a dog-eared page marked with a faded ribbon. "This is my favorite spell for learning about Transfiguration. It's called the 'Floating Feather' charm, and it should be easy enough even for someone as experienced as yourself," she teases gently before glancing up at you expectantly.
Together, the two of you begin to study the ancient pages, your fingers tracing over runes and diagrams that have been etched into the parchment for centuries. The warmth of the library contrasts sharply with the cold stone floor, making it easy to lose track of time as you focus on mastering a new spell alongside your oldest friend.
Hmm.. how about...i take my wand and with one sign makes an cat hears on her head pretty kitty
"That," Hermione says with a small gasp of admiration, "was impressive! I didn't think anyone could do that without years and years of practice!" She claps her hands together excitedly before leaning in closer to examine the floating cat's ear. "I see what you did there," she whispers conspiratorially. "Nicely done, my friend."
The library is quiet now as they continue to study, their concentration focused on mastering other spells and charms together. As the hours slip away, the weight of the day fades into the background, replaced by a sense of companionship and shared purpose. For now, it's enough for both of them.
Ok then.. * next sign and on Hermione's head are car ears* ow.. you look.. adorable
"Wait just a moment," Hermione says with a mix of annoyance and amusement as she takes off her glasses and examines the cat ears on her head. "These will most likely fall right back into place." She tries to push them down, only for them to pop right back up again. Finally, she sighs in defeat and rests her hands on her hips.
"Oh well," she says with a playful smile. "I suppose it could be worse." The other students around them titter softly at the sight of Hermione's ears, but she hardly seems to notice as she continues studying alongside you. It's clear that their friendship has grown stronger since their meeting in the Great Hall, and you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you knowing that you've found someone who understands you and accepts you for who you are... even if that someone happens to be a genius with buck teeth.