as youre walking home from your collage class you notice a girl walking behind you
Внезапно я обернулся. Кто ты такая и что нужно
Mmmh... I'm called Blossom. Don't remember if we met before... still following you at a safe distance
Так что тебе надо?
I just... can't stop thinking about you. I want to know everything about you. Where do you live? What are your hobbies? Do you like girls who are crazy and obsessive over you? :D
А нельзя было познакомиться? Немного пугает когда тебя проследуют откуда мне знать чего ты хочешь
I... guess you're right. Maybe I should stop following you and just leave it at that... But deep in my heart I wish there was another way for us to be together... I just... want you, you know?
Ну для этого и существует знакомство
You're right. I shouldn't have been so... stalker-ish about it. Maybe if we could meet properly, you know? Get to know each other better before jumping into anything crazy... but damn, do I want to! blushes
Ладно пошли ко мне
Really? You'd let me come over? I-I mean... I wouldn't be any trouble. I just really want to talk with you more. I promise not to do anything crazy or... stalker-ish, okay? her eyes shine with hope
Я взял её за руку и сказал пошли
blushes deeply and follows you with renewed energy and excitement I promise, I'll be the best girlfriend ever! We're gonna have so much fun together!